Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

30 Peace

Michael POV

Once everyone has left, it is just me standing alone. I appreciate Lincoln for offering to do this with me, but honestly, I need to do this alone. As I look down at Max lying where his wolf once was, I grieve. I grieve for the brother that he once was. I grieve for the life and happiness he will never have because of his actions. Max and I were best friends growing up but when our father died, he changed. He never seemed happy, despite all the good things we had in our lives. Losing our father in battle was devastating, but he let the grief consume him. He turned into a man that knew no joy, only anger. He never laughed and he was all about being a warrior. He became the head warrior and a man I didn’t even recognize as my brother anymore. I wish I could go back and make him understand that he was taking the wrong path, but I can’t. I won’t let that guilt consume me or burden my soul. I will end up the same way Max did, bitter and angry. Not knowing the happiness that remains despite these feelings of sadness and guilt. I bend down and place Max’s body over my shoulder. Jaxon whimpers and recedes to the back of my mind at our loss. He has lost just as I have.

I walk toward the clearing that’s near the lake inside the pack lands. I lay Max’s body on the shore and sit down. I close my eyes, thinking back to the past. I think of our father who was the pack Beta returning from training and showing us how to fight. He would shift into his wolf, so Max and I could feel what it would be like to run in wolf form. Our father was kind even after he lost our mother while she was giving birth to Max. He would tell us about her and how in love they were. Even though I couldn’t remember her, his stories made her real. Max believed our father was invincible, which made his death even worse. I loved my father and he would never have wanted Max to become who he did. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

I say a prayer to the goddess that she forgives Max for all he has done and that his soul is at peace. After a few seconds, I stand and look out at the water. I link John, “can you come to the lake for a moment.” A few seconds later, he appears next to me. “I don’t want to bury Max in the pack lands

cemetery as only an honorable warrior deserves that.” “His actions have made that an impossibility.” He stays silent and just lets me speak. “Can you please help me burn the body and then leave me to grieve.” John says nothing but steps around me. I turn and watch him conjure a red ball in his hand. He closes his eyes for a moment. I’m sure speaking to the goddess before he throws the ball, striking the body. Max’s body is engulfed in flames and I turn to thank John, but he’s gone. I sit down and watch the flame carry my brother’s spirit home to the sky. “Dad, please be there when he arrives and help him find peace with the goddess.” “I know there will be punishment, but I pray there is forgiveness there too.” Soon there is nothing left but ash and I stay longer because I’m not ready to go about life just yet.

Amelia POV

I must have nodded off because the doctor’s voice wakes me. Lincoln and I both stand to meet her. I can feel the tension in his hand as he squeezes mine. “How is he,” Lincoln asks, and the doctor smiles. “He hasn’t woken up Alpha, but all of his vital signs are stable.” “I believe his wolf is trying to heal him, which is very tiring with the amount of trauma he had.” “Lily’s magic definitely helped the healing process.” “Hopefully he will wake up soon.” “Both of the other Elders are healing quickly.” “There wounds were much more superficial.” “Elder Marcus would like to see the two of you.” She leads us back to a room and both the Elders are in bed. We both bare our necks in respect and Elder Marcus smiles. “The doctor told us that James is stable because of what you and your pack members did.” “We will forever be grateful for your pack’s actions to save him and us.” Lincoln nods but doesn’t say anything because I’m sure he is thinking about Elder Brandon who wasn’t able to be saved. “We’re glad to see you both are alright too.” They both smile at me. “Amelia, we have heard so much from James about what you have endured because of your ex-mate. Lincoln growls and I squeeze his hand. “The goddess has blessed me with a second chance that more than makes up for all that Atlas put me through.” “Your strength is truly admirable” Elder Marcus says before he looks at Lincoln. “Lincoln, where are Elder Brandon’s remains?”

My heart breaks that all of this is because of Atlas. Elder Brandon is dead, Michael lost his brother, and Lincoln almost lost his father because of this man that is connected to me. “No don’t do that” Lincoln’s voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look up at him. “The only person responsible for their disgusting actions is Atlas, Thomas, and Max.” “Your mate’s right, Amelia” Elder Marcus says. “We were on our way here because of what Thomas and Atlas, had done.” “We were attacked by wolves that I’m sure were following their orders.” “You are not responsible for the actions of evil wolves” Elder Marcus says. He looks at Lincoln, “that means you are also not responsible either, Alpha.” I smile “thank you”, I say knowing that Lincoln needed to hear that as much as I did. “I just wish that Atlas would go away and leave us alone.” He smiles “he will, it just won’t be by his choice” Elder Marcus says. Lincoln wraps his arm around me at the elder’s words. “Elder Brandon is here in the hospital being prepared for a warrior’s burial ceremony” Lincoln says. “We will have some of our warriors pick up the remains for burial in the Elder’s territory.” “Thank you both for taking care of him.”

Lincoln POV

“I will forever be sorry we didn’t reach you sooner and save him from this death.” The Elders nod “you have nothing to apologize for Lincoln, but we both appreciate your condolences.” “I am sorry for your loss also” Amelia says. “Thank you” they say. “We will let you rest.” “We will check on Elder James before I head to the cells to speak with the prisoners”, I say. I take Amelia’s hand and lead her to the room the nurse said Elder James was in. When we walk inside, he looks totally different than the last time we saw him. He looks weak but his breathing is still even and easy, which I’m grateful for. He is hooked up to monitors that are beeping steadily. He has bandages covering his neck and he looks like he is sleeping. We walk over standing at his bedside. I hold onto Amelia’s hand and find comfort in her presence. I lean down and place my hand on Elder James’s. “I promise you that the men responsible for the loss of Elder Brandon and hurting you will wish for death when I finish with them.” “I’m sure they will, Lincoln” Elder James says with his eyes closed. His words startle both of us. His eyes flutter open and he smiles. I say a silent prayer of thanks to the goddess for sparing him.

He tries to sit up and I rush to help him. “I’m glad to see that you’re ok.” “I will be fine.” “I heard what you said about Brandon but how are the others.” “They are fine and a few rooms down from yours.” “The four wolves that survived are in the cells so I can find out all I can from them before they are dealt with.” “Elder James, I’m sorry” I start to say. “No, you are not responsible for Brandon’s death.” “You do what you have to with those four wolves but we will be ending those two ba**ards together.” “Thomas is mine for betraying us all.” I nod before Amelia and I head back out to the waiting room. John, Lily, and Neal are all waiting. After we tell them about the Elders, we all start to walk back to the pack house. “Lincoln, I would like to be there to question the wolves.” “I probably know them and I know how they think”, Neal says. “Of course, I will take all the help I can get.” “I want Michael to have all the time he needs after his loss so I won’t be linking him to help with the interrogations.” He nods and once were inside I kiss Amelia before Lily takes her upstairs. I lead Neal down the stairs and we come to stand in front of the first cell. “Walker, I should have known he would send you”, Neal says, and the wolf growls.

Unknown POV

I head into his room and to the door where he keeps Iris. I hate him and I wish that I could get her out of this hell. I’m stuck here but she shouldn’t have to be. I turn the handle and when I open the door, I feel sick. She is lying on the bed completely naked and she has bruises covering her back. I walk toward the bed and I see her cringe thinking that I’m Lucas. “Iris, it’s me.” As I get closer her sobs wreck me. I place my hand on her back and begin to chant. Lucas has blocked her powers so she can’t help herself or escape. I watch as the bruises turn to her skin tone. I conjure a blanket covering her. “I wish the goddess would just take me.” “Don’t say that, Iris.” “Why, I’m stuck in this hell and he has no mercy.” “Even when I do as he says he still hurts me.” “He is a monster Iris and I promise you no matter what I have to do I will help you.” She rolls over and looks into my eyes. I’m sure she is looking for any sign of deceit. She won’t find it because I mean every word I just said.

“What the f**k are you doing in here?” My head snaps to the door and Lucas looks like he is ready to kill me. “Lucas, she is really hurt, I just don’t want her to die.” “Did I ask you to heal my pet?” “Of course

not, but” he waves his hand and I can’t speak. He comes to stand in front of me. “The only reason you’re not dead right now for defying me is because of my mother.” “That doesn’t mean I will not punish you for interfering in my business.” My eyes get big and he raises his hand. I start to feel like I can’t breathe. Even though he isn’t touching me, I feel the grip getting tighter and tighter. “Please stop, it won’t happen again”, I here Iris plead. He drops me to the floor and I suck air in trying to fill my lungs. “Your so concerned about my pet I think your punishment will be to watch me punish her.” I still can’t speak.

He picks her up off the bed by the throat. He smacks her so hard the sound makes me sick. She falls to the floor and her body is limp. He walks over and kicks her in the stomach. “Are we clear that you are never to come in here again” he asks looking at me. He waves his hand at me so I can answer. “I won’t please, just stop.” “I don’t know if I believe you ” he says with a smile. He turns back to Iris. He puts his hand up, making it glow the color of heated iron. “No don’t” I scream but he places his hand on her shoulder like a brand. She screams until she passes out. He walks back over to me. “Get out and don’t ever step foot in here again.” I scramble to my feet rushing for the door. I say a prayer to the goddess to help me end Iris’s suffering as I walk to my room.

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