Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 56

Tuesday 22nd September, 2020 (Continued)All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

Noah’s POV

Earlier that morning

I was surprised when a Fae servant summoned me urgently in the morning. I followed him to a room that held only an ornate floor-length standing mirror. I approached it. The glass was glowing. The Fae left. The mirror seemed to ripple as though it were made of water. Then the ripples cleared and Jamie appeared, her face anxious and strained.

“Jamie!” I exclaimed, shocked to see her.

“I’ve been trying your cell but no answer. I was returning Zaya’s missed calls and his phone wasn’t working either!” She said.

“Sorry about that! Zaya…um…broke his phone…accidentally,” I said, recalling Zaya smashing his phone in anger. “And my phone is out of service or maybe out of range. We’re in the Ice Moon Pack lands!” I explained.

“Oh,” she said.

I quickly explained about Star and her real heritage. Jamie did not seem the least bit surprised. Her eyes were red as though she had been crying.

“Are you ok, Luna Jamie?” I asked.

She sniffled.

“Something terrible has happened,” she said.

“What?” I asked, my pulse quickening immediately.

“We found Georgianna’s body…” she said hesitantly.

“But that’s great!” I said eagerly.

“Yes but…” she paused.

I waited with bated breath.

“Georgianna marked Jessie! A Witch’s mark, like a burn on his wrist. We found her body behind the witch’s coven. It’s a long story but basically if we don’t deliver Alto to Georgianna soon…she’ll…she’ll take Jessie instead,” whispered Jamie.

My heart plummeted.

“Jamie…Jamie…I’m so sorry…I…” I didn’t know what to say. She was just trying to help us and so was Jessie and we had endangered her mate while she was trying to save ours. I felt awful.

“Do you have Alto’s body?” She asked, getting to the point.

“Our Dad is on his way as we speak to the zenith of Mount Viper!” I said.

“Really?” She said, her eyes filling with hope.

“Yes! They’re excavating the Alpha Tomb to unearth Alto’s body!” I said.

Thank goodness Jonah had managed to get in contact with Dad for an update. As soon as they unearthed Alto we could reunite him with Georgianna and save Star and Alpha Jessie from Georgianna’s wrath.

“You’re geographically much closer to our Dad then to us…” I said.

“Alpha Quaid,” said Jamie.

“Yes!” I said.

“Would he meet with me?” Jamie asked.

“Of course! Absolutely! And we’ll hurry back!” I said.

It was time to get a move on.

“Thanks Noah,” said Jamie softly.

“I won’t let Georgianna take Jessie, Jamie!” I said.

“I swear!” I said. “You helped us with Star at your own risk…there’s four of us,” I said. “I won’t let her have him even if I have to go with her myself instead,” I said.

It sounded crazy but it was true. My honour as an Alpha was everything to me. It wasn’t Jessie’s curse to bear. It was ours. His family was blameless.

Jamie looked at me with wide eyes. She didn’t say anything.

“We’ll be back soon…go ahead and meet my father…do you know where…” I began.

“I know where to go! I can teleport to the zenith if that’s where he is,” she said.

I nodded emphatically.

She nodded too, sniffling.

“See you soon,” I said.

She nodded and smiled sadly. She vanished. The mirror rippled. I stood there for a while, my heart heavy and my soul sad.

I needed to talk to Jonah.

Jonah’s POV

I was so nervous about speaking to Star’s father regarding her hand in marriage. I found him in the dining hall for the nobles. He was sitting with Harper. They had already finished eating. They didn’t look up from their conversation. I cleared my throat. They still didn’t look up.

“Pardon me, Sir, sorry to interrupt,” I said.

Star’s Dad turned around. He raised his eyebrows at me. Harper scowled at me. I resisted the urge to scowl at him too.

“Yes?” Said Heath, Star’s Dad.

“Um…you wished to see me,” I said.

“Um…no,” said Heath.

I stared at him. He stared at me.

“About Star?” I said to jog his memory.

He furrowed his brow.

“Regarding her hand in marriage,” I said.

Harper snorted with laughter. Heath looked shocked.

“You’re too young,” he said simply.

I felt affronted.

“Sir, I am to be Alpha soon. I can more than support Star,” I said, offended.

“That’s nice but my eighteen year old daughter is not getting married,” said Heath.

“Wolves always marry young,” I said.

“Star is part Fae,” said Heath.

“She is mostly werewolf,” I countered.

“Don’t you need to be single first Jonah,” interjected Harper. “To propose to my twin sister.

My inner wolf growled.

Heath narrowed his eyes.

“What’re you talking about?” Asked Heath, looking at his son.

“Jonah has a girlfriend,” said Harper.

“Star,” said Heath.

“No, not Star,” said Harper. “Angelique.”

“WHAT?” Bellowed Heath.

I stiffened.

“The Quadruplets are dating someone else?! Eli too?” Demanded Heath.

“No, not Eli or Zaya. I don’t know anything about Noah. He’s weird. But Jonah definitely has a girlfriend named Angelique. She’s technically Star’s adopted cousin. Her adopted mother’s cousin’s daughter,” explained Harper.

“You mean the Plastique family? The house we went to…” said Heath.

“Yes, exactly,” said Harper, cutting off his father.

“The house you went to? You went to the Plastique house?” I asked.

“You’re dating someone else?” Asked Heath, glaring at me.

“I’m going to end things with her. She’s a girl I was with before I realised Star was my mate,” I said quickly.

“So what is taking so long? How long does ‘I can’t see you anymore’ take to say?” Snarled Heath. “If you think you’re going to string my daughter along, you better have a plot picked out with your name on it,” threatened Heath, standing up. “I will bury you, boy!”

I gulped. “Sir, I have no intention of ever disrespecting…”

Heath stormed away.

Harper looked pleased with himself.

“You f*****g a*****e!” I snapped at him. How could he risk my relationship with Star like that? She wanted to be with me. Didn’t he want her to be happy? Harper leant back in his chair.

“f**k you,” he said nonchalantly. Something else was nagging at me.

“You broke into the Plastique house?” I asked. “Why?”

“To prove the truth to Star and everyone,” said Harper simply.

“The truth about what?” I snarled. Had he been searching for evidence that I was dating Angie to show his father?

“That Star’s inheritance was stolen by her adopted cousin and aunt,” said Harper triumphantly.

“Huh? You mean Angie and her mom?” I asked.

“Naturally,” said Harper.

My heart began to race. “And?” I asked.

“We found the will of Star’s adopted father in Angie’s mom’s things,” said Harper.

My stomach lurched.

“They…” I began.

“They stole Star’s inheritance although they already had money of their own and Star grew up sometimes with empty cupboards. Her grandmother could barely afford to feed her after her adopted parents died,” snarled Harper.

I felt sick. I sat down. I looked away from Harper. He got up and stormed away in the direction Heath had gone.

Zaya’s POV

Earlier that morning

I woke up early and went to peak in at Star. I found her asleep. I sighed. I didn’t have the heart to wake her. I stroked her curls and kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose. She stirred a little but didn’t wake up. I snuck out of her room. The sun had just come up. Jonah was up early too. Noah had gone off somewhere and Eli went to spar with Star’s father and Harper. Jonah and I ate breakfast in silence. I started piling sausages onto a plate. The Fae nobles were looking at me distastefully. Asriel grinned at me.

“Get those gains, brah,” he commented.

I chuckled. “It’s not all for me…I’m gonna bribe Haven with meat. Gonna buy his affection…” I revealed.

“Good luck with that,” said Asriel.

Asriel laughed loudly at something else.

“What?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” he said.

I shrugged.

“I’m coming too,” said Jonah eagerly, heaping bacon onto a plate.

What had gotten into him? Shouldn’t he work on his relationship with Star first before he tackled Haven? He was in the shitter with Star for sure. I chose not to say anything. A Fae castle staff member led us to Haven in the snow-covered courtyard. He was an ice dragon so he loved the cold.

“Hey, big guy,” I said.

“Hi, Haven!” Said Jonah.

Haven looked at us blankly. He turned away from us.

“Wait!” I held up the plate of sausages for him to smell. He sniffed them.

Jonah showed him the bacon. We tossed him a few sausages and big bacon pieces. He caught them easily in his huge jaws. He seemed to like this game. We soon ran out of meat.

“Yummy, huh,” I said, moving towards Haven

He roared at me, making my hair blow in the wind coming from his jaws.

“Chill out!” I yelled at him.

He grunted and turned away, refusing to engage with me. What a jerk! I sighed. That had been a total failure.

“It wasn’t enough meat,” I told Jonah.

Jonah was a bit antsy.

“I have to go call Dad and then I have to um see about some stuff,” he said.

“Ok,” I said slowly.

“Hey!” Said a familiar voice. Asriel.

Jonah waved at him and quickly went back to the castle, scurrying along. What was with him?

“Hey,” I said halfheartedly to Asriel.

“Sorry about this…I promised a good friend they could meet you…officially,” said Asriel.

“What are you talking ab…” I began but before I could finish my question, Asriel blew shimmery dust in my face.

I sneezed. It burned my nostrils, my eyes and my even ears.

“What the f**k, man!” I protested.

“I said sorry in advance!” Chuckled Asriel.

“OMG! Is he ok? Don’t hurt him! Don’t hurt him!” Squealed a voice.

“Who is that?” I said, looking around.

Ugh what Fae weirdness was this?

I glared at Asriel who looked amused. I looked more closely and my jaw dropped. His earrings were alive. The two skulls were moving about and talking.

“These are Erin and Rein,” said Asriel. “It’s Erin who wants to talk to you. I gave you Fae sense temporarily. It’ll wear off in a few hours.”

Wow. Were there a bunch of alive objects in the Fae world that I simply could not perceive? Trippy.

“Hi Rein…hi Erin,” I said.

One of the earrings screeched so loudly I jumped.

“OMG! What should I do?” Asked the earring I thought was Erin.

“Shut up, Erin,” said the earring who must be Rein.

“Don’t embarrass me in front of Zaya!” Pleaded Erin.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” I said kindly to the little earring.

“Rein, don’t be so mean to your…sibling?” I said, unsure of their relation.

“Zaya, I…I’m not looking for a relationship right now but thank you for being so protective over me,” said Erin.

What the f**k?

“Ok, Erin, anytime,” I said.

Erin sighed sadly.

“I want to be excluded from this conversation,” muttered Rein.

“Then be quiet,” I chuckled.

“HOW DARE YOU?” Bellowed Rein.

“BURN! Go, Zaya,” said Erin. “One, Zaya. Zero, Rein.”

“I’m surrounded by idiots,” said Rein.

“Zaya you really are amazing! You are! It’s not you…it’s me. I know, I know, that sounds…cliche but…Princess Hannah, she’s the one for you,” said Erin with a deep breath.

“She certainly is,” I agreed, not sure what was going on.

“Let’s be friends…if it’s not too difficult for you…” said Erin.

“It will be ok…” I said, totally confused.

“You’re strong…stronger than I am…” said Erin.

The earring began to cry.

“Oh, good grief,” said Rein. He began to swing himself madly in Asriel’s earlobe.

“What’re you doing?” I asked.

“Trying to fall off,” said Harper. “He does that sometimes. Rein, stop it.”

Rein was still.

“Don’t cry, Erin,” I said, feeling really sorry for the little earring. It was weeping bitterly.

“I’m crying because I know I’m hurting you…let’s take a break with the friendship too. I’m here if you need me ok,” said Erin.

“Of course. Try to take it easy!” I said.

Asriel was stifling his laughter the whole time.

“I am so confused,” I said to the Fae Prince.

“Let’s go,” said Erin softly to Asriel.

Asriel walked away from me with no further explanation, leaving me dumbfounded. I followed him.

“Wait,” I said.

Star was still asleep. Jonah had ran off. Noah had run off even earlier. My boy Eli was sparring.

“What is there to do here?” I asked.

“Tons of stuff!” Said Asriel. “ Want a tour of the castle?” Suggested Asriel.

“Yeah!” I said. I would need to know the layout. Star would want to visit often even after she became the official Luna of my pack.

“Is it okay with you, Erin?” Asked Harper.

The little earring was quiet. It was going through something but I wasn’t sure what.

“Please, Erin,” I tried, making puppy-dog eyes at it.

I heard a sharp intake of breath from Erin.

“Ok, let’s, yes…let’s hang out. We can do this. Friends,” said Erin.

“Friends!” I agreed.

“Oh heaven help me,” said Rein exasperatedly.

Noah’s POV

I needed to talk to Jonah. I needed to see Star. I need my mate. I needed some comfort. Things had become very dire indeed. Star was nowhere to be found as was Jonah. Could they be off somewhere together? Impossible. Jonah had the most restraint of all of us combined. I sighed. We had to go back to our pack, to where Alto’s body would be. Our father should unearth the body today. I sulked the whole morning. I was frightened Star would not return to the Viper Moon Pack with us. Such was understandable. We had brought nothing but misery to her life. We really were cursed in more ways than one. I was in the hallway when I saw Eli exit Star’s room. I went to check on her. She was sleeping soundly. I climbed into bed and lay beside her. She seemed shocked to see me when she woke up.

“Where’s Eli?” She demanded.

I felt a pang of jealousy. I shrugged.

“Star…” I began. How would I explain the situation with Jessie and that I had promised to go with Georgianna in his stead if it came to that. It wasn’t his burden to bear so I could not allow such a thing to happen to him. That would make me as bad as my ancestor Oleander.

“Yeah, Noah?” She said.

I sighed. I couldn’t tell her. Not yet. I wanted a few more blissful moments with her before she found out that we had yet another problem to face.

I cupped her face in my hands. Her skin was cooler than before now that she was noticeably part Fae. I nuzzled her. She smiled. I kissed her hungrily and she kissed me back just as enthusiastically. A fire erupted in my belly and spread warmth throughout my body. All I could think about was Star.

“I love you,” I breathed when we parted.

She pulled me back in, moving her lips eagerly against mine. I trailed k****s down her neck and shoulder. I paused. There was a hickey on her marking spot.

“Who did this?” I asked, a little annoyed.

“Eli,” she said sheepishly.

“Do you like Eli more than me?” I blurted out before I could stop myself.

“You are all my mates,” she said softly. “I want all of you.”

My wolf told me she meant that. I pressed my lips to hers and she whimpered softly when I nipped at her bottom l*p. I kissed her neck, finding the spot on the other side and focusing on it. She squirmed a little. I could smell her excitement. She also smelled a bit like Eli and even like Jonah of all people. I would put my scent all over her instead. I pinned her to the bed, settling myself between her legs. I grasped the hem of her dress and slid it upwards while we kissed. I was rock hard and I knew she could feel it. I realised she wasn’t wearing underwear. I got up suddenly, extricating myself from her.

“Noah? What are you do-…” she began before I snatched her up and swung her over my shoulder. She squealed.

I walked towards her bathroom. I headed towards the shower.

“Noah?” She said.

“You smell like Eli and Jonah,” I said. “Let’s wash that all away.”

I placed her on the bathroom counter and quickly rid both of us of all of our clothes. Star bit her l*p. She was hugging herself, acting shy. I smirked at her. I got into the shower and motioned for her to come towards me. She did what I wanted. She slipped off the counter and padded towards me. She got into the huge shower. I closed the shower door. Streams of lukewarm water hit us from all sides and above.

I took a loofa and lathered her body with soap. She was trembling a little as I washed her off with my hands running my fingers along every inch of her smooth skin. I paid particular attention to her delicate folds. I shampooed her hair. She m****d happily as I massage her scalp. I refused to think about the future. At least I had Star now. At least she still had me. I conditioned her hair. She wanted to do the same for me. I allowed it though I grew impatient.

I pressed her against the wall and grasped the backs of her thighs lifting her easily. She held onto me as our lips crashed together. She m****d into my mouth. My member was rock hard and engorged and pressed against her tummy. I gripped her waist and lifted her higher putting her on my shoulders with her p***y against my face and her back braced against the high wall.

“Noah!” She squeaked in surprise.

“Scared of heights?” I asked her, smirking.

She giggled.

Her giggles gave way to g****s when I plunged my tongue into her entrance. She wiggled in my arms. I smacked her behind and she whimpered but remained still.

I covered her vulva with my mouth. I zeroed in on her clit and sucked on it eagerly. Her thighs were quivering. I kneaded her behind as I ate her out, tracing patterns on her clit. I could hear her soft little squeals as I pushed her higher and higher.

“Noah,” I heard her cry as she tangled her hands in my hair.

She was rocking her h**s back and forth, matching the movements of my tongue. She wouldn’t last much longer. I felt the tension leave her body as she reached her climax. Her legs shook. Her grip in my hair slackened. I lifted her off of my shoulders and cradled her in my arms. I wrapped us both up in a huge warm towel, unwilling to let go just yet.

“Luna,” I whispered.

“Alpha,” she sighed.

I looked at her. Our eyes met. I took a deep breath. “We have to go back home.”

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