Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 51

Monday 21st September, 2020 (Continued)

Jonah’s POV

“I knew it,” muttered Fang. “Do I know my baby sister or what?” He grumbled as he went to retrieve the portable portal.

Relief washed over me. We were one step closer to Star. I had to admit, my youngest brother, Zaya, certainly knew how to give an impassioned speech. I wish I was as good at expressing my feelings for Star as he was. I sighed.

While Fang fetched the portal, I noticed Noah edging closer to Alpha Maze. Alpha Thaddeus offered us beers. Eli took one despite me shooting him a disapproving glance.

Zaya hesitated then grumbled, “Why the hell not.” He downed a beer in one long drink.

Thaddeus roared with laughter and clapped him and Eli on the backs. Friday giggled at the three of them.

Noah drew Maze’s attention to a territory map on the wall, commending the distributions and management of the land. Maze smiled slightly.

The little future alphas came towards me curiously. I smiled at them.

“Who are you?” Said one with dark glossy hair and wide grey eyes. He had the same refined accent as Maze.

“Jonah. Who are you?” I asked, stooping to be at eye level with them.

The other little alpha laughed mischievously. “He is Tiberius,” said the lighter-haired one. “And I am Maddox,” added the lighter-haired one. They burst into fits of giggles.

“It is the other way around,” said Friday to me.

“Mom!” Whined the real light-haired and blue-eyed Tiberius, clearly the son of Thaddeus, upset at his prank being ruined by his Mom.

“It was a fib,” Maddox, the dark haired son of Maze, told me, his tone solemn.

“That’s ok,” I told them. “You had me there!”

They grinned gleefully at me and then at each other.

“Our Mommy is pregnant!” Maddox informed me.

“Wow!” I said, widening my eyes. Did he even know what that meant?

“She is keeping our sisters in her tummy until they are ready!” Maddox explained.

Tiberius announced, “We am naming them Monday and Tuesday!”

I laughed.

The boys stared at me, their little faces serious.

I stopped laughing.

Fang returned with the snow globe. He brandished it most unceremoniously, handing it to me.

“Thank you!” I said to everyone.

“Bye!” Called Zaya.

“See you later,” said Noah.

“Cheers,” said Eli, raising his second beer to our hosts.

“Bye, lover boy!” Laughed Thaddeus, clearly teasing Zaya for his dramatic declaration of love for Star earlier.

“He’s whipped, that one,” commented Maze.

The two alphas burst into laughter. Friday rolled her eyes. The little alphas were play-fighting. Fang was encouraging the play-fight.

Zaya, Eli and Noah held onto me while I read the incantation. My stomach lurched as Friday, Thaddeus, Maze, Tiberius and Maddox disappeared from view. A blast of cold air hit us. We were up north now, in the Winter Moon Pack lands, the icy rocky landscape governed by the Triplet Alphas and their Luna Chasity.

Jessie’s POV

We followed Georgianna’s ghost as she practically glided through the woods. She had softly padded through the trees at first, slowly increasing her pace. Now, she all but flew. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep up with her. Jamie was out of breath as I grabbed her hand pulling her forwards. I was worried for my Luna. I shifted, transforming into a huge black wolf. Jamie promptly climbed onto my back and we were off. I ran through the woods with my little witch on my back. She had flung her arms around my neck.

Hold on tight, little witch! I warned.

Ok, she said feebly. She was getting tired. This woods had a strange draining effect on her. It was affecting me also but to a much lesser extent as an alpha. Georgianna stopped abruptly and so did I. Jamie emitted a small squeal at the sudden movement. I flinched at the sound, hoping Georgianna would not turn around and look at us. I hadn’t actually seen the ghost’s face yet and I really didn’t want to. Her gauzy white dress billowed behind her in the wind as stepped lightly along a curved pathway now. She disappeared into thin air. I gasped. She had vanished through the wall of a small cottage in the middle of the woods.

This must be her cottage! It’s real! Jessie, I think we found it! Said Jamie excitedly.

I walked hesitantly towards the cottage. It had white-washed walls. The entire structure was covered in overgrown flowering vines. The flowers seemed to sigh softly as they unfolded in the moonlight. The sun had set and the moon had come out. It was a starless night. The door was padlocked. Jamie enchanted the lock and it clicked open and fell to the ground. My wolf form could barely fit through the doorway but I was determined not to shift back in case we needed my full strength for something.

I walked into the cottage’s cobwebbed living room. Jamie enchanted the dusty old candles so that they lit on their own. Flames burst to life in the fireplace. I didn’t need the light to see but Jamie did. She studied the room.

What now, little witch? I asked her.

I’m not sure. I doubt she would keep her tomb upstairs, said Jamie, indicating to the tightly wound staircase in the corner.

There must be a cellar of some sort! Insisted Jamie.

Jamie climbed down off my back. There was a large circular rug on the creaky wooden floor. She grabbed it and flung it aside. A cloud of dust rose up causing my little witch to have a sneezing fit. When the dust settled, there was nothing there but the plain wooden floor. Jamie tried a revealing charm. Nothing. We looked at each other. We went upstairs. The hallway was a bit narrow for me in my massive wolf form so that my coat brushed against both walls. I made Jamie walk behind me. We found Georgianna’s bedroom. This little cottage was her escape. Alto and Georgianna must have spent time here. There was a painting of them together hung on the wall. The drapes and bedding were coated with dust. The vanity was cluttered with unused potions and beauty products. The closet was filled with both feminine and masculine clothes as though one day, the couple just never returned without bothering to retrieve their belongings.

She never came back for their stuff? I asked Jamie.

She was probably too devastated after Alto’s death to bear to look at any of it, responded Jamie.

A large floor-length ornate mirror stood in the centre of the room. I wondered why it stood out so much to me and then it hit me. The mirror was perfectly clean.

Jamie the mirror gathered no dust over the years! I pointed out to her.

She gasped. It’s enchanted. It has to be.

Jamie walked up to the mirror. She peered into it. Clearly, I wasn’t seeing what she was seeing. She grinned at me.

I knew it! She exclaimed.

Knew what? I asked, totally confused.

This cottage isn’t befitting an Alpha and a Coven Mother. It’s cute but it’s rather bland for them, don’t you think. It was a ruse. A cover for their real hideout. Their actual escape, explained Jamie.

Jamie dragged her fingertips across the mirror’s surface. The glass sublimed into silvery myst. The myst beckoned us forwards. A lovely smell wafted towards us.

Wait! I implored Jamie.

What’s wrong? Asked Jamie.

I can’t fit through the mirror like this! I said.

Oh! She realised, giggling at my massive shaggy wolf form.

Shift back! She said simply.

I shredded my clothes! I said.

She smirked at me.

Shift! She commanded.

I shifted. I towered over her still, even in human form. My little witch trailed her eyes over my naked form. I grasped her waist and pulled her flush against me.

“Jessie!” She squealed out loud indignantly. “We can’t-…”

I silenced her by crashing my lips against hers hungrily. She m****d into my mouth, our breath intermingling. She pushed against my chest.

“No!” She squeaked. “We’re on a mission!” She reminded.

“I’m on a mission!” I growled playfully, grabbing her again.

“Jessie! Behave!” She implored me, making clothes appear on me.

“I don’t like buy outfit,” I complained, attempting to take my new shirt off. It wouldn’t budge. The buttons could not be undone. I stared at her, my mouth agape in astonishment.

“You naughty little witch!” I hissed, attempting to grab her waist again but she ran through the mirror of myst.

I grumbled as I chased after her.

I found myself in yet another forest, this one strikingly beautiful. It was daytime here. Songbirds belted from the treetops. Every tree and blade of grass seemed to flower. The sweet smell was the combined aroma of thousands of flowers.

Jamie, I called through her link, searching for her in the silvery myst. The flowers were emitting the mist as if their scents could be seen. I realised most emitted a silvery mist but some sprouted mists other colours, pink, gold, blue, yellow.

I’m right here! Said Jamie.

She made the mist clear a little, revealing herself to me.

Where are we? I asked.

She smiled sadly. This must be a little haven Georgianna made for herself and Alto. It’s abandoned now that they’re both gone. The cottage we were in was just a decoy. Anyone who came looking for them would just find an empty cottage that looked lived in and assume they weren’t home. A very clever way to protect their haven.

I frowned. I’m surprised it let us in so easily, I said.

The protection charms might have faded over the years or…maybe we confused the doorway. We are a Coven Mother and an Alpha too after all, similar to the previous owners, mused Jamie.

She was right. It felt almost meant to be for us to find this place. Perhaps, we were the only ones who would have been able to get in besides Georgianna and Alto themselves.

We walked a while through the scented mist and the fields and forest of flowers. There was a huge cottage in the distance. That seemed more like where they would have been. I felt sad for them. They had not deserved such a fate. We walked into the castle. Jamie seemed entranced almost as she made her way through the grand halls. There was no dust here. No cobwebs. Everything still sparkled and shone. Powerful magic indeed to stand the test of time this way. Jamie began to walk faster, reminding me of the way Georgianna had glided.

Jamie, slow down! I commended.

Of course, my own Luna could not be commanded. She sped up. She broke into a run. I ran after her. She ran up a huge sweeping staircase. I followed her. We found ourselves in the bed champers of Alto and Georgianna. She had stopped running. She stood still as if transfixed. She was standing at the foot of a four poster bed where the drapes were drawn.

Jamie! Jamie! JAMIE! I yelled in her mind. She seemed to snap out of it.

She’s here! Said Jamie.

I took a deep breath. I gripped the curtain and pulled it back to reveal the bed. Georgianna lay there, in the flesh, as though merely sleeping, but she had no heartbeat. Her body was perfectly preserved. The other side of the bed was empty. This is what she wanted, to rest in peace next to Alto. We had to bring him here to her side, to stay forever.

Star’s POV

After Haven the Hellish had made it hail, he charged at me. Running was no use. I refused to run and hide. Where would I hide from a hundred foot dragon in an open arena? My heart almost stopped in fright as Haven’s snout neared me. Was this the end of me. He opened his wide jaws. He could easily fit twelve of me in his mouth. His huge tongue snaked out. His breath was not hot but ice-cold. I felt the blast of cold air. I shut my eyes tightly. Ice water touched my face. I shivered. I waited for the pain. None came aside from the blistering cold. I opened my eyes slowly. The ice water was Haven licking me.

“Stop!” I squeaked.

He stopped and seemed to whine like a scolded puppy. He sat back, making the whole arena shake. I stared at Haven and he stared at me. I had tamed him, hadn’t I? That was it, wasn’t it? I looked at the Queen hopefully. She starred at me, clearly unimpressed.

“Haven,” I said loudly, feeling immensely relieved.

Haven c****d his head to one side.

“Come here!” I demanded.

Haven bent his head towards me again. I gripped his ear and hoisted myself onto his scaly head. I shrieked in surprise when he raised his head causing me to slide down his neck onto his back. I held on for dear life so I wouldn’t fall from his back to the floor. The crowd was roaring madly. I knew what to do somehow. I got a secure grip on his scales and leant forwards as if I were riding a gigantic horse without a saddle.

“HAVEN!” I yelled.

Haven roared happily. I understood his emotions better now. I smiled.


Zaya’s POV

We were in the middle of a snowstorm of sorts. There was a huge house up ahead. We crunched through the foot-deep snow to get to it. We would have been hypothermic had we been humans. We reached a porch and climbed the short steps. We hesitated, wondering if to knock on the door. We were not completely sure if they would be a portal from the Winter Moon Pack Lands to the Ice Moon Pack Lands or if we would have to find another mode of transportation from here. I glanced at the six SUVs parked in front of the huge house. I banged on the door.

“HELLO! IS ANYONE HOME?! HELLO!!!” I bellowed.

“Hi,” said a cheerful high-pitched voice from behind us.

We all jumped around to find a she-wolf standing there. She looked very young. She could be our age or just a few years older. She had dark golden blonde curls down to her waist and huge brown doe eyes. She had an olive skin tone, a button nose and a small mouth but with full lips. Her cheeks and nose were flushing pink due to the cold. She was very pretty in a delicate way. Of course, no one held a candle to my Star but this girl sort of looked like a fairy-tale character. She had a sweet, innocent appearance. Star was sweet and innocent too. I sighed. I had to get to her quickly.

“Hi, little girl, we are the future alphas of the Viper Moon Pack. Our Luna is currently on the Ice Moon Pack lands and we need the fastest mode of transportation there possible, a portal preferably!” I explained.

“Little girl!” Snapped the girl, narrowing her eyes. “I’m not a little girl, excuse you!” She said indignantly.

I didn’t have time for her tantrum.

“Sorry, Miss! Young lady, do you know the fastest way to the next pack?” I corrected myself.

The girl was staring at us now in amazement as though she had only just noticed something.

“You’re the Quadruplet Alphas!” She squealed in surprise. She giggled. “I’m so glad I only have three. Four is crazy! Your Luna is missing! Oh no. I’m so sorry! Was she kidnapped?” Asked the girl.

“You’re Luna Chasity!” Exclaimed Noah suddenly.

“Duh!” Said Luna Chasity, giggling again.

“Chasity, you have to help us please!” Begged Eli. “Our Luna wasn’t kidnapped but she still needs our help!”

“There are two portals here, a fixed one and a portable one!” Whispered Chasity. We leant in to hear her better. “My alphas are…kinda jealous. I will sneak the portal to you, the portable one. My alphas are having a meeting with the other pack leaders in the cellar where the fixed portal is so you would have to wait to use that one and it’ll take you to the edge of the parklands whereas the portable one will take you right outside the castle so…”

“Please Chasity! Let us use the portable one!” Pleaded Jonah.

“No prob! That’s what I just said, guys,” complained Chasity.

How did this tiny rosy-cheeked Luna boss around three humungous alphas. I had seen pictures of the alpha triplets and they looked ferocious honestly. Alpha Felix, in particular, had the one of the highest kill counts in the north. I didn’t want to get her in trouble with her alphas but I was desperate for that portal.

“Wait here!” She whispered. “Don’t make anymore noise! You’re lucky everyone was in the cellar!” She told us.

Chasity went inside. She quickly came back out. “On second thought, follow me!” She said.

She ran inside and up a large staircase. We ran after her as lightly as we could. She ran into an upstairs office. She went to a shelf. She stood on tiptoe but couldn’t reach the snow globe on the highest shelf.

“Damn it!” She muttered.

I heard some heavy footsteps echoing in the hallway.

“Baby! What’s wrong?” Called a deep, gruff voice.

“Luna, you in there?” Called a similar but more refined voice.

“Are you playing hide and seek with us, Goddess?” Asked another voice playfully.

Chasity smiled in the direction of the voices but then looked worried.

“s**t,” she said out loud.

“Should we hide?” I asked, somewhat nervous.

Eli easily reached the snow globe.

Three huge men burst into the room. They looked livid when they spotted us. Chasity fixed them with a stern glare.

“I’m lending the Alpha Quadruplets the snow globe thing. They need to go to the Ice Moon Pack to rescue their Luna!” Said Chasity defiantly.

“Baby,” growled one of them. He snatched her away from us, enveloping her in his arms. “How dare you talk to our Luna without us present!” He roared at us, his eyes black.This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Felix,” protested Chasity. “Calm down!” Implored Chasity.

Another triplet moved quick as lightning. He snatched the snow globe from Eli.

“This was a gift from our cousin-in-law! It’s not to be borrowed,” grumbled the alpha.

“Calix!” Squealed Chasity.

“Why can’t they arrange their own transport to the neighbouring pack?” Asked another alpha.

“Alex! Lend them the snow globe! Please! For me!” whined Chasity. She pouted. Felix kissed her gently. I felt a sharp pang. It felt like ages since I’d kissed my little Star and held her.

Calix and Alex were looking at their Luna, stroking their chins.

“Ugh! You’re wasting time! Remember how you felt when I was missing?” Said Chasity.

All three alphas flinched, clearly not over the bad memory of their beloved Luna’s past kidnapping even though she was home safe and sound now.

Alex sighed. “Ok Luna, but we expect it back ASAP!” Said Alex.

“All right, Baby. You want it, you got it,” said Felix.

“Next time, ask us first, please Goddess. Don’t just steal it? You little thief!” Teased Calix.

Chasity looked livid. The triplets laughed.

“She’s just like the actual goldilocks, snooping, taking people’s things. Eating their porridge. Critiquing their furniture. Stealing their snow globes,” grumbled Felix, his eyes alight with mischief.

His brothers laughed heartily.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re hilarious! Have you put the boys to bed?” Asked Chasity.

“Don’t try to change the subject, gorgeous!” Snarled Felix playfully, attempting to tickle Chasity’s sides.

“We let you out of our sight for one minute and you find Quadruplet alphas!” Said Alex, bending down to nuzzle an outraged Chasity.

Calix chuckled and ran his fingers through Chasity’s hair. Chasity rolled her eyes.

“I only have eyes for my Star and I’m sure Chasity is all about you three,” I said, finding their banter amusing.

“Who the f**k are you four exactly? What’re your names?” Asked Felix casually, snaking his arms around Chasity again after she had wriggled away. She giggled and tried to swat his arms away but he tightened his grip, bear hugging her. They were so open with their affection. I smiled at that. I was pretty sure Felix had heard of us. We had certainly heard of them but I introduced myself and my brothers anyway.

“I’m Zaya. This is Eli. Jonah. Noah. Our Luna is called Star,” I said, pointing to each of my brothers in turn.

The triplet alphas were a few years older than us. They regarded us with curiosity.

“I’m Felix,” said Felix. “This is baby boy, Calix!” Calix laughed. “Alpha of alphas, Alex,” Felix added. Alex grinned. “And this little minx is my Baby, Luna Chasity,” said Felix, giving Chasity’s waist a squeeze.

“Where are the baby triplets?” Blurted out Noah.

Ugh. We didn’t have time for this. I was anxious about being apart from Star. Alex grinned and motioned for us to follow them. We entered a large nursery where there were three toddlers dressed in the same striped outfit but in three different colours: red, blue and green.

“I thought you said you had put them to bed before the pack meeting!” Said Chasity, shocked to find all her babies awake. She smoothed their shiny loose dark blonde curls. They had gotten her hair and the blue eyes of their fathers.

“They were restless today, Goddess,” said Calix sheepishly.

“We’ll put them to bed now, Luna,” promised Alex.

“Baby, I’ll come with you to watch over you while you rest,” said Felix.

“I’m not the least bit tired,” protested Chasity.

“What are their names?” Asked Noah.

Alex grinned. “Luna named them,” said Alex.

Chasity smiled. “My little blue boy is Adriel. Raphael is in green. Tzuriel is wearing red,” explained Chasity.

“Goddess colour-coded our heirs,” laughed Calix.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I love it,” I said. I really did like the idea.

“Don’t let those kids pull a fast one on you!” Said Eli.

“Watch them like a hawk,” chuckled Jonah.

Chasity nodded. “Alex, Felix, Calix!” Said Chasity pouting. “Stop stalling. Give them the portal!”

The triplets laughed. Were they scamming us? Felix seemed like a handful. He laughed the loudest. His way of laughing made me laugh too.

“Our snow globe portal is time-sensitive. My cousin-in-law, Jamie, cast a spell on it. It doesn’t work after a certain hour until the next day!” Explained Chasity.

What?! s**t!

“Is it too late?” I asked anxiously.

Chasity shook her head.

Relief washed over me.

“Wait, did you just say Jamie?” Asked Jonah.

“Yeah,” mumbled Chasity.

“She’s the Witch Luna helping us! There’s a curse affecting our Luna that needs be broken!” Said Jonah.

“Jamie’s mate, Alpha Jessie, is your cousin, right triplets?” Asked Noah.

The triplets nodded.

“Sorry about your Luna,” said Felix, sympathising with us.

“Go get her!” said Alex, tossing the snow globe to Jonah who caught it, his face lighting up.

“Good luck, guys!” Said Calix in earnest.

All the triplets were now sitting in the corner of the nursery behind a huge desk on three separate chairs. Chasity was on Calix’s lap. Alex and Felix were both playing with the Luna’s long dark golden curls.

My brothers and I gathered around Jonah who was holding the snow globe.

“Go kick some a-ss!” Said Felix.

“I intend to!” I said.

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