An Italian’s Escort Lover

Chapter 29

Phoebe Point of View

One month…

One month, thirty days of time has proved me wrong to think bad about Mrs. Clara. I thought she has some hidden agenda to take me in. I thought she was just like everyone else but the way she was all these days reassured me a little about her.

The day I woke up in the unfamiliar room and had conversation with Mrs. Clara, I was forced to eat and take medicines by Mrs. Jones.

Two days of forced rest, I was ordered by Mrs. Clara, who I came to know as the lady of the mansion I was, to learn few basic delicacies of the family and was also assigned the duty of cleaning.

My pay was not bad considering the food, clothing and shelter is already taken care.

But in all those days if there was something that saddened me even more is… I’m not happy.

Despite of the freedom, despite of finally being the queen of my own life, despite the two amazing ladies who are trying to help me in one way or the other even though they dont know what my problem is.

There hasn’t been a moment I didn’t remember Nicco.

Everything reminds me of him.

The days were lonely and hurting and the night were even more. There wasn’t a night I slept without crying.

I don’t know what kind of tortures are there but this is the worst way to torture someone.

Staying away from the light of your life!

“The store room and attic has been cleaned and organized, Mrs. Jones. Is there anything else to do?” I asked the good old lady who is in charge of housekeeping and kitchen in this mansion.

“Dear me, look what this old mind has forgotten; Phoebe dear, please change the bed sheets and curtains of the room beside Lady Clara’s. Also do not forget to stock the bathroom with the essentials that I will give a list of.” Mrs. Jones ordered me in a hurry when she had a ding sound from the kitchen.

Delicious aroma of cookies and freshly baked fruit cakes wafted from the kitchen taking my breath away.

Nicco loves fruit cakes!

A memory flashed before me, of the time when Nicco took me to a café and stole my share of fruit cake too just because he couldn’t stop himself from eating it.

“That smells delicious, Mrs. Jones.” I complimented her with a small yet a sad smile.

“Ah yes, these are for Clara’s grandson. I assume he will be visiting soon for a few days.” She said smiling brightly and I can see the adoration for the grandson clearly. He must be a great person for being adored in such a way. “And these delicious cakes are a surprise to him. He is crazy about these fruit cakes and cookies.”

“Clara went to her grandson to get his butt here.” She answered my unasked question.


It’s such a lovely thing to have. To have people share everything you love and to tease with everything you hate. No amount of money, power or status can give the feeling of loved by family.

The grandson is a lucky person to have one such!

After the small chat with Mrs. Jones, I cleaned the room and filled essentials for the person who would be staying in the room. Every second I spent that room made me feel close to Nicco somehow. It was like I can feel him, his air, his smell. The grandson’s choice in everything is so close to my Nicco that it made me very sad and terrified at the same time.

After having dinner, I was about to walk my room when I noticed Mrs. Clara in the kitchen talking something very seriously in hushed tone with Mrs. Jones. I didn’t want to interrupt them so I turned around to walk back but Mrs. Jones caught me and called me.

“Mrs. Clara, how are you feeling?” I asked awkwardly when both the old ladies were giving me odd looks which spoke a lot secret between them both.

Why are they acting so weirdly today?

“Yes. I am good. Tired, though! Would you mind if I ask you to draw me a warm bath?” She asked politely but the frown on her face is speaking volumes of distress.

What must have happened to her? I haven’t seen her distressed like this ever before. She was always so calm and commanding but never distressed.

To me, she was like an Iron Lady.

“Of course. I’ll do that immediately.” I said slowly and looked between both the ladies good few seconds and turned back to leave.

I wish I could help her with whatever she is worried about if I can.

“Have you ever loved someone, Phoebe?” I heard Mrs. Clara ask me from back.

I was stunned by that question and turned back in a flash at the sum of shock that stuck me. Did I love someone? Such rhetorical question.

My eyes watered just by the mere question but swallowed up the pain and nodded slightly to them, “Yes I did.” I answered shortly.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded as if communicating with each other through eyes.

“Then why aren’t you with that person?” This time, it’s Mrs. Jones who asked in an interrogating way.

Why are they asking me all these questions?This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Did they come to know about the dark part of life? Do they doubt me?

Jitters ran inside my body when panic set inside me. My palms got sweaty and eyes lost focused. Both the ladies pinned me with their stares that I found myself unable to dodge the answer.

“I – I left that person.” I stammered when the tears set down from my eyes finally.

Mrs. Clara’s frown deepened and soon it was transformed into a scowl while Mrs. Jones nodded her head meaningfully. I don’t know what made them question me about my love life but I felt this feeling of terror.

My life was not a fortune 500 success story to be narrated; it was full of pain and misfortune. The only good thing that happened to me was Nicco who is not in my life anymore.

“Why, may I ask?” Mrs. Jones propped herself against the table. Mrs. Clara cleared her throat giving Mrs. Jones a knowing look which didn’t go unnoticed by me.

“Because – ” I sighed when a huge lump constricted my throat. “- I really loved that person. The only way I could keep him happy in the future was to go far away.”

Mrs. Clara suddenly seemed angry but I can see the hint of understanding in her eyes. I don’t know why she is asking me suddenly all this. The way she is asking me is as if she knew something about me, as if she knew whom I am talking about.

“That’s right. Sometimes leaving the person we love is the best way to saving them from a tragedy. But Phoebe, what should we do if the person we left behind, the person we loved the most is doing nothing but torturing themselves for the loss they incurred?” She asked casually.

What if?

I don’t know. The question she asked threw me off the cliff. What if Nicco was torturing himself?

Would he do that? For me?

“W-why are – you asking me that?”

“My grandson,” She stated, “He loved someone but the girl left him for no good reason. I want to know your views on the matter as you are the only youngster in the house.” Her statement is not completely believable.

She did not seem like asking me for my opinion, it was more like interrogating me.

“I wouldn’t go back if I were that girl. I don’t know she left your grandson but if the reason for leaving him was a good one then she will not go back.” I answered back truthfully and walked out of kitchen, nodding at both the ladies.

“Do you think he will understand? I wonder why you did what you did Clara.” I heard the statement made by Mrs. Jones in a hushed whisper before I ran to my room for some alone time.

Talking about Nicco again brought in new wave memories back. I thought sad memories are depressing but the happy ones are even more.

But what I don’t understand is the feeling I’m experiencing right now. I feel anxious all of sudden as if something drastic is going to hit my life again. I just don’t know if it will be for good or bad.

The last time I felt the same way, I landed myself in an escort house.

What could make me more miserable than what I had already experience?

Am I being paranoid or this is yet again my hunch?

What is coming towards me again to turn my life upside down?


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