Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 84

Hector and I stumbled through the pack house door. After the incredible run through the forest, Faris and Rydere tried to race. Well, really it was Faris trying to keep up. After they were spent, Hector and I decided to grab some clothes and head into the town on the other side of the forest and hit up a bar. Which now lead us to laughing, crashing through the front door late into the evening.


Hector let out a chortle. "That's a door, Z."

"I know that." I may have been worse at walking but Hector's voice was slurred much more than mine.

"Have fun did you?"noveldrama

Looking up, Vale was standing on the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest. The sour look on his face made me laugh even more.

"Goddess, you look like Leo when he was going to fucking scold me for being...well...not Alpha."

Vale came down, his steps reverberating in the dark house. Everyone seemed to have cleared out or gone to bed.

"Well, it's not very Alpha-like to get drunk on a Tuesday."

I shrugged. “It's a good thing I'm not Alpha anymore, isn't it?"

Hector snorted and turned away, obviously trying to his his smile.

“Zeke, what has gotten into you? This isn't you.”

Scoffing, I brushed past him. “Isn't me? That's the pot calling the cauldron black.”

"Kettle." Hector chimed in.

I threw up my hands. "Whatever! I'm going to bed. I have training in the morning."

"Zeke need to talk about this night." Vale turned on Hector. "And you. Shame on you."

Hector sighed. "I'm not getting scolded nor lectured from you, Vale. I changed your diapers."

"I am your Alpha! Not to mention the Alpha King! You may have helped me grow up but I'm not that little kid anymore. I won't be treated as one." “When did I ever treat you like a child? All I've done is treat you as an adult. Even when you were little, I focused on letting you try things so you could learn. You were Auri's baby, not mine."

Vale reached out and grabbed his arm. "You've lost your edge. You're not who you were."

Hector pulled his arm out of Vale grip easily. The force even made Vale stumble a bit. I started to turn around to go back down the stairs when a hand held my shoulder. Bryan was standing on the stairs with me, a serious look on his face. He wasn't looking at me, but at the two at the bottom of the stairs.

“Just kick me out, Vale. You've been wanting to do it ever since I got back. Just do it.” Hector's eyes flashed dangerously to Rydere's.

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. I need you to get your head out of your ass!"

Shaking his head, he slapped away Vale's attempt to grab him again. "In what way is my head in my ass? I've done everything you've asked of me since I've been back. Not a single time did I say shit about how ass backwards you're doing things. The warriors are stronger than before. Your mate is stronger than you are. The patrols are smooth and there hasn't been a single complaint or transfer. All the paperwork regulating the safety of the pack has been completed and processed accurately. So please, tell me where my head is at."

"You've been corrupting Zeke into thinking that Auri is in the right over what she's doing. That he is justified in still feeling like he's been broken. He's healed already. You can't just rope someone into your sad excuse of a life. Don't try to bring Zeke into your lonely miserable half-baked existence as though he's going to turn into a younger you." Vale's chest was heaving, his eyes flicking between amber and gold. Even through the connection, I could feel Naresh step back away from this.

Before I could open my mouth, a power swept over all of us. My eyes widened at the intensity of it. It sobered me completely and I struggled against the weight of it. Bryan didn't stand a chance, his neck bared and now the hand on my shoulder was helping him stay standing; just barely. I was about to chastise Vale when I saw Vale struggling to keep his head from baring his neck to Hector. Rather, it was Rydere who was present with his eyes bright. Growling at Vale, he grabbed his collar and pulled him close.

"You've gone too far, pup. I don't care if you're Alpha, King or God himself. You have no right to say that shit to my human. You have no idea what he's been through, what we've been through. You've done nothing but feel threatened since we came back but not wolf enough to step up and confront us. We've known you since you were born. Since Auri cried in our arms when she told us you'd been cursed with the Alpha King gene. We've done nothing but help you and protect you. We helped you and stayed silent when making an ass of yourself. You saw Hector's changed? The moment you found out that your mate was taken, you changed. You turned into your father."

Vale growled and grabbed Rydere's wrist but was unable to break free. “Bullshit. I'm.....not.....”

Rydere cut him off. "Secret guards watching your mate. Refusing to allow him to go anywhere unaccompanied. Cutting off his friends and family. Leaving him behind to do dangerous missions. Go ahead, why don't you tell him where you're planning on going before you pick up your pups.❞

"How do you know...about...that?" Vale was struggling and Bryan had sat on the stairs, the weight of power too much. I braced myself with the railing of the staircase.

"The point is that your mate should know. You've become your father. I hope you see that before it's too late. Before you lose him like your father lost Auri."

The pressure let up and Bryan let out gasping breaths. Hector let go of Vale who staggered back, finding stability from the back of the chair. Rydere didn't retreat as he headed up the stairs. Ruffling my hair, he reached out and lifted Bryan up by the arm.

"Sorry my brother. I didn't mean to affect you so badly."

"We...need to talk." Bryan was still catching his breath.

Rydere hummed. "It will have to wait. When Hector comes back, you can have your chat."

Bryan nodded and they both headed back up; Rydere disappearing into his room and Bryan up the stairs to the third floor. I looked down at Vale, as he was catching his breath.

From our years together, I realized the absolute worst insult to Vale would be comparing him to his father. I'd only met the man once and while he seemed like an asshole, if it weren't for the times I jumped into Auri's later memories, I'd wonder why it was so bad. Auri said that her kids didn't know how bad it had truly gotten. His fear of her dying again overruled all of his emotions. Seeing how bad he was, I couldn't help but look at my mate more wearily. He must have caught my emotional shift because he looked up at me.

"Zeke, I'm not...I would never..."

Sighing, I stood up straight. "You've already started, Vale. You're keeping secrets. The stupid guards. Like I can't handle myself. Breaking promises. What's next?"


I sighed. "Goodnight, Vale."

Peeling my eyes open, my head was pounding and the light streaming through the window burned my eyes. Groaning, I rolled over away from the sun. A sat up a little when I saw Vale, sitting on the edge of the bed. He was leaning forward, his head in his hands.

"Vale? What's wrong?" Sitting up, I winced as the movement made my head hurt worse.

He didn't move, didn't seem like he heard me.


His head rose and he looked back at me. "I'm sorry. He's right. Hector's right. I'm turning into my father."

"Oh Vale." I climbed over to him, draping my arms over his shoulders, leaning my head against his. "He was drunk, as was I. You aren't your father." Kissing his head, I closed my eyes and held him close.

"He was right though. Drunk or not. He probably wouldn't have said anything if he wasn't." Vale leaned forward away from me, running his hands through his white hair. "Hector has always looked out for me, been there when my dad wasn't. He taught me so much. And what did I do? I've been trying to kick him off the territory. Finding an excuse since he's been here."

I scooted over to his right and took his hands. Pulling him towards me, his body turned so it was facing me more. "Why? Why were you trying to force him out?"

"I..." He sighed. "I'm projecting my anger onto him. The frustration and anger and sadness with my mother. With her decisions. She's actively going against the entire world. Against me, against the High Council. She's doing whatever she wants without thinking how it could affect the world."

"She's also going against the BloodHunter coven. Don't you think she deserves to have vengeance? Deserve to feel safe?"

He scoffed. "Feel safe? Zeke, she's the strongest person I know. I doubt..."

"Just because you're strong doesn't make you less afraid, Vale. If anything, the stronger you try to become might be because of how afraid you are." I looked down at his hands. "Especially when something traumatic happens to them."

I felt his hand brush my cheek and cup my chin, pulling my head up to look at him. Our eyes met and I could tell he was searching me.

"Is that why you've been training so hard? You know that I have guards to keep you safe. You're in the Pack territory."

Shaking my head, I pulled his hand that I was still holding up. Kissing it gently, I sighed. "Those don't make me feel safe, Vale. They actually make me feel worse. Like you don't think I could handle myself, so maybe I can't. Maybe I'm still just as weak."

"Zeke, thats..."

"I know. Trust me, I know." I cut him off. "It's stupid and untrue. But when I saw the news, seeing that facility burning, for the first time, I felt like I could breathe. Like I didn't need to check the locks three times. Or look over my shoulder. It's different from what Hector feels. While we both got captured, he know he might because he was avidly looking for your mom. But I literally got ripped from the car. I got overpowered."

Looking up at him, I smiled and continued. "I get that the BloodHunter coven isn't the highest on your or even the High Council concern. But for Hector, Auri and's so much more personal. They've touched our lives personally. It's higher on our list of priorities than yours. Your mom, has the freedom to do that. She's not the Alpha King or Alpha anymore."

"There are repercussions to her actions. If the news spins it right, she's killing thousands of innocents. She could have."

I smiled at him. "For one, she's your mom. For years she was Alpha King. She's an adult. She understands all her actions have consequences. To her, it's worth it. And secondly, you need to ask yourself if you trust her. Trust her to make the right decisions and if you do, there shouldn't be an issue."

"I don't know if I do. Is that bad?"

Shaking my head, I kissed his forehead. "Your thoughts and feelings are your own. I'm not going to tell you what's right or wrong because most of the time, there isn't one. It's not always black and white. Just make sure you don't take what you see from one angle as fact. What it looks like from the outside in may differ from the inside out."

He nodded, sighing. I stepped off the bed, stretched before stripping down naked. I turned and raised my eyebrow.

"Wanna come shower?"

Vale hummed. "I need to leave for the High Council."

"Oh, yes. Well, I guess that's just too bad." I walked towards the door to the bathroom. Stopping in the doorway, I leaned against the frame. "I guess that means, I'll just need to take care of this myself." I watched as Vale's eyes drifted south and I smirked. He already was caught and he knew it.

"I really need to go."

I shifted, leaning further back. Then with my right hand, I started to slowly pump my raging morning wood. "Ah yes, super important. Be off, my king. You must save the world." A bead of pre-cum dropped from my tip and Vale growled.

"Goddess, Zeke. You will be the death of me."

Laughing, I turned into the bathroom but Vale grabbed me from behind, pulling me to him. I could feel his hard-on against my skin. Somehow within seconds he had shed his clothes.

"You're in for it now, little Alpha. There will be no foreplay, not soft caresses."

His teeth grazed my neck and I shuddered against him. Suddenly, his teeth sank into his mark and I cried out, the pain and pleasure hitting me


"I'm going to ravage you and leave you wasted. So much so you'll have no need to even masturbate while we are separated."

I chuckled. "I'd like to see you try."

Vale growled. "Challenge accepted."

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