A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 53: Saving Jeffery

After the phone call with Salvador Morello, the man who abducted Marisa’s son, Marisa and Alejandro immediately rushed out of Marisa’s apartment and they entered the car.

“Head back to the empire,” Alejandro ordered the driver.

The driver nodded and started the car, then drove off at an insane speed. As the vehicle conveyed them back to the Gambinos’ empire, Marisa was gazing out of the window with a worried expression on her face. She was deeply worried about her son, Jeffery. Deep down her heart, she was hoping and praying that nothing bad should happen to her son.

Alejandro noticed her worried expression and he placed his hand on hers. Marisa felt Alejandro’s hand on her then she turned her face to look at him. Tears were already rolling down Marisa’s cheeks as she gazed at Alejandro.

Alejandro sighed softly and said, “Stop crying, Marisa. We’ll get your son back.”

More tears rolled down Marisa’s cheeks as she thought about her son being in danger. If only she was at home with him, then maybe he wouldn’t have been captured by Salvador Morello. If only Alejandro hadn’t brought her to his empire the previous day, then all of this mess wouldn’t have happened.

As Alejandro reached out to wipe off the tears on Marisa’s cheeks, Marisa angrily slapped his hand off.

“This is all your fault, Alejandro,” Marisa said in anger. “You’re the reason why my son is with that man who I know absolutely nothing about. If only you hadn’t taken me forcefully to your empire yesterday, then maybe my son would still be with me today!”

Alejandro’s expression softened with understanding as he listened to Marisa’s words, knowing that she was speaking from a place of anguish and fear. He couldn’t deny the weight of responsibility that rested on his shoulders, knowing that his actions had inadvertently led to Jeffery’s abduction.

“I know, Marisa. I know,” Alejandro said, his voice tinged with regret. “I never meant for any of this to happen. I thought I was keeping you safe, but I only put you and your son in danger.”

Marisa’s anger flared anew at Alejandro’s admission, her heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty and fear for Jeffery’s safety. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of betrayal, knowing that Alejandro’s actions had jeopardized their lives in ways she could never have imagined.

“I don’t want your apologies, Alejandro,” Marisa said, her voice trembling with emotion. “I want my son back. And I want you to do whatever it takes to make that happen.”

Alejandro nodded solemnly, his jaw set with determination. “I promise you, Marisa. We will find Jeffery, no matter what it takes,” he vowed, his gaze unwavering as he met her tear-filled eyes.

Alejandro’s expression softened with understanding as he listened to Marisa’s outburst, his heart heavy with guilt for the role he had played in the situation. He knew that Marisa’s anger was justified, and he couldn’t blame her for blaming him for the predicament they found themselves in.

“I know, Marisa,” Alejandro said quietly, his voice tinged with regret. “I’m sorry. I never intended for any of this to happen. I never imagined that bringing you here would put your son in danger.”

Marisa’s eyes brimmed with tears as she listened to Alejandro’s vow, her heart aching with sorrow for the pain she knew he must be feeling. Despite her anger, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for him, knowing that he was also grappling with the consequences of his actions.

As the car sped towards the Gambinos’ empire, Marisa and Alejandro sat in tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts and fears. Marisa turned her face to look out the window as they continued the journey to the Gambinos’ empire.

Marisa began wondering who Salvador was and why he abducted her son. She decided to ask Alejandro.

Turning her gaze to Alejandro, she asked, “Do you know who Salvador Morello is?”

Alejandro gazed at Marisa for a while before nodding his head gently. “Yeah, I know who that bastard is,” he replied.

“And who is he?” Marisa questioned curiously.

Alejandro let out a sigh, then he began explaining who Salvador was. “Salvador Morello is the leader of a mafia group named the Morello family. The Morello family is our greatest rival in the Mafia world, and they’ve been doing everything to take us down but they failed at every attempt.”

“What does my son have to do with all these?” Marisa asked after listening to Alejandro’s explanation.

Alejandro’s expression darkened as he considered Marisa’s question, his mind racing with the implications of Jeffery’s abduction.

“It’s possible that Salvador Morello sees Jeffery as leverage,” Alejandro explained, his voice tinged with frustration. “He knows that by taking your son, he can exert pressure on me and my brother, forcing us to comply with his demands.”

Marisa’s heart sank at Alejandro’s words, the weight of the situation pressing down on her like a heavy burden. She couldn’t believe that her innocent son had been dragged into the dangerous world of Mafia politics, his life now hanging in the balance because of their rivalry with the Morello family.

“Marisa, I promise you that I won’t let anything happen to Jeffery,” Alejandro said, his voice firm with resolve. “We’ll do whatever it takes to bring him back safely, even if it means confronting Salvador Morello head-on.”

Marisa nodded in agreement, a flicker of hope igniting within her at Alejandro’s unwavering determination. Despite the perilous circumstances they faced, she knew that as long as she had Alejandro by her side, they had a fighting chance of rescuing Jeffery and bringing him home where he belonged.

As the car neared the Gambinos empire, Alejandro’s phone beeped, signifying an incoming message. He checked the message and saw that it was from Salvador. The message contained the location of the place where Salvador wanted Alejandro and his twin brother to meet him.

Alejandro’s jaw clenched in anger as he read the message. The car containing Marisa and Alejandro zoomed inside the large empire and parked under the car shed. Stepping out of the vehicle, Alejandro threw his phone on the ground and smashed it with his shoe.

“Why did you break your phone?” Marisa asked with a confused expression on her face.

“Salvador might track us through my phone and I don’t want him to get the location of my empire,” Alejandro replied.

“Oh,” Marisa murmured, and they both entered one of the mansions in the compound.

“Sit here while I go speak with my brother about the situation,” Alejandro said to Marisa as they stepped inside the living area.

Marisa nodded and went to sit on a couch while Alejandro went upstairs to meet his brother in his bedroom. Arriving at his brother’s bedroom, Alejandro entered without knocking. His twin brother, Alexandro, was busy having sex with a lady.

Alejandro ignored them and went to the mini bar in the room to make himself a drink. Alexandro on other hand pulled out of the lady he was having sex with and he ordered her to get out of the room. The lady got dressed immediately and went out of the room while Alexandro came down from the bed and wore his trousers.

“I was having a good time, Alejandro. What do you want?” Alexandro asked as he approached Alejandro who was sitting on a couch, sipping a glass of alcohol.

Alejandro’s expression remained grim as he looked up at his brother, his thoughts consumed by the urgency of their situation.

“We’ve got a problem, Alex,” Alejandro said, his voice tense with frustration. “Salvador Morello has Marisa’s son.”

Alejandro’s words hung heavy in the air as he waited for his brother’s response, his heart pounding with the weight of their predicament. But instead of agreement, Alexandro’s features twisted with skepticism and disdain.

“Marisa and her son are none of my concern,” Alexandro stated flatly, his tone laced with indifference. “I have no interest in risking my life for some woman and her child.”

Alejandro’s jaw tightened with frustration at his brother’s callous words, but he knew that convincing Alexandro would be no easy task. Ignoring the simmering anger bubbling within him, he attempted to reason with his brother, his voice firm with determination.

“Don’t you see, Alex? If we don’t act now, Salvador will use Jeffery as leverage against us,” Alejandro urged, his tone pleading. “We can’t let him get away with this. We have to do whatever it takes to bring Jeffery back safely.”

But Alexandro remained unmoved, his expression hardened with stubborn resolve. “And do you realize that this could be a trap? Salvador wants us vulnerable, Alejandro. He’ll be waiting for us, ready to ambush.”

Alejandro’s mind raced with the implications of Alexandro’s words, the gravity of their situation weighing heavily on him. But even in the face of danger, he refused to back down.

“We can’t let fear dictate our actions,” Alejandro argued, his voice tinged with desperation. “We have to take the risk, Alex. For Marisa, for Jeffery, for our family.”

Despite Alejandro’s impassioned pleas, Alexandro remained resolute in his refusal, his expression hardened with stubborn defiance.

With a frustrated sigh, Alejandro raked a hand through his hair, his mind racing for a way to break through his brother’s stubborn resolve. He knew that time was of the essence, and every moment they wasted arguing was another moment Jeffery remained in danger.

“Alex, please,” Alejandro implored, his voice tinged with desperation. “I need you on this. We can’t let Salvador win. We have to stand together as brothers.”

Alexandro’s expression softened slightly at his brother’s plea, but his resolve remained unyielding. “I understand, Alejandro, but I can’t risk my life for someone I barely know.”

Alejandro felt a surge of frustration welling up within him, but he knew that lashing out would only push his brother further away. Instead, he took a deep breath, attempting to remain calm in the face of adversity.

“I get it, Alex,” Alejandro said, his voice steady despite the turmoil swirling within him. “But think about what’s at stake here. If we don’t act now, we may never get another chance to save Jeffery.”

Alexandro’s gaze wavered for a moment, torn between his loyalty to his brother and his own self-preservation. But as he glanced at Alejandro’s determined expression, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his features.

“Fine,” Alexandro relented, his voice laced with resignation. “But if anything goes wrong, it’s on you, Alejandro.”

Alejandro nodded solemnly, acknowledging his brother’s apprehension. “I’ll take full responsibility, Alex. Now let’s go get Marisa and bring Jeffery home.”

Alexandro nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring his brother’s sense of urgency. “What’s the plan, then?”

Alejandro took a moment to compose himself, his mind racing with potential strategies for confronting Salvador Morello and rescuing Jeffery from his clutches.

“We meet him at the location he provided,” Alejandro said finally, his voice firm with resolve. “But we do it on our terms. No guards, no weapons. Just you, me, and Marisa.”

“But shouldn’t we at least have a backup plan?” Alexandro asked. “We should at least involve Blade and a few top members of the family. What do you think?”

Alejandro paused, considering his brother’s suggestion carefully. While he understood the importance of having a backup plan, he also knew that involving more people could increase the risk of Salvador catching wind of their intentions.

“It’s a risk, Alex,” Alejandro replied, his brow furrowing with concern. “But you’re right. We need to be prepared for any outcome.”

With a nod of agreement, Alexandro made his way to the mini bar, pouring himself a drink while thoughts of their impending confrontation with Salvador swirled in his mind. Alejandro joined him, their silent camaraderie speaking volumes as they each poured a drink.

“We’ll involve Blade and a select few,” Alejandro decided firmly. “But we keep this operation tight. No loose ends.”

“Alright then, when are we leaving?” Alexandro inquired, taking a sip from his glass.

“Salvador sent a text earlier, asking us to meet him by 10 PM. So, we leave by 10 PM,” Alejandro responded.Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“I hope everything goes as planned,” Alexandro remarked.

“And if it does, it’d be like killing two birds with one stone. We save Marisa’s son and finally dismantle the Morello family,” Alejandro added.

“Alejandro, I can’t help but wonder why you’re so invested in saving Marisa’s son. Could it be you’ve developed feelings for her?” Alexandro prodded, and Alejandro scoffed.

“No, I haven’t succumbed to that folly called love,” Alejandro replied.

“Then what’s driving you to do this? Why Marisa’s son?” Alexandro pressed.

“Remember when I shared about my long-lost lover, suspecting Marisa might be her?” Alejandro reminded him.

“Yes, I remember,” Alexandro nodded.

“Well, Jeffery is the key to uncovering whether Marisa is the one I lost five years ago. He is the key to finding out if Marisa is my long-lost lover, and that’s the reason why we must save him at all cost,” Alejandro explained.

“Finding Jeffery could provide closure, not just for me, but for Marisa as well,” Alejandro continued, his gaze distant with memories. “If Jeffery is indeed the child of my lost love, it would mean Marisa and I shared something real once.”

Alexandro nodded in understanding. “So, this isn’t just about revenge or justice. It’s about finding answers and perhaps reclaiming what was lost.”

“Exactly,” Alejandro affirmed, a sense of determination in his voice. “But first, we need to ensure tonight’s operation goes smoothly. Then, we can focus on unraveling the truth behind Marisa and Jeffery.”

“Don’t worry, bro, everything is gonna go as planned,” Alexandro said, and with a shared resolve, they clinked their glasses together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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