Bedmates Soulmates


His Achiles Heel

"Austyn's probably on his way here right now shall leave your body home for him?"

Kira's heart almost stopped

She had never faced death in such an upfront, terrifying way

as a psychopath.

Henry McCarthy was a

She should have polled the trigger four prars ago.

Kira stood rooted to the spot, paralysed by fear.

'You should be grateful, you know. Henry twirled the gun around its trigger guardnoveldrama

He could kill the woman anytime he wanted, but it was more fun watching her struggle.

He was waiting to see if she would sink to her knees to beg for her lide.

"I told Austyn to erase you four years ago, after he identified Leland Hewitt as a viable organ donor. But he was too soft. He went with the indirect approach. I stepped back and let him do this way, as a test. I wanted to see if he had what it took to become my successor. Sadly, he failed.

Kira couldn't tear her eyes away from the black muzzle

The door behind Henry was slightly ajar

She thought she heard crying

Agit's crying

Kira dug har nails into her thighs, using the pain to force herself to stay focused.

Not only did he fail to eliminate you, he committed a worse by talling in love with you" Henry talked about his son as if he was a good-for-nothing.

Disappointment was verr I

r large on his wrinkled face.

"He was going to sacrifice his mother's life just so he could continue screwing you. Henry scrunched up his nose in disgust. 'What does he see in you, anyway? When's he going to learn that women are disposable? There's always younger, prettler fresh meat available." His gaze travelled over Kira's bloodless face down to her chest. "You are a regular modern-day Helen of Troy. Both of my sons threw themselves at your feet. Even the Garnet man wis willing to sacrifice his conscience for you. I owe him a debt of gratitude, you know. Without him, the transplant surgery wouldn't have gone so smoothly,"

Kira's head snapped up

She couldn't believe what she just heard

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Pure Evil

Was Henry implying that Gideon had something to do with her father's death?"

How was that possible?

Henry took is her strook

He chuckled. "Ah, it seems that you were kept in the dark about this. When god gave you beauty, he must have forgotten to give you a brain to go with it. You really don't know w are your entendes and who are your friends, eh?" 'You are lying' Kira clenched both hands.

She reminded herself not to fall for Henry's trap.

The sun was a mister manipulator.

He was just saying this to get to her.

He was toying with her, like a cat toying with a mouse.

'Believe it or not, it's up to you" Henry shrugged.

Hecast his mind back to the day Gideon Games came to him

The man thought he was bringing valuable intel by telling Henry about Leland Hewitt, but he didn't know that Henry was well aware of Leland's existence

Henry played along, even agreed to help Gamer gama foothold in Stamford

He was interested to see how far Garner could get.

The following four years proved that Gamer was indeed as ruthless as he expected, maybe more so than Austyn.

When his power grow, so did his ego.

In another couple of years, Gamer could become a threat to Henry's dominance in Stamford.

Thinking of this, Henry cast another appraising look at Kim

The Hewill woman seemed to hold quite some sway over both Austyn and iden

Maybe he could use her to get rid of two problems at once.

Hearysmed. "Ichanged my mind. I'm not going to kill you."

Instead of rebel, allura felt was more dread

She eyed the old man wandy.

*Menelaus launched the Trojan War for Helen, Let's see how far Austyn's willing to go for you. Henry placed the gun back into its holster.

His smile tumed sinister. "What I bring both Gideon and Austyn here? What tell them to all each other if they want you to live? Who do you think will win?"

The smile grew wider. I can supply them with weapons, it'll be like an old-fashioned duel"

The malicious glee in his eyes made Kira's fleshcawl

This was a man who was playing with his son's life for sport.

It was at that moment that Kira realised she was standing in the presence of pure evil.

Henry glanced around the room. I need to move you someplace else I don't want to get blood on my furniture

Kira's body tensed.

'Master! Sebastian called out loudly from dow

downstairs. "Someone's here!"

'Must be my dear son, Henry said nonchalantly. "I'll go have a chat with harm,

Hestrolled out of the room. "You two, take her away. Use the back staircase."

"res, Master!

The two guards who took Kira to this house in the morning appeared in the open doorway.

Come with us, Misa Hewit

Kira shrank back

She would not let herself be used as bait in Henry's diabolical pane

She treated to the window and fell back into a armchair.

The taller man came forward "Miss Hewitt, stop wasting our time

a thought she heard a knocking from the window behind her, but maybe it was her hallucination

Thera mali grabbed Kira's arm, yanking her to her fert

"Hal" She struggled madly and kicked out at the man, helding ants the armchair.

'Don't make me punch you, the inan growled 'I don't like hiting wonen

Milan her teeth this forearin

bok The man shook her off

Kira Hungbar kwar

Iper final smashed but the

The next instant, the window next to her exploded.

Kira screamed and cowered in terror, covering her head with both hands

Afigureshot out of the hole where the window used to be and lunged at the taller guard

He delivered a swift and powerful kick to the guard's stomach, knocking him to the ground.

The shorter guard reached for his weapon, but the intruder got there before him.

The guard felt acrushing pain in his jaw before the world went black in front of him. Miss Hewitt, you can get up now. Mind the broken glass

Kiraopened her eyes as

She shot to her feet, her eyes gleaming with joy and surprise. "It's you!"

Austyn Incapacitated Sebastian before the man could draw his weapon.

He swept the downstairs tooms with a Glock 19, a loan from Luca

'Daddy!" Jente's excited face greeted him behind the door of a guest bedroom

Austyn quickly stuck the gun into his waistband and spread out his arms for the little girl

Jenle was in tears. 'Daddy'

Joshua came up to him quietly

"Are you hurt? Austyn reached out a hand to pat the boy's shoulder.

Jennie wrapped both arms around his neck "No! But Joshua is!

"What? What happened? Astyn ran his eyes over the boy.

Joshua didn't appear to have any visible injuries.

Grandpa Henry tried to hit me Joshua protected me!!

He's not your grandpal' Austyn barked.

Jane Winched startled by his frosty tone.

"Sarry, honey! Austyn stroked her back I didn't mean to scare you. It's just.

He took a deep breach and turned to Joshua"

The boy modded

Yourdd a good job protecting your sister. Daddy's very proud of you.'

Joshuacouldn't help but smile.

Ausen stood up with Jente still in his arms. 'Kal

Yes, Boss. The autant appeared in the open doorway. No one else downstairs.

Take the kids will you keep them safe

Wilde, Boss!

Kaleached for Jennie's bad tome on, Intle girl

See reluctant to be parted from Austyn.

Came on, Jennie," Joshuseeder 'Mury is waiting for us at home

Welock Bath kids out of the mom

'Stop Henry' wake Boomed from the toped the staire

Kal picked up his pace,aling for the front does.

Honey pastured at the two guards standing behind

'No one's allowed to leave today!

He took in Sebastian's prone figure on the living room floor. 'Don't adres his wegen and amed it at the guards

Witness At His Murder Trial

Henry glared at the police captain, who pretended not to notice.

Kallet with the kids quickly.

Austyn waited till he heard the sound

and of a car driving away from the house.

Henry came down the stairs to stand in front of him. "Who?"

'Don't play dumb with me!" Austyn shouted. "Where's Kira

Henry assessed the situation instantly.

He had two men on his side, not including Sebastian.

Austyn stood with Loca and two more police offiers, both armed.

Three against four

And the kids were gone.

Henry was at a disadvantage.

But he still had an ace up his sleeve.

He just needed to stall long enough for Wright and Minez to take the Hewitt woman away.

Thirling of this Haury relaxed.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I only invited the kids here for dinner. As for your wife. She and are not exactly on friendly terms, you know." Austyn pushed past him and heeded for the stars "Hey! Henry gestured to his guards. 'Stop him!"

"Don't mow' Lucashouted

"Uncle Henry Luca smiled. Are you sure you want your men to draw their weapons in front of the police?"

They have a license to carry." Henry said coldly.

"But do they have a license to shoot at police officers? Luca kept his weapon trained on the nearest guard. 'Humphreys, Higgins, relieve them of their weapons, "Yes, Captain."

"Loca O'Neill "Annoyance tilted across Henry's eye. Are you sure you want to go up against me?

"I'm not going up against anybody! Lucashrugged. 'I'm just upholding the law."

"What low says you can enter a private property without permission?

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