A Werewolf Fantasy

Chapter 9

Several hours later, they finally stopped at a grove near a lake, to set up camp for the night and rest after their day-long journey. The servants immediately got to work, setting up tents, putting logs together to build fires at the different points in the camp, and gathering utensils to cook dinner.

Erin felt useless just sitting on a low wooden stool and watching as everyone began to bustle about, doing one thing or the other to put the camp together and get dinner going. Even her maid had had to join the other maids at the spot which had been marked as the kitchen.

While absently watching all the activity, her mind drifted to her unusual predicament - she was living another woman's life and probably rewriting the poor woman's destiny. Was that a good or bad thing? She couldn't quite tell. Erin wondered what was happening to her future self; was she still asleep or had she woken up and was getting ready for work? Was it even possible for her to exist at two different moments in time?

"You seem to have drifted far away from us, Edvana."

Erin snapped out of her reverie to find her mother-in-law, Olna Raven, sitting beside her on a low stool with a patient smile playing on her lips.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my queen. I didn't hear you or see you coming," Erin stuttered.

"I noticed," said Olna Raven. "I wonder what thoughts must have taken your spirit so far away."noveldrama

Erin chuckled self-consciously. "It's nothing serious. My mind was just... drifting."

"Were you thinking about your family?"

"More or less,” replied Erin non-committally. She didn't want to scare the woman away with her wild tale of how she'd been transported back to the past by the same dream stone that she had supposedly only received the night before. Erin wondered if witchcraft was a thing in this era and what was the punishment for those convicted of possessing such powers.

"It is quite natural to miss your family when you are being parted from them for the first time in your life. I remember how much I cried on the first night I spent away from my family. I loved them so much, still do, but I also could not bear the thought of not being with the man I loved with all of my heart and my soul."

Olna's words touched Erin but she could not relate to the woman's feelings. Not when her son, Danshak, was hellbent on being the worst mate in the history of werewolf marriages.

Perhaps she would have been more excited about the prospect of starting a new life if her new husband had even a modicum of affection for her, instead of treating her like a nuisance.

"I know the situation is not the same for you," Olna Raven continued speaking when Erin didn't say anything. "The mating arrangement took Danshak by surprise and I believe that it is the same for you. Both of you may not be in love with each other right now, but I am very certain that as time passes, you will each grow fond of one another."

Erin wasn't convinced that that would be the case but she wasn't going to argue with her mother-in-law who seemed to think of herself as an expert in love matters.

"You're probably right," said Erin. "Time will sort everything out."

Olna Raven responded with a warm smile. The two women sat in silence, observing the activities in the camp. Vak and his sons and a handful of guards and warriors were seated on the opposite side of the clearing, away from the bustling of servants, talking animatedly.

Erin's eyes were drawn to Danshak who was listening intently to something his father was saying to the group. His frown of concentration made him look so fierce and intimidating, and even at that distance, she could feel the power of his presence.

The other men paled in comparison to him, even though all of them were heavily bodied, handsome, and strong. Danshak just seemed to stand out from the pack in a way that even she couldn't explain. He exuded charisma and a strong sex appeal that suddenly took her breath away.

Although she hated to admit it, Erin couldn't deny that she was attracted to Danshak and she wasn't quite sure what to do with this new discovery. Maybe Olna Raven was right after all; with time and perhaps, a little effort from her, she and Danshak may fall in love with each other.

Maybe that could be her mission here - to make Danshak fall in love with Edvana and give them the happiness they both craved in this uncertain time with a war brewing soon.

Feeling invigorated by her new purpose, Erin got up with a burst of energy as soon as the head servant announced that dinner was ready and served at the makeshift longhouse that had been erected only a few hours earlier. Only the Smallchief family and about a dozen elite warriors were to eat in the longhouse, while the guards, low-ranking warriors, and servants would dine outside.

The sitting arrangement in the longhouse was done in order of hierarchy - the Prime Alpha at the 'head' of the table, his wife sat on his right-hand side and his first son sat on his left. Erin was flanked on both sides by her mother-in-law and Zanisck, with Danshak sitting opposite her across the table.

They were all seated on the ground where a large quilted fur had been laid to create a barrier between the hard cold earth and their bodies. The bowls and plates of food were arranged in rows in front of them on top of a long mat that served as the dining table.

Vak Smallchief picked up a piece of roasted meat from a bowl in front of him, bit into it, and gave a nod of approval to his companions. And so, dinner began and everyone helped themselves to the generous offering of roasted meat, steamed vegetables, grilled fish, and a variety of fresh fruits.

No wonder everyone here looks fit, Erin mused internally. With a diet like this that was devoid of fat, refined sugars, and MSG, none of these people will ever have to worry about the possibility of gaining weight or the struggle that came with trying to shed the excess. Aren't they just lucky?

"It is good to finally see a smile on your lips," said a familiar male voice beside her. "I was beginning to worry that you might develop many wrinkles around your always puckered lips before we reach Denai' Vena."

Erin turned to face her brother's lookalike and her smile widened. "I did not know that my lips were always puckered," she said to Zanisck. "I guess that must be how I look when I am deep in thought."

"Are you always deep in thought?"

"These days, yes."

"And what do you always think about?"

"You know, this and that," said Erin, wistfully.

"A very clever response from a comely female," laughed Zanisck.

Erin was thoroughly enjoying this familiar playful banter between her and her brother-in-law. It's no wonder that he became her brother in the future. She was even more relieved now, knowing that she now had an ally in the Smallchief household.

They continued to make small talk and laugh as they ate, completely oblivious to the world around them.

When she raised her wooden goblet to her lips to drink water, her eyes landed on Danshak across from her and she nearly choked. His face was so rigid with controlled rage, that it looked as if he might spring up from his spot at any moment and pounce on her like a vicious predator.

Zanisck must have noticed his brother's stormy expression because he cleared his throat self-consciously before giving his full attention to his food. Erin remained quiet for the rest of the dinner and she made sure to avoid locking eyes with her enraged husband again.

After dinner, it was time for everyone to retire for the night. Her in-laws and the senior warriors were to sleep in the longhouse, while she and Danshak were going to share a tent since they were a couple.

The other warriors and the servants grouped themselves into tents, while the guards were stationed around the perimeter to take turns guarding the camp till daybreak.

Erin was the first to arrive at the tent designated for her and Danshak, and she was a bit disappointed to see that there was only one sleeping mat in the enclosure. Did that mean that she would have to sleep beside him tonight after that fiery look he had given her earlier at dinner?

And why was he even mad at her? Wasn't she supposed to talk to her brother-in-law at dinner? Was that against the rules in this place?

She took off her overcoat and began to prepare herself for bed. A small part of her hoped that Danshak would not come to the tent to join her tonight. Perhaps she should make up an excuse to stop him from sharing the tent with her, but what kind of believable lie could she come up with now? She hadn't had time to think about this before coming into the tent.

The entrance flap opened suddenly and Danshak came into the tent, looking as formidable as always. Wordlessly, he began to remove his headdress and leather vest, and he laid them on the floor beside the mat, leaving his beautifully sculpted torso bare for Erin's gaze. What a body! She thought in admiration.

"I see you have fully recovered from whatever was ailing you earlier today," said Danshak. "Well, I - "

"Good. Now, take off your dress. It is time for us to begin our life together as true mates." "I-I beg your pardon?" Erin stuttered.

"Take off your dress, Edvana. It is time for us to perform our first duty as husband and wife."

"No," she whispered, shaking her head slowly. She wasn't ready to get intimate with this brute who didn't know the first thing about romance. Wasn't he even going to try to woo her or say something sweet to her?

"I will not take no for an answer, Edvana. I already gave you enough time to recover from your strange sickness, and from what I saw today at dinner in the longhouse, you are well and ready to do what is expected of you as my wife. If you can flirt with my brother, it means you can sleep with me. Or would you rather sleep with him instead?"

He added that last question with a sneer that made Erin's skin prickle with indignation. "How dare you! Do you even have a brain in that head of yours or is it filled with cotton balls?" "What?"

"You are so blinded by jealousy that you have misinterpreted my friendliness with your brother as flirting. How narrow-minded can you be!"

"I am not jealous," he said through clenched teeth.

"Then why are you angry?"

"I am not angry!"

"So, what is wrong with you?"

"Do you want to know what is wrong with me? I will show you what is wrong with me," he said and marched purposefully towards her like a man on a mission.

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