Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 637 The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

Chapter 637 The Truth Cannot Be Hidden

"Moore, I think you should go!" Avery suggested.

Moore looked at Jean and then to Avery, he could spot the anticipation in their faces. There was no

point in arguing with these two women, for he knew he would surely lose. So he got up from his chair

and motioned to the waiter.

"Can you take me to him?"

Moore politely asked.

The waiter nodded his head without looking at him and quietly led Moore upstairs.

"Jean, do you think Gary will tell everything about Moore's past?" Avery was feeling restless so she


"Yes, I think he will. He has to," Jean blinked and said to Avery. "Otherwise, he won't send someone to

set up a meeting with Moore."

Avery toyed her hair as she was growing nervous for what might happen. She said, "I also want to

know the truth. How he might feel about everything? Do you think he can handle it?"

"Take it easy, Avery. Don't worry too much. I believe in Moore."

Jean reached for Avery's hand and comforted her.

Avery looked at her and smiled weakly. She was thankful for Jean's gesture and assurance. But

somehow, she was still worried about Moore.

Meanwhile, Moore followed the waiter up to the second floor. They stopped at the landing and at the

corner, there was an intricately hand carved wooden door.

The waiter knocked softly and said, "Mr. Bai, your guest is here."

"Let him come in." A commanding voice of Gary was heard inside the room.

The waiter retreated a few steps and gestured to Moore to go inside.

Moore came near to the door and touched the knob. Silently, he opened the door and went inside the


The room was actually a study. With vast books all neatly lined up on the bookshelves, around the four

corners of the wall. The study room was dimly lit and heavily carpeted. For Moore, it looked dismal and


His eyes shifted to the imposing array of books. He quickly scanned them and noted to himself that

these must be Gary's collection.

Ironically, he used to love this room. This had been one of his favorite places. He used to stay here

most of the time and it was the best time of his life.

He remembered he used to play hide and seek here and he would hide under the dark table.

He would run around this room and they could not find him. He was so young then.

And just like that, memories of his past came flooding back.

It was painful for Moore so he snapped out from his trance and walked closer to Gary.

But what surprised him more was an old and frail man sitting next to Gary.

The old man let out a bitter cry the minute he saw Moore.

Moore felt a pinching pain in his heart as he glanced at the old man in shock.

The old man's hair was white, weathered face and eyes that looked tired.

Moore felt nostalgic. In his heart and mind, he knew this old man. His face was familiar yet Moore

couldn't remember who he was.

Suddenly, he stopped and memories flashed through his mind. When his father was away, there was a

loving old man that stayed with him, loved him and cared for him when no one else did.

He was there when Moore felt alone and deserted in his childhood. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

The old man was his grandfather, Olin Bai.

It was a long time ago yet he never thought, not even in his dreams he would meet his grandfather


His grandfather was old now and had aged so much.

Moore felt a lump in his throat. He tried to speak but no words came out.

Olin looked at Moore and to him Moore was still his boy. A teardrop fell as he thought of everything that

had happened to his boy.

He could only mumble as he was too caught up between his sorrow and joy as he saw Moore again.

Gary walked to Moore and looked at his son. He noticed that his son was much taller than him now.

Finally, he could no longer hide his emotion and said, "Moore, I know you hate me for abandoning you.

For all the years I never bothered to explain, it was because I wanted to give your grandpa a chance."

"A chance for what?" Moore felt something was kept from him all this time, so he wanted to know the

truth now.

"In all honesty, even if you don't understand, you will always be my son. At that time, I thought it was

safe for you to live with your foster parents, away from us. I never wanted to tell the truth to you, but

you deserve to know everything. And I know if I don't tell you now, you will announce in this party to

break the relationship with the Bai family. Your grandpa insisted if he could see you tonight, so I

arranged this meeting. There are things only your grandpa can tell!"

Gary finished his words and went aside. He then threw a worried glance to Olin.

Tears continued to fell on Olin's face. He nodded to Gary to signal him that he was fine, and then he

held out his old gnarled hand to Moore.

Moore didn't hesitate and walked straight up to grab his weathered hand.


Moore choked and cried. He felt he was a young boy again, needing the love of his grandpa.

Sadness was written all over Olin's face. He lightly stroked Moore's hair and said, "My boy, how you

suffered all these years. It was my entire fault. I was the reason why you were separated from us for so

many years."

"What do you mean, grandpa?" Moore was confused with Olin's words. He gave him a quizzical look.

"Your father was framed up and was sentenced to jail back then. The only way out was for him to marry

the daughter of an influential mayor. I had him do it and I sent you away."

Olin covered his face with shame. Up to now, he still couldn't believe he could do such things.

Moore was numb. It never crossed his mind that his sufferings were planned by his trusted grandpa.

"There was no other way. We had to keep your existence hidden for their marriage to happen. The

mayor didn't want his daughter, Edna Huang, to be a stepmother of other woman's child. And so, I had

to send you away. Your father was in deep trouble that only the mayor could save him...

My boy, he didn't desert you. When he was released from the jail, he went almost crazy looking for you.

But I was scared to tell him that I sent you away and for his sake, I entrusted you to his closest friend.

Nothing was the same when you were gone. I became ill.

While your father became desolate even after Hanley was born. All these years, I blamed myself for

everything and how I suffered so much. Then one day, I told your father about you and begged him to

look for you. Your father didn't tell you the truth as he doesn't want to tarnish your fond memories of


Moore's face became very pale with shock as he listened to his grandpa. He was hazed, and it was

hard for him to believed what he said.

His loving grandfather sent him away and caused him so much pain he had to bear to this day.

Olin sacrificed his grandson to save his son.

And what about Gary?

He kept the truth away from Moore for the sake of his grandfather.

As it turned out, the person Moore hated for so many years was not the one he should hate.

And the person he shared with the fondest memories of his childhood was the same person that ruined

his life.

It's true that sometimes we needed to do things against our will for the interests of all.

But why must he be the sacrifice?

He was young and naughty, just like other boys his age. The mayor didn't like him at all and so they

came up with an excuse for not allowing his daughter Edna to marry his father. And of course, his

grandfather abandoned him to carry on with his plan.

It was hard for Moore to accept this and he didn't want to.

It's a painful truth for him.

This was far from what he was expecting.

Why must he suffer? He felt he was back being as young boy again, alone and abandoned in a place

he didn't belong.

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