Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Seventy nine

Kamille’s POV

Leaning on the door, I felt my breath quicken and the urge to place my hands on my chest, but my hands were occupied with the kid’s pizza and ice cream.

“Why the hell did I let him kiss me like that?” I questioned myself, my mind spinning with uncertainty. “Was it just a moment of weakness, or was there something more?”

Lost in my thoughts, I stood there in the hallway, grappling with conflicting emotions. Part of me was drawn to Chris, his kindness and I also felt sorry for him because of what he had to go through. But another part of me was wary, feeling unsure of what was actually going on.

“Miss Kamille?”

I turned as Nanny Dona’s warm voice broke through the silence, pulling me back to reality.

“Is everything okay?” Nanny Dona asked, her tone filled with concern.

Startled, I turned to face Nanny Dona, my mind racing as I tried to compose myself. “Yes, everything’s fine,” I replied, forcing a smile despite the uncertainty that was gnawing at my insides. “I was just… lost in thought.”

Nanny Dona studied me for a moment, her eyes filled with understanding. “I hope your outing went well?” she asked gently, her voice laced with empathy.

I hesitated, unsure of how to articulate what I was feeling inside. “It went well,” I admitted softly, my voice barely above a whisper. “I just… I’m not sure what to make of something.”

Nanny Dona nodded understandingly, her expression kind and reassuring. “It’s okay to feel confused,” she reassured me, her words a comforting balm to my troubled soul. “Just remember to listen to your heart, Miss Kamille. It will guide you in the right direction.”

Her words resonated with me, offering a sense of clarity amidst the uncertainty. Taking a deep breath, I nodded slowly.

“Thank you, Nanny Dona,” I said sincerely. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

I couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt for startling her. “I’m sorry, Nanny Dona,” I apologized, my voice tinged with regret. “I’m sure I must’ve startled you, didn’t mean to alarm you. It was just me coming in.”

Nanny Dona nodded understandingly, her warm smile putting me at ease. “No need to apologize, dear,” she reassured me, her gentle tone soothing my frazzled nerves. “I just wanted to make sure everything was alright.”

Grateful for her concern, I handed her the pizza and ice cream, offering a sheepish smile. “Thank you, Nanny Dona,” I said sincerely.

With a reassuring pat on my shoulder, Nanny Dona led the way back into the living room where we joined my kids in the living room.

As I entered the cozy living room, the sight of my children filled me with warmth and joy. “Hello my darlings,” I greeted them with a smile, their excited faces lighting up at the sound of my voice. “How are you guys doing?”

The kids all chimed in at once, their words tumbling over each other in excitement. “We were waiting for you mummy!” Royer exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “We can’t wait to watch our favorite cartoon!”

I chuckled at their exuberance, settling down beside them on the couch. “That sounds like a blast,” I replied, ruffling their hair affectionately. “Let’s set our good time rolling then,”

Nanny Dona helped to serve them the pizza and ice cream as they settled in front of the TV. We chatted about their day and shared stories from the movie.

Eventually, the kids began to yawn, their eyelids growing heavy with sleep. With Nanny Dona’s help, we brushed their teeth and got them ready for bed.

“I’ll take my leave now Ms Kamille,” Nanny Dona said once the kids were all ready for bed.

“Thank you so much, Dona, have a great night’s rest,” I replied. With a fond farewell, she headed out the door, leaving me alone in the quiet of the house.

With a contented sigh, I made my way to each of my children’s rooms, tucking them in with loving kisses and whispered words of affection.

Then I walked back into my room, had a warm bath, and went to bed.


As I tossed in bed to the incessant ringing of my phone, with the morning light streaming in through the open window.

With a groan, I reached for my buzzing phone, squinting at the bright screen through bleary eyes.

As I scrolled through the notifications, my heart sank at the sight of numerous missed calls from Amanda and Belle.

What could they possibly want at this ungodly hour?NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Rolling my eyes, I dialed their numbers and initiated a video call, preparing myself for their inevitable barrage of questions.

As their faces appeared on the screen, I couldn’t help but scowl at their cheerful expressions.

“What’s up with all the missed calls?” I grumbled, my voice thick with sleepiness.

Amanda and Belle exchanged knowing glances before bursting into laughter, much to my annoyance. “We just wanted to know how your night went,” Amanda replied, her tone teasing.

I narrowed my eyes at them suspiciously. “I’m yet to forgive you two for having something to do with Chris showing up last night,” I accused, feigning hurt.

Belle feigned innocence, her expression exaggeratedly innocent. “Us? Come on,” she protested, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

I huffed in annoyance, crossing my arms over my chest. “Well, you wasted your efforts because nothing happened,” I declared stubbornly, refusing to admit that their matchmaking had any effect on me.

The three of us bantered back and forth for a while, trading playful jabs and teasing remarks.

As our conversation came to an end, we shared a round of laughter and well-wishes, the tension of earlier dissipating into the air. With a final wave, we ended the call, each of us returning to our respective days with a smile on our faces.

The rest of the morning began as usual. Get the kids cleaned up, breakfast, and Nanny Dona’s arrival.

This is the point where I go into my study, but no!

Once I was done with the plates in the kitchen, I went back into my room. I was not feeling up and about to work. My mind was torn into diverse thoughts.

Chris, Zeke, Ellen, the lawyer, and that letter.

I retreated back into the comfort of my room, and with a sigh, I sank onto the edge of my bed, my thoughts drifting aimlessly as I stared blankly at the wall before me.

I knew I should be focusing on work, and on tending to the needs of my family, but the mere thought of exerting any effort felt overwhelming.

But more pressing than work was the letter. I needed to reach the lawyer. I picked up my phone and checked the last mail we sent. There had been no feedback yet.

I typed a message reminding the lawyer of our meeting, and then I sent the message and waited for feedback.

While waiting, I idly scrolled through my phone and finally decided to settle on a video game. While playing, a sudden chime interrupted my game.

Glancing down at the screen, I noticed a message notification from the lawyer. With a quickening pulse, I tapped on the message, my heart racing with anticipation as I eagerly awaited its contents.

As the words illuminated the screen before me, a surge of excitement coursed through my veins.

Be on the lookout,

The mail will be delivered to your home address soon.

I slowly stood up and went down to the living room. I walked to the window and looked out. There was no one there.

Just as I was about to close the curtains, I noticed a man dressed in black, riding a black bike with a black helmet on.

He alighted from his bike and dropped a letter into my mailbox and as his bike zoomed off, I shakily walked outside and retrieved the letter.

Back in the safety of my home, I opened and read the letter.

We’re about to make our big move.

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