Beloved Wife Of The God Of War

Chapter 62 Donna, I'll Make You Pay

Chapter 62 Donna, I'll Make You Pay

Derrick walked in at this moment and stood quietly by a side. He had promised the Grandwar masters

not to interfere in their judgement. He had been accused of being bias and if that goes on, there would

be a rebellion so this time, he gave the Grandwar masters the sole privilege of judging this case.

"I have something to show you on my phone," Coleen said. "Can you give me my phone, please?"

Coleen's phone had been seized from him when he was about to be arrested.

A Grandwar master immediately ordered the officer in charge of prisoner's phone to bring his phone at

once. Everyone waited until Coleen's phone was brought.

"Please untie me," Coleen demanded and his hands was immediately untied but his legs were still

chained. He was then able to handle the phone very well. He browsed through the message's section

in order to show the Grandwar masters the messages that he received from Donna. That would be the

best prove that can implicate Donna.

Unfortunately, he didn't see any of Donna's messages. His eyes lit up in fear, "someone deleted the

messages of my phone."

The officers in charge of phones was yet to leave so he quickly spoke, "General Charles, please be

mindful of what you say. What do you mean by your messages were deleted. We have no right to

check anyone's phone unless we are instructed and we were not instructed to check your phone so we

just kept it alongside that of other prisoners."

"You are lying, you deleted the messages, "Coleen accused.

"General Coleen, what's the content of the 'deleted message?'" One of the Grandwar masters asked.

"Sergeant major Donna had sent me a text telling me that the wine was poisoned and that was why I

acted up. That was why I quickly spoke up but after they confirmed that the wine isn't poisoned, I was

thrown out for being a nuisance," he said.

Everyone thought quietly about what he said then one of the grandwar masters said to the junior officer

who was in charge of handling prisoner's phone, "bring sergeant major Donna here."

At once, the junior officer fled away.

A few minutes later, Donna walked in with the junior officer.

"Donna, General Coleen accused you of sending him a message, telling him that the wine is poisoned,"

one of the grandmaster's said.

"I?" Donna looked at Coleen and said, "General Coleen, are you alright?"

"Pretend as if you didn't send me a text, you bitch. You made someone delete the text messages on

my phone so I wouldn't have prove, right?" Coleen asked with a sorrowful heart.

Still maintaining a look of ignorance, Donna turned to the grandwar masters and said, "I'm afraid I have

no idea what General Coleen is talking about." Then she stepped back.

Coleen felt badly hurt. Is this how he would die? As a young man, he had many dreams and aspirations

but it seemed this is where all we end.

"General Coleen, you have no prove... We still believed that you know about the apple that was

poisoned," one of the Grandwar masters said.

"Of course I was aware and that was why I acted up at the party but I didn't do it. Donna send me a text

after I was thrown out of the grandmaster's lonuge that it's the apple that is poisoned and not the wine.

But no one will listen to me if I say it. Plus who knows if she wanted to make me look like a nuisance

again so I just ignored it and went away," Coleen said.

Katherine believed what Coleen is saying even though his words doesn't make sense to anyone.

One of the Grandwar masters removed the dagger and said, "General Coleen, any last word?"

He said as he walked up to her.

Coleen looked at Katherine and said, "Katherine, I was used by Donna to set you up but I never had

any negative intentions. I agreed to the first deal we had cause of my sick mother but after seeing how

wicked she turns out to be, I told her to fuck off and that I don't wish to have anything to do with her

again. But she kidnapped my mom and told me to only agree to follow you to your promotion party at

the grandmaster's lounge."

He continued sadly, "I asked why she wanted me to go with you but she refused to tell ms. She said if I

didn't follow you, she will not release my mother. That was why I had to smartly play my card to follow

you but still I have no evil in intention, this was why I quickly stopped everyone from taking the drink I

thought was poisoned. I reacted that way because of the message I received from Donna telling me the

food is poisoned."

He concluded, "tell my mom I'm sorry when you find her. I made her many promises that I can't fulfill. I

know no one believes what I'm saying but Donna needs to be sent away from Western Ocean City

cause she's a devil. She will cause the ruin and loss of this city if she remains here. Katherine, thanks

for being a good friend. The time I spent with you, eventhough it's short, it enjoyable. And I'm sorry

once again." Then he looked at the grandmaster holding the dagger and sighed.

The grandmaster took the sharp knife to his throat but Katherine suddenly shouted, "stop!" She even

stood from her knees which is against the rule.

"He's my blood brother, you must not kill him," Katherine said.

"General Katherine, what came upon you? First you break a rule by standing up, secondly, you are

giving a grandwar master a command?" A Grandwar master asked.

"I was sent from Eastern Ocean City to help your soldiers heal, I'm not a permanent officer here."

Katherine said.

"That doesn't matter, foreign military officer or civilian, as long as they step their foot inside the base,

the rules and regulations of the government binds on them. Being a temporary officer doesn't evade

you from our law nor it's consequences." The first grandwar master that had been speaking


"Honestly, nobody cares if General Coleen is your blood brother or not. Even if your mother or your

child breaks our rule, they will be killed," The second Grandwar master said.

"Did you not see how Marshall killed Surgeon General Wendi's brother. Despite how Surgeon General

Wendi was pleading for him to be pardoned, Marshall was merciless and slaughtered him. We don't let

anyone who break our rules and live." The third Grandwar master said.

"Then I would resign and leave Western Ocean City immediately and never come back. Your soldiers

still need my medical skills," she said.

Of course, ninety percent of the injured Western Ocean City soldiers have healed completely, and

that's because of the high medical skill of Katherine. The remaining ten percent would definitely heal

complete as well as long as Katherine is here.

The Grandwar masters then looked at Derrick, they didn't know what to do at this moment.

When Derrick saw that they wanted him to interfere in the issue, he said, "I already gave you Grandwar

masters the authority to judge this matter as you please. Please don't involve me."

The Grandwar masters then called themselves to a corner to quickly agree on what to do.

While the Grandwar masters were having the quick meeting, Coleen spoke to Katherine, "why did you

have to lie that we are blood related just to save me? If it's my fate to die, I can't really escape it."

"Your mom is dead, you shouldn't die as well," Katherine broke the sad news to him. Katherine found

out Tammy was dead on the day she had promised to come and treat her. Katherine can already guess

that it was Julie and Burnett who killed her. Perhaps, they overheard Tammy telling her the truth.

Burnett and Julie killed Charles in the past just to set her up for murder and make her biological

parents, Mrs Kate and her husband hate her and now they killed Tammy. She will revenge hard on

those two heartless souls.

"My mom is dead?" Coleen screamed in pain, "tell me it's not true," Coleen fell to his knees and began

to cry. He could feel his heart ripping apart. The heartbreak he was experiencing was so intense.

Katherine didn't know how to inform that his mother had died ever since she finds out. She knew it will

break him so bad but at this point, she had to let him know.

"I can't bear these... Oh no! Mama can not die....I made lots of promises to her. She's the reason

behind my achievement, I want to repay her... Oh mama... How can you leave me in this cold world

alone," he slumped to the floor and sobbed aggressively.

Katherine felt pitiful for Coleen, but that woman wasn't even his real parents. Their real parents are Mr.

Wayne and Mrs. Kate. If only he knows. But seeing that the sick woman had been there for him as his

mother for a very long time, she could understand his pain.

When the Grandwar masters came around, they were surprised to see Coleen sobbing aggressively.

"General Katherine, of course we still need your help to heal our remaining soldiers but the injured

soldiers left are few, even if they did not heal, they won't make a difference when the war commece so

if you decide to leave at this point, we do not care," the first grandwar master said.

"But we value every lives of our soldiers so we'll be civil with you." The second Grandwar master said

and added, "If you can't watch us kill General Coleen, they we will strip him off his rank in the military

and ban him from Western Ocean City. All our officers in the border will be given instruction to shoot

him on sight if he ever appears at the border of our city in the future."

"But he will live?" Katherine asked to confirm, that was a better option. "I choose the later."

At once, the Grandwar masters stripped Coleen off his rank and blacklisted his name. They announced

it on their social media account that same moment.

"Coleen, you have two hours to vanish from Western Ocean City. And don't ever return cause the day

you do, you will be killed on sight," The third Grandwar master declared.

It has always been Coleen's dream to be a god of war someday and that is why he had worked hard

over the years but unfortunately, his dream had been cut short. His career is ruined, his name is

damaged and his mother is dead.

Katherine helped Coleen stand from the floor, "Coleen, I have a house in Eastern Ocean City, please

go there. When I'm done here, I'll come to meet you and explain better to you how we are blood


Coleen, who was now standing on his feet looked at Donna and said, "you did this to me. I'll never

forget." Then he was escorted out by Katherine.

Katherine drove him to the border of Western Ocean City and gave him the address of her house. She

also told him to contact her often if he ever needs anything and also gave him a huge sum of money.

Katherine watched as Coleen stepped out of the borders of Western Ocean City.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Coleen turned and seeing Katherine standing on the lands of his home country, and realizing that he

will never be able to step his foot on that ground again, his already shattered heart felt like it was being

pierced with a sharp knife.

"Bye brother," Katherine said with tears streaming down her face. It's sad that she didn't get to spend a

lot of time having fun with her own brother but at least, when she returns to Eastern Ocean City, she

will see him again.

"Bye!" Coleen said, sobbing so hard. He turned from her and began to walk further and further until he

faded out of Katherine's sight.

Katherine fell to her knees and covered her face with her palm. She cried so hard and remained there

for another thirty minutes.

"Donna, I'll make you pay for everything you have done," Katherine said, got inside her car and began

to drive away.

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