Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 72

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Pain. That’s all I felt, slicing through my entire body like shockwaves. This wasn’t regular pain but excruciating. I wanted it to stop, I wanted it all to stop.

I hear voices, unfamiliar calling out to me. They tell me to stay with them but I feel myself slipping away. Pain. I was in too much pain. My heart hurts, my body feels numb. I can’t move.

I felt like I was floating, not on water but high above the sky. It felt like how I imagined a baby bird learning to fly for the first time.

Was I dying?

I couldn’t tell. If I was, why does it feel so peaceful? Why do I want to stay? Why aren’t I fighting to go back to my family? Had I had too much?

I could see nothing, plain, white, blank. Why is there nothing? Is this what they call the light? Heaven?

I feel it then. A powerful electric force on my chest. My heart tries, I feel it. My chest lifts, my eyes and mouth stay shut.

I want to scream, I want to tell them that they should leave me. I was in peace.

But was I really? I was alone, there was no Blake. No Arden, no mom or dad, no Ryan, Rosalie or Liam. There was no uncle Luke, Noel or aunt Rose. There was nothing. I was alone.

There it goes again another zap to my chest. It feels uncomfortable, like a magnet hitting metal. My chest

lifts again as I hear them speak. Angels? No it couldn’t be.

Perhaps I wasn’t really dead yet, I was in between. That’s when I hear him as I succumb to the feeling of loneliness. His voice, the one I love, Blake, he was there.

You better fight for us Ley.

I’m not leaving you.

Come back to us Ley, come back to me.

I need you. We need you.

I love you.

It was like an echo. One I heard over and over until a new feeling envelopes me. I needed to fight. I can’t stay here, it was not my time yet. I needed to go back to my family, I needed to go back to Blake.

Clear. The voice is clearer now as I feel the electric feeling on my chest again. It goes straight to my heart, a small pound, then two, three.

Fight Ley.

Four, five.

She’s coming back! A man’s voice shouts.

Were they talking about me? Did I do it? Did I fight? I

certainly hope so, I don’t want to disappoint anyone.

The white fades, it’s blurry at first but then images, no,

memories bombard my mind. “Now Ley, aren’t you a bit

too innocent for these books?” He had smirked at me

then in a mocking way but I could see the hidden desire.

Why hadn’t I noticed it before?

The memory moves and another pops up. “I told you I’d

catch you.” He smiled down at me.

The memory fades and is replaced with the image of

Blake’s face close to mine, he swiftly draws my face

towards his and molds his warm lips with my own.

Electricity had hummed through my entire body, starting

from our lips to my toes. Our first kiss.

Again the memory fades and another resurfaces. “I can’t

stop thinking about lastnight.” He had whispered behind


“What are you doing to me Ley?” The first time I let

myself go and made him do what we both wanted him

to do. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“I want you to make me forget.” It was not his voice this

time, it was mine. I remember feeling safe in his arms,

protected from the cruel world. From Peter.

“I F*cking love you Ashley. I always have. To be

completely honest I figured that out after I helped clean

you off of rotten eggs in the ninth grade.” How could we

not have seen that we had fallen way too deep to come

back out now?

“I want to take you out on a date.” I remember seeing

how nervous he was when he asked me but I was so

shocked that he had gotten confused. No doubt thinking

he had done something wrong.

“You want me to make love to you?” I had felt so sure

about the decision and never regretted telling him that I

was ready. Ready for him.

“I want to feel you Blake. Inside me taking what has

always been yours.” And he did take me then, showing

me how amazing it felt to be connected together. Two

souls who loved eachother, connected as one. It was

more than bliss, it was heaven.

The memory fades until I see myself beside my locker.

Watching Ryan enter the cafeteria. “Are you going to

ignore me the entire day?” His voice is behind me, his

towering form close to my body.

The memory fades, another surface. Anger, I had felt

anger. “Leave me alone and don’t follow me.”

The image of me leaving him there fades and is replaced.

Blake’s before me, face in pain. “I really wish I could’ve

kissed you one last time before I go.”

My heart starts beating fast, pound, pound. “I love you

Ashley.” His eyes rolled back behind his head and he

slumped. A piercing scream. It’s mine. Agony. Sorrow.

Distress. Anguish.


Blake? I felt myself call out in the memory. The memory

quickly vanishes and is replaced.

Where is this?

I was inside a house, that much I could tell. Standing in

the middle of the doorway looking outside. A black jeep

pulls up.

I feel my hands lift to rest on my belly. Round. I quickly

look down and I’m shocked. I am pregnant.Not only that

but there is a diamond ring on my finger.I am married. I

lift my head when I hear a car door slams shut.

Happiness, love, the feeling is strong as Blake walks over

to me with a happy smile on his face. My eyes fall to his

hand and I see a golden band on his ring finger.

He brings me into his arms. “I miss you baby. How’s our

boy doing?” He asked, placing a palm on my swollen

belly. I felt a kick, then two, right where Blake’s palm lay.

“He’s kicking a lot. A troublemaker like his dad.” I hear

myself speak up. It’s weird as if it’s happening now, but I

have no control over myself as I see myself in my own

point of view.

“Or he knows when his dad is home.” He laughs and

bends down to kiss me. Love and adoration pouring out.

Was this our future? Was I seeing our future?

I feel a sudden pull, like being wrenched away. I was

being pulled from the memory. I didn’t want to leave.

The love I felt for both Blake and our unborn child, I

wanted to feel it forever. I wanted to stay in this moment

of bliss forever.

Wait not yet. Don’t go yet. It feels like an echo as I plead

to stay in this vision.

Darkness. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Pain. My eyelids felt like they were weighted by anvils.

There’s something inside my nose. It’s giving me air,

oxygen. I needed to move. I force my brain to work, until

I could feel my fingers shift. One then two until all were


My eyelids still felt heavy but I forced them to open.

They flutter until they open fully. I cheered until I felt the

sting of the light burn my eyes.

Groaning lowly I blinked quickly to adjust my eyes to the

light. When I felt that my eyes weren’t a*saulted by the

glare of the light I turned to the right. Instantly I feel my

heartbeat quicken upon seeing Blake beside me.

On a bed, hooked up to an IV. He grunts shifting until his

eyes fluttered open. He must’ve felt my eyes on him

because he quickly snaps his head towards me.

Tears blurred his vision and I was sure mine were the

same. He gives me a teary smile. “I knew you’d pull

through. You’re my fighter girl.” He croaks out and

reaches his hand out for mine.

We were close enough to have our fingers touch.

“Always.” I croaked out, feeling the tears soak the

pillowcase beneath my face.

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