Aadhya Strength Of Pandavas

Chapter 36: BHISMA'S ANGER

Chapter 36: BHISMA'S ANGER


It was the day when Kunti, Pandavas, Draupadi and Aadhya leave for Hastinapur. Aadhya and

Draupadi were together and Draupadi saw Aadhya is distracted in her thoughts and asked, "are you

thinking about your Avyukt? or the riddle he gave you?" hearing this Aadhya absent mindedly replied,

"no I got the an-" then looked up shocked and blushed asking, "what do you mean bhabhi?" Draupadi

chuckle seeing Aadhya's reaction and says, "I saw you guys so asked sakha, he told me everything, I

see you got the answer!! so what is your reply" Aadhya looked down shyly and said, "my answer is


Draupadi smiled happily and replied, "my both friends are in love with each other I'm so happy!!, but

why do you look sad?" to which Aadhya replied, "no bhabhi I'm no sad at all, it's just-" Draupadi cut her

saying, "are you sad that he left and you couldn't give him A answer? Or are you missing him

already?" Aadhya pouted and said, "bhabhi stop teasing me~" making Draupdi laugh and say, "okay

okay I will stop" Sahadev came and said, "it's time to leave" they both nodded, Drauapdi started to get

nervous seeing this Aadhya replied, "don't worry bhabhi, we all are with you, just have some

confidence and believe in yourself" draupadi smiled in reply and they left.

Everyone was on the gate to say their goodbyes, Draupadi was taking Drupad's blessings, Drupad

blessed her and said, "bless you putri, I hope your life goes well, may you become the valour and

motivation of your husbands. May you become the bases of their righteousness" Draupadi gave him A

teary smile and moved towards Dridhtidum and he said, "I will always be there to protect you

Drauapdi", Draupadi said, "and I will always pray for ur safety and happiness" saying this she moved

towards Shrikhandini and said, "I will miss you jiji" Shrikhandini replied, "I will miss you as well, stay

healthy and happy" Draupadi nodded in reply and they both hugged each other.


Reaching Hatinapur they saw everyone was waiting for them, some were happy and some were not.

Yudhishtir touched Dhritarasth's feet and took his blessing, after he took Ghandhari's blessing she

asked, "if you guys were alive why didn't you come back early?" to which Yudhishtir replied, "we

thought it was the right decision at that time" and Dhritarasth asked, "then why did your decision

change now?" Yudhishtir said, "tatshree, during monsoon a plant first gives birth to leaves, then

flowers, then fruit and at the end the seed. A plant judiciously follows the schedule of all seasons and A

righteous person follows the truth" after saying this he took Bishma's blessings.

After Yudhishtir, bheem took everyone's blessings and then it was Arjun's turn he took the blessings of

Dhritarasth, he blessed and said, "I have heard that swayumvar was kept such that only you could win"

to which Arjun said, "yes and with your blessings I could win it as well" saying this he went to

Ghandhari and she asked, "were is the 1st kul vadhu of kuru vansh putra bring her here" and Arjun

said, "second jesth mata not first, bharata Bheem married Hidim's sister Hidimba and they had a son

as well" Ghandhar Raj evil smiled saying, "this is hastinapur were their prince's marry rakshashi."

Hearing this Aadhya was about to back answer when Bhisma said, "I won't accept them as kul vadhu

and kul putra of Hastinapur, but I will accept them as my daughter in law and grandchild,

congratulations Bheem" making them smile and Ghandhar stop smiling, then Ghandhari's said, "okay

then where is the second kul vadhu of kuru vansh?" Aadhya went to get her, she went towards

Draupadi and gave her A assuring smile and Draupadi got down, she went towards the elder and took

Ghandari's blessing and Ghandari said, "bless you putri, I can't see you but I'm sure your beauty is

matching to Arjun's competence, Arjun come here, the newly wedded couple should always be blessed


Five Pandavas went ahead and Arjun said, "well all married" to which Dhritarasth asked, "then where

are the other four kul vadhu?" Yudhishtir said, "we all five brothers are married to Draupadi" leaving

everyone in shock. Ghandhar Raj laughed and said, "one women has five husbands!!! Wow!" and

Bhisma shouts, "ADHARMA!! I won't accept this! I was waiting for dharma Yudhishtir and you five

brothers come back doing such big Adharma Unacceptable!!" and left the place, Aadhya was about to

leave when Yudhishtir stopped her saying, "not now Aadhya" aadhya nodded and they went to their


Reaching their palace they started disccusing. Yudhishtir said, "if pitamah addresses our deed as

blasphemy and banishes, and make Duryodhan the crown prince we will have to follow his orders"

hearing this Bheem said, "in the court pitamah went away without listing to our reasons, we didn't leave

then, we should have left then why did we come to our palace jesth?" to which Yudhishtir replied,

"because this is our home."

Nakul said, "home is a place where one has rights jesth, bharata Bheem was saying the same. We Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

have come here as we have rights to come here, like wise you have the right to the throne and you will

have to get it by seeking it", Sahadev said, "our hearts are not malicious jesth, what pitamah finds

wrong is normal and accepted by maharishi Veda Vays", Aadhya added, "and jesth we shouldn't forget

that bhabhi has received this boon and you guys are just fulfilling your destiny."

Arjun said, "yes jesth and there is one more thing if we follow pitamah's order and leave it will be

proved to the world that we have done A sin, Draupadi has done A sin, we can't let Draupadi's

character to be slatterd like this. That is why we should keep our point firmly and confidently", Bheem

then looked at Draupadi and asked, "what is your opinion in this Draupadi?" everyone looked at

Draupadi wanting to hear her opinion.

Draupadi stood up and said, "I don't get one thing, ye dharma ke kaaran Sankat hai ya dharma pe

Sankat hai?" to which Yudhishtir said, "on both Draupadi, we have to find a way to balance both",

aadhya then asked, "then jesth should I go talk to pitamah now? He must have calmed down a little" to

which Draupadi relied, "no wait Aadhya, don't go I will talk to pitamah as this is because of me, if there

is a stain on one's name, they themselves have to remove it, since the stain is on me I will be the one

removing it, you guys find A solution for the other problem and I shall solve the problem upon us."

Everyone agreed and went to sleep after discussing more solutions.

In the morning Draupadi went to Bhisma, he was praying to lord Surya. Draupadi said, "Pranipat

pitamah" to which Bishma said, "I do not want to talk to you princess Draupadi, because of your

blasphemy surya dev is not accepting my offerings" hearing this draupadi said, "then pitamah you

show us A way, as it's the elders duty to guide their young ones" Bhisma sighed and said, "the only

way I can show you is the way of Yumraj, so your souls can be pure."

Draupadi said, "but what is the meaning of our soul getting pure after our deaths pitamah?", Bhisma

pissed says, "now you are arguing with me princess Draupadi", Draupadi replied, "please don't think

I'm arguing I'm just here to remove the stain on me, please just once listen to me pitamah."

Bishma kept quiet so Draupadi took the hint to continued, "pitamah this marriage was supported by

maharishi Veda Vays him self and we have kept many rules to follow this anormal marriage, if you

doubt my sanskar it's okay but at least don't doubt pandu putras sanskar" saying this she walked

towards the floating offering for Surya dev and said, "lord Surya if our marriage is not A blasphemy and

we are not guilty please accept this offering", the offering was accepted by Surya dev making Bishma

accept their marriage and give blessings to Draupadi.

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