Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 115

Thursday 1st October, 2020.


I blinked slowly. I sat up gingerly. My muscles ached. I had exerted myself in the sea. I was in my room back at the Ice Moon Castle. I must have slept through the entire return trip. I looked at the Fae cuckoo clock on my bedside table. The bird ornament inside was a hummingbird instead of a cuckoo so the clock was quiet as it struck midnight. I watched the enchanted hummingbird ornament exit through tiny double doors, its wings fluttering so quickly the movements were blurred.

I was surprised and frankly disappointed to find that I was alone in my bed. Four mates and I was still sleeping alone. I grumbled inwardly to myself. Where had they all gone?

I stretched and went to use the bathroom. I almost jumped out of my skin in fright when I spotted a dark figure looming before me. I dashed for the light switch and flicked it on. The bathroom was illuminated, revealing what the phantom had been. A dress on a hanger. I breathed a sigh of relief. The dress had a small note attached that said Wear Me. I could not help the huge smile that spread across my face. Perhaps, my mates had not left me all alone without a second thought after all.

Upon closer inspection, the “dress” could pass for lingerie. This had Noah written all over it. It took a while for me to understand what straps went where but I managed to put on the dress. It was a sheer body con dress made from an iridescent material that was surprisingly comfortable and sparkled even in the dim light. The dress had a floral pattern and the tiny flowers were opaque and concentrated around my private areas for modesty. The dress laced up in the back like a corset which was partially why it had been so difficult to put on.

Knowing Jonah, I looked around for shoes. I did not have to look long. There was a shoebox on the counter that also bore a note. Wear Us. I burst into laughter. Of course, Jonah would personify heels. I peeked inside the box. I began to regret putting on the dress before the shoes. I was not sure I could bend in this get-up to get the shoes on. The shoes were platform heels with every square centimetre covered in rhinestones except for the heels themselves which were completely transparent. Instead of ankle straps, there were opalescent satin ribbons.that criss crossed all the way up my calves. I tied a bow at the back of each calf. I glanced in the mirror. I was shocked to find that I liked the outfit. I felt ethereal in it. The dress and shoes were seemed to be both Fae in origin.

As soon as I exited the bathroom, my eyes fell on an arrow on the floor. The arrow pointed to a box that had not been there before. The note on this box read Blindfold yourself then lie facedown in bed. I opened the box and found a simple black tie. I obediently blindfolded myself and stumbled a little on my way towards the bed. I sat on the bed. I hesitated, reaching for the shoe ribbons to undo them.

“Leave them on,” said a familiar silky voice.

I smirked. Jonah.

“Shoes on the bed?!” I said indignantly.

“They’re brand new. It’s fine. They haven’t been outside yet,” said Jonah.

I could envision the sly smile that was undoubtedly playing on his lips now. I remained sitting on the side of the bed, swinging my legs a little. I felt playful and somewhat rebellious.

“I believe you were in the middle of carrying out my instructions,” prompted Jonah.

“Is it just the two of us?” I asked curiously, knowing very well it wasn’t.

“What do you think, Princess?” Asked Eli.

I grinned.

“Three of us?” I asked.

“Luna, you’re wearing the outfit I picked for you. Of course I had to be here to see it in person,” cooed Noah.

I giggled and lay down on my side, facing the direction the voices were coming from.

“Baby, I believe that note said you were to lie face-down,” said Zaya sternly.

“Hmm,” I said. “Why should I?” I asked, with a shrug.

I could just imagine their shocked faces. I was tempted to move the blindfold slightly to peek at their reactions.

“Excuse me,” growled Zaya.

I laughed.

“Well, why should I listen to you?” I said, taunting them.

“We’re your Alphas, Luna. Aren’t you combative today?” Mused Noah.

“Behave yourself, Princess,” said Eli.

“Eli told me something really interesting,” I said to the others.

“And what was that?” Asked Jonah.

I pictured his furrowed brow.

“He can read auras,” I said nonchalantly.

“Fascinating, now lie down. You’re only increasing your count as the seconds tick by,” said Zaya.

“Noah can astral project,” I added.

“Where are you going with this?” Asked Jonah.

“I’ll only allow Eli and Noah to spank me. I’ve decided I don’t know Zaya and Jonah well enough,” I said innocently.

I heard a sharp intake of breath and a low growl. I had not gotten a chance to ask Zaya what his gift was because I had been so exhausted after swimming that I just fell asleep. Jonah’s date was tomorrow. Well, technically, it was later today but I could not wait. I was getting curious.

“That’s fine by me,” said Noah.

“Me too, actually. I guess you two can watch,” chuckled Eli.

There was another low growl. I grinned.

“Unless, Zaya and Jonah reveal their gifts to me right now,” I said.

“I don’t take orders from anyone not even my Luna, Baby,” said Zaya coolly.

“And I don’t make deals. I give direct orders, mon chaton! Or I suppose now you are ma tigresse. How fierce you’ve grown,” said Jonah.

“That’s too bad,” I said, sitting up slowly and crossing my legs. “The five of us could have had so much fun together,” I said with a sigh.

I could just picture the steam coming out of Zaya’s ears.

“Fine,” snarled Zaya.

I squealed with excitement before I could stop myself. Ugh. I was supposed to be playing it cool for once.

“I’m basically Freddy Krueger but I use my powers for good,” snapped Zaya, clearly grouchy about my triumph.

“Um, you…can go into people’s dreams?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yeah, and I can manipulate the dream while I’m there. I don’t have to physically stand over the person or anything. I can stay where I am and do it kinda like Noah’s thing,” he grumbled.

“So you’re my literal dream guy?” I asked, grinning, trying to lighten the mood now that Zaya was grumpy.

I could feel his smirk.

“Yeah, well in your case, I made you not dream so you wouldn’t have nightmares. After you had that first nightmare, I made sure you didn’t have anymore,” he mumbled.

“And you didn’t tell me?” I said, frowning.

“I don’t want credit for loving you, Star. My love is selfish. I love you for me. Loving you makes me happy,” he said simply.

That was the opposite of selfish in my opinion. I felt like the blindfold was actually helping the boys to be transparent with me.

“Jonah,” I prompted, tapping my heel impatiently.

I knew his eyes would be zeroed in on my heels.

“He can tell you exactly how many inches a girl’s heels are just from a far-off glance,” said Noah, his tone dead serious.

I snorted with laughter.

“Noah can sense a girl’s bra size from a mile off,” retorted Jonah.

“Jonah can sense a girl’s shoe size over the phone,” countered Noah.

“What’s Star’s?” Asked Eli, not specifying which size he meant.

“36 C,” said Noah in unison with Jonah saying, “8 and a half.”

Eli and Zaya burst into laughter.

“Those are five inch heels by the way,” added Jonah.

“Torture,” said Noah in mock outrage.

“You put her in a corset!” Exclaimed Jonah.

“Both the shoes and the corset are pretty comfortable,” I said with a shrug.

“See! It’s a boneless corset, you bonehead,” said Noah pointedly.

“Well, the five inch heels have two inch platforms so the instep not steep,” hissed Jonah.

“No one knows what either of you just said, not even Star,” said Eli. “Hurry up and say your gift.”

“I can create false memories,” said Jonah simply though that sounded very complicated.

“Whoa so? You can erase bad memories?” I asked.

“Sure and replace them with better ones or the opposite. Or erase them without inserting a new false one. But I’ve found that not supplying a fake memory and just leaving a hole in time for the person makes them super suspicious. They obsess over the day they can’t seem to remember so it’s always better to leave behind a false memory,” said Jonah with a shrug.

I reached to take off my blindfold, wanting to see Jonah’s expression. He seemed so nonchalant about all of this.

“No!” Said Jonah suddenly.

“Oh, ok,” I said, leaving it on.

“Have you ever used it on me?” I asked.

“Never,” he said.

“He overdid it with Angie so some of that crazy was probably his fault,” said Zaya dryly.

“No, Angie knew who her mate was before Jonah found Star and still pursued Jonah. She was plenty crazy on her own,” said Eli.

“I only erased one of her memories,” said Jonah defensively.

“Which one?” I asked quickly.

“The memory of me kissing you in the bathroom when she walked in on us,” he said.

“Including the fight?” I asked.

“Yeah, the whole thing,” he said.

I nodded. I pointed to each Quad as I said his power.

“Memory man, Astral projector, Dream guy, Aura reader,” I listed.

I took a deep breath and lay on my front with my back exposed to the frigid air.

“Well, that was difficult,” I heard Zaya say.

Eli snickered.

“How did you know who was where?” Asked Noah curiously.

“Did you peek?” Asked Jonah suspiciously.

“I have my own gifts,” I said ominously.

The boys tied each of my limbs to a bed post with pieces of soft fabric.

“Last time, you used metal. You’ve gone soft on me,” I taunted them, recalling the bangles.

“Eli insisted on these soft ties for his Princess,” said Noah pointedly as he double-knotted one of my wrist ties.

“My Princess is a delicate flower and should be treated as such,” said Eli.

“Well, my Luna is strong,” said Noah. “She’s more of an Oak tree.”

“Hey!” I said indignantly.

“What? That’s a good thing! Oaks are wise and strong,” said Noah defensively.

“Noah, leave the bedroom talk for professionals like me,” said Zaya.

I heard soft thud like a pillow had been flung at someone. It never ceased to amaze me how I could tell them apart so easily even just from their voices and caresses. Jonah had his claws out. I knew that because he was trailing their razor sharp tips up and down my right inner thigh. My pulse quickened.

“Should we step up the sensory deprivation?” Wondered Noah out loud.

“Like what?” Asked Jonah.

“The next step would be headphones,” said Noah.

“Do you want to listen to music, Princess?” Cooed Eli.

“No,” I said, realising how whiny I always sounded whenever I talked to Eli.

I was four slightly different Stars when it came to my guys. Eli usually babied me which I honestly loved but felt embarrassed to admit to it. I was always sweet and pliant with him as a result. Zaya brought out my adventurous and spontaneous side. I was at my most combative with Jonah and Noah. Jonah knew how to push all of my buttons so I was at my sassiest with him. Noah was the cerebral type and I found myself wanting to debate him and learn from him simultaneously. I loved all of them. I felt safe with all of them. I was in love with all of them as crazy as that probably sounded.

“Princess doesn’t want headphones,” said Eli authoritatively.

“I like hearing your voices,” I explained, raising and turning my head a little to the direction Eli’s voice was coming from.

I felt him brush his lips gently against my forehead while he stroked my hair.

“Princess has behaved terribly today,” hissed Jonah, tightening one of my ankle restraints.

I grumbled inwardly.

“Do you remember your safe word?” Asked Eli.

“Yes,” I said. He kissed my forehead again and then the tip of my nose.

“Which safe word is that, Baby?” Asked Zaya, his breath tickling my ear.

He and Eli were near the head of the bed and Jonah and Noah at the foot.

“My new one, Complete,” I said, recalling that only the elder Quads had been there when I had changed my safe word.

“Is that how we make you feel, Princess?” Murmured Eli. He bent towards me and nipped my earlobe, eliciting a little squeak of surprise.

“Yes,” I said breathlessly.

“Oh, Star, you have unlearnt all the things I taught you, haven’t you?” Growled Jonah, now running his fingers along both my inner thighs from my knees all the way up, stopping just short of flower. He knelt on the bed behind me and leant towards me. He blew on my inner thighs. I squirmed. It was hard to think and answer questions.

“Yes who?” Asked Noah.


“Yes, Sir,” I said quickly.

“Meh, too late,” said Jonah.

He smacked my behind swiftly and sharply. I g*****d. My flower lubricated itself in response.

“What’s a fair number, Luna?” Asked Noah.

This was always a trick question.

“Whatever my Alphas think is fair, Sir,” I answered, smirking.

Jonah began kneading the globes of my behind soothingly.

“Now, you’re just showing off,” he said.

I rolled my eyes but I was blindfolded so I could get away with that. I grinned.

“What’s so funny, Baby?” Purred Zaya, grasping my chin.

“Nothing, Sir,” I said.

“I think you’re lying, Baby,” said Zaya.

“I think so too,” said Jonah.

Jonah slapped my behind, making my butt cheeks quiver. I exhaled sharply.

“Pick a number, ma petite friponne,” said Jonah.

“Ten, Sir,” I said hesitantly, knowing that was probably too small a number.

“Times Four which is forty, ok, good,” said Jonah.

What?! I gasped.

“No, that is too many,” said Eli.

“Is that too many, Star?” Asked Jonah.

“If one of my Alphas thinks it is then it is so yes, Sir,” I said pointedly, trapping him with his own logic.

I could just picture Jonah’s little frown.

“Mon chaton est intelligente, non,” commented Jonah.

“Bien sûr,” said Eli.

I had not heard him speak French before.

“Pick another number, mon ciel étoilé. Ton Prince charmant is here to save you,” said Jonah.

“Seven,” I said.

“Twenty-eight,” said Jonah. “Actually, thirty. I will take two extra as you didn’t address me properly.”

“Well, you already took your two extra, Sir,” I said innocently.

Jonah chuckled softly.

“Start counting, maintenant!” Instructed Jonah.

I scarcely had time to figure out what that last word meant before he slapped one of my butt cheeks and then the other in quick succession.

“One, two,” I said breathlessly as Noah trailed k****s up one of my calves.

Noah reached my inner thigh and stopped just short of my flower which was aching with need.

“Something interesting about this outfit,” said Noah offhandedly. “It’s functional,” he said, loosening a tie in the back near the base of my spine. The frilly lower part of the dress fell away to reveal my derriere to the cold night air. Eli was planting k**s along my cheek and jaw and massaging my scalp while Zaya squeezed my shoulders.

Zaya moved my hair out of the way so he could k**s the nape of my neck. Eli began to nibble my ear lobes. Noah ran a finger in a straight line down my exposed centre. A thrill coursed through me where his finger dragged across my wetness. I m****d. Jonah’s silky laugh filled the air. I felt his breath on the back of my quivering thighs and then suddenly he flicked his tongue out and ran it along the length of my vulva stopping at my clit.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“f**k,” I breathed.

“You have my little Princess cussing like a sailor,” said Eli.

“Behave yourself, Star,” taunted Jonah.

He slapped my a*s harder this time. I whimpered as moisture pooled between my thighs.

“I didn’t hear a number or a Sir or an Alpha or anything,” commented Noah, his tone shocked.

Jonah struck my left cheek followed immediately by my right.

“Three, Four, Five,” I said quickly. “Sir!” I gasped.

“No, Baby,” purred Zaya. “You forgot to count one when it happened so that’s three, four.”

Hmph. Jonah chuckled. He parted my folds gently and ran a finger teasingly along my outer lips though I could feel the cold air on my inner lips. The other three Quads were planting open-mouthed k****s all over me. I could feel my skin flushing. Zaya reached under me to squeeze my breasts.

“Get up, Baby, kneel with your palms on the bed,” instructed Zaya.

I quickly raised myself, getting on my palms and knees. Jonah had position himself suggestively behind me. I could feel the bulge in his pants rub against my puffy lower lips. He pressed down on my shoulders, making me angle myself so that my butt was up in the air. In this position, my flower was unfolded and my thighs apart. He gripped my thighs, pushing them further apart. I could smell my own aroused scent filling the air in addition to the delicious masculine scents of my Alphas.

Zaya slid under me so that my knees were on either side of his waist and my breasts were in his face. I felt his tongue lick my left n****e and then swirl around my right. He took the left one in his mouth while his fingers pinched the right one. My breathing was coming in little gasps. Eli kissed his way from the nape of my neck down to the base of my spine. Noah grasped my chin and tilted my face upwards. His lips came crashing down on mine urgently. I tried to keep up with the ravenous k**s. It lit a fire in my middle. I instinctively moved my hands, trying to grasp his shoulders and then I remembered the restraints. Noah smirked against my lips cheekily so I nipped at his bottom l*p.

“I’ll make you pay for that, Luna,” he snarled playfully in my ear, tugging on the earlobe gently with his teeth just as Jonah brought both palms down on my butt cheeks twice in quick succession.

“Five, Six, Sir,” I breathed.

“Good, mon ange,” purred Jonah.

Smack. I g*****d. I could not believe how wet this made me. “Seven, Sir.”

Smack. I was panting. “Eight, Sir.”

I felt Jonah lick my vulva firmly and I squealed. Zaya was making my n*****s painfully hard from under me. I felt Noah’s teeth graze my right butt cheek while Eli’s teeth grazed the other.


That one made my stomach clench. There was so much pressure right in my middle. Eight hands roamed my body. All their sharp claws came out and gently traced lines on me. My whole body was tingling.


The hardest spank so far made me cry out. Jonah grabbed my thighs roughly and pulled my flower onto his face. He buried his tongue in me, found my clit and sucked on it with a force I was not expecting. I whimpered and pulled away from the intense pleasure but Zaya secured a steely grip on my h**s and pushed me back towards Jonah, holding me in place, until I came against Jonah’s face. I collapsed shaking onto Zaya. His arms encircled me and he kissed my forehead.

“I want to go next,” he announced.

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