Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 53

Monday 21st September, 2020 (Continued)

Jessie’s POV

I was freaking out. Where was my Jamie? Had those weird witches spirited her away? I was desperately trying to mind-link Dalton and Zack but they weren’t hearing me. I roared in frustration. I could feel my eyes turning black. This heavenly haven, magically made by Georgianna, was swiftly turning into a hell. I was trapped here in this endless forest. The fairytale forest within a forest was no better. There was still no way out, no way back to the manor. This place was maddening. I was afraid to leave the area where Jamie had vanished but I wanted to search far and wide for her at the same time. My heart was aching. I hadn’t been this worried since Jamie had been buried alive by her so called best friend. I pushed that traumatic memory away.

“Alto?” said a melodious voice.

A chill crept through me. I looked at the bed. Georgianna’s body was still lying peacefully there, perfect and whole, with no sign of decay. Despite this, I felt a presence behind me where the voice had come from. I took a deep breath. I slowly turned around.

Georgianna stood there in her b***d-splattered wedding dress, looking forlorn. The b***d belonged to Alto’s Gamma. I remembered how Alto had slain him in the vision in defence of his bride. She was a frightful sight. She stared at me, her hair and eyes wild. Running would not make sense. This was a realm of her making. Even in death, she probably held dominion over it. I decided to ask my own question rather than answer hers.

“Do you know where Jamie is?” I asked.

“Who’s Jamie?” She whispered. “Are you Alto?”NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Before I could say anything, she became angry. “Is Jamie a girl?” She asked.

“Yes, a witch,” I said. “She’s…”

“Another witch?!” Hissed Georgianna, her anger igniting further.

“You dare bring another here to taunt me!” She shrieked.

“Georgianna! Calm down! You’re confused. I’m not Alto,” I explained putting my palms up.

“Who are you then?” She asked. “Are you Oleander?” She hissed.

“No, no, I’m Alpha Jessie. I’m not from the Viper Moon Pack at all,” I said.

The spectre of Georgianna actually seemed to be listening to me.

“My Luna is a Witch,” I told her. “And her name is Jamie. No one is here to taunt you. We want to help you. We want to bring Alto here.”

“Alto is dead,” she said simply.

So are you, I thought. I knew better than to say that out loud. Jamie had warned me to never acknowledge a ghost’s death to his or her face. It was traumatising and would bring out their vengeful side of they had one. Georgianna certainly had one.

“Alto can lie on the other side of the bed,” I said, pointing to the canopy bed where Georgianna’s body was.

Georgianna smiled slightly.

“I can’t hear Alto in my mind anymore,” she said.

“I know,” I said apologetically.

“I’m lonely,” she whispered.

I felt truly sorry for her. A stray tear escaped down her pale cheek.

“I will bring Alto to you as soon as possible,” I promised.

“You’re leaving?” Georgianna asked, sounding panicked.

“Jamie and I are going to get Alto and bring him back here,” I explained again, trying to placate her.

“You’re already here,” she stated matter-of-factly.

“Jamie left you,” she added.

“Not on purpose,” I said quickly.

“Stay here with me,” said Georgianna.

Oh f**k. This was not good. I tried a different approach.

“Georgianna, Alto was a great Alpha,” I said.

She nodded.

“I can’t stay here with you. He wouldn’t like that. You belong to him,” I said, rather than sound as if I were rejecting her.

She smiled.

“Yes, go before Alto comes back and gets angry. You don’t belong here,” she said softly.

“Help me! Help me to leave!” I said eagerly.

She stared at me. She was confused. That was for sure. But she was still quite powerful. I could feel it.

“Send me wherever Jamie went, where I belong,” I said.

She stretched her hand out and grabbed my wrist. Her touch burned. I g*****d in pain. It felt as if contact with her skin was searing my flesh. My stomach lurched and darkness enveloped me.

Harper’s POV

My twin, Star, had just soared right out of the arena on a dragon. I had known Haven would like Star. He had helped us get into the castle in the first place. I turned to look at the Queen, unable to hide my smug expression. She pursed her lips.

“Your sister has done well,” she said airily. “Now let us see if you have what it takes to be Alpha of this pack. If you do, I will bequeath the kingdom of the Ice Moon Pack to you.”

“So he’s gotta wait for the Queen to die?” muttered Rein, the grumpy earring. “That could take ages, millennia”

“The Queen is immortal but she’s at least one hundred by now. She might retire in Florida and let Harper take over early,” said Erin.

“If those two had bodies to begin with, I would have their heads chopped off!” Snapped the Queen with a disdainful glance at Asriel’s earrings.

“What do I have to do to prove I’m worthy of being Alpha?” I asked, feeling a little apprehensive. I was pretty sure the Queen would up the ante after seeing how effortlessly Star had completed her task.

Before I could find out what our darling Great Grandmother had in mind, a roar sounded overhead. Haven and Star were back and they’d brought company. Star steered the dragon into a smooth landing. The crowd was on its feet, applauding and screaming. I peered at the dragon’s back. Ugh. Star’s mates were here. What were the Quads doing here? How did they get here so fast? Well, at least, they had gotten to see Star in her moment of glory. That would teach them some respect for my sister. Star landed Haven and slid off of his back. The Quads slid off too. The crowd was chattering excitedly. Many of the wolves present and even some of the Fae recognised the Quads as Alphas from the southern region of werewolf country. The future Viper Moon Alphas. When I became the Ice Moon Alpha, I would have to play nice with the Quads because of Star. We would have to be allies. I glared at Jonah. He had spotted me. They all had. They were staring with their mouth agape. Perhaps, it was my new ears. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at them.

Star and the Quads were led up to the seating platform for royals and nobles. The Queen regarded them with curiosity. My father scowled at them. I snorted with laughter at his expression. He looked very underwhelmed by them. Asriel grinned at them and introduced himself.

“OMG! Zaya! He’s so dreamy!” Said Erin the earring.

Of course, Zaya could not hear the earring or see it for what or perhaps who it really was.

“Why is Jonah here? Isn’t he with the cousin?” Muttered Rein.

“Shhh!” Chastised Erin.

“They can’t hear us you knit twit!” Yelled Rein.

“Don’t embarrass me in front of Zaya!” Cried Erin.

Asriel and the Quads were having a conversation I did not find interesting. I wanted to know what my task would be. I knew the Queen was keeping me in suspense on purpose.

“Those are cool earrings,” commented Zaya.

Ugh! Now we would never hear the end of it.

Erin shrieked with excitement. “What should I say? I don’t know what to say,” said Erin.

“He can’t hear you,” said Rein, emphasising each word.

“Do you think Princess Hannah will become jealous,” said Erin in a stage whisper. “I’ll let her know there’s nothing serious between us. It’s just a friendship.”

“Oh good grief,” grumbled Rein.

“I’m still not over my ex,” said Erin. “Also, I ship Star and Zaya. I’m loyal.”

“Thanks, man,” said Asriel to Zaya. I could tell Asriel was trying to contain fits of laughter and Zaya was confused as to why.

“I was thinking about getting my ears pierced,” said Zaya, continuing the conversation.

Erin squealed so loudly, all the Fae present jumped. “

“Prince Asriel!” Said the Queen. “Contain your jewellery!” She demanded indignantly.

Asriel snorted with laughter but snapped his fingers.

Erin had been in the middle of proclaiming he might one day live on Zaya’s earlobe when he fell silent. I looked at Erin and Rein, actually worried for them. They were fun and I quite liked them. They were fine, just sleeping, Erin snoring softly and Rein muttering unintelligibly in his sleep.

“Harper!” Said Jonah pointedly, annoyed that I had not yet acknowledged them.

“Or should we say Alpha Harper?” Said Eli.

“It’s Prince Harper,” said Noah quickly, seemingly thrilled about the whole situation. He was looking at me like I was his next werewolf world studies essay. I knew Noah was into all those classes I didn’t attend.

“Dad,” said Star hesitantly.

Dad stared at her.

“These are the Quads,” said Star. “Jonah, Noah, Eli and Zaya.”

“What kind of name is Zaya?” Asked Dad loudly.

I turned my face away so I could laugh quietly in peace.

“It’s short for Isaiah, Sir,” said Zaya holding out his hand.

Dad shook hands with all of them.

“Why are you four here?” Asked Dad bluntly.

“We’re here to make sure Star is ok,” said Eli.

“Why would she not be? She’s with her father, twin brother and Fae family,” said Dad, raising his eyebrows.

He had a point. I looked at the Quads.

“Quite right, Sir,” said Eli. “I know you’re a spectacular warrior,” he added, changing the subject.

Dad shrugged his shoulders.

Noah nodded, eagerly agreeing with Eli’s assessment.

“So…I was wondering…maybe we could spar together,” said Eli cautiously.

I grinned. That would be interesting. Star looked mortified.

“You wanna fight me?” Asked Dad incredulously.

“I…I wanna practise fighting. I wanna learn from you,” said Eli quickly.

Dad stared at him for a long moment.

“Well…first you have to show me what you’ve got. I’ll be training Harper too so I guess you can tag along, Eli,” said Dad.

Excuse me, what?!

“Yes, Harper’s training should begin at once,” said the Queen.

I looked at her, my eyes widening in surprise.

“Clearly,” said the Queen. “You are the children of Hesper,” she said more to herself than to any of us. She looked very sad all of a sudden.

“Plume!” Said the Queen.

The Fae man who had led us to the Queen earlier scurried forwards.

“Ensure their quarters are prepared appropriately,” said the Queen. “Also prepare quarters for the sons of the Viper Moon Alpha. They have travelled from afar. Make them comfortable,” said the Queen stiffly. She and her ladies-in-waiting then promptly departed without another word.

That had not been the reunion I was expecting.

“She likes you,” said my father, ruffling my hair and pulling Star into a hug.

“Do you think she likes us too?” Asked Noah eagerly, grinning.

Dad looked at Noah like he was the strangest sight he had ever seen. Noah frowned.

Jessie’s POV

Someone was cupping my face in their soft, cool hands. It was so soothing. I g*****d.

“He’s coming to,” said a familiar voice excitedly. Dalton?

“Jessie,” whispered a voice I’d no anywhere. Jamie.

I opened my eyes. Jamie was cradling my head in her lap and stroking my face and hair.

“What happened?” I asked.

“You tell us!” Said Zack.

“Huh,” I said.

“You appeared her out of thin air without the witches summoning you,” explained Fox. “The witches summoned Jamie and Dalton and Zack killed them before they could drain Jamie’s energy. They were draining the youth and life-force from unsuspecting visitors.”

I sat up slowly with Jamie and Zack’s help. I remembered how Jamie had vanished. That was why. She had been magically summoned. I had been sent back by Georgianna. I checked my wrist where the ghost of Georgianna had grabbed me.

Jamie gasped.

“Whoa. Bro! What happened?” Asked Dalton worriedly.

My wrist had a mark that looked like an angry red burn all the way around.

“A Witch’s Brand,” murmured Fox.

I glanced around me, realising we were in a room splattered with b***d. The floor was strewn with lifeless bodies. What in the hell? I recognised only one of the bodies. Nina.

“You guys killed Nina?” I asked.

“She was in on it. We were gonna keep her alive to get you out of the woods but then you showed up unconscious. The little girls were wicked hags in disguise,” explained Dalton.

“You saved Jamie from making a vow to keep Nina alive,” said Fox, the relief in his voice evident.

Witches’ vows were powerful. Breaking them resulted in dire consequences. Jamie had told me a story about a wizard who had magically vowed to remain married a witch who was completely in love with him. He had killed her the next day for her inheritance. The vow reversed time and stuck him in a time loop, living the first day of their marriage over and over forever. The vow simply refused to be broken. The punishment was different every time.

“I’m so glad you didn’t vow anything to Nina,” I said softly, cupping Jamie’s face in my hands.

Jamie touched my burnt wrist gently. She looked worried.

“What does it mean?” Asked Zack, gesturing towards the mark.

“It’s…an insurance policy…” said Fox hesitantly.

“What?!” Asked Dalton.

“A witch brands someone when they want to make sure a promise will be fulfilled. Did you promise her anything? Georgianna?” Asked Jamie, her eyes filled with worry.

“Yeah, I promised her I’d bring Alto’s body to her. We were gonna do that anyway,” I said with a shrug.

“Oh, Jessie!” Whimpered Jamie.

“What? Relax, little witch, shhh,” I cooed, wiping a stray tear falling down her cheek.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.

Jamie dissolved completely into tears. She spoke to me, her voice thick with emotion, “You promised that she’d be reunited with Alto. Of course it’s what we meant to do…but…that mark means that if for any reason we don’t deliver Alto to her…she’ll take you instead!”

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