Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 105

Monday 28th September, 2020.


It was strange to think that Hesper and I had two grown children and yet she remained unmarked. We had mated of course, many times. That was how she had gotten pregnant with the twins in the first place. She had hidden my scent on her with Fae magic so Holden would not find out before our planned escape.

Of course, the escape had not gone as planned. I had taken down many of the warriors Holden sent after us but I had been badly wounded. While I was unconscious, Marco had taken me to the neighbouring pack lands where we would be safe. Marco had also taken Harper with him at that time, upon Hesper’s desperate plea. I recalled wishing everyday for the last eighteen days that Hesper had come to the next pack over with us rather than agree to return to Holden. I knew she had done it to protect me and to safely deliver Star. Harper and Star had been born several hours apart after a difficult and prolonged labour. Hesper’s quick thinking had saved Star too from a certain death at the hands of a vengeful and envious Holden. She had bundled Star up with her placenta and given her to the doctor, a trusted friend and the grandfather of Holly who turned out to be Harper’s mate. Life had a funny way of working out.

I had yet to tell Hesper that I had not raised Harper and Star myself. Marco and his mate, Mia, had raised Harper who had been under the impression that they were his biological parents for most of his life. Mia had been thrilled as she could not have children of her own. Star had also been raised to think that her adopted parents were her biological ones. Unfortunately, her adopted parents met their untimely deaths when Star was too young to even recall much about the incident. I knew Star’s childhood had not been easy but I had not known the extent of it until recently.

When I tailed the children I had always been in my wolf form. I could only catch snatches of events and conversations. The whole picture was never presented to me. I really had stayed away to protect them. I knew it would be safer for them to not know anything about their royal bloodline until they were of age. I wanted their true identities hidden even from themselves. I was not sure if Hesper would agree with my reasoning. My presence in their lives would have given the truth away. However, I also felt like such a coward. I had been lost without Hesper. Even if I had been able to be around the twins without endangering them, I doubted I would have been a present and capable father. I was trying to make up for it now but it was all new to me.

I sat at the head table in the grand dining hall of the Ice Moon Castle. I had been seated between Hesper and Star to the Queen’s chagrin. I knew she wished that Hesper’s mate was a noble Fae. Well, too bad. I was her mate and I was never letting her out of my sight ever again. We would eat, sleep and shower together. I smirked to myself as my thoughts became racy.

“What’s that mischievous smile about, huh?” Asked Hesper.

I marvelled at how unchanged she was. I shrugged.

“Ugh! Heath! You’re still a man of few words after all these years!” She exclaimed exasperatedly.

I shrugged again. She giggled this time and nuzzled me.

“I’m just thinking about what it will be like later when we’re alone,” I admitted, feeling the heat rise to my neck and cheeks.

Hesper grinned.

“I never marked you,” I said simply. “If I had marked you back then, I would have been able to track you down.”NôvelDrama.Org content.

That was probably my biggest regret. Hesper sighed.

“If you had marked me back then, Holden would have killed us both before we had time to execute our plan,” she reasoned.

I nodded.

“I suppose so,” I said.

“It was difficult enough concealing my mated scent with Fae magic all the time. I don’t think I would have been able to conceal the mark from Holden. He would have sensed the change in me. Besides, back then I had so many attendants and ladies-in-waiting running about, in and out of my chambers all the time. I didn’t know who to trust and one of them could have given me away if they glimpsed the mark,” explained Hesper.

I sighed. I still felt I should have marked her while we were fleeing at least. I wished I had thought of that. I had been so panicked trying to keep her and the babies safe as I tore everyone and anyone who came after us apart. I tried not to think of that day. I had known some of the guards Holden had sent after me. I had trained some of them myself. I had not wanted to kill them but they had made it clear where their allegiance lay by following Holden’s orders and coming after me. They could have easily taken a long time to search for us, giving us a chance to escape, had they cared. I had been covered in b***d that day, my clothes drenched with it, most of it not mine. Most of it was the b***d of my fallen ex comrades.

“You seem so far away,” whispered Hesper worriedly.

“I just have some regrets, that’s all,” I confessed.

“Heath, we have our twins safe and sound. We have the pack back. We have Grandmother on our side. We’re finally free to be together. It’s ok to relax now,” she said gently, cupping my face in her small smooth hands.

Her skin was not quite as warm as that of a full-blooded she-wolf. The Fae b***d in her had cooled her skin a little. I liked it. I loved it actually. The soothing coolness of her palms. I loved everything about her.

“Wanna get out of here?” She asked.

I nodded gratefully. She giggled and grabbed my hand, yanking me out of my seat. Everyone was too busy laughing and talking to notice us slipping away. The mood in the castle was so joyous now. It had never been like this when the imposter had been masquerading as the Queen. I should have known something had been wrong. There had been an ominous air in the castle back then. Now, the atmosphere was comforting. Hesper let go of my hand and ran away from me, giggling as she darted down one corridor.

“Hey!” I yelled, chasing her.

I had almost forgotten how playful she always was. She did not try that hard to run away. She merely led me to the door of her old room. She leant against it. I pinned her to the door and lifted her up. She eagerly wrapped her legs around my torso and flung her arms around my neck. Our noses and foreheads were pressed together. We were both breathing heavily, panting, even though we had not ran fast at all.

“I missed you like crazy,” I said breathlessly.

“Show me how much you missed me,” she challenged me.

I crashed my lips against hers, hungry for her. I tightened my hold on her, pressing her against the door. She kissed me back just as ravenously. Soon our breath was intermingling as my tongue stroked hers. I tangled my fingers in her hair. Her scent, her taste, her soft skin and silky hair, her little m***s and whimpers and her unmatched beauty all drove me wild. She engaged all of my senses. We broke apart and I kissed her cheek and jaw. I kissed her neck, sucking on the skin. She m****d against my shoulder, clutching me more tightly to her. I could feel her n*****s harden through the thin fabric of her dress.

“Mark me,” she pleaded.

“Wait,” I whispered.

She made an exasperated noise. I put her down.

“I have to tell you something,” I said.

“If you tell me you have another women in your life, I’ll turn you into a bracelet that matches with Erin and Rein! The three of you will be a jewellery set,” she warned me.

“There is no other,” I said, stroking her hair, brushing it away from her face.

“Well?” She asked.

I pulled her into her bedroom and sat on the bed beside her. She was looking around her room in amazement.

“Every single thing seems to be exactly the way I left it,” she said, marvelling at the room.

“Asriel told me they wanted to keep it ready for you in case you turned up. Many did not believe Holden’s story about you committing suicide,” I said with a heavy sigh.

She growled.

“You should have kept him alive and let him rot in prison forever!” She snarled.

“I lost it. Sorry! I just…was…so angry,” I said, struggling to get the words out.

Every time I thought about Holden I would still boil with rage.

“Anyway, what I wanted to tell you may change how you feel about me,” I said, my stomach churning nervously.

“I love you, Heath. Just tell me,” she said. “I could never forsake you. I might be pissed enough to give you the silent treatment for a few days but that’s about it,” she added.

“Or you might be angry enough to turn me into a bracelet,” I reminded her.

“We’ll see,” she said, grinning.

I took a deep breath.

“I…when I thought I had lost you, I was shattered. I woke up in the neighbouring pack lands. I had been in and out of consciousness for a few days. Luckily that neighbouring pack shielded me and Holden did not dare to declare war. His position as Alpha was unstable enough as it was. That was what the Alpha in the pack that protected me had said. That was probably why Holden ended up using the Queen’s form. People refused to submit to him without you as his betrothed to legitimise his claim,” I rambled.

“I’m getting anxious, Heath. Tell me the issue first and you can explain it after,” she implored me with wide eyes.

I could never say no to those eyes and that lovely little face.

“Ok,” I said. “I wanted to keep the true identities of Harper and Hannah a secret since everyone already thought Harper was dead, stillborn, and they didn’t know Hannah existed. In order to keep them a secret, they were adopted by two different couples. Marco and Mia raised Harper and they did an amazing job. Poor Hannah had a bumpier ride because her adopted parents died when she was little and her adopted grandmother stepped up to raise her.”

There was silence.

“So,” began Hesper after the longest tense moment of my life thus far, “Hannah and Harper did not know about us at all? You never visited them while these other people raised them? I mean I know Marco and Mia but…” she trailed off.

“I checked in on them,” I said quickly. “But I was in wolf form when I did and I kept my distance,” I admitted. “They didn’t know we were their parents until recently,” I said.

“So they didn’t grow up practising their Fae Magic?” She clarified.

I had not even thought of that. My cheeks flushed. Of course, she would have wanted them to be properly taught Fae magic from their early childhood onwards.

“No,” I admitted softly.

She sighed.

“I couldn’t…I was a danger to them. If they were seen with me, someone would put and two and two together and figure out who they were. Star was practically your twin. I was relieved no one around her noticed her uncanny resemblance to you,” I continued.

I always talked a lot when I was truly nervous or apologetic. Hesper’s eyes were downcast. She seemed lost in thought.

“I know you’re disappointed in me,” I said, my voice cracking little. “I also just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t be around them. I wasn’t strong enough to raise them without you,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.

I felt the wetness on my cheeks as a few tears escaped my eyes. I wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve. Hesper handed me a tissue and offered me a small smile.

“I’m sad for Harper and Hannah but I know you love them. What’s done is done. We can only move forwards as a family now, to make up for all of it,” she said resolutely.

I nodded eagerly.

“Of course. We’ll be a family now,” I said, my tears of shame and regret giving way to tears of relief and joy.

Since when was I this emotional. Hesper always made me feel so vulnerable. I was a raw nerve when it came to her. She gave me a hug. I clung to her for dare life.

“I love you, Hesper, my Queen. I can’t wait to spend forever with you,” I whispered in her ear.

She wriggled out of my embrace and held me at arms’ length.

“Who are you and what have you done with my macho man warrior Heath?” She giggled.

I smiled. I nuzzled her gently. She was not accustomed to declarations of my love but eighteen years apart made me realise I wanted to tell her I loved her everyday.

“I love you, Hesper. I love everything about you,” I murmured into her neck as I pulled her back into my arms.

She tightened her arms around my torso and sighed into the collar of my shirt.

“I love you, Heath. I’m so sorry for leaving you and the twins alone for all that time,” she said softly.

“Don’t apologise for that!” I said immediately. “That’s not your fault. Holden took you from me.”

“Well, our twins gave me back to you,” she chuckled.

“They did,” I said, nodding.

I was proud of them.

“Oh and Ivy too,” she added.

“What?” I asked.

“Ivy,” she said.

“Like Poison Ivy?” I asked, not sure where she was going with this.

“No, silly! Harper’s mate!” She said pointedly, slapping my chest.

“Ohhh! Holly!” I exclaimed with a laugh.

Hesper clamped her hands over her own mouth in embarrassment. She chuckled nervously.

“Those five names will take some time to get used to,” she said, laughing.

“How do you feel about Star having four mates?” I asked instantly.

“They seem sweet,” she cooed.

I frowned. Hesper caressed my jaw lovingly.

“Tell me. What do you think is wrong with them?!” She said, her arms akimbo

“Well, up until recently. Jonah had a girlfriend other than Star,” I grumbled.

“What? Why?” Asked Hesper, furrowing her brow.

“Um…well, it’s a long story I guess. There was a curse placed on their family by a witch a long time ago. The Witch was supposed to be Luna of their pack and rule with her Alpha but the Alpha’s brother hated her for being a witch and tried to poison her. The Alpha drank the poison himself by accident and the witch cursed the brother and his entire Alpha Lineage to lose all their future mates, but only if they try to be with those mates,” I explained.

Understanding dawned on Hesper’s pretty face immediately. She was always quick on the draw. My clever little mate.

“So Jonah was going to be with a random girl instead so Star would not be in danger?” She asked.

“Something like that, but he went overboard and hurt Star and then Star got kidnapped by her adopted Aunt and cousin who also stole her inheritance. The cousin was Jonah’s fake girlfriend by the way,” I tried to explain.

“Wait? What?!” Asked Hesper. “What the hell has been going on?!” She demanded.

“Ok, I’ll start at the beginning because you have a lot to catch up on. Oh, by the way, I was thinking maybe we could not tell your Grandmother about me not being in the children’s lives growing up?” I asked sheepishly.

I was willing to take responsibility for my actions but not right at this moment.

“Can we tell her later?” I suggested.

Hesper nodded. She cupped my face and kissed the tip of my nose. She straddled me as I sat on the bed. We grinned at each other.

“What are you up to?” I asked her.

“This,” she said, responding by rocking her h**s against me so that flower rubbed against my length, making it hard instantly.

I allowed myself to fall backwards until I felt the soft bedding underneath me. Hesper remained straddling my waist, a little sly smile playing about her lips. I gripped her h**s, encouraging her to rub herself against me.

“Hesper,” I hissed as she continued to rock back and forth against me.

We could feel each other through the fabric.

“I wonder if you’re a bit rusty. Eighteen years without practice,” she teased me.

“At least I wasn’t inanimate,” I said.

“Hey!” She squealed, swatting my arm.

I rolled over, pinning her under me. In one swift motion, I slid her stockings and her underwear down her smooth beautiful legs. I grabbed the hem of her dress and slid it upwards, my fingers gliding along her thighs as I pushed her dress upwards to expose her torso. I kissed the skin below her navel, eliciting a soft m**n and a shiver from her. I kissed my way further down, peppering her inner thighs with k****s until I had her quivering. I licked her down the centre of her flower, making her whimper as my tongue parted her folds and searched for her bud. I found it easily and sucked on it, swirling my tongue around it and then nibbling on it gently. Her m***s because increasingly unintelligible as I drove her higher and higher. I missed this. I missed her. I locked eyes with her while I sucked on her tender little bud. Her hands were tangled in my hair, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wide and pleading.

What do you want, Baby? I asked over mind-link.

I could not help but tease her a little. I would suck on her clit and tracked patterns on it with my tongue until she was close to the edge and then I would slow down, taking her to the edge and back again until she begged for a release. She was bucking her h**s, moving her pelvis against my face, trying to chase her high.

I want to c*m, she pleaded.

What was that? I asked, pretending I had not heard correctly.

Heath! I want to c*m. Please make me c*m, she whimpered.

I squeezed her inner thighs with my hands while bit down gently on her clit, grazing my teeth over her overstimulated little bud. She screamed as she came against my face. She tried to clamp her legs shut as the waves of pleasure washed over her but I would not allow it. I kept her quivering thighs parted with my palms and began building her up again. She was in for a long night.

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