Barren Heiress Returns With Quadruplet

Thirty three

Kamille’s POV

Like a whirlwind, the memory that Zeke is still married to Ellen hit me. How could I have entertained such thoughts, even for a moment? Zeke was a married man, and I was simply his ex and nothing more! What was I even thinking? I let emotions that engulfed me since Royer’s accident cloud my mind.


Turning to Zeke, I managed to compose myself. “I really appreciate your gesture, but don’t worry, Zeke. I’ll call my friends over and over. I’m sure they’ll love to help out with the kids. I don’t want to inconvenience you more than I already have.”

As I spoke, I located my purse that was brought in by his security alongside the kids. I take out my phone

“I’ll be waiting outside for you.” He said, taking a step towards the door.

I was about to nod, but something inside me hesitated.

Did he not hear me turn down his offer?

“Zeke.” I called out. “You really do not have to stay.” I said, my voice firm.

There’s a moment of silence between us, his gaze searching mine for any sign of hesitation or doubt. And then, almost hesitantly, he asks, “Can I talk to you outside?”

“Of course.” I reply, offering him a small smile.

Before I leave, I turn to my children, who are still gathered around Royer’s bedside, their faces filled with concern and love. “Be good, okay?” I tell them, my voice gentle yet firm. “Don’t touch your brother’s head. He’s still weak.”

Reon steps forward, his young face filled with determination. “Don’t worry, mummy.” He says confidently. “I’ll watch over them.”

I smile at him, a swell of pride filling my chest at his maturity and sense of responsibility. “Thank you, sweetheart.” I murmur, before turning to follow Zeke out of the room.

As we stepped into the hallway, the soft click of the door closing behind us echoed in the corridor. I met his gaze, searching for any hint of his intentions in the depths of his eyes. But his expression remained unreadable.C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

I gathered some courage and broke the silence that hovered us. “I’m sorry.” I began, my words hesitant as if carefully chosen. “I hate to have imposed my problems on you, to have burdened you with my issues.”

“But Kamille, you’ll never ever be a burden to me, okay?” He insisted, his eyes pleading with me to understand. “Everything I did, I did because I wanted to. Because I care about you, about Royer, about your Kids. So please, never feel like you’re a burden to me.”

“Thank you, Zeke.” I whispered, my voice choked with emotion. “You saved my baby, and I’ll be grateful to you forever.”

I turned away, ready to walk back to Royer’s room. But before I could take a single step, Zeke reached out, his hand closed around mine with a gentle yet firm grip.

“Please Kamille, Let me stay.” He said in a defeated tone. “Don’t send me away, Kamille.” He implored his voice raw with emotion. “I promise I won’t get in your way. I just want to be here, for whenever you need me. Please.”

With a shaky breath, I nodded, my voice barely above a whisper. “Okay, Zeke.” I murmured, my hand tightening around his. “You can stay.”

“Thank you.” He said grimly and walked out.

I let out a heavy sigh as I reached for my phone, fingers trembling as I navigated to my contacts list. Finding Amanda and Belle’s numbers, I initiate a conference call.

“Hey Besties, What’s up?” Amanda’s voice crackled through the line, clearly ignorant of what had befallen me.

“Hey Amy. A lot is wrong at the moment.” Came my short reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “It’s Royer. He’s been in an accident.”

Silence greeted my words, punctuated only by the sound of Belle’s sharp intake of breath. “Oh my God, Kamille.” She gasps, her voice laced with panic. “Is he okay? Where are you? We’re coming right now.”

I swallow hard, the lump in my throat threatening to choke me. “He’s stable now and is with his siblings. We’re at Reid Hospital.” I managed to choke out.

“Of course, Kamille.” Amanda says, her voice steady despite the fear that hung in the air. “We’ll be there as soon as we can. Just hold on, okay?”

“Thank you.” I whispered in gratitude and with that, I ended the call.

In no time, Amanda and Belle rushed into the hospital room, their faces etched with concern, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I fell into their arms for a warm embrace before leading them to Royer’s room.

“Oh Royer baby, I’m sorry for what happened,” Belle said warmly to him.

“Get well soon okay?” Amanda added. Royer nodded his head tiredly but his siblings were still engaged in their lively chatter with Amanda and Belle.

Once the chattering with the kids had subsided, I led them out to the lounge area of the private ward. Taking a seat beside them, I launched into the details of what had transpired, recounting the events of the evening with a heavy heart.

“I left the kids with Nanny Dona and went on a date with Chris.” I said to them, my voice barely above a whisper. “And now… now Royer is lying in that hospital bed because of me.”

Belle, ever the voice of reason, reached out to place a comforting hand on my arm. “Kamille, there’s nothing wrong with you wanting to have a life of your own.” She reassured me, her gaze steady and unwavering. “You’re a young woman, you deserve love and happiness. If Christopher is a good guy, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go out with him.”

I nodded, grateful for her words of encouragement, but the guilt still gnawed at the edges of my conscience. “But what if… what if it’s my fault?” I whispered, the words catching in my throat.

Amanda shook her head, her expression fierce with determination. “It’s not your fault, Kamille.” She insisted, her voice ringing with conviction. “You didn’t cause Royer’s accident. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs, and all we can do is navigate them as best as we can.”

“Funny thing is Zeke gave the same responses as you guys.” I chuckled lightly.

“Zeke?” Both of them said at the same time, confusion etched across their faces.

“Yes, Zeke.” I recounted Zeke’s unexpected appearance outside the restaurant, to helping me bring Royer to the hospital.

He was there. He… he saved Royer.

Their eyes widened in surprise, “Zeke saved Royer?” Amanda repeated, her voice filled with incredulity.

“Yes.” I confirmed, my voice barely above a whisper. “He was outside the restaurant when the accident happened. He… he rushed to Royer’s side, called for help… he saved him.”

Silence descended upon us, the weight of my words hanging in the air like a heavy shroud. What was Zeke doing outside the restaurant thisl evening?

“Sorry to raise this now, I just thought it best to inform you now. I’ve sent the evidence of Liz’s maltreatment to the blogger.” Amanda announced. “It’ll be released on the morning of her fight.”

I paused from my thoughts and raised my face to meet theirs. “Thank you, ladies.” I murmured, my voice thick with emotion. “Thank you for all your hard work.”

“You’re welcome Kam.” They both responded.

“Alright ladies.” I smiled. “It’s time to tuck the kids into bed.” I declared, rising from my seat with a sense of purpose. “The doctor said Royer needs enough rest.”

With a nod of agreement, we made our way back to the hospital room. Just as we neared the room, Zeke intercepted us, his expression serious yet determined.

“I’m sorry ladies, but I’d love to steal Kamille for a moment. Can I?” He asked, his voice low.

I exchanged a quick glance with Amanda and Belle. “Okay.” They replied and went into the room, leaving Zeke and I outside.

Once we were out of earshot, Zeke wasted no time in getting straight to the point. “Uhh, you know you can use my penthouse, it’s close to the hospital.” He began, his tone firm yet oddly gentle. “Your friends can stay in the ward with the kids.”

I blinked. I could not afford to be in the same space with Zeke alone, again.

“But what about you?”I asked, confusion clouding my thoughts.

He shook his head, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes. “I won’t be there.” He replied simply, his voice tinged with resignation. “And only one person is allowed to stay with the patient.”

My heart sank at his words, the reality of our situation crashing down upon me with brutal force. “What am I going to do?” I whispered, panic rising in my chest. “I’m not even with their clothes and other necessary things.”

But Zeke’s response was swift and reassuring. “Don’t worry, Kamille.” He said, his voice soothing. “My men have already gone to get what the kids need. Everything will be taken care of.”

I stood there staring at Zeke fully without abating my eyes. Was he the same Zeke I was married to for three years? So what changed? Was it the kids? I know their resemblance is evident, but could that be why he is getting close to me so he can take the kids away from me?

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