Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 44

Sunday 20th September, 2020 (Continued)

Star’s POV

Prince Asriel was completely not what I had been expecting. I had anticipated that a Winter Fae Prince would be the very picture of elegance and sophistication. I had expected him to be punctual, arrogant and immaculately dressed. Asriel showed up a half hour later than the time given, wearing artfully ripped jeans with paint splatters on them and a rock band Tee shirt. His light blonde hair was down to his waist and had been streaked with grey and purple. He had pierced ears. I kept staring at his earrings. They were tiny hanging skulls that spoke. One skull earring whispered snide comments and the other was very complimentary and polite. He jokingly introduced the skull earrings as Asshat and A*****e but their names were actually Erin and Rein with Erin being the kind one and Rein being the abrasive one.

“I’m so happy to learn you’re a fellow artist!” Said Asriel immediately to Harper with no prelude or verbal introduction whatsoever.

Asriel pulled Harper into a hug.

“Awesome! Can’t wait to hear your material,” said Asriel.

“I don’t want to hear it. I’m bored already with him. Let’s go,” demanded Rein.

“I’m a huge fan of Pariah! Will you sign my mandible?” Asked Erin.

Harper was so confused by the skull earrings that he just stared at Asriel. He was left totally speechless. I had no idea how even Erin, the kind Fae skull earring, knew about Harper’s band, Pariah.

“Righteous,” said Asriel to a dumbfounded Harper.

“Come here, Hannah,” insisted Asriel.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

He bear-hugged me, literally lifting me off the ground with such ease.

He was very tall like Harper but more lean than muscular so I was surprised at his strength. His face was symmetrical perfection. It almost hurt to look at him. That was the face I had expected of a Fae Prince, fantastically handsome in a refined way. He placed me delicately back onto my feet. He held me at arms length and cupped my face, turning it from side to side and up and down, admiring it from every angle.

“Astounding! Amazing!” He said more to himself than me.

“Isn’t she just?” Agreed Dad.

I felt so shy with all eyes on me.

“A perfect likeness,” said Asriel.

“Your mother was my father’s favourite cousin so I hope we will be best friends as they were,” said Asriel.

I nodded eagerly. He kissed my forehead.

“You look exactly like Hesper,” he said.

“You met my Mom?” I asked curiously.

“I’m a lot older than I look,” he said with a huge grin.

Asriel looked about twenty-one at the most. I wondered how old he was.

“Let’s rock n’ roll!” He commanded.

He marched outside. Dad followed him. Harper and I scrambled after them.

“What’s the plan?” Asked Harper, getting into his car. I got in too.

Dad and Asriel stood outside the car, staring at Harper and me until we simply vacated the car again and stood awkwardly in front of them.

“Right,” said Asriel. “The car is evidence!”

“Evidence?” Asked Harper.

Asriel grinned. “You wanna break into the Plastique house? Don’t you? Yeah, evidence!”

Harper and I were shocked. We had not explained our plan or mentioned the Plastique house yet.

“How did you know that?” Asked Harper before I could.

“These guys!” Said Asriel pointing to his earrings.

“We’re not just good-looking, we know a lot of things!” Said Erin.

“You’re not good-looking, Erin!” Said Rein.

“I’m gorgeous! I was Mom’s favourite!” Said Erin.

“That’s awesome!” Said Harper excitedly, peering more closely at the earrings.

“Are they all knowing?” I asked in amazement.

“Oh! Aren’t you the sweetest!” Cooed Erin.

“Of course not! Are you sniffing glue?” Muttered Rein. “We know certain things!”

“Desires and intentions…” said Erin.

“Lottery numbers…but only the human lottery and that money is useless in the Fae world. It’s only paper!” Complained Rein.

“Will Rein and Erin be…um…quiet when we get to the house?” Asked Harper tentatively.

“Anything for you, handsome!” Said Erin.

“He just told us to shut up! He doesn’t even have a post officially yet and he’s giving orders!” Yelled Rein.

Asriel laughed, tossing his head back.

“What’s the holdup?” Asked Dad, annoyed.

Asriel was still laughing. “They want to know if my earrings will be quiet when we get to the house!” Chuckled Asriel.

Dad looked elated all of a sudden. “They’re like their mother, you know. They have it! They definitely have it!” Said Dad.

“Have what?” I asked.

“Fae magic!” Said Dad. “I can’t hear anything.”

Asriel nodded. “Only the Fae can perceive Fae magic. These earrings are motionless normal skull earrings to everyone who isn’t Fae,” explained Asriel. “So the Plastique family won’t hear them bickering!” Asriel added in a dramatic whisper.

Harper looked like he wanted a pair of those earrings ASAP. I was fine without them. They seemed like a headache. They quarrelled nonstop.

Asriel took a small vial from his jeans pocket. It was filled with silvery dust. He blew it into the air and it surrounded us. I felt tingly all over for a moment and then the feeling faded.

“What just happened?” I asked.

“You’re invisible now!” Asriel informed me.

I took my compact out of my little crossbody bag and looked at myself. I smiled at the nothingness reflected there. I only saw the tree behind me in the mirror.

“Will we be able to do stuff like that?” I asked hopefully.

“Eventually,” said Asriel.

“You just discovered you were part Fae five minutes ago! Why are young people always in a hurry?” Asked Rein.

“She’s eager to learn! She will make a marvellous princess! I can envision the halls of the castle filled with suitors already!” Whispered Erin conspiratorially.

“I have mates,” I said to Erin.

“Yuck! Those four. Four of them and not even one likeable one! Now that’s just ridiculous!” Said Rein.

“Yes! I almost forgot! Jonah, Noah, Eli and Zaya. Oh, I love Zaya! I like Eli too. Noah and Jonah are…great also!” Said Erin.

I felt like Erin struggled to say the word great when referring to the elder two.

“They a’ight,” said Asriel.

He snapped his fingers and we were surrounded by darkness. My stomach lurched as if I had fallen suddenly. I held onto Harper to steady myself. Dad seemed used to this method of travel. I had so many questions for him. Did Mom used to travel via Fae magic like that? Did Mom take him to Fae places? What was she like? What was he like? My Dad was a stranger to me still.

We arrived at the Plastique residence in less than a few uncomfortable seconds.

“Wow,” said Harper softly.

I knew he meant the magic.

“Wait,” I said. “How come we didn’t…um…poof inside the house?” I asked out of curiosity.

Asriel chuckled.

Dad smiled.

“We are Fae. We must be invited inside. Once invited, we can return as we please. You two were let in earlier. I was not. This is where I leave you for now. You’re invisible. Go in and retrieve what you seek,” said Asriel with a knowing smile. “Your Dad can go with you. He’s a werewolf. He doesn’t need an invitation!”

“Not like vampires and faeries,” barked Dad, laughing to himself.

“You’ll wait here for us?” I asked, not ready to part with cousin Asriel.

He winked. “I’ll wait forever if I must,” he said dramatically.

“He’ll wander off to the nearest fast-food joint for a bean burrito if you take too long,” said Rein.

“Forever and ever, Princess Hannah!” Chimed Erin dutifully.

“He’ll come back. Snarf down the burrito. Stand here and act like he never left!” Added Rein.

“Until the mountains crumble to dust and the stars fall from the heavens!” Erin practically sang.

“Thank you, Erin! You’re a real one! Rein, you’ve got jokes. I admire that too,” said Harper.

Rein was stunned into silence by Harper’s compliment.

Erin promptly began praising Harper and Pariah again. He then started asking Rein and Asriel to look for a pen so they could all get autographs.

Dad, Harper and I went around the side of the house, searching for an easy way in. Dad spotted an open window on the first floor. He and Harper were good climbers. I was not. They helped me shimmy up the drain pipe and climb into the first story window. I tumbled onto the floor. Dad quickly picked me up.

Are you ok? He asked over mind-link.

I nodded. He released me. I followed him and Harper around. Harper seemed to know where he was going. Harper went into a study. He searched all the drawers. I looked through a cabinet.

What are you hoping to find? Dad asked us.

A will from Hannah’s adopted Dad! Said Harper.

You won’t want for money, said Dad, confused.

It’s the principle behind it all! Insisted Harper.

Harper became frustrated and stole out of the room into the hallway. He edged along quietly, moving stealthily though we were invisible.

This invisibility spell wears off in about a half hour, ok, kids so hurry! Said Dad.

What?! I pictured Asriel telling me he’d wait forever. I rolled my eyes. He knew his spell only lasted thirty minutes! I needed to start paying closer attention to Rein’s comments.

Harper tiptoed into a dressing room of sorts where there was a vanity overladen with creams, perfumes and other beauty products.

Harper! How do you know the layout of this place so well?! I asked privately.

Harper grinned sheepishly.

I’m not proud of this but it was before I met you and saw how Angie treats you! Angie cheats on Jonah and their situation-ship all the time. Before you came into the picture. They’ve been a sorta couple a year now, said Harper to me only.

I felt sick thinking about where this was going.

You hooked up with Angie?! I asked outright.

Our Dad was leafing through some drawers nearby unaware of our exchange.

Yeah, said Harper, avoiding my gaze.

I stormed out of the room.

Dad came after me.

What are you doing? He asked.

Leaving, I said.

I found the window, climbed out of it and almost screamed when I slipped. My feet were dangling in midair. I looked up and Dad was holding me by the hood of my jacket. He pulled me back inside.

We can’t leave your brother, he said in a tone that did not allow for protests.

He gave me a stern look that I knew meant “stay put” and went to get Harper. Harper came hurrying out.

Star! I know you hate me but I got it! I got it! Said Harper excitedly. He practically leapt out the window, landing easily, crouching on his feet and standing up smoothly.

Why couldn’t I do that? Dad helped me climb down and Harper waited with his hands stretched upwards to help me too. I avoided Harper’s help and began walking towards the front.

Asriel was there. He hastily put away an empty burrito wrapper. He looked alarmed at my expression.

“What’s wrong, Honey?” He asked softly, putting an arm around me.

I sighed.

“She hates me now,” said Harper quickly and dismissively. “But that’s ok! Because I got it!”

“What?” Asked Asriel with a smile.

“You know what!” Said Rein, annoyed.

“The will!” Shrieked Erin.

I almost shushed him before I remembered anyone only those who were Fae could hear him.

Asriel snapped us back to Harper’s house in a flash.

“And it says Hannah is the beneficiary!” Continued Harper as if nothing had happened.

“What?” I asked.

“You know what!” Snapped Rein.

“Yay! We’re rich!” Cheered Erin.

“We’re already rich! We belong to a Prince! You act like you’ve never been anywhere! We should start leaving you home,” said Rein to Erin.

Harper chuckled. He handed me the will. I reluctantly took it. My heart still stung so badly. Why were Angie’s claws all over everyone I loved all the time? My mate. My twin. My…inheritance. I gasped. I had always thought my father had been exempted from his parents’ money but that was apparently not the case. My adopted Dad had listed me as the sole heiress to his fortune, his billion dollar fortune. I fainted.

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