A Night With The King

Chapter 83

“Now why are you smiling?”

The king asked and she turned to see him watching her.

“How did you know I was smiling when I wasn’t even looking at you?”

She asked. She shouldn’t even be surprised when he was always watching her.

“I don’t need to see your face to know that you are smiling, you always smile with your whole body, not just your face.”

He pointed out. She got up from where she sat and walked to him, got on the bed, and lay next to him, he pulled her closed and wrapped her in his arms, she breathed in his fresh smell as all the tiredness she felt washed away.

“I remembered what happened before my appointment earlier.”

“She told him, he lifted her face with his finger under her chin, and she looked at him with her heart in her eyes.

“I love you,”

He whispered and kissed her, reminding her just how it felt to hear him say those words to her for the first time.

“Shit, I should have just told that nosy woman that I was, in fact, the king’s woman and that he is in love with me,”

Sophie voiced jokingly.

“Yea, you should have, what a missed opportunity,”

The king lamented. Sophie looked at him and he looked dead serious.

“Sir, I was joking, do you know what would have happened if I had said that? You would have been summoned by the elders by now and the whole kingdom would demand answers,”

Sophie blurted out.

“Yeah, I would have answered their call and also given the people their answer, I love you Soph, and I am not afraid to tell the world,”

Sophie felt pleased that his love for her made it easy for him to say those words but she knew facing the people and the elders wouldn’t be easy even though he is king.

“They are going to want to know about the baby,”

“I know”

The king responded and there was silence in the room for a few minutes until the king spoke again.

“Are you ever going to tell me who the father of the baby is? I am not trying to pressure you or anything, I just want to know, okay, no, you don’t have to say, I love the baby regardless and I will do my best to be a good stepdad,”

He said. maybe it was time to tell him, she was scared that he might not believe her but she was so close to giving birth already, it was only less than four months away and with each passing day, it would get harder to not tell him.

“You won’t believe me if I told you,”

Sophie said in a low voice.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“You think so? Try me, nothing you would say would shock me, just tell me, that’s if you are ready,”

He encouraged. She kind of wished it was someone who owned the child, that way it would be easier to speak, not like she wanted another man’s child.

“It’s you, Lance, my baby is your baby,”

She revealed, avoiding his gaze, she didn’t want to see the disbelief in his eyes, she wasn’t even surprised when he let go of her and got out of bed.

“What? What did you just say, Sophie?”

He asked. She got up too and sat on the bed with her face down.

“I said, you are the father of my baby, I haven’t been with any other man since I came to Otano, you are the only man I have been with,”

She told him.

“Sophie, you look at me when you speak to me, baby,”

He yelled and she lifted her eyes to meet him.

“Now speak, how am I the father of the baby if you were already pregnant before we got together?”

Lancelot asked. His voice was a lot calmer than the first time he spoke but she still feared the rejection that was about to come, maybe she should have just shut up.

“We slept together before we got together, one night, a couple of months ago, two months before the day you sent me to deliver the diamonds, you entertained some guest and had a little too much to drink,”

She revealed. She couldn’t keep looking into his eyes, she already saw the disbelief and knew it would not be long before he rebukes her and tell her to stop lying to him. She wished she had some proof or anything to back up what she was saying. The only thing she had was her baby bump which wasn’t helping her case at all.

“Wait, are you serious? Which day? Do you have any idea who it was I entertained because I have had a lot of guests, if you are five months pregnant, it means it happened five months ago, you are talking about the night I entertained the prince of Darlos and his new bride?”

He asked. She couldn’t remember who it was that he entertained that day because it had been her day off and she spent all day in the maid quarters and barely had any idea what was happening in the palace that day until they told her that the king wanted to see her.

“My king, I really have no idea who it was, it was my day off, I got called to attend to you and was told you had some guests earlier, that’s how I knew you had guests,”

She told him.

“Go on,”

He urged. He didn’t sound angry but she was scared that it would not last long. She wished she had not said anything, they would probably be cuddling right now. Way to ruin an almost perfect day with baby news.

“Baby? I am waiting for you,”

Sophie wanted to be happy with the fact that he was still calling her baby but she feared that he might be doing it out of habit. She took a deep breath and continued. There was no backing out because the words were already out anyway and she couldn’t just take them back and tell him she was just pulling his legs.

“Right, so, I came in and helped you and was about to leave but then you pulled on the bed with you, and we,”

She paused as she didn’t know what to say next.

“Soph? what did we do?”

He asked. Again, his voice was so calm as if they were having a normal conversation which only made her more anxious.

“We had sex, you were drunk and I let it happen because I couldn’t resist you, when we were done, I couldn’t stay there knowing that you would probably throw me out of the palace for seducing you while you were drunk and out of it, so I ran away,”

Sophie finished. The silence in the room after her last words was so loud, that she was almost certain that his next words would be for her to get out of his room.

“So that wasn’t a dream?”

He asked after the long moment of silence. It wasn’t what she had expected him to say. She looked up at him. He didn’t have the look she thought he would have for her, there was no rejection or anger in his expression, he just looked confused.

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