Arrogant Boss

Chapter 26

Hmm. Either she’d gotten very cold feet all of a sudden, despite how well hit it off the week before. Or she was pissed off. Great, Julian. Somehow, I’d managed to screw this up before it had even begun.

This required a face-to-face conversation, one where I could lay the charm on thick.

Nobody saw me as I took the stairs the two floors down to see her later that afternoon, but I knew I’d be noticed as soon as I hit the marketing department.

Emily cared about her job, so I had to make sure none of the others would suspect what was going on. How? By making the rounds.

Trent was deep into his work, glasses pushed high. He looked up at me in the doorway. “Oh, hey boss. Do you need anything? I haven’t missed that we’re having a super important meeting now, have I?”

“You’re good,” I said. “I just had a few minutes and thought I’d hear how the new launch strategy is going.”

“It’s phenomenal. Josef and Sasha are working on some graphics that I think you’ll love. The original concept was actually Emily’s idea.”

“It was?”

“Yeah. Great hire. Rachel’s not in at the moment by the way. You just missed her, I think she had some appointment across town.”

“Oh.” I pretended to look disappointed. “Thank you.”

“See you around, boss.”

I strolled out and down the hallway to where I knew Emily’s office was.

Her door was ajar and I could hear the faint sound of upbeat pop music coming from inside. I couldn’t help myself-I grinned. It seemed this woman would never stop surprising me. A fierce protector of her family, an excellent pool-player, a witty conversationalist and a sugary pop fan.

I knocked.

The music was instantly shut off. “Come in!”

I leaned against the frame and watched as her face went from pleasant to guarded. Yep. I had definitely managed to annoy her.

“Pop music, huh?”

Emily closed a notebook she’d been writing in.”It makes me happy.”

“I’m sure it does, although it seems like I don’t. Are you annoyed at me, Ace?”

“Whatever would give you that impression?”

I laughed. “The fact that you’ve looked at me for about five seconds since I arrived. Or that you haven’t answered my text about rescheduling dinner.”

She looked past me into the hallway and made a quick motion with her hand. “Come in, for God’s sake. I don’t want anyone to hear you.”

Dutifully, I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. “But now you’re alone with the boss,” I pointed out. “Tongues might wag even more.”

She rose and put her hands on her hips. God, but she was luscious. I wanted to map every curve of her body, learn the terrain. Find out how she kissed and how my name sounded on her lips.

“It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

I held up placating hands. “I’m sorry for rescheduling so late. Truly.”

She flicked her dark hair back. “No worries.”

“What do you want me to do? Beg?”

She leaned against her desk and crossed slender arms across her chest. Somehow it only accentuated the curve of her waist and her breasts, making me all the more aware of her beauty. “You sound desperate, Hunt.”

“Let’s call me persistent.” Because she was a fucking catch, and I wasn’t stupid.

Emily raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t stay at home yesterday evening, you know. After you blew me off.”

“No?””No. I went out to dinner with a friend.”

Hot jealousy tore through my chest and I had to force down the unreasonable reaction. She was free to do whatever she wanted. The only thing I had was hope and the fact that she might be attracted to me. If I had competition I’d only have to work harder to prove that I was someone she could trust.

“I see,” I said smoothly, schooling my face back into impassivity. “Did you have fun?”

“Yes. As a matter of fact, we went to a really nice Italian place.”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

I grit my teeth. “The whole white table-cloth, candles and flower deal?”

She leaned forward, her eyes blazing with anger. “Yes.”

“I’m so glad. Tell me, did you two play Never Have I Ever? Did he make you blush, set your heart racing?”

She ignored my questions. “Let’s play another game. Guess who I saw at the restaurant?”


“You.” Her voice was an accusation. “Blowing me off last minute to go on a date is rather low behavior, but whatever.”

I stared at her. “What?”

“At El Vino? You were sitting in the corner.” Emily glanced down at her nails. “You were with a blonde.”

I couldn’t help it-my face split in a grin. “You’re jealous.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly, Julian. We’re friends.”

“Bullshit. You’re just as jealous as I am.”

“We’re just friends, you and I.”

“Alright, sure. So why did it bother you, seeing me with her?”

She huffed. “It’s just not decent behavior, that’s all. Canceling on a friend like that. I actually think it’s rather rude.”

I took a step closer. She might not have intended to, but she’d given a lot away. “I don’t buy it.”

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