Bleeding obsession

27) please!

27) please!

Authors pov

Peter turned around frustratingly.

"Because you are a Bastard..."

He yelled and her world came crashing down on her.

Sarah looked at him in shock.

"Yes, you are a Bastard... You are not my daughter. I kept this secret to me my whole life but if you

really wants to know then here is the truth so atleast you can be grateful..."

He said glaring at her.

"No! you are lying"

She mumbled in disbelief.

"No i am not... Your mother cheated on me. I loved her with my life and this is how she returned it. I

was so happy when you were born but then I find out about her affair. I killed her lover, she couldn't

take it and killed herself leaving you with me..."

Sarah could see the hate in his eyes for her mother.

"I didn't wanted to abandon you so I kept you, whatever happened wasn't your fault and I didn't wanted

to give you punishment for your mother's doings. I tried to love you Sarah but whenever I looked at you

it reminded me of your mother's betrayal. It was so hard to live with so much pain and living reminder.

That's why I send you to London, to your grandma. I tried to do everything which father could do except

love because I can't love you. Your eyes remind me of that motherfucker."

Sarah's whole face was red with embarrassment and crying. That's the worst thing could happen in her

life right now, she got the tag of Bastard.

"Instead of blaming me you should be thankful that I didn't kill you or left you on the road to beg. I

showed you mercy by giving home and family and you have a audacity to stand in front of me and

question me like a brat."

He spat hatefully.

"Now that you know the truth... Do me a favor and don't show me your face again. I have given you a

enough property to live your life. Now leave me alone..."

Sarah wiped her tears.

"You were always a wicked man... You forcefully married my mother, don't think that I don't know

anything about your history. It was not my mother's fault to love the man she always wanted. If she

cheated on you then you definitely deserved it..."

She spat hatefully.

"You didn't kept me because you felt pity on me. You did it to save your reputation so no one could

know that your wife chose another man over you."

She saw his fists clenching but it didn't stopped her from speaking the truth.

"She chose her happiness over your money and status. And don't claim that you have done everything

which one father should do. You did nothing but threw your money at me and expected me grow up like

a good girl. You know what... I am happy that you are not my father, atleast I have a clean blood and

not Dirty like you people..."


He raised his hand to slap her and she quickly closed her eyes flinching back. She covered her face

and waited for the blow but none came.

She slowly removed her hands from her face and looked up. Damian was holding Peter's hand which

he raised to slap Sarah.

"That's not how we treat women in our house Peter. Touch her and I'll show you who the fuck I am...

Anyways she is not your daughter so you have no right to touch her..."

He let go of his hand and pushed him back from Sarah.

"Jack throw them out of my house..."

He looked at Sarah and raised his eyebrows.

"And you sweetheart... Back to your cage, right now... Do your crying ceremony there... Go!..."

Sarah turned around with glossy eyes but everything went dizzy and she stumbled back. It was

expected as it was a stressful day and the revelation did nothing but affected her mental health. Before

she hits the floor strong pair of hands grabbed her and lifted up.

She blinked few times to clear her vision and saw Damian carrying her towards the room.

"You are worst than a child Sarah... Swear if you weren't Xavier's wife then I would have locked you in

the basement. Can't you stay stable for just one fucking day..."

he cursed annoyingly.

Sarah didn't replied as tears kept flowing from her eyes. Damian took her to room and placed her on

the bed.

"You know, if it doesn't for Natasha's obsession for you then Peter would have married Sarah to you to

expand his territory..." Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Jack said to Damian and Sarah's eyes widened in horror.

"Just imagine how interesting it would have been, This cry baby and you..."

Damian glared at jack and he raised his hands.

"Sorry... I was just trying to ease the tension..."

Sarah looked at Damian with glossy eyes as he handed her the glass of water.

"Please let me go... Xavier won't do anything, he doesn't care about me..."

She sobbed taking the glass of water from him.

Damian rolled his eyes.

"That's what you think... He does so shut up and stay quiet..."

Sarah frowned.

"No, he doesn't... Why don't you believe me... No one cares, no one..."

She said frustratingly and broke down.

Damian Groaned in frustration.

"Fine, let's see..."

Sarah looked at him confused when he pulled out his phone and called someone.

He put it on loud speaker and she saw Xavier's name on caller ID.

He received the call in two rings and Damian chuckled.

"I don't remember you giving me this much importance till now Xavier. Usually you don't pick up my


He said arrogantly and sat beside Sarah.

"Don't fuck with me Damian, where is she?..."

They heard Angry voice from the other side.

A strange wave of relief rushed in Sarah's body when she heard his voice.

Damian smirked.

"She is okay, sitting beside me... How do you handle her man, she don't know how to stop crying."

"Did you hurt her?... I swear Damian if I saw even a scratch on her I'll kill you. Stay away from my


He growled and Sarah couldn't believe that it's Xavier who is talking. He sounds so Angry.

'why is he angry and why he cares?'

She thought but it was a ray of hope for her.

"Then take her... You know what to do..."

Damian said.

"Take whatever the fuck you want but if something happens to Sarah then I'll burn the whole fucking

world, do you understand. Don't you dare touch my wife..."

Xavier threatened and Sarah couldn't understand his behavior but it fluttered her heart. First time she is

experiencing the sense of belongingness.


She unknowingly mumbled.

"Hello Sarah?... Are you there?..."

Xavier said hurriedly as he heard her voice.


Her lips treambled.

"Is he hurting you... I am coming, don't cry... I am almost there..."

He said like he is worried for her.

"Please come fast..."

She said sniffing.

"Yes, I am coming bab___"

Before he could complete Damian disconnected the call.

"he is coming so Shut the fuck up... And stop fucking crying..."

He said annoyingly and left the room locking her inside.

Sarah tried to control her crying but nothing was helping her. Her whole life she tried to get the love of

the man who hates her. Those people whom she considered her family are nothing to her, they don't

even want her in their lives. She has no family and no one to love her.

'At least Xavier has more humanity than them. I don't know if he really cares or not but his words

matters alot. At least he didn't stepped back...'

She thought.

She looked at the door when it got opened and Jack came in.

"Your husband is here..."

Sarah didn't hear further as she jumped out of the bed and ran outside. She ignored the weird looks

which guards were throwing at her and ran like her life is depended on it.

She saw Damian standing at the main door and stopped there. Her eyes desperately started looking for

Xavier and she spotted him standing in front of his car.

His hair was mess and it looked like he haven't slept whole night. His eyes softened when he looked at

Sarah. He was on verge of going crazy when he heard about her getting kidnapped.

Sarah didn't wait for a second and ran towards him, she hugged Xavier tightly and he quickly wrapped

his arms around her.

She sobbed in his tight, protective embrace.

"How fucking Romantic..."

Damian rolled his eyes and Xavier glared at him.

"What? you should thank me, I saved her fucking life..."

Xavier pulled away from from the hug and looked at her swollen face. He grabbed her jaw and

inspected her red cheek. His angry eyes snapped towards Damian like he is ready to kill him.

"I didn't do it... It was John..."

Damian said and went back in his house.

Sarah sat inside the car beside Xavier And Ace started driving.

"Where were your guards?..."

Xavier asked glaring at her.

Sarah was looking down in her lap trying to control her break down.

"On leave..."

"Xavier I don't think it's the right time..."

Ace said looking sadly with Sarah.

Xavier sighed rubbing his forehead, his insides were burning looking at her swollen cheek.

"Peter was at Damian's house but he didn't do anything to help her... Jack told me..."

Ace informed Xavier.

Xavier frowned looking at Sarah, now he understood why she is crying like this.

Ace told everything to Xavier and sighed in disbelief. Sarah didn't mind that they know everything now.

What's the use of hiding anyway.

"Break our alliance with Peter, we don't need his mafia. They are shame on mafia anyway. It's nothing

beneficial to us..."

Xavier ordered to Ace.

Ace parked the car and they all got out. Sarah saw few men carrying someone and her eyes widened

when she saw the same old man who slapped her. They were carrying his dead body.

Xavier grabbed her hand and led her inside.

"Don't look at him... He asked for it..."

He said and she looked at him shocked.

'did he killed him because he tried to kidnap me...'

She thought.

Sarah washed her face and came out of the washroom but still tears weren't stopping. Peter's words

were ringing in her ears continuously.

Xavier looked at her as she stopped by the window. He didn't knew that she is a illegitimate child and

the revelation must be hard on her.

He walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Sarah turned around and looked at him

with her glossy eyes. He gently wiped her tears with his thumb and she leaned to soft touch.

He gently tilted her chin making her look at him.

"You don't need them... And definitely don't need to waste your tears on people like that..."

He said looking at her with soft eyes.

Her lips treambled as she looked at him with broken state. Xavier looked at her red trembling lips. His

heart couldn't tolerate the pain after seeing her like this. He wanted to comfort her.

He leaned down and gently captured her lips into kiss. Sarah gave in to gentle kiss. He wiped her tears

again and deepened the kiss.

Her hands involuntarily started roaming on his chest. She wanted to forget everything and needed

something which will make her forget it. His touch was alluring, making his passion ran through her


Xavier's eyes snapped open when he realized what is he doing. He quickly pulled away and grabbed

her roaming hand.

Sarah looked at him sadly as he shook his head.

"No, we can't do this..."

He let go her hand and turned around to leave.

Sarah didn't wanted to lose this comfort. Today she needs this so much and he is the only way of

getting it. She was desperate for love.

She ran towards Xavier and hugged him from behind making him halt in his place. Her grip was tight on

his shirt, her face was resting on his broad back, she was clutching on him like she don't want him to


"Please... I need this..."

She mumbled.

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