Betrothed To The Cold Billionaire


“What?? No fucking way!!”

“Isn’t it good?”

“Whats’s so good about that plan of yours? You are seriously planning to run away with your boyfriend!!” Sandy exclaimed lowly.

“So? Isn’t it better than getting married to someone I don’t know?” I asked.

“What’s better about it? Running away from him can’t be any different from getting married to some man.”

“There’s a big difference. Lucas is my boyfriend and we love each other so much.” I said, trying to reason with her.

“Okay.. do you think Luxas would want to take the risk of leaving the life of luxury he is enjoying here and run away with you to some unknown place?” She asked and I nodded, I trusted him that much.

“Okay, even though he agrees. Do you know your Grandmother would literally scavenge the whole Earth for the both of you? You know how she is and what’s more is that she never liked Lucas in the first place. It wouldn’t take her a long time before she finds you.” She added making me go silent immediately. Seeing that I was still listening to her, she continued.

“Even though she decides not to hunt you down, do you think the Montgomerys will let you go scot free? You are planning to break off a marriagewith them, do you know how embarrassing that would be?” She asked making me raise my head to stare at her inquisitively.

“What do you mean by that?”

“You see Ariel, there was once a family that borrowed money from the Montgomerys. I have forgotten their name. When the time reached for them to pay back, they couldn’t and kept giving excuses.”

“So, what happened?” I asked as I listened to her story with rapt attention.

“When the pressure from the Montgomerys became too much, they tried to flee.” She paused for a while.

“So?” I asked when the suspense was getting to much.

“That’s all. No one heard about them anymore and no one even bothered to search for them because no one could face that family and live to see the next day.” I stared at her for a while before I bursted out into laughter.

“What’s funny?” She asked as the seriousness on her face turned into a huge frown. I stopped laughing immediately I saw the frown on her face.

“You seriously expect me to believe that bullshit tale?” I asked.

“Uhm.. yes. I’m trying to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life so you had better listen to me.” She answered.

“Okay, let’s say that all you’ve just said is true….”

“But it is true.” She argued.

“Relax Sandy.. I’m trying to make a point here. Let’s say it’s true and someone did owe them money, how were they able to wipe them out of the earth without a trace? And no one, not even the police decided to search for them?” I asked in a doubting tone.

“Didn’t you hear all I had just said. They are the top family in all of Miami and a couple of other countries. They literally rule the business world and have a lot of connections everywhere, even the police force and high ranking politicians bow to them. That family has been that powerful for decades now and their empire doesn’t even stop growing.”

“I see…” I still had a lot of doubt in my mind.

“If you ever think of trying to break off an engagement that has been laid down by both your families years ago, I promise you this, you will really regret your decision later on.” She warned.

“What are they going to do? Kill me?” I asked, trying my best not to feel scared.

“Death is even good. They’ll wipe out your entire family. No one would know that the Addams family was once a big shot in Miami. Why do you think your Grandmother is so hell bent on making you get married to him even though she knows she can just talk her way out of it and give them four times the money your family owes them?” Sandy asked.

I stared at her thoughtfully. Her words were starting to make sense a little bit. We have enough money to even pay them ten times the amount and still be as wealthy as we are. I’m sure no one would even reject that offer. That thought alone made me smile.

“Sandy you are a genius.” I said happily.

“Really? Why??” She was obviously confused.

“I have gotten another plan on how to end the marriage.” I said.

“You do? I hope it doesn’t involve running away.” She said.

“No. Running away would do me no good. I just have to use money. No one can reject that.” I said. She chuckled ehen she realized what I meant by that.

“You sincerely don’t listen to people do you? I just said that they were the top in different countries and you want to use money to bribe them?” She asked as she bursted out laughing again.

“I have to do something don’t I? I seriously can’t get married at this age. I have an image to uphold. What would my peers think about me?”

“I don’t know why you are worried about people that don’t even like you. Come to think of it, you’ll be enjoying well in the marriage. You’ll be able to continue living your extravagant life since your husband would be loaded and being Mrs. Montgomery can help you with your career.” She explained.

“Seriously Sandy?? Do I look like someone that gets married all for money and connections?” I asked, with mu brows raised.

“No.. I was just trying to make a point.”

“I don’t really like that point of yours. I ain’t no gold digger besides, I’m already loaded and my career is going fine.”

“Not until your grandmother ends it all.”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“She wouldn’t even bother when she hears my plan.” I said and she chuckled again.

“You’re still hellbent on that plan of yours that is bound to fail.”

“Don’t jinx me Sandy. Anything can happen.” I said.

“If you say so. I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you.. that’s all I needed.” I answered and she smiled before she continued munching on her fries that had almost turned cold.


I was seated in my car while the driver was taking me home. All that was on my mind now was the plan I had made.

Running away won’t be wise like Sandy had said because I was bound to many risks. I would literally have to stop this type of life I am enjoying and start menial jobs to fend myself and I can’t even picture myself doing any of those.

All I had to do now was find a way to convince grandma and she might help me to bargain with them. I’m really sure no one would ever reject such huge amount of money even though their family is very loaded.

I was still think about that when Lucas crossed my mind. I still haven’t been able to talk to him because he wasn’t picking any of his calls nor replying any of my messages.

I picked out my phone from my bag and called him again but it was still the same thing. I started to get worried because it’s been a full day since I hadn’t talked to him and today was even the day we were supposed to go on our date.

The Lucas that I know wouldn’t miss it for anything in the world. I’m sure that there’s something wrong with him. With that thought, I ordered the driver to drive to his private villa. I just had a small feeling that he would be there.

The driver got there in no time so I asked him to park outside of the villa since I would still leave soon. I just needed to check on him to see if he was doing okay before I leave.

I stood in front of the gate and punched in the pass code. He didn’t have any security personnel at the gate because according to him, he only bought this villa so he could come to it whenever he wanted to be alone.

He rarely even allows me in here because he says that it is his private place. I didn’t argue with him because I figured some people just need their alone time sometimes.

I was even able to see the pass code one day when he opened the gate in front of me. He doesn’t know I know the pass code or else, he would have changed it a long time ago.

I walked into the conpound and noticed two cars in the opened garage. That’s wierd because I never knew Lucas owned a pink Bently. I decided to go in since I wasn’t there to count the amount of cars that he had.

I entered the living room only to be greeted by a pair of female shoes. That to made me to start getting suspicious. I seriously hoped within me that it’s not what I was thinking.

Then, I heard Lucas’s voice and a female’s owm coming from the bedroom. I knew that female voice.. I could literally recognize it anywhere. My heart started to get heavy as different thoughts started rushing into my head.

I decided to confirm my fears first before I start doubting him. Lucas couldn’t do such to me. He would never ever cheat on me. He loves me so much. I took a deep breath and started walking slowly to the room.

When I got there, I pushed the door open a little. The tiny bit of doubts I had were finally vanquished. I saw my own boyfriend. The one who had claimed to love me wrapped in the arms of the least person I had expected him to be with.

My worst enemy. The same person I hated the most in the whole world and he knew that. But here he was, cuddling with her like they were newlyweds.

The scene was so heart wrenching to the extent that I couldn’t bare it anymore. I decided to leave there before I bursted out in tears right before them.

I had the urge to barge in and confront them but I held myself back. They didn’t deserve it. They didn’t deserve seeing me in pain, in my lowest. I was about leaving when I heard Bianca’s voice.

“How long are we going to keep doing this?” I heard her ask.

“We’ve had this talk already baby. I told you until we’ve gotten all we wanted from her.” Lucas answered. Wait a minute. Are they talking about me? I decided to eavesdrop a little to confirm my doubts.

I leaned in to listen more. Thankfully, they still hadn’t noticed that I had caught them.

“But it’s taking so long.” Bianca complained as she pouted a little bit like a baby. What a whore.

“Just wait a little. Once we have been able to drain the power and connections from her family, I’ll break up with her.” Lucas said.

What?? Did I just heard him well?? He really has been dating me only because of what I had to offer.

“Are you sure? Or are you just hesitant because of some feelings you’ve come to have for her.” Bianca said as she blinked her long and fake lashes slowly. Is she seriously trying to act cute now??

Lucas turned to her as used his hands to caress her cheek lovingly.

“Don’t say that. You know it’s you that I love.” He muttered as he placed a small kiss on her forehead.

“It doesn’t really seem that way because of how you move around with her. Everyone at school always tag you both as the ideal couple. It makes me jealous.” She added. Wow!!

“Don’t worry about that. It’s just an act. I’m just doing that so it would seem real to her. After we have gotten all we can, how about we both travel out together and start a new life alone?”

“Really??” Bianca asked as her once sad face turned into a happy one.

“Yes. I can’t wait to finally be able to claim you in public. To tell everyone that you are mine.” He added before pulling her into a very deep kiss.

I couldn’t bear to listen to them again. I left them as they kept making out. I walked out of the compound and entered into my car while the driver drove home.

My heart kept on hurting as my vision started to get clearer. Grandma was right, Lucas was only with me for what I had to offer. He never loved me while I loved and trusted him blindly.

I wanted to risk it all for him. I wanted to even go against my family’s wishes and run away with him. Oh how foolish I was.

He only wanted to use me to get all the wealth and power he could have. If only I had listened to Grandma before, I wouldn’t be this hurt now. Grandma was always right but I only chose not to listen to her.

Well, not anymore. He wanted wealth and power right? Well he won’t have it. I’ll make sure to gain enough of what he was looking for and make him regret ever deciding to play me.

I picked up my phone, swnding him a very brief message that I needed to break up with him without even telling him the reason. It wasn’t even up to a minute after I sent him the message that he called me.

I chuckled sadly. I have been calling and sending him messages since yesterday but he only replied when he realised that his plans were about to fail. I blocked his number immediately then I put my phone back inside my bag.

I got home in no time and went into the house only to see Grandma seated in the living room.

“Have you made up your mind?” She asked the moment she saw me.

“I’ll sign the marriage contract.” I said, making her look up to me in surprise.

“But first, I need you to guarantee me something.”

“Anything.” She answered immediately.

“I’ll not have to act as a wife to him when we are alone, just outside when we are with everyone.”

“Done.” She answered.

“No one will find out that I am married to him until I’m done with college.” I added and she nodded in understanding.

“And I hope you can guarantee that I’ll have more wealth and power than I do right now.”

“You don’t have to ask that baby. All those wealth would be yours only if you become Mrs. Montgomery.” She said as she handed over to me the marriage contract and a pen.

I collected it from her and sighed a little. Here goes nothing. I opened the file and put in my signature where it was needed before giving it back to her.

“You see princess. It wasn’t so hard.” She said as she collected it.

I gave her a wry smile before I headed into my room. I signed the marriage contract. I was officially married.. and at the age of eighteen!!!

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