Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


In the dark corners of the hospital, Ben was wheeled into the emergency room. His body weak and battered, the result of a relentless storm that had taken hold.

Nelly, her facade of composure shattered, sat on a cold bench by the door. Her trembling hands exposed her inner turmoil, a reflection of the chaos that surrounded them.

Alpha Kilian, the powerful leader of the pack, approached her and silently took his place beside her. His hand gently covered her quivering ones, offering a glimmer of solace.

She raised her eyes to meet his, searching for reassurance.

“Ben will be fine,” he whispered, his voice steady and commanding.

Her lips curled into a small smile, a silent acknowledgement of her trust. “Yes, I know.”

In that moment, Donna turned to Tony, her eyes red and stinging with tears. Desperation filled her voice as she pleaded, “Tony, Ben will be okay, won’t he?”

Tony, shaken from his daze, looked at her, his gaze filled with determination. “Of course he will. Ben is strong, he will pull through!”

Hope flickered in Donna’s eyes, a renewed faith ignited within her. She fixed her gaze upon the emergency room doors, silently praying for Ben’s safety. Please, let him be alright…

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and the doctor emerged from the realm of uncertainty.

All of them sprung to their feet, anticipation and anxiety gripping their hearts. “Doctor, tell us, how is my son?” Alpha Kilian demanded, his alpha instincts taking charge.

The doctor removed her surgical mask, her gaze locking with Alpha Kilian’s. “The child’s left arm is fractured, and I have found several abrasions on his body. Judging by the rate of healing, it appears these injuries occurred a few days ago. He is currently in shock. Had he arrived any later, the situation would have been grave.”

Alpha Kilian’s heart skipped a beat, his breath catching in his throat. He looked at the doctor, his voice strained with concern. “Fractured?”

The doctor nodded solemnly. “Indeed, but do not fret. He made it to the hospital in time and will recover.”

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the cause of Ben’s injuries, Alpha Kilian felt a wave of relief wash over him. His son was safe, and for now, that was all that mattered.

“Thank you,” he managed to say with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion.

The doctor nodded, her face hidden by the mask once again. With a final gesture, she turned and disappeared back into the emergency room.

“Fractured,” Tony murmured, his gaze fixed on Nelly.

Nelly met his gaze, a shared understanding passing between them. Something had happened, an event that had inflicted guilt upon them both.

In the midst of Donna’s tears, Alpha Kilian turned his attention to Nelly. However, she averted her gaze, unable to face him. Her remorse was palpable, a heavy burden weighing on her soul.

Alpha Kilian shifted his focus to Tony, who began to speak with a shaky voice. “While we were searching for Donna at the foot of the mountain, Ben accidentally fell… It must have been then, but he didn’t say anything. We were so consumed with finding Donna that we didn’t think much of it. I never imagined it would escalate like this…”

Guilt washed over Tony, his regret consuming him.

Anguish filled Alpha Kilian’s thoughts as he reflected on their actions. They had been so consumed by their mission to find Donna that they had neglected Ben’s well-being. Ben had been left to endure his injuries alone, a fracture hidden beneath their neglect.

Donna’s sobs grew softer, and she murmured through her tears, “No wonder Ben was still worrying about me even in his unconscious state. It’s all because of me…”

Alpha Kilian found himself at a loss for words, his heart aching as he witnessed the weight of guilt on Donna’s shoulders. There was nothing he could do but offer her comfort, stroking her head gently as he enveloped her in his embrace.

As Donna clung to him, tears flowing freely, his gaze shifted to Nelly. She kept her back turned, shielding her emotions from him. Yet, he could sense the self-blame and anguish radiating from her.

In that moment, Alpha Kilian gained a deeper understanding of the burdens Nelly had carried alone for so long. Three children, three hearts, all her responsibility. This was the reality she had faced, the struggles she had battled silently.

Half an hour later, Ben was transferred to a ward. His arm adorned with a plaster cast and bandages adorning his small form, he looked fragile and vulnerable.

Nelly and Donna remained steadfast by his side, each providing comfort and support in their own way. Donna’s eyes remained red-rimmed, her voice a soothing melody that reached Ben’s ears.

Nelly looked upon Ben, her fear still lingering despite his improving condition.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

It was in that moment that she realized she had neglected Tony and Ben in recent days. When had it started? Perhaps when they grew older, more independent. She had believed herself to be a competent mother, but now she questioned her own abilities.

A bitter laugh escaped Nelly’s lips, filled with self-derision. Time ticked by as they continued their watch over Ben, each lost in their own thoughts.

Tony and Alpha Kilian remained present, steadfast in their vigil until Ben regained consciousness.

As Ben’s eyes fluttered open, Donna’s voice filled the room. “Ben…”

Everyone turned their attention to Ben as he slowly regained consciousness. Donna’s joy-filled exclamation echoed through the air, relief washing over them all.

Nelly gazed at Ben, a glimmer of light returning to her eyes, a spark of hope reigniting within her soul.

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