Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 38

Sunday 20th September, 2020 (Continued)

Star’s POV

A chill crept through me. Another person was dead. Another teacher. First, Mr Damocles. Now, Vice Principal Hitch. My heart was racing. The curse was progressing, probably after the escapade I had engaged in with Noah, Zaya and Eli. This was my doing. I shut my eyes tightly and put my head in my hands.

“Honey, I’m so sorry!” Exclaimed Granny. “What a horrific thing to happen. Did you like that teacher a lot?”

I didn’t actually but the guilt was unbearable. I didn’t think I could take the grief coupled with the guilt if I caused the death of someone I genuinely loved or even just liked.

Does your Granny know about the curse? Asked Jonah in my mind.

I was confused for a second because he had never mind-linked me before. I glanced at him to make sure he was talking to me and his eyes were boring into me.

No, I answered.

She didn’t know. She deserved to know that. It impacted and potentially endangered her.

Does Harper know? Jonah asked with a furtive glance at Harper.

No, I said simply.

Keep it that way, insisted Jonah.

Ok, for now, I said, wanting some peace between Jonah and me for the time being.

He nodded, his expression impassive.

“That’s such a freak accident!” Commented Brink.

“Yeah, it’s like from some horror movie or something,” said River.

“It happened in front of the whole school then? On stage?” Asked Chester.

“Yeah, she was presenting the next number and the light fell on her! Isn’t that just so freaky? Poor Miss Hitch,” said Jillian, sighing.

Jillian didn’t know about the curse either and I wanted to keep it that way.

“Weird…how Damocles died in a car accident, now Hitch snaps her neck…who will be next?” Wondered Chester aloud.

“No one!” Said River. “It’s just a horrible coincidence!”

“We need to call Jamie,” said Noah under his breath to Jonah.

Jonah nodded.

“I’m sorry for what happened to Miss Hitch. That’s awful but…the snow globe…you said it’s a portal? How do we use it?” Asked Harper.

Granny seemed uncertain.

“It’s simple enough,” said Jonah. “It’s a snow globe! You just shake it up and say the incantation that’s usually inscribed on the bottom.”

“Wait so you know this because…there are more snow globes like this?” Asked Harper.

“Yeah, there are a couple portals like this. They’re rare but our Dad has one in his office that leads to Marigold. You know how that place is a fortress but he’s a trusted Aly so he was gifted one by his close friend, the former alpha Malachi,” explained Jonah.

I nodded. Something didn’t add up.

“Granny…” I said.

“Yes, Pumpkin,” she said.

“If you don’t know anything about my biological family other than the fact that they left me with this snow globe portal then how come you said this was the kingdom my twin brother and I were from?” I asked.

My grandmother fidgeted uncomfortably. Was she concealing something from me?

“I…now…don’t get upset!” Said Granny.

“I won’t! Just tell me!” I said.

“When you were little, a rich family approached me, asking to adopt you. I don’t know how they found us but…they offered me a lot of money in exchange for you but I couldn’t part with you. You were all I had. My daughter was gone but she would never have let me give you up like that…” said my grandmother. Her hands were shaking.

“And the rich family told you about Harper?” I asked.

“The rich family had already adopted Harper!” Said my grandmother.

Harper stiffened beside me.

“I never bothered to try to find out more. I just wanted to live a peaceful, quiet life with you…” my grandmother said, her tone apologetic. “Please, try to understand…”

Harper stood up abruptly and walked outside.

“He’s upset,” whispered Granny. “I’ve upset him!”

“No, Granny, don’t worry, thank you so much! I’ll be back!” I said, scrambling to my feet and snatching the snow globe.

I hurried after Harper. He was standing on the small porch with his back to me and his arms folded.

“Harper,” I said softly.

“Let’s just go see Angie’s Mom and my…whoever those people are and get this all over with…” mumbled Harper.

“They’re still your parents, Harper! They took care of you! They raised you. They love you. That counts for something,” I reminded him.

Harper shrugged. He wiped a stray tear from his cheek. I pressed my forehead to his.

“I know you’re not exactly thrilled about all of this but…I…I’m so glad I found you. I think I loved you from the moment I met you and it didn’t make sense. Now it does,” I said softly.

“Same,” said Harper.

I chuckled.

“Twinning,” I said.

“Ugh! No, please! Spare me, Movie Star!” G*****d Harper.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the car. Everyone trickled out of the house and followed us.

Harper drove in silence for a while. He was pensive.

“Wanna talk about anything?” I asked.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“Your Granny found out about me from my parents…they were trying to raise both of us together! Your Granny said no and kept you. Aren’t you upset about that?” Harper asked.

“No, she couldn’t just hand me over,” I said.

“She could’ve told you that you had a twin!” Harper said, clearly annoyed.

“Your parents could’ve told you too,” I said, shrugging.

“Your grandmother…no offence, Movie Star, but your grandmother seems as though she’s struggling financially. You would have had an easier life with me. We would have been together and money wouldn’t have been an issue,” said Harper.

He was upset with my grandmother.

“She’s elderly, Harper. She lost her daughter. She was probably afraid to be alone and lose me too,” I said.

Harper looked at me, his eyes filled with tears. Zaya and Eli were silent in the backseat. Suddenly Zaya broke the silence.

“Harper, I’m sorry for…shifting and…trying to attack you,” said Zaya quietly. “In all fairness, you seemed so into Star. I thought you were trying to steal her.”

“I was trying to steal her,” Harper admitted.


“Sort of,” said Harper. “I mean…I didn’t want Star to have mates. I wanted her all to myself but not in a romantic way, in a protective way so the more pissed off you guys were, the better for me. I tolerate you two but I won’t give my blessing for you Quads to be with Star until Noah and Jonah show me that she’s their number one priority.”

Everyone was silent.

“She is their number one priority…they’re just naturally lame so it comes across wrong,” said Eli.

Zaya snickered.

I chuckled.

Harper smiled faintly.

“It’s not seven o’ clock yet,” I said.

“Yeah, far from it. It’s only four,” said Eli.

“So are we going to talk to Angie’s Mom first?” I asked.

“Yeah,” said Harper. “Jonah called her and asked to drop by.”

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“Mind-link,” said Harper, tapping on his temple with his index finger.

“So where’s Angie?” I asked.

“I didn’t ask,” said Harper.

“She’s back at school still. There’s a news piece tonight on the deaths of both teachers at the Academy and Angie is going to be interviewed,” said Zaya.

“And how do you know that?” I asked, feeling like a broken record.

“Mind-link,” said Zaya.

I sighed. “Ok.”

“You ok?” Asked Harper.

“My aunty isn’t even my aunty and she knows that. She’s always known that. I guess I just hope she tells us the truth,” I said.

“She should. She owes it to your adopted Mom as her friend,” said Harper.

“I thought you said your Dad and Angie’s Mom were brother and sister!” Said Eli.

“Yes, they were, but my Mom and Angie’s Mom were friends. That’s how my Mom met my Dad,” I said. “Basically my adopted Mom had a crush on her best friend’s elder brother.”

“Makes sense,” said Harper. “But Angie’s Mom is wealthy so wasn’t your adopted father from a wealthy family?”

“Um, yeah, I guess,” I said. I had never pondered why Dad hadn’t had millions to leave behind for me.

“Maybe…because he passed away…they just gave his share of the family money to Angie’s Mom?” I asked.

“No way, rich families don’t work like that,” said Zaya.

“Yeah, the money would have become part of your inheritance Star and you would’ve had access to it when you turned eighteen so basically you would have inherited it about a week ago if they had been any,” explained Harper.

“Yeah, and your legal guardian, in this case your Granny would have probably had some access to some of it to help care for you until you came of age. At least, that is how most people set up their affairs. Every family differs I guess,” said Eli.

That made a lot of sense but perhaps my father had not had any money of his own to leave me. Maybe Angie’s Mom had been the favourite or something.

The wrought iron gates of Angie’s home loomed before us. We drove down the mile long driveway. Harper didn’t seem particularly impressed. Perhaps, his house was even grander than this. The sprawling mansion came into view. We got out of the car and knocked on the double doors. A formally dressed butler answered the door.

“Hi, Mrs Plastique is expecting us,” said Harper.

“Ahh, Mr Jogie, Alpha Zaya, Alpha Eli and err Miss, welcome,” said the butler in a refined deep voice.

How does he know your name? I asked.

My father is chummy with Angie’s Dad. They’re in the same Boys’ Club. Our mothers attend the same Country Club too so I see her around. We stole their chef once! Said Harper over mind-link.

What?! Really? I asked laughing. How can you steal a chef?

Well, we convinced him to work for us instead! My Dad offered him more money and better working conditions. Angie and her family are awful to their staff and try to low-ball them with their wages, said Harper.

The butler led us to the drawing room which was basically a fancy living room with expensive-looking couches, elegant armchairs, a grand fireplace and macabre oil paintings lining the dark grey walls. Jonah and Noah arrived soon after us and they were followed by the rest of Pariah and Jillian and Chet. We all waited for my aunt.

“Wow, full house!” Drawled a voice.

My aunt, Arcadia Plastique, had always dreamt of being a movie star. She never made it but she continued to live the life of one. She dressed in designer duds and kept her dirty blonde hair bleached platinum. The cheek on which her large mole was drawn changed everyday. She always had a full face of makeup including glowing dewy skin, glossy eyeshadow and seductively full red lips. She loved low-cut figure hugging dresses like the white one she was currently in. I had always found her so glamorous growing up. She seemed to neither like nor dislike me. She had an airy sort of personality and was the same with everyone, a bit detached but pleasant enough. She was constantly cheating on Angie’s Dad according to my grandmother.

“Jonah, darling, what a surprise!” She said as she descended the sweeping staircase, walking slowly towards us in her six-inch stiletto heels.

“I told you we were coming,” said Jonah.

“Did you? And you’ve brought Noah! And Harper of course. My husband will be thrilled to see you Harper. He hasn’t been to one of your Dad’s card games in a while. Isaiah and Elijah, I think this is the first time we’ve had you over,” said Arcadia.

She seemed to be talking as if she were performing a scene from a script she’d been given just this morning. She always behaved like that. My grandmother had told me she had a pill problem and that was why she spoke so slowly. She was supposedly trying not to slur her words.

“Hi, Aunty,” I said, with a little wave.

“OH! Hannah! My, my how you’ve grown. Angie will be delighted to see you,” said Aunt Arcadia.

“Angie is here!” I said, my pulse quickening.

“Yes, of course, she’s going to be on the news tonight. She invited the filming crew here so she could do her interview in her room, in front of all her beauty queen trophies…a little fancy backdrop never hurts..” Said Arcadia.

“Alistair! Wine please! NOW!” Demanded Arcadia in a completely different tone, dropping all her airy pretences when speaking to her butler.

“Now where was I,” she said, regaining her sultry demeanour.

Alistair poured us all glasses of white wine. Arcadia downed hers immediately and held out her glass for another.

“Um, we can’t drink, we’re too y-…” I began.

Everyone looked at me pointedly. I stopped speaking.

“Arcadia, we needed to ask you some difficult questions,” said Jonah softly.

“Ask away, I love a good interview,” said Arcadia.

“Ok,” said Noah. “Tell us about Star’s parents.”

Arcadia frowned. “What is there to tell?” She said.

“We found out that Star’s adopted,” said Zaya, cutting to the chase. “And you didn’t want her to know because you didn’t want her looking for her family. Why? What do you know?” Asked Zaya.

Arcadia laughed nervously. She downed the second glass.

“Hannah’s parents, well they…they were down on their luck and they gave Hannah up for adoption. Hannah’s Mom was just a teenager and the father wanted nothing to do with…”

“You’re lying,” growled Harper.

“Pardon me,” said Arcadia. “Harper, darling…”

“You’re. Lying!” Snarled Harper.

“How do you know?” Asked Noah.

“I know when people are lying,” said Harper simply.

His bandmates nodded.

“He’s never wrong about that,” said Brink. “Our lead rocker can sniff out a lie better than a detection dog sniffing out drugs at the airport.”

“What cause would I have to lie?” Said Arcadia.

“I don’t know. You tell us!” Demanded Harper.

There was silence. The tension in the room was so palpable you could cut it with a cheese knife.

“We’ll find out eventually so I suggest you start talking,” said Harper.

“Arcadia, what Harper means is…” began Jonah.

“I said what I meant! No one speaks for me! Now tell Hannah the truth now!”

“Very well,” said Arcadia, dropping her airy tone again. “I don’t know who Hannah’s parents were exactly. All I know is that Hannah’s Mom died and Axle and Edith took her in,” said Arcadia.

I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. I had been hoping for living parents this time.

“How did she die?” I managed to whisper while Zaya rubbed my back. I was fighting back tears.

“She killed herself…”

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