Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 17

Hannah Star’s Point Of View

Wednesday 16th September, 2020 (Continued)

“You called your father?!” I asked Jonah, immediately annoyed just from the sight of him.

Eric raised his eyebrows. Jonah smiled slyly.

“No! Your lover-boy Zaya did,” said Jonah.

“Oh,” I said, blushing but calming down.

“Oh!” Mocked Jonah. “Now you don’t mind! Now you think it’s sweet and thoughtful! When you thought I had called, it was probably invasive and pushy!”

I took a deep breath. Jonah just knew how to grind my gears. My she-wolf suddenly indicated to me that this meant he’d be amazing in bed. She was nuts. I pushed her to the back of my mind. I didn’t need her horny thoughts distracting me.

“Thanks again, Eric,” I said to Mr Sanderson, feeling embarrassed at what Jonah had said right in front our principal.

Mr Sanderson chuckled. “I had my hands full back in my day. My mate was something else. You ladies are not always easy to please!” Chastised Eric playfully.

I sniffed indignantly and made my leave with Jonah hot on my heels. I practically ran out the large staff room and into the hallway.

“You’re supposed to leave me alone!” I hissed at Jonah. “Wasn’t that you and Noah’s masterplan?!”

“We couldn’t leave you to get expelled. Eli told us he heard scholarship students had to have perfect attendance. Then Zaya called Dad to make sure it didn’t turn into a bigger deal than necessary! I came to make sure Eric was handling it,” said Jonah.

“Eric?” I said, rolling my eyes. This Academy was ridiculously unfair.

“Don’t pretend like you’re not relieved Mega b***h didn’t throw the book at you and ruin your scholarship!” Said Jonah.

I sighed. “Ok, tell Zaya thanks for me!”

“Tell him yourself!” Said Jonah. “I’m taking you back to our suite.”

“How is that gonna confuse the curse?!” I snapped.

I was so annoyed with their constant push and pull. I wasn’t a wind up doll.

Jonah rubbed the back of his neck.

“Listen, Angie took it way too far the other day,” said Jonah. “She took the day off school today to go to some spa. As soon as we get things sorted with the curse, Angie will be out of your hair, trust me.”

“So your girlfriend ditched school to go pamper herself so you thought you’d sneak me into your room while she’s gone?!” I snarled.

He stepped towards me, standing very close to me, barely an inch away.

“I thought we could use some quality time together to get to know each other,” he said, pouting.

He was really handsome but I was really pissed off. I wanted to piss him off.

“Where’s Zaya?” I asked.

Anger immediately coloured his expression.

“I’m Jonah and I’m standing right in front of you!” He said.

“Well, go get Zaya,” I said, folding my arms. He looked furious. “And then I’ll consider coming back to your suite to chill for the whole day.”

Jonah looked eager now that I had said that. He pulled out his phone and called Zaya.

“She won’t come unless you ask her,” he said blankly over the phone.

He put the phone to my ear.

“Baby?” Said Zaya over the phone.

His voice calmed me down. He had the same voice technically as Jonah but Zaya’s tone of voice was always so sweet with me.

“Zaya,” I said, feeling embarrassed at how whiny I sounded. “Are you at your private suite?!”

“Yes, Baby! I’m here in my cold bed waiting for you,” he said.

I smirked. Jonah looked so annoyed.

“And Angie isn’t there?” I confirmed.

“Angie? In my bed? No, my room has been cleared by Pest Control!”

I giggled. Jonah rolled his eyes.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Is Eli there?” I asked.

“Yeah,” said Zaya. He gave Eli the phone.

“Princess?” Eli said.

I grinned. “So you’re there too!”

“The only person not here is you, Princess!” Complained Eli.

“Ok, I’m coming,” I announced.

“Noah wants to talk to you,” said Eli.

I hung up the phone. I had spoken to the people I wanted to speak to already. I walked away from Jonah but headed in the direction of the Quadruplets’ suite.

“You don’t have a key?!” Said Jonah from behind me, following me.

“I don’t need one,” I said serenely.

Jonah snorted.

“So how’re you gonna get in our maximum security private suite?!” Asked Jonah.

“I’m going to yell for Zaya and Eli at the door,” I said. Duh.

“What if the doors are sound proof?” Jonah asked.

“I’m pretty sure you have surveillance cameras that you glance at from inside. They’ll see me even if they can’t hear me and if not, they’ll smell me or is the door scent proof?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

Jonah huffed and puffed like the big bad wolf but he wasn’t blowing my house down that was for sure.

I quickly made my way to the lobby of the wing that contained the private suites. I passed through the magic and metal detectors and walked towards the elevators.

“Hold on!” Said a guard.

I stopped.

“Is she with you?” The guard asked Jonah.

Jonah smirked at me.

“Go ahead and say no! Good luck explaining to all three of your younger brothers why I didn’t come when you get up there!” I said, smiling and folding my arms.

The guard looked confused.

“She’s with me,” muttered Jonah.

He grabbed me and yanked me into the elevator. He pressed their floor number. He was quietly seething. I was actually enjoying myself a little. He walked me to their suite. He swiped his card in the door and then used a key too. There was a literal lock and a technological one. The door swung open and the other three Quads almost tumbled out of it. They stumbled backwards to let me pass. I walked into the suite. It was just as lavish as I remembered from the weekend I had spent here with Zaya and Eli.

“Princess,” said Eli.

He gathered me into his arms and kissed me slowly, cupping my face in his warm large hands. I sighed happily against his lips. He kissed the tip of my nose and my eyelids. Zaya snatched me from him and kissed me urgently, his tongue snaking into my mouth and his hands roaming my body. He left me a little breathless. Noah was staring at me and so was Jonah. I ignored them and went over to the huge television and put it on. I curled up on the couch. Noah sat next to me on the couch. I glared at him. He pretended not to notice me glaring at him. Jonah sat in front of the couch on the plush carpet. He was leaning against the place I was sitting. His shoulder pressed against my knee. I wanted to kick him but I didn’t.

“Hungry, Baby?” Asked Zaya.

“Yeah! I haven’t eaten since breakfast yesterday. I was trying to have some cereal this morning but then Madison the Head Girl showed up to take me to the Principal,” I explained.

“You need to eat, Princess,” cooed Eli.

Zaya and Eli were fixing me a plate of stuff. My tummy grumbled.

“You need to take better care of yourself. You’re not eating and you look like you haven’t slept too,” said Noah.

“Gee, thanks,” I said sarcastically.

Noah smiled slightly. I put my legs up on the couch to get away from touching Jonah on the floor in front of me. Noah’s hand found my ankle and stroked it. Goosebumps immediately sprang up on my skin. I yanked my foot away from Noah. I placed my feet back on the ground. My knee was brushing Jonah’s shoulder again. Jonah turned and looked up at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Do you like this?” He asked. Like what? I thought he meant us touching.

“No,” I said.

“Oh, well, can I change it then?” He said, reaching for the remote. Oh, he meant the show on the television.

“No, I’m watching it!” I said.

“You just said you didn’t like it!” Said Jonah.

“That was a misunderstanding,” I replied, grabbing the remote and keeping it close to me so he couldn’t snatch it.

“You’re so confusing!” Jonah said.

I snorted with laughter. “I’m so confusing!” Wow, he was a huge hypocrite.

“No! I told you what my plan was,” said Jonah.

I sighed. I was tired of this back and forth with Jonah.

“Here,” I said, handing him the remote.

He changed the channel. I got up and went to the bathroom. I could hear them arguing outside.

“Why would you do that?” Grumbled Eli.

“Do what?” Asked Jonah.

“Change the channel!” Yelled Zaya.

“Yeah!” Said Eli.

“What’s the big deal?” Asked Jonah incredulously.

Noah spoke but a lot more softly than the others. I had to put my ear to the door to hear him. “She had to be coaxed into coming here. You should just let her watch what she wants,” he said softly. “You can watch the show you like anytime. If she gets fed up with us and leaves, I doubt you’ll feel like watching it though.”

I heard Jonah’s loud, exasperated sigh.

“You’re usually much more charming than this,” commented Zaya. “Almost as charming as me!”

Jonah chuckled a little. “It’s just difficult to be suave with Star,” he mumbled.

“Why?” Asked Eli.

“I never gave this much of a s**t before I guess. It’s stressful,” said Jonah.

“You always let Angie watch whatever she wants,” said Eli his tone annoyed.

“Yeah,” said Zaya. “The channel stays on fashion shows all day when she’s here. You won’t let us change it either.”

My tummy hurt. Of course, Jonah treated Angie better than me. Probably because he thought she was better: richer, more popular, skinnier. I sighed. Maybe he wished Angie was his mate and not me. I felt sick. My wolf told me not to think that way. I couldn’t help it. I came out of the bathroom.

“Hey, Star,” Said Jonah. “I put the TV back on the show you were watching.”

“I think I should go,” I said softly.

“No! Please! Don’t!” Said Jonah, getting up. “Look, just stay, please. If you want, I…I’ll leave you to hang out with Zaya, Eli and Noah,” offered Jonah looking heartbroken.

My wolf was whimpering because one of her mates was sad and the other three were tense.

“No, that’s ok, let’s all hang out together,” I said softly, hugging myself tightly.

“You cold?” Asked Noah.

“A little,” I mumbled.

“Should we change the temperature in here?” Asked Noah.

“No, leave it,” I said.

Noah gave me his jacket. I put it on. I sat back down on the couch with Noah next to me and Jonah still in front of me on the floor. Eli and Zaya came over. They gave me a plate filled with roasted chicken breast, macarons, chocolate cake and truffle fries. So random! I just smiled. Everything tasted delicious though. Zaya sat on the floor next to Jonah. Eli lifted me up and sat down, putting me on his lap. I felt flushed. He had his arms around me from behind. I relaxed into him. I stretched out a little. My feet brushed against Noah’s thigh.

“Sorry!” I said, pulling my feet away..

“For what?” Asked Noah, taking my feet and putting them on his lap. I was too shocked to protest when he began massaging my feet. It felt so good. I sighed contentedly. He focused on the left foot. Zaya turned around from where he was on the floor and started massaging my right foot. He tickled the sole of my foot a little. I giggled. Eli began massaging my shoulders.

“I’m glad I came,” I murmured.

The guys all chuckled except Jonah who was just staring at me. I bit my l*p, staring back at him. He grasped my right hand gently and began massaging the wrist. I smiled slightly at him.

“So…do you really have to marry Angie for the plan to work?” I asked.

I didn’t want to ruin the moment but I could think of nothing else. The thought of Angie smugly flaunting her marriage to all the Quads while I faded away into the background made me feel sick.

“The witch we hired said a fake engagement would be enough to draw the entity out to try to trap it or banish it,” said Noah.

“So all of you will pretend to be into her soon?” I asked, feeling a bit tense despite being massaged by four guys.

“No!” Snapped Zaya.

“No the sequel,” responded Eli.

Eli and Zaya laughed.

“Me proposing to her as the eldest should be enough to insinuate that we’re all on board with making her our Luna,” said Jonah.

Proposing? I sighed.

“So you’ll have to buy her an engagement ring and plan some romantic proposal for her?” I said dryly.

Jonah shrugged, focusing on my wrist.

“Won’t she be devastated when she finds out your real plan?” I asked them.

I felt a small pang of guilt. A fake proposal was a pretty mean trick even thought it was being done to the Queen of Mean herself. I really wouldn’t wish that on anyone, not even Angie.

“The good witch actually said she can wipe Angie’s memory,” said Noah.


“That’s amazing,” I said in earnest.

“Can she wipe mine too so I don’t have to remember witnessing all of this?” I asked , half-joking.

“It’ll be over soon,” said Jonah softly. He began working his way up one arm and down the other. He was really good at massages. All the Quads were. I sighed, feeling a bit happier now. I closed my eyes and leant back against Eli, enjoying the massage. Eli had begun to rub my temples with his fingers in little circles. Noah and Zaya had made their way up to my calves. Jonah was now massaging my forearms. Suddenly a loud banging sound made me jump.

“What was that?” I asked sharply, keeping my voice low.

“JONAH!” Called a shrill voice. It was Angie on the other side of the door, back early from the spa.

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