A Night With The King

Chapter 39

After Lance left Sophie, he went back to his room to get ready for the date with Roseline, he really wanted to back out but he needed to figure out if there was any reason to still keep the wedding plans, he already told Sophie he would be marrying the princess, even though she didn’t answer, he didn’t care.

“I don’t care, why should I care what her response is?”

He cautioned himself as he got dressed. He didn’t like her answer. Her tiny ‘okay’ when he had told her was making him angry, it shouldn’t. they were nothing to each other, just because he kissed her when he was drunk and just because he found peace when he slept with her in his arms doesn’t mean they were anything to each other, okay, he couldn’t deny the fact that he had wanted to kiss her earlier just to know how she tasted like without the alcohol in his system, it took everything in him to not kiss her, especially when she had been looking at him like she wanted him to kiss her too then he blurted out that he was going to marry the princess and all she said was okay? He was crazy to be feeling like this just because of her response, more reason he needs to find common ground with Roseline.

“I thought you will cancel today again; I was ready to show up in your chambers and give you a piece of my mind, dump water on your bed, and run away,”

Roseline said as a form of welcome when he walked into the restaurant Patrick had reserved for the date, he came later than he had anticipated and he had told Patrick to call her that he might be a little late due to an emergency meeting. The way she welcomed him was crazy though. Her thoughts and process were beyond weird.

“Why would you have such thoughts? Again, what kind of princess are you? Aren’t princesses supposed to be prim and proper?”

Lance asked as he took his seat and the waiter or host came close to him with the wine glass.

“No, I don’t want any alcohol in my system,”

He told him and turned his attention back to Roseline. She looked extremely gorgeous today, not like she has ever looked bad, he just couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t drawn to her despite how beautiful she was physically, beauty was supposed to be one of the first things that attracts someone to him, like how he was able to pick out Sophie from the others the moment she started working with him because her facial features stood out from the other beautiful maids who work in the palace. Thinking about it now, he has always been drawn to Sophie from the moment he met her.

“What are you thinking about?”

Roseline asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. He could figure out why he was thinking about her here now when he was in the presence of the woman he was to marry, but she still managed to find her way into his head.

“Nothing much, just thinking about how beautiful you look right now,”

She said,

“Yo! That’s cringy as fuck but thank you for the compliment,”

She replied. He took a moment to look at her really well, what a weird way to respond to his compliment but then, he told himself already that he would tolerate her manners today, he needed to.

“That’s a weird way to respond to a compliment but we will take it,”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Lance said.

“Ohhh, you are different today, you must really want to marry me after all,”

She responded.

“Don’t you want to marry me?”

He asked and he expected her to answer him immediately that she of course wanted to marry but she took her time.

“I want to marry you, if not why would I be here?”

She asked but he didn’t like how she answered his question with a question too.

“Okay, let’s continue from where we stopped the other day, we agreed that you will tell me more about yourself,”

He said. He wanted to carry on and see where it would lead them.

“Yeah, ask me anything aside from the questions you already asked. I hate repeating myself,”

She replied. The way she expected him to remember all the questions he already asked. The woman was impossible. He kind of missed when he thought her to be nothing more than a nagging woman, now she was worse.

“Why are you so weird? You don’t act like how a princess is supposed to, not to mention, you nag a lot, the way you respond to me even though you see that I am clearly trying to set the mood here and create a more comfortable atmosphere for both of us,”

He cautioned.

“My king, this is how I am, whatever you see is what you get, nagging? You are not the first person to tell me I nag, I hear that a lot but it gets things done the way I want and that’s cool, as for my mannerism, I might be royalty but I lived a pretty normal life outside of the kingdom until my late twenties, like I only returned to Elenra like four years ago, from eighteen to twenty-five, I was abroad for studies and doing my own shit, yes, I didn’t forget how to be a princess but I think for someone who is going to marry me and whom I intended to spend the rest of my life with, I should show my everything or do you want to be introduced to the princess part of me and only meet the me that I am showing you now after we get married? Which do you prefer?”

She asked. Okay, what she said made sense, he would rather she show him everything about her so that he would know what he was getting into than for her to pretend only for her true self to be revealed after their wedding is done deal, not like divorce was an easy thing, especially being royalty, it was near impossible. He needed to get to know her well before he made his final decision about her.

“Right, you are right, I want the whole package so that I will know what I am getting myself into, it is pretty clear already that we don’t like each other,”

“Yup, that part has been clear since the first day we met but we don’t need to like each other right? My parents never liked each other when they got married but they manage to make it work, so I am pretty sure we can make it work one way or the other,”

She responded and he nodded. Their food was served and they ate in silence. The only time that didn’t feel crazy for him but once they were done eating, it was time for them to hold a conversation again and now he didn’t know what to ask the crazy woman that she would not give a nonsense answer to.

“What do you do? Aside from what is related to your family?”

He asked and for once, she smiled, she had a really pretty smile.

‘I wish you would smile more, you have a beautiful smile,”

He commented before he could stop himself, she threw him a look.

“Way to ruin the mood, anyway, I am a designer, I made the dress that I am currently wearing,”

She said and stood up for him to have a good look, the dress was indeed pretty.

“Wow, that’s nice, so you own a designing shop?”

He asked as their dessert arrived.

“What? A shop? I own a luxury home and I have a fashion school too. These are things you could have easily found out if only you have the smallest in someone other than yourself,”

Here she goes again, ruining everything with her mouth. She just had a way of faulting everything.

“Did you expect me to know those details? Woman, I have a kingdom to run, I don’t have time to stalk your little business,”

He snapped at her.

“It is not stalking if it means you won’t ask me things like that when our wedding is only a couple of weeks away, also, I already told you, my business is not little, just check Rosaline, R-O-S-A- L-I-N-E, on the internet, it is a whole fucking brand,”

She corrected, spelling out her brand name. not like he would be checking it out.

“You don’t have to be rude to tell me that,”

Lance told her. He suddenly didn’t want to eat the desert, so he dropped his spoon and stared at her.

“Well, if you don’t want me to be rude, how about you speak nicely about my business? I don’t like when people talk down about the things I love and hold dear, that’s another thing you should know about me,”

She let out and dumped her spoon too, it was clear that it would be better to end their date right now before things get even worse.

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