Alpha’s Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

As I jerked to a stop in the staff car park , the scene unfolding before my eyes made my blood boil . As Micha tried to yank her away from Zoe , Casey clutched her mother’s clothes and wailed . Staff members attempted to separate them , and I tossed my door open and got out . ” Micha , what the fuck , ” I snapped at him .

Zoe looked up , and I rushed over to her side , shoving her behind me and getting between them . ” Take Casey inside , ” I told her when I noticed a woman come stomping over in a rage . Her blonde hair hung loosely in waves and her face made up looking like she was about to step into a photoshoot . She looked every part the perfect housewife until she opened up her mouth .

” Micha , grab the kid and let’s go , ‘ snapped . ” She ” Amber , get back in the car , ” Micha groaned , turning to face his mate . I pushed Zoe toward the doors of the Hotel . Before looking at some of my staff . ” Where is security ? ”

The perimeter was breached . They are fixing the fence and out of radio range , One of them told me . Fuck ! I cursed under my breath . ” Like hell , I will . She stole my baby . I should be the only person having your Kid Micha . Now get Casey , and let’s leave . She is a rogue whore . Just knock the dumb bitch out . No one will care , and your father will get you off anyway .

” Micha crubbed a hand down his face , and I could tell he didn’t want any of this happening , but Amber was a nut job and also his mate . She was always loud and outgoing at school , but I was shocked to see how cold – hearted she was now . Micha turned to look at me and I glared at him . ” I’m sorry Everly , step aside . I want my daughter , ” ” Want your daughter ?

Where fuck were you for all these years , coming and going a s you pleased , Casey barely even knows you , ” ” Regardless , she is still mine , ” He says , trying to shove past me . ” Wait , Everly ? Is that you ? ” Amber said , finally looking in my direction .

I glared at her . ” Holy shit , is you . Everyone wondered what happened to you ? Your father said you ran away , ” She gushed with tears in her eyes . Is this bimbo for real right now . She tried to embrace me , but I stepped away from her . ” Everly ? ” Amber said . I can’t believe she dared to look hurt in the situation . ” Leave both of you , or I will be forced to call the police ,

” I tell them when Micha made a run for the door and jerked Zoe back by the back of her shirt . She smashed against the ground before he grabbed Casey , and I moved to her holding her arm . ” Let her go Micha , ” I snarled . ” This has nothing to do with you Everly , now stand down , ” ” Like fuck I will , now let her go ! ” I yelled , and he let go .

He appeared shocked , and s o was . My aura rushed out , and he paled , taking a step back from me , but it wore off quickly , and he snarled that I commanded him before he lunged at me . I shoved Casey toward Zoe just as he knocked me down on the ground ” Fucking command me Whore , who do you think you are ? ” He spat , trying to pin me when my head smashed onto the concrete .

I saw stars for a second , my vision going black and 1 heard Zoe scream before hearing a scuffle . My surroundings blurred when he was suddenly gone from on top of me . Amber’s blood – curdling scream made my heart thud thinking it was Casey or Zoe that got hurt when I heard the sound of flesh on flesh .

I turned my head to see Marcus stand upright from pummeling Micha , who was curled i in the fetal position on the floor . ” Zoe , Casey ? ” I gasped as Amber rushed toward Micha on the ground . Marcus snarled , which made me look back at him as I got to my feet . My head was pounding and I could hear sirens in the distance heading our way .

But I was too distracted b y the look on Marcus’s confused face . He turned his head to the side , slightly looking around me , and I followed his gaze to see Zoe looking white as a sheet of eyes wide , and I rushed to her her paper , side and gripped her arms and shook her . ” Zoe ? ”Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

” Zoe ? ” Marcus repeated behind me , and her eyes were locked on his . I peeked over my shoulder at him ” Casey’s mum , right ? ” Marcus asked her and Zoe nodded . I was seriously worried she was about to pass out with how clammy her skin went . Marcus yanked Micha to his feet by the front of his shirt . Amber squealed and ripped at his shirt .

” So you must be the father ? ” Micha nodded just as Marcus headbutted him . The sound of his nose breaking made me flinch , and blood spurted out when Marcus’s fist connected with his jaw . Marcus let him go , and he fell to the ground in a heap just as Zoe fainted . Casey shrieked , and I only just caught her as she fell forward into me .

Tires screeched to a stop as cop cars pulled up everywhere and Officer Richards jumped from the first vehicle . Marcus growled , and he backed up with his hand on his gun . ” Pull it , and I will end him , Richard . What will be ? ” Marcus growled at him .

His entire body trembled as he fought the urge to shift and I looked back at the terrified Officer Richard’s who looked at his bleeding son on the ground at Marcus’s feet . Amber sobbed over the top of him . ” Whatever he did , I will see it is fixed , ” Officer Richard murmured with his hands up . ” Good , make sure he stays the fuck away from my mate , ” Marcus snarled before stalking toward me . He grabbed Zoe , scooping her up in his arms while I stared dumbfounded .

It now made so much sense . How did I not see that ? ” I spent hours in the washing liquid aisle trying to find that scent , not proud to say i t , but I even tasted a few , and all I had to was follow your daughter home , hmm , ” Marcus said to an unconscious Zoe . ” Wait , Zoe is your mate ? ” Officer Richards asked , just as shocked . Marcus growled at him before holding out his hand to Casey ,

who looked up at him , his shirt drenched in her father’s blood . ” Come on , princess , let’s take mummy inside , ” Marcus said to her . She looked over at me , and I nodded for her to go with him and was about to check on Micha when Marcus called out to me . ” You to Everly , leave the bastard Valen is o In his

way , ” Marcus said as he walked toward the Hotel doors . I rushed ahead of him and opened up the door for him when he stopped and looked back at Officer Richard’s who was fussing over his son .

” I suggest you get him out of here , Richard . I left him breathing . Valen won’t for touching his Luna , ” Marcus told him . Officer Richard motioned some of his men over , who were all staring at me oddly . ” Luna ? But she is a rogue , ” Amber blurted out . H ” Shut it , you over – opinionated mutt , ” Officer Richards snapped at his daughter inlaw .

My eyebrows raised at his words and two o f the other officers rushed over peeled Micha off the ground , who groaned in pain . ” You have done it now , boy , ” Officer Richards snapped at him . ” Ah , Everly , ” Marcus called as he nodded toward the next door leading out the back of the restaurant . I shut the door and rushed over to him just as I did .

Zoe came t too , and projectile vomited all over the front of him ” Well , not the reaction I was hoping for , but still it’s a reaction , ” Marcus said while Zoe stared wide – eyed at him .. ” You’re my , ” ” Mate , ” Offered Marcus , and she nodded like she thought he was a figment of her imagination . I was beginning to wonder if this whole scenario was a figment of mine too .

” Zoe ” And I just spewed on you , ” squeaked . Marcus looked down at the font of his shirt . He shrugged . ” At least I can help you shower ? ” Marcus chuckled . Zoe nodded , looking at him like a dear stuck in headlights . ” You can’t shower with her . You will see her privates , ” Casey said , and I completely forgot she was there . Great observations Everly , deserve a pat on the back , I thought sarcastically . ” Oh right , we will shower with our clothes on , can’t have that ,

” Marcus agreed with her . Casey nodded her head , accepting that answer . ” Want to see where we live 1 have all the trolls movies , and they have a TV show , Valerian doesn’t like to watch with me , but you can , ” Casey said , tugging on his arm and leading him out . I followed them . My head was throbbing , and once inside , flopped on the couch and called Casey over to me while Marcus went and helped clean Zoe up . Casey rummaged through her movies , placing Trolls on , and I rested my head back on

the couch and rubbed my temples . ” Aunty Everly , is my dad going to Jail ? ” ” I’m not sure , sweety . Are you upset ? ”

” No , I don’t want to go with that lady . They tried to take me from school , mum drove really fast on the way home , and that crazy woman drove into the side of mums car in the parking lot , ” ” She what ? ” Casey nodded , pressing play . ” Yep , the school went into lockdown , she said she was my mum but I already have a mum , the school locked me in a cleaning closet until mum got there and security dragged them away , but then they chased 118 ,

” No one is taking you from your mother , I promise , ” I told her holding up my finger . I would sell the damn Hotel to pay for the legal bills if needed but I doubted it would come to that now . Casey nodded and gripped my pinky . ” Why wasn’t valerian at school ? ” ” We slept in , ” I told her just as the door burst open and Macey rushed in .

” Oh , thank god , ” Macey said , running in and scooping up Casey . She hugged her tight . ” Where is Zoe ? Woah , what happened to you ? ” Macey said , looking at me . ” Huh ? ” ” You have a huge egg on your head , ” Macey shrieked , and I felt my head before touching the back and wincing . Pulling m y hand back , blood stained my fingertips . Great , that’s all I need .

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