A Tale of Chase and Love s1

Chapter 2

“ENOUGH” an irritated hostess barked at him.

“Old man, obey the order and brace for impact. The plane’s going to crash no matter what we do or how well you jump about,” she added, making the man cry. Other passengers looked at her in disgust and returned to their brace for impact positions.

“Irene, stop that!” said a small-voiced hostess. She walked to the man and sat beside him patting his back.

“Grandpa, please calm down. The captain and his assistant are doing their very best. Do not worry; you will see your son not only once but every day. Just obey the order. See, look at the others they’re obeying. Come on grandpa, calm down. Brace for impact. If you don’t obey, you might not see your son again.” she intoned in a pacifying manner.

Hearing her sweet angel-like voice, the man stopped panicking and became calm. He then braced for impact. Seeing that she was successful in her mission, the hostess sighed and got up. She turned to look at the heartless hostess who was frowning and walked away.

Theresa, however, did nothing. She looked at the fallen magazine atop her feet while in the brace for impact position.

“Why? I don’t wanna die yet. Why? I’m so close to seeing him. Why?” she muttered. Though she was teary-eyed, she did not let a tear fall. She recalled the argument she had with her parents about yesterevening.

They really did not want her to go, but she thought she had outsmarted them by swearing with the heirloom. The heirloom is the golden ring that has been passed on to appointed heirs for generations of the Williams family.

Her father gave her this ring at six, confirming her as the heir of the Williams family. That ring is in Theresa’s red purse. She clutched it tightly between her legs, hearing the cries of those ladies who refused comfort.

” I don’t wanna die”

“Captain please do something”

“Hostess are we gonna die?”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Heavens do something” These were their various words as they wept.

The man sitting beside Theresa was a middle-aged man who had long hair of which the right part of his head had been shaved. He paired this bad-boy hairstyle with a red suit and silver earrings. This man was praying.

Beads of sweat rolled down his face, but he did not bother to wipe them off. The situation at hand is very serious. Who knows whether heavens might take pity on him and spare his life?

“I have killed 75 people including 7 infants and 10 unborn babies. I have raped 48 women ever since I turned 13. I have burned or buried 44 people alive. I also slept with 12 men. I have been a thief from the time I turned 8. I have even raped both my parents at 16. I pounded two newborns to death in a mortar. I have also drunk the blood of 29 grannies.” he confessed out loud. Heavens, please just one chance. Give me one chance and I’ll be a good man from now on. I’ll not kill casually again, but i promise to offer you all the spoils if i ever relapse again. Spare me heavens. Spare me.”

It stunned Theresa and others. So all along, she’d been sitting with such a gross murderer and rapist! He must be the reason this plane of GoodLuck suddenly wanted to crash. This man must be cast out of the plane now. This was also the thoughts of others, but then who would volunteer? They still wanted their heads. Right when Theresa raised her head to say something, the captain’s voice came again through the speakers.

“This is the captain. Brace for impact. This is the final warning.” said the captain.

Theresa felt defeated and returned to the brace for impact position. It was at this moment that they felt something hit the plane, cutting off one of the plane’s wings. The bodyguard, Paul, whom her dad had sent to monitor her, placed a necklace in her hands.

Seeing the necklace, Theresa gasped and raised her head so she could look behind her. She saw that it was Paul. What was this guy doing here? So her parents sent him? Those parents of hers! They’re too protective!

He nodded at her with a smile and told her to brace for impact. She obeyed and clutched the necklace tighter in her hand.

“Mother! Father! Please don’t cry if I can’t survive this crash. Forgive this unfilial and unruly child of yours. Kim Tae Hyung, my dearest idol, I wish you could attend my funeral.” she finally muttered in a whisper before she blacked out because of an unknown gas that had come from nowhere. Strangely, it affected only her.

Before the plane turned upside down, a bright light appeared and sucked Theresa inside leaving only the necklace Paul gave to her on the chair. Since they were all bracing for impact, no one except Paul saw this. He quickly picked up the necklace which emitted light.

It was at this moment that the captain finally lost any control of the plane and the plane took a fast nosedive, crashing into the sea with force creating powerful waves. Finally, it exploded killing the two pilots, 8 hostesses and 279 passengers on board.

As for Paul Reyes, whether he survives will be known in the future.


Theresa opened her eyes abruptly because of the cold. She quickly sat up and rubbed her eyes, finding to her surprise, that she was in an unfamiliar room.

” Where is this place? Why is this place so cold?” she thought as she surveyed where she was.

As a lover of ancient Chinese and Korean dramas, she could say she must be in a Chinese person’s house. Did that person save her? How could his house be so cold with no air conditioners?

She searched her pockets for her phone but couldn’t find it. Anyway, she must find a way out of this room. At least, she’s got to thank her saviour(s) and maybe with their phone, she could contact her parents again.

She wondered if any of the passengers on board survived. What also baffled her was that there was no scratch on her skin.

“This is weird. I need to leave here” she thought.

When she tried to stand, she felt in the legs, excruciating pain she has never felt before!

“It hurts so much,” she thought, close to tears.

What really happened that made her be in this much pain? She closed her eyes and recalled all that happened. From the airport to the aeroplane crash. She couldn’t remember anything other than that. So where exactly was she?

The entire room was naked and so quiet, and a tinge of fear built up in her heart. Hey! she’s afraid of lonely places. Are there ghosts and vampires here? Can anyone just speak and reassure her that everything is fine?

Her doll, Lovina, has been her second-best friend since she was six. Whenever she had nightmares, she’d hug Lovina tighter, subconsciously. Now her precious baby is nowhere to be seen. When she tried to call for help, she found out that she couldn’t even whisper.

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