Billionaire Quadruplet Alphas

Chapter 98

Sunday 27th September, 2020.


The rosy lace number was completely backless dipping until right above my tailbone. The front boasted a plunging neckline down to my navel. There were frills on either side of it at my waist that gave the impression of it being a dress. The entire thing was sheer but the floral pattern was busier over the n****e areas, derriere and my own flower so that there was some coverage.

The shoes were platform heels. They must have been either five or six inches in total. I tread very lightly in them. I had to take them all the way off to bend down to get the outfit bag without falling when I realised I had missed something about the outfit. There were pieces rose-gold jewellery with the outfit with floral designs on each of them. There were five of them. One was significantly larger than the other. I realised what they were: two anklets, two bracelets and one choker necklace, all perfect rings with a little circle jutting out of each of them. Weird. I put on all except the choker because I wasn’t used to the feeling of chokers. I held it and put the shoes back on.

I glanced at myself in the huge mirror in my master bathroom. I blushed just from looking at myself in this get-up. I wondered what Noah and Jonah would think. I recalled the first time Noah and I had ever done something intimate. It was right after I had found out I was adopted. Now I had found out my mother was alive.

Do you know if my Dad, Harper, Zaya and Eli have found out anything yet? I mind-linked Noah and Jonah.

Zaya says they’re still extracting information but they have a lead for where Toby might be, answered Jonah.

Where? I asked.

Back at the Plastique Manor somewhere, said Noah. They think Mrs Plastique switched places with Toby right after her lover helped her break the magical bindings Jamie had conjured. So the real Toby must have been left behind in Viper Moon. Dad has sent some of his pack warriors to search the property.

Jonah had other news for me.

That property is technically yours by the way. I don’t know if Harper told you yet but his adopted parents have a great lawyer. His team has been working overtime on your stolen inheritance now that they have the correct will. Most of Mrs Plastique’s assets are now rightfully yours with the exception of those that were from Mr Plastique’s portion of their combined fortune, said Jonah.

Anyway…Star, are you seriously mind-linking us from the next room? Asked Jonah.

Luna, if you’re not ready, it’s ok, we love you, said Noah.

I took a deep breath.

I am ready, I said.

I could feel Jonah and Noah’s glee coming off of them in waves. I did one more practice run in the shoes, walking back and forth in the bathroom, so I wouldn’t embarrass myself. I opened the door to my bedroom hesitantly. Noah and Jonah were both sitting on the bed. They looked up as I slowly walked in. Their grins were huge. I giggled. They both got up and led me across to bed. Noah sat on the edge of the bed with me standing between his legs. His hands gripped my waist as he turned me around to admire me.

“You are exquisite, Luna. Delectable,” said Noah.

I blushed.

“Watch your step, Ma Belle Déesse,” said Jonah, taking my hand and pulling me over to stand in front of him now. He twirled me slowly. “You are divine.”

My whole body was tingling even though nothing had happened yet. Jonah stood up. I bit my l!p. He cupped my face, his thumbs c@ressing my cheeks gently as he brought my l!ps to his. His k!ss was sweet and lingering. He deepened it, pulling me to him, flush against his body. I pushed his blazer off and he let it fall without breaking the k!ss.

I felt Noah’s body heat behind me. He moved my hair to one side and trailed his fingertips across my marks. His l!ps brushed against the nape of my neck. He k!ssed his way downwards until he reached his own mark. He su.cked on it swirling his tongue over it, making me shiver. He bit down on his mark and a shockwave of pleasure flowed through me, making me m0an into Jonah’s mouth.

My hands undid Jonah’s tie while I continued to k!ss him, inhaling his scent, loving his taste. He sat down and I straddled him. Noah took his own tie off and just as I broke the k!ss with Jonah, Noah put the black silk tie over my eyes, blindfolding me. I could feel Noah’s breath against my ear, making goosebumps spring up. I heard Jonah’s soft chuckle.

“Do you know what these are for, Luna?” Said Noah in my ear, his voice husky, as his fingers circled the bracelets and then trailed down my body to where my knees were bent at either side of Jonah’s lap. He traced my calves and reached my ankles, feeling the anklets, making sure they were on properly.

“Where’s the choker?” Asked Noah.

“I told you the choker was a bit much,” said Jonah.

“I…I thought it was a little uncomfortable,” I said.

“Aww, Luna,” murmured Noah in my ear.

Jonah’s silky laughter was in my other ear. “Told you,” said Jonah, his voice like velvet.

“Well, we’ll just tie your wrists and ankles to the bed then. The choker is a bit much for a beginner,” agreed Noah.

I was trembling but I wasn’t afraid. I felt very safe Jonah and Noah. I was excited. Noah nibbled my earlobe making me whimper while Jonah ran his hands up my body from my waist to my breasts. His thumbs padded my n*****s through the thin fabric. They were already er.ect and they hardened under the eldest Alpha’s masterful touch. He pinched one, and l!cked and nibbled the other through the fabric before he switched. My flower was already dripping for them.

“You should change your safe word,” suggested Noah. “The old one reeks of the past.”

“What was her old safe word?” Asked Jonah.

I was hyperaware of their bodies and voices because I was blindfolded. All my energy was focused on the other senses. Their smell was delicious. I could also smell the rose petals. I could even smell the champagne. As if he read my mind, I felt Jonah put a glass to my l!ps.

“Some liquid courage,” he said, tilting the glass.

I downed a glass. I was shocked at how good it tasted. The shots I had been given on my birthday had been so hard to drink. The sweetness on my tongue and the taste and smell of Jonah and Noah’s skin were all so distinct. The sound of their voices gave me chills and their touch made me tremble.

“You don’t wanna know her old safe word,” muttered Noah.

“I missed out, I guess. You fiends spanked her without me,” complained Jonah.

“You wouldn’t have approved,” laughed Noah.

“Oh well, forgive me, I like my Lunas alive,” chuckled Jonah, stroking my curls, sweeping them off of my face.

“What will it be?” Said the eldest.

I grinned. I was inspired by the way they made me and my wolf feel after being denied them for so long.

“Complete,” I said.

“I love it,” whispered Noah before his l!ps crashed against mine.

His k!ss was urgent and filled with so much longing, so much yearning. I gasped into his mouth as he snaked his tongue into mine. Strong hands lifted me onto the middle of the huge bed so that my l!ps left Noah’s for a moment. He pulled me back to him. I sighed in satisfaction as I tasted him again. He rolled so that I was pinned under him. He grasped my wrists holding them over my head as he k!ssed his away across my cheek and down my jaw and neck.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I heard a metallic clink as something clasped into place. I heard it again. I tried to grasp Noah and realised my wrists were chained to the bed at opposite sides. I gasped. Jonah gripped my ankles. I heard the clink of metal again as he chained my ankles to opposite sides of the lower bed posts. I was lying in the shape of an X.

A m0an escaped me as Jonah bunched up the fabric at my c0re, moving it to the side while Noah’s tongue ran the length of my vu.lva stopping at my bud to circle it slowly. I gr0aned. A firmer l!ck from Noah parted my folds, exposing my tender little cl!t. Noah swirled his tongue around it again while Jonah’s hands c@ressed my inner th!ghs. Jonah let his wolf come forwards a little to bring his claws out. I felt him run his claws down my inner th!ghs making me shiver. His claws traced patterns on my calves, shins and ankles. He took my heels off and gently ran his claws along the soles of my feet while Noah plunged his tongue deep inside me making me cry out. Everything was heightened by my helplessness somehow. I was panting as I rode Noah’s face. I was so close to coming. The pressure in my torso was almost to bursting.

“Please, please,” I cried.

“I think we’re being too nice,” said Jonah softly as his hands pinched my already hardened n*****s, making me gr0an.

Noah su.cked on my cl!t so hard I almost came out of my skin. I whimpered.

“Are we being too nice, Luna?” Asked Noah.

I had no idea what to say to that.

“Answer me,” growled Noah, plunging four fingers inside of me with such force I shocked myself by coming hard.

I cried out as my p***y spasmed and contracted around Noah’s fingers.

“No?” I said, unsure what the right answer was.

“Sounds like you’re asking us,” chuckled Jonah. “All right, we’ll answer. Yes, we are being too nice. Flip her over.”

I heard the metallic clinking of the chains as Noah switched the posts I was chained to as he flipped me over and secured my restraints again. I felt Jonah grasp the globes of my behind, squeezing them and massaging them. I gr0aned.

“I’m kinda mad at you, Star,” whispered Jonah in my ear.

“Huh? Why?” I gasped.

I felt Noah smack my behind. The smack sent an electric current straight to my already weeping flower, making me drip more.

“You know better than that, my pretty little Luna,” said Noah in my other ear.

“You need to address your Alphas respectfully,” hissed Jonah in my ear, his hands gently clasping my throat.

“Mmm,” was all I could say.

They were making my mind numb. I earned another smack on the behind from Noah and felt my flower itself more.

“Why, Alpha?” I gasped.

“Good Luna, very good,” whispered Noah bending down to k!ss the globes of my behind. He su.cked on the skin of one of my cheeks. He k!ssed his way back between my th!ghs stopping just short of where I wanted him to go. I whimpered.

“I think you’ve been such a bad girl, you know that don’t you Star?” Said Jonah.

“Umm,” I began.

Smack. I yelped as my butt cheeks quivered under Noah’s hand. He k!ssed my reddened cheeks.

“Sneaking around with my impressionable little brothers behind my back, knowing full well all the dangers involved,” said Jonah.

Zaya? Eli? Impressionable? Was this a joke?

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “Alpha. I’ll be good now.”

“Oh, you will be, Luna. You will be very good, because I am going to teach you a lesson,” hissed Jonah, biting down on his mark and making my whole body erupt in pleasure.

“Alpha,” I m0aned.

“Or Sir or Daddy. I’m not cruel, Baby, you have options,” said Jonah, brushing my hair away from the back of my neck so he could k!ss it.

“I’ll let you decide, ma chatounette! How many do you want?” Asked Jonah.

If I picked a too small a number, they would just add more anyway.

“Umm twenty-five,” I said.

Jonah laughed. I laughed nervously too.

“We’re not that mean, Star,” said Noah, unbuttoning a button I didn’t even know was there in my lingerie so he could expose the globes of my behind and the petals of my flower properly.

“Since you’re so repentant, we’ll just do…eighteen, one for every year you’ve spent on this earth. Happy belated birthday,” chuckled Jonah.

Jonah was such an a*****e but he had me dripping down my inner th!ghs. My body was not rational at all.

“Ready?” Asked Noah.

“Yes, Alpha,” I said.

Jonah smacked my behind. I gave a little shriek of surprise as my butt cheeks quivered from the impact. He reached between my legs and inserted a finger into me, pumping me slowly. I m0aned and squirmed, pushing myself against the finger. He used his free hand to smack my behind again, a little harder this time. My shriek was muffled by the pillow beneath me. He added a finger. Noah was k!ssing me up and down my spine. He su.cked on the skin when he reached the dip of my spine. By the fifth smack from Jonah, my whole body was trembling and he had four fingers in me while his thumb circled my cl!t. Noah was peppering my pink behind with k!sses.

“You’re doing so good, Luna,” murmured Noah against my skin.

“Your Alphas are so proud of you, Baby. How did we get so lucky?” Cooed Jonah as his fingers worked me into a frenzy.

“Ohhh,” I m0aned as Noah darted his tongue into my tight back opening.

He withdrew his tongue.


I gave a little scream of surprise. When they reached eight, Noah took over the spanking and Jonah took over the soothing. Noah’s first smack made my flower weep. I felt Jonah’s palms massaging my upper and lower back. His fingers worked deep into the muscle, easing the tension there. I felt his l!ps on my shoulder blades, feather-light. He k!ssed his way down to my sore pink behind, peppering it with k!sses. By the time Noah was halfway through his set, Jonah was whispering sweet nothings in my ear, some in English, some in French.

“Your Alphas are almost done punishing you, little angel,” whispered Jonah. “And you know what comes after pain?”

My mind was too hazy to formulate a reply.

“Pleasure,” answered Noah for me, administering the final smack as just as Jonah’s mouth found my cl!t and su.cked it into his mouth while his fingers pumped in and out of my p***y until I came screaming, my fluids gushing onto the bed underneath me. I heard the clink of the metal. Noah and Jonah unchained me. Someone pulled my blindfold off. They massaged my sore spots while I came down. Noah took the bracelets off completely and massaged my wrists while Jonah took the anklets on and gently c@ressed my ankles. I squealed as Jonah su.cked and nibbled on each toe.

Noah found my l!ps and his k!ss was surprisingly sweet and tender. I k!ssed him back eagerly, heat pooling in my torso again. I found my head in Jonah’s lap. Jonah gently bent and k!ssed my forehead. Noah k!ssed my wrists and each fingertip.

“Princess Hannah,” whispered Noah, using my real first name. “May I?” He asked, brushing his nose against mine. I knew instantly what he meant. I nodded, already anticipating fulfilling the mate bond completely. Noah k!ssed me deeply, our tongues dancing together. I could taste myself on his mouth. He k!ssed the tip of my nose, making me giggle.

“I love you, Hannah Star,” said Noah looking into my eyes.

I could see how green his eyes were even in this dimly lit room. I could drown in his eyes. I cupped his face in my hands and he cupped mine. We were forehead to forehead, nose to nose.

Jonah lovingly stroked my hair and rubbed my shoulders. Noah was still in his boxers. He sat up, kneeling on the bed. He pulled his boxers down, revealing his thick long member. There was at his tip. I swiped my thumb against it and he hissed with pleasure at my touch. I wanted to pleasure him more but he grasped my hand and k!ssed it.

“This is all about you, right now, ok,” he told me softly. “We have forever, don’t worry.”

I nodded. I felt his him inch into me, stretching me as he went. I gasped. I wondered if I would ever get used to this feeling. Jonah k!ssed my forehead. I stretched upwards to press my l!ps to his. He k!ssed me with so much emotion. I could not get enough. We parted and Noah pushed all the way inside of me. He gr0aned in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Noah,” I whispered against his skin as he started to move slowly, pulling out and thrusting back into me. The sweet familiar pressure in my middle was back. I arched my back and moved my h!ps as our noses brushed. He grinned and so did I. He filled me again and again. I m0aned, loving how smooth and hard and strong he felt. I wrapped my legs around him and he quickened the pace, sliding his huge smooth c**k in and out of me. He gripped my h!ps, his finger biting into my skin but I didn’t really feel it. All I could focus on was him driving into me as I chased my high. The ball of pressure inside of me built and tightened as Noah’s thrusts deepened and quickened. I gripped his shoulders as tightly as he was gripping my waist. I knew we would leave marks on each other. Noah was grinding his h!ps against me, making me whimper. The pressure was unbearable.

“Noah,” I gasped.

He smiled and I pressed my l!ps to his just as the pressure overflowed. I screamed as my org@sm hit me, making my whole body spasm and shake. I held onto Noah for dear life and he continued to stroke me, thrusting as I rode out each pleasure-filled wave. I felt Jonah k!ss my sweaty forehead. Noah grunted and then he gr0aned in my ear as he exploded into me, filling me up. I could feel load dripping out of me, running down my th!ghs. I tried to catch my breath. My pulse slowed. Noah pulled out of me slowly. He cleaned me gently with a warm towel.

I tugged on Jonah’s shoulder, pulling him down for a sweet k!ss.

“You’re probably exhausted, Star,” he murmured, k!ssing my forehead.

Noah had been amazing. All my mates so far had been wonderful but I was still…incomplete. My wolf had waited long enough. I needed Jonah.

Jonah, I need you, I whispered in his mind.

He searched my face to make sure I was certain. He and Noah switched positions so that my head was now in Noah’s lap and Jonah settled himself between my legs. He c@ressed my cheeks and nuzzled me.

“I love you. I have always loved you, even when I couldn’t show it. I hope you know that,” he murmured against my l!ps.

I nodded and pulled him to me with a sense of urgency. He crashed his l!ps to mine and completely different from the others, he entered me in one long, quick, sharp thrust. I cried out. He pressed his forehead to mind, stroking my hair, waiting for me to adjust. I nodded and he moved his h!ps. A delicious thrill coursed through me.

“Mmm,” I m0aned.

“Je suis au paradis,” whispered Jonah.

I did not speak the language but I instantly knew what he had said. Maybe it was the mate-bond or our wolves communicating.

“I’m in heaven,” I repeated in English.

He grinned. “Yeah,” he said softly, surprised I knew what he meant.

“Me too,” I whispered.

He laughed and pressed his l!ps to mine. Jonah entered me the quickest but his strokes were slow and they made my toes curl. I m0aned against his shoulder. There wasn’t any space between us. He put his entire weight on me, his body flush against mine. His pelvis was grinding against me so intensely, my bud kept spasming. I must have had a dozen mini-org@sms while he kept our bodies close and his thrusts deep and agonisingly slow. I could feel him hitting a spot deep inside of me, building a pressure there, different to the others. Bigger. Tighter. More intense. He kept hitting that spot deep within me. I whimpered every time he did. His thrusts did not speed up but they became harder, striking the spot with a greater intensity, each time harder than before.

“Oh…Jonah,” I gasped.

I felt like I was losing my mind. Jonah’s rhythm was relentless. That ball of pressure inside of me had never been tightly wound. He sat up suddenly, bringing me with him, thrusting upwards into me, reading that place inside in a way that made me arch my back and dig my nails into shoulders. We were both drenched in sweat. I could taste the salt of it whenever I k!ssed or l!cked his skin. He waited until I went insane almost before he quickened the pace. He changed his pattern completely. He f****d me hard and fast, pounding me. He certainly was no longer treating me like a beginner. He had me screaming as he slid in and out of me, hitting my cervix, f*****g me mercilessly. The ball of pressure was on fire too. It was boiling.

“JONAH!” I cried as my org@sm burst through me making my whole body shake violently.

I squirted, drenching him, but he did not let up until he came with a guttural m0an, he poured into me. He immediately put me back against the sheets with a pillow under my behind, angling me so that every last drop drained into me.

“Are you trying to get me pregnant?” I teased breathlessly.

“Happy Mother’s Day,” he retorted.

Noah, Jonah and I burst into laughter. The elder two Quads curled themselves around me, reminding me of the night I slept between Eli and Zaya. I was nose to nose with Noah while Jonah spooned me. There were two things plaguing my mind: the location of all my still missing loved ones and marking my Quads once and for all.

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