Alpha Xander: His Contracted Luna


Someone came banging on the door the next morning. Xander never slept through the night. His face was heavy and his eyes were swollen. He had been expecting a call back all night. Manny was unavailable so he resorted to someone else. He fears something must have happened to his new inside man.

Catherine was still asleep buried under the sheets. His senses were heightened and responsive to every move the outsider made. Xander went out back to sneak on the intruder. He was stealthy and quiet.

“Odd,” he thought. The scent was very familiar like it was his. Xander crept to the side of the floorboards on the porch. He could see the dusty boots of the outsider.

Xander looked up at him. It was a hazel-colored skin young man in a beanie. His back was turned to Xander.

“It was just you,” Xander smacked a hand over his face. He was relieved it wasn’t a foe who had come seeking revenge.

“Uh… Xander, I mean Alpha,” Joni panicked when Xander jumped and appeared behind him. “I swear… I should have called but my phone died and-”

“Did you make your findings right?” Xander extended his hand to the brown file Joni held.

“Yes, Abigail Forester,” Joni jolted. He brought out a carbon copy picture from the file. “Says here she died some year back.” He chuckled nervously, “Like way, before I was even born, I mean I’m not that young but-”

“Get to the point,” Xander said with a stern face.

“She was murdered by a Marion,” Joni cleared his throat and rubbed a palm behind his neck. “James Marion.”

“My father?” Xander looked away.

Catherine stood inside staring out the window. She saw the lackluster in his eyes. How it dawned on him to hear one of his father’s past grievances came back to haunt him. To hurt her.


In her bedroom, the curtains were covered up and the room was dim red and hot. Her face was raddled and haggard from sleeplessness. Jamal huddled in a corner waiting for her call.

She pulled over the sheets and wore her flip-flops. She dragged her feet on the ground. She stretched and yawned pulling the draws of the curtains. The sunlight bloomed her face. Her beautiful brown eyes shun.

“Get my shower running,” she looked over at Jamal.

“Like-like now,” he stuttered.

“No in the next hour,” she threw her bonnet at him.

He placed the bonnet in her drawer and went into her bathroom. He regulated the steam for the hot bath. He came out and saw her robe on the ground. He looked over at the curtains and witnessed the curvaceousness of a bright flamy body.

She was bare in all her beneath-the-surface features were alighted. She didn’t mind Jamal having a look. She looked into his eyes and straightaway, he stared down at his feet.

“My body hurts like hell,” she whined. “Do get off on me you perv.”

“I can come back later,” he turned away to the door.

“Don’t wander off too far,” she warned. “We will be leaving soon,” she rested a hand on her hip.

“I will be right outside,” Jamal maundered.

He opened the door and shut it lightly. The lewd thoughts scampered around his mind. He jolted away down the halls.


She limped down the steps to the living room. Her body had grown weaker ever since the Seer paid a visit. She never came out of her quarters until now. Jamal was always there to tend to her requests. Now he was nowhere to be found.

“If he doesn’t show his face anytime now-”

“I have the car ready and set to go outside,” Jamal came in dangling the car keys in his grip.

She exhaled and extended a hand for him to aid her. He rushed to her side. She put an arm over his shoulder and they walked carefully towards the door.

“A moment ago you were on you were strong on your feet,” he turned the doorknob open.

“Well now is not a moment ago, is it?” she groaned.

“I’m just surprised this could be you,” he muttered.

“What did you just say,” her forehead creased.

They stepped out the door.

“Oh nothing,” Jamal squinted his eyes to the rays of the sun.

“That’s what I thought,” Faye snorted.

They were sided in each other’s arms walking to the car Jamal parked out front. Jamal was distracted by a girl who had the bright-colored hair of Sandra. They walked the same way and gestured in all likeness.

He lost focus on his steps and Faye stubbed her foot against the fountain curb.

“Shit,” she moaned.

“I’m sorry,” he looked back at Faye. “I’m so, so sorry Luna,” he begged and tried holding her hand.

“Apologize again and miss your way to the afterlife,” she scowled pulling away from him.

“Very stupid of me,” he bowed lightly.

“Very,” she scoffed and snatched the car keys from him. “I will drive for the first hour, you will take over after.”

“Yes,” he opened the door of the driver’s seat for her.


They had switched seats on the road. Jamal was now at the wheel. He looked at the map Faye laid on the dashboard for directions. He figured they were almost at their location. He tapped Faye gently to wake her up.

“Don’t touch,” she took off her shades. “Are we there yet?”

“Just the next turn and we’ll reach the holding of the neighboring pack,” he smiled into the center mirror.

“Look at you checking yourself out,” she teased. “Drive us into a tree and you think Xander would cover the insurance.”

“Speaking of the Alpha, forgive me but he has been absent lately,” He made a slight glance at Faye and stared back at the road.

“Well, you can ask why whenever you see him,” Faye tittered and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

She looked out the car window. The turn was near. There were rocky hills ahead with less verdancy.

“It’s not my place and you know it,” he drummed his fingers on the wheel. “Don’t you guys hang around each other much?”

“Let’s say there was a time when I thought I loved him and he loved me back,” she cocked her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Till it was back and forth. He got bored maybe and wanted more, but I never stopped,” she let out a sharp breath. “I never stopped loving Xander Marion.”

“That was-it was so not expected,” Jamal itched his temple and made a turn to the left.

“We are there now,” she stiffened.

They parked at a ranch. They were met with a big old man and a short old lady by his side. Faye got out f the car in a jiffy and headed to approach on her own. Jamal dashed to her side.

They met at the end of a cornfield.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“Who is Mayfair?” Faye jutted out her hip. “I suppose it’s the old wrench.”

“The big guy doesn’t look so friendly,” Jamal breathed out. “I guess I can take him if things go south.”

They inched forward to the ranch owners.

“I am Mayfair,” the old woman croaked.

Mayfair collected a knife from the man next to her. She pulled off the sheath.

“So what do we need to do?” Faye rested her arm on Jamal’s shoulder rolling her eyes at the old woman. “You already know why I am here… right?”

“You came to reform a bond that never was. You failed to hold a mark with your mate, your Alpha,” Mayfair coughed. The man holds her hand and pats her lightly on her back.

“Eww… carry on,” Faye furrowed her brows.

“So you need to make a mark with another,” Mayfair wheezed. “They shall have life linked to yours. If you want to sever the ailment from the Moon Goddess, do you have a life to spare?”

Faye looked at the old and nodded. He sat the woman on a chair. Jamal was confused, and Faye let go of him.

“What’s going on,” he opened his palms in the air.

The old man charged at Jamal. He darted in the other direction, but the old man was fast. He took Jamal by the neck and held out one of his hands. The old woman inched forward with a knife in her hand.

Faye rolled her sleeves. Mayfair made cuts into the arm. A slash to the left, a slash to the right on her forearm.

“You see that Jamal,” Faye smiled. “It won’t hurt.”

“It’s not the hurt,” he struggled on the ground. “I’m worried about after. We never talked about this.”

Jamal was overpowered. He tried to slip away. The old man pushed him to the ground and kneeled on his back.

“Faye help me!” he yelled with his face pushed against the muddy ground. “Don’t let them do this.”

“It’s only a few cuts don’t be a baby,” Faye sighed. “You are loyal to me anyway. This just made it official,” she knelt to the ground and dusted dirt from his hair.

Mayfair turned to Jamal. The old man had Jamal’s arm stretched out. Mayfair made her cuts. The blood on the knife was wiped with a black-beaded cloth.

“You can let him go now Henry,” Mayfair rubbed his shoulders.

The old man grunted and took his knee off the young beta.

Jamal was released from Henry’s hold. He got up to his feet fast and drew out his claws.

“You are gonna get it old man,” he growled.

“Stand down,” Faye kicked dirt at Jamal. “He is twice your size. And he’s a werewolf that looks sadistic as hell. He’ll rip you apart.”

Henry brought out a lighter. Mayfair took it and burnt the bloodstained cloth. The ashes blew away with the wind.

“It is done,” Mayfair opened her arms wide and inhaled looking up into the sky.

“Okay witch, no thanks from me,” Faye slashed the old Lady’s throat.

“Holy shit!” Jamal clamored.

Mayfair dropped to the ground. Her blood flowed down the buds of cornrows.

Henry took a wad of cash from Faye. He dragged Mayfair’s body to the ground as he walked back to the ranch.

“It’s a harsh world isn’t it,” Faye winked at Jamal.

The poor beta was trembling in fear. He was still raveling what just happened in the brief moment.

“He was in on it too?” Jamal placed his palms on his chest.

“Move your ass beta,” Faye walked back to the car.


The young beta was freaking out all through the ride back to the Manor.

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