Alpha's Blind Luna

Chapter 87

I felt the dark circles under my eyes. The rocking chair I was sitting in moved back and forth. It squeaked but it was deafened by the crying of the twins. They had been sick for days. We'd gone to the doctor and apparently, these things can happen within the first couple years of a traumatic event and a complete climate change. Both of them had ear infections and poor Reagan had the infection move to her throat as well. Neither of them were comfortable and their crying now was just a constant sound. Reagan preferred to be on my shoulder, whereas Rowan was on his stomach draped over my legs. As much as they were more comfortable, it still was painful.

Closing my eyes, I just rocked rhythmically, hoping that somehow they would fall asleep for more than five minutes. My phone dinged and I expected it to be Vale. He'd kept his word that he was home more, but he would go off with Peter to try and find Auri since no one else would join the search. Vale and Peter, along with AJ, would hop around the world following after clues. She'd been pretty quiet in the last few months considering the splash she was making before but they never came close. He would always come back after a day or two, though this time he was coming home tomorrow, which would be day four.

It was a relief that I needed. I needed a break. I loved these kids, but with Bryan and Hector gone, I only had a break when Lucy was able to come. Or Jax would hold them long enough for me to take a shower. With them being sick, there wasn't that time.

'How are you doing?'

I cocked my head to the side. It wasn't a number I had saved in my phone. I'd given my phone number out though to most of the pack so it could be any number of people. It had distracted me enough to stop rocking and Reagan screamed on my shoulder. Picking up my pace again, she calmed down a little more. My phone dinged again.

'How are the kids? You have help right?'

I sighed and quickly replied. 'Still really sick. They are crying almost all the time except for 15 minutes here and there when they cry themselves to sleep. Doctor says there isn't anything we can do except give them the medication and hope their werewolf side kicks in to help heal them faster than normal.'

There was a brief quiet as I focused on rocking before the phone dinged again.

'And help? You are getting enough breaks?'

Snorting, I looked up, willing myself not to cry. I felt overwhelmed at the best of times but everyone kept saying thats what it was like to have kids. The combination of them being in pain and the constant crying and lack of a break just whittled away at any sense of self I had left. My ears were nearly numb and with the lack of sleep it took everything to just hold the tears in. Something snapped in me as a replied.

'I'd love to have help. I'd love for my Alpha to be home. I'd love to be able to take a shower for longer than five minutes. Be able to walk outside and hear the waves rather than the screaming every single second. I want them to feel better and I need to be able to have a break but I can't. They just won't stop crying.'

After I sent my tangent and reread it, I sighed and groaned. Following it up, I quickly added: 'Sorry. I'm pretty worn out. I didn't mean to snap.' There was an immediate reply. 'Give me a few minutes. See if I can help.'

I was about to reply that there was no need but Rowan wiggled back and was no longer comfortable. He started to cry louder which made the now quietly whimpering Reagan to also jump in at the breaking-glass volume. Taking Rowan and putting up on my shoulder, I got up to pace the room. They calmed down more but Rowan was squirming, not necessarily liking to be on my shoulder. After some time, they continued to cry but not nearly at the screaming level they were at before. The phone dinged and I leaned down to look at it on the side table next to the rocking chair.

The message wasn't a message at all but a recorded sound. Furring my brow, I leaned down further to touch the phone with my elbow, holding onto the twins. Pulling up the music, there was silence for a moment before a piano started to play. It was fairly clear but you could tell it was recorded from the phone itself. It took a minute but I realized that the song was a melody that Vale would hum to them to get them to go to sleep. Jax said none of them knew the words to it but they all knew it from Auri. As the piano played, a voice started to sing in Italian.

I stood up, listening to the song. It was the most beautiful sound I had heard. After a verse, tears streamed down my face. Whatever will that I was holding back the tears, broke. But it wasn't out of frustration or sadness but rather just letting go of it all. Feeling like I was being refreshed and the knot I had been carrying just unwound. The song rang out in room and I realized that all I could hear was the music. Both Reagan and Rowan had fallen asleep on my shoulders. For the first time in a couple hours, they were asleep. They had actually calmed down enough to fall asleep.

It continued and I closed my eyes, listening to it before I replied it again as soon as it finished with a quiet piano. As it played a second time, I placed the twins down into the crib and they actually stayed asleep, arms crossed over one another. Another first for the past few days. Picking up my phone, I left the song on as I replied.

'That actually put them to sleep. It's the most beautiful thing I've heard. How can I thank you?'

This time though, there was no reply. I kept checking every fifteen minutes or so but the message was never read and never replied to. As soon as the pups got fussy, I started the song and they would immediately quiet. Sitting in the rocker, I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. Quietly, my shoulders shook as I just let out the stress of the past few days. At some point, I leaned back in the rocker and fell asleep to the quiet sounds of the piano and the voice of an angel.

'Zeke! What do I do?'

I stared at the shelf in the grocery store. Vale came home early in the morning and I all but threw him Reagan and Rowan, telling him I needed to go to the store for food. It wasn't wrong but I probably could have sent someone else. For the past four days not having a moment to myself, this was my moment. Apparently, I couldn't even have that.

'Just try to keep them comfortable. They are going to cry. They have been for the past three days. I'll be back when I'm done grabbing food.' Grabbing a couple different vegetables, I put them in the cart and moved down the next aisle.

'How? I think my ears are bleeding.'

I chuckled. 'If yours are bleeding after a half hour, then mine have fallen off. Just try to tune it out.'

There was a huff and I chuckled again, grabbing a few cloves of garlic, a couple onions, and a bag of potatoes. Moving through the store, I reveled in the normal sounds and having autonomy over my own limbs without having to be holding a pup. It was weird and I knew part of me was missing them, worried for them. But it was just a feeling that I'd been attached to them pretty much 24/7 for four days, I needed to get some separation from them for a second. Loading up the groceries in the back of my Grand Cherokee, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun my hand coming up just at the throat of Simon.

"Shit. Sorry."

He had put up his hand but there was a smile on his lips. "Sorry, Alpha. Didn't mean to scare you."

Shaking my head, I rubbed my forehead. "Sorry, been a little stressed with everything going on. I'm wound a little tighter than normal." "Everything okay? I know there is the whole plan for the section of housing."

I chuckled and put in the last bag. "That's been done and already submitted. I think the crew will be starting it next week. No, the pups are sick. Vale just got back. Then I've got a mountain of work that I couldn't do while I was alone with them. Jax has done a lot for me lately, thank goddess. Now that Vale is back, it should smooth out a little more."

"I'm not sure about that."

My eyebrow rose as I shut the trunk and leaned against it. "Something happen?"

"Just rumors. Especially with some of the guys who still have family in the Harvest Moon pack. Apparently, there has been some shifts going on. People gearing up for some big shifts in the supernatural community. I don't know what it's about but Alpha King might know. I'd just watch out on the horizon. It might not get easier."

Shaking my head, I sighed. “Just what we needed. Thanks for the heads up. I haven't really been able to speak with Vale. So I'll try to see if anything is going on. Thank you for helping with the Avis family the other day. I don't think we would have finished on time without you."

"No problem at all. Happy to help. Especially if it keeps me around. The mate is wanting to settle down a little more and so not being sent clear cross country is appeasing her more."

I smiled, knowing exactly where he was coming from. "I'll put a note in your file to keep it local from now on. Don't hesitate to tell me that. We can make sure to keep you around here. I've got plenty of stuff someone of your skills can do."

"Sounds good, Alpha."

Sighing, I shook my head but let it go. "I need to get back before the twins drive Vale crazy."

"Did they drive you crazy? You've been dealing with them for days."

"I've been a lost cause for months. This is nothing."

Laughing, I clasped hands with Simon and headed around the car. Pulling out of the parking spot, I gave him one last wave before I headed out of the town proper and across the main road back to the pack house. When I got to the driveway, I pulled around so that the trunk was facing the front door. Once I opened the door, ladened with groceries, the screaming cries of the twins slammed into my ears.

"What do I do? How do I make it stop? Zeke, what do I do?" Vale was holding the both of them while bouncing them ridiculously hard as he paced the living room.

Sighing, I placed the bags of groceries on the counter. Bryan was standing there, a cup of water in his hands.

"I thought this phase of my life was over. Screaming babies but those two are giving Syf and Freya a run for their money. And those two were nearly insufferable."

"Did you give them the medicine I said to give them before I left?" I asked Vale, as I opened up the fridge.

He huffed. "How am I supposed to do anything with them crying like this?"

Sighing, I pulled out the medicine and started to fill up the two different syringes. "Squat down for a second, I can do it over your shoulder."

For a brief moment, as they too their medicine, it was quiet before they started up crying again. Pulling out my phone, I set it on the table and pulled up the message I received. Clicking play, the music filled the room and the cries of the twins slowly quieted to whimpers. As the voice came up, I closed my eyes, reveling in the sound before a glass shattered on the floor. Both Vale and I looked over to Bryan who looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Bryan? Everything okay?"

He was frozen, not moving an inch. Suddenly, his eyes rose and were looking up at the balcony. "Hector Aten Mendez, you have some fucking explaining to do."

I couldn't quite find the emotion that his words were dripping with. Angry, hate, malice, something along those lines but he had gone from white as a ghost to red. His fists were clenched, one of them pressing hard down on the counter. Out of the bedroom, Hector leaned against the banister. His eyes closed as only the song filled the room.

"What is going on?" Vale looked from Bryan to Hector. “I didn't know you had a middle name.”

He chuckled. "People only use it when they are seriously angry and even then, very few know it."

"" Bryan barked the order and as he walked by, for the first time, I saw him take a cigarette out and a lighter.

“Looks like I'm in the dog house today boys. Wish me luck.” He smirked past us, not without rubbing the backs of both the twins before heading out.

He surprisingly didn't grab a cigarette as he left. Both Vale and I turned to look out the window at the two older men. We looked at each other. "What the hell was that about?" Vale asked as he swayed slightly, hoping to keep the two sleeping on his shoulders to stay asleep.

"I have no idea. But it didn't sound good for Hector."

Vale scoffed. "It's never good for Hector. Bryan is definitely the older, wiser, more mature brother in their relationship. Without a doubt."

The song ended and I quickly restarted it before there was any more sniffling. I went back to the kitchen to put away the rest of the dishes. Vale came over and stood on the other side of the island.noveldrama

“Simon mentioned something going on in your birth pack. Have you heard anything?"

Vale let out a large sigh. "Yes and no. I need to speak with Týr about it. But apparently, there has been a large movement of packs coming together. I don't know the ins and outs."

"Why does that sound like an army without the Alpha King leading it?" I turned to Vale, who looked completely indifferent.

He shrugged. “I'll reach out, see if it's something but I doubt it is. It's probably just some Alpha's wanted to make sure their packs are protected."

I started at Vale for a moment. He was looking down at the twins, swaying and moving to keep them appeased. "Right. Probably nothing." Turning, I put the rest of groceries away in the cupboards. "Nothing to worry about."

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