Baby Daddy Facade

Chapter 35: It wasn`t even a competition.

Chapter 35: It wasn`t even a competition.

"At the Centre of nonviolence stands the principle of love." ~ Martin King Luther Jr.


Angelo Le roux.

"Yaya stop." I said turning away from her. "Remember you said you wanted to wait for our wedding night." I added but the truth is, I didn't feel aroused, i didn't want to sleep with her.

"I know, it's just-" she pouted climbing off me.

"It's okay." I gave her an assuring smile. I didn't understand why it took a long time for my dick to stand up whenever I was with her but it didn't even take a second whenever I was with Raina. Even if she had not touched me, her voice sent electric waves into my body.

"We need to get going my mom said we should be there by five pm." I stood up while checking my wrist watch. She immediately frowned. "Babe your mom is kind of boring, you would rather hang out with her than have fun here with me ?" She said batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.

"Yasmine, she is my mom. I don't know what went down with your parents but I adore mine." She wasn't even inviting her parents to the wedding and that said alot about their relationship. I let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you coming or not? So I can tell her not to include your plate." I questioned.

"I don't even have an outfit." She whined and I mentally rolled my eyes, i was getting sick of her and I didn't want to. I wanted to convince myself that all couples go through this before their wedding. All couples start showing their true colors before the wedding day.

"It's just dinner with my parents and Brad, you don't need an outfit for that." I felt like I was talking to my teenage daughter.

"It's just dinner with my parents nywe nywe nywe..." she mimicked my voice. "ANGELO YOU DON'T GET ME, I'M NOT RAINA WHO JUST WAKES UP AND DRESSES UP IN ANY SHITTY CLOTHING. I HAVE CLASS, ISN'T THAT WHY YOU CHOOSE ME OVER YOUR FUCK BUDDY FOR YEARS ?" She yelled waving her arms in all sorts of ways that just aggravated me even more.

"Why does this even have anything to do with Raina ?" I asked her, my voice becoming deeper because I was on the verge of losing my shit.


"What has she ever done to you ?" I stared at her trying to contemplate what I had just gotten myself into.

"She has your attention, she just has you on her leash-" Yasmine was suddenly sobbing and I felt bad. "Oh and you had sex with her when we were still dating right ?" She asked but I was sure she knew the answer to the question she was asking. I couldn't say a word, nothing was good enough to say. A part of me wanted to admit it and another part of me wanted to deny it.

"Alma told me that you had slept over at her place when I went to New York Fashion week." She said in a much calmer voice. "Did you enjoy it so much because that's all you have been moaning when we are having sex ?" She let out a shaky laugh. She was clearly hurt but I didn't regret anything especially being with Raina that night, I would do it again.

"I'm leaving, you will find me there if you decided to come ?" I grabbed my car keys and banged the door behind me. Immediately after I heard glass shatter, i wasn't going to talk to her when she was still in this state. For all I know she was crazy enough to kill me and I wasn't patient enough to deal with her. I didn't understand why I wasn't taking this as seriously as I should. Infact i only seemed calm about the whole situation.


Raina Williams.

"Kids go play with Fierdo, outside." Martha instructed the twins and they continuously laughed.

"Okay gran." They yelled in unison and Fierdo sternly barked and wagged his tail. It was really cute. Martha had asked me to help her bake a couple of cakes and cookies for the charity event she was hosting at the church. Time went by so fast, Martha even taught me a new Dutch recipes. We laughed alot, i didn't know why but I honestly adored this woman and I know she did too.

"Daddy Daddy daddy." I heard the twins yelling on the other end of the house. I immediately frowned, no one had told me that he would be here.

"Angelo you are already here ? where's Yaya ?" Martha asked wiping the flour off her hands so she could give her son a hug.

He's gaze was on mine and I knew it even though, I wasn't looking at him. "Hey mom." He hugged his dear mother and I just awkwardly made myself busy.

"Uhm i was just about to leave, Martha thank you so much." I said immediately before he said anything else.

"Nonsense darling you should stay." Martha said but I wasn't going to take that after what happened last time.

"Where is Yasmine ?" She asked Angelo who didn't seem like himself.

"I'm here, I'm here." Her voice came out from no where. I could see the disappointment on both Martha and Angelo's faces. "Brad is here too." They both entered the kitchen. I removed the messy apron and grabbed my cars keys.

"And where exactly do you think you are going ?" Yaya challenged me standing tall with her six inches Louboutin.

"I don't want to intrude so I should just leave..." I said in the most calm voice.

"You should stay Raina." Brad gave me a quirky smile.

"Shut up Brad." Yaya snarled at him before turning back to me. "I think you have intruded enough considering you have been fucking my fianc??." She crossed her arms. I was embarrassed because this was in front of Angelo's mother who saw the best in me suddenly Angelo's father appeared on the doorway of the huge kitchen.

"What's with all the noise ? and young lady mind your language. My grandkids are here." He towered over her with his 6'4 height.

"So you condon Angelo and her cheating on me ? does that sound okay to you ?" She shook her blonde waves in disbelief.

"You are no longer my bridesmaid and as far as I'm concerned you are not invited to my wedding and I don't ever want to see you near my husband unless you are bringing your filthy kids-" i immediately have her a hot clap on her left cheek.

"Call me a hoe, a slut whatever you want but don't you dare talk about my kids like that. You can have Angelo, he is all yours. Does he look like someone who is into smart Brunettes with a proper career, no he is into dumb blondes like you, so congratulations you won even though it was wasn't a competition." I continued walking away and I wasn't going to leave my kids with this witch. All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I'm going to charge you with assault." She said with her hand on her left cheek.

"Go ahead, the law is something I work with everyday so good luck." I smirked and I think I saw Richard smile and Martha as if they were proud of me. Brad wanted to burst into tears from laughter.

"I'm just going to leave with Raina." Brad said awkwardly.

"Angelo you are just going to let her get away with it ?" She looked at him.

"Shut up, Yasmine. I can't even stand you right now." Angelo said in an aggravated tone.

I went to get my kids and immediately left while reversing out of the driveway. "Mom, I'm proud of you." Ashton grinned. "You beat the witch." Ashley giggled in the back seat. At that moment I knew this was something I should have done a long time ago. It felt good to be in control.

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