Bonded By Destiny

Chapter 17


‘What do you mean that you can see a cloud levitating on my head? ‘ My mind had yet to contemplate on the farcical information my little witch had just shared. It was quite a rather risible statement but questioning it’s plausibility would obviously show that I was skeptical of my mate.

‘I know it sounds farfetched, hell it took me time to believe it myself but trust me, I can see it. ‘ Her thoughts were pure and free of any falsity. As her feelings flowed through the invisible chain that held our bond together, undeniable worry and fright flooded our bond.

I remained silent as she fidgeted on the couch nervously, her eyes tightly closed. Her hesitation in giving me a more detailed explanation compelled me to place my right hand on top of hers. The action seemed to work because she gradually relaxed with every squeeze on her hand.

‘Loosen up honey, I can feel the tension in you. I can feel the fear you are bottling inside of you, you are worried that I will not believe a word you say. ‘ I paused, rubbing gently the back of her hand with my thumb.

‘Look at me Tamara. ‘ Her head turned slightly but her eyes remained closed.

‘My mother begged me to only tell my mate of this gift. ‘ She spoke lowly, swallowing saliva audibly.

‘She said that you would believe me, that my mate would keep my secret safe. ‘ She continued, shaking her head as if questioning the truth in her mother’s words. She thought that I would disregard her explanations when I just wanted to put just some truth to it.

‘Tell me honey, make me see it your way. How can you see the cloud? I mean you have plenty of gifts, but this? ‘ My other hand pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

‘This is way past my comprehension Tamara. ‘

‘It just happened Ryker, just like how I started hearing your thoughts inside my head. When I first saw a white cloud atop my mum, I thought that I was hallucinating. I kept on closing my eyes whenever she was around, in attempts to make the image disappear. However, I would see it each and every time I would open my eyes. ‘

‘Are you saying that I’m not the only one you can…’

‘I have the ability to decipher every one’s character using their clouds, so yes Ryker, every pack member has one. ‘ She cut me off, further confirming my question.

‘Goddess Tamara! how is that even possible? ‘

‘My mother tried searching for answers all over, in the end she only said that it was of utmost important to keep it a secret. I couldn’t even tell how I knew that the clouds represented characters. It was a mystery to me, still is. ‘

With a loud sigh, she hang her head in defeat. I could hear her thoughts as she questioned how she could make me believe her when she didn’t even have a concrete explanation.

‘I believe you. ‘ My voice compelled her head to snap up in disbelief. In an instant my little mate jumped on my lap, then snaked her arms behind my neck in pure joy. She planted a wet kiss on my left cheek, giggling loudly in relief.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

‘For a minute I thought that…’

‘You thought wrong, the bond that connects us would never allow me to go against you. ‘

‘What about you? ‘ She asked suddenly, lifting herself up and distancing herself from me.

‘What do you mean? ‘

‘You said the bond influenced you, what if the bond wasn’t there, or strong enough? Would you still have found my words plausible?’ Her voice had this underlying accusation and I couldn’t help but wonder where all this had come from.

Before I could utter a single word, my body stilled as my mind took in the information my Beta was imparting through the mind-link.

‘Tamara, Mimi is not doing good. ‘ I approached the subject carefully, I did not want her thinking that I was trying to change the subject.

‘Jayson just mind linked me, he said that she wishes to see us. ‘ I watched as she took the information with worry and slight confusion.

‘Why would she want to see me?’ She stood up, her face obviously mirroring mine in a quizzical look.

‘Your guess is as good as mine. Come on. ‘ I beckoned her to come with me as I finally stood and made my way towards the door and opened it. She stood unmoving with her eyes looking at everything but me. Her behavior was clear as day she was in a dither about following me.

‘What is it little mate? ‘ I had a good guess why she was being reluctant.

‘I am bare underneath this T-shirt. ‘ She whispered shyly, images of my hands tearing her dress and panties pushing forward in my mind. I couldn’t believe I had failed to realize it until she had hesitated.

‘Good thing I chose to come instead. ‘ Mimi’s warm voice filtered through the entire room as she walked in shuffling on her feet. Jayson followed behind her, laughing silently at her statement.

‘My child. ‘ Her motherly tone engulfed all of us as she fixed her twinkling eyes bracketed by laugh lines on my mate. The short curly gunmetal grey hair atop her head showed how pretty ripe in her age she was.

My mate stood fixed on the same spot as Mimi approached her. Her warm eyes watched the old woman closely, and all I could see was admiration. Mimi’s hurt arm was covered by the brown knitted sweater she wore but even so, I could see how she was struggling to keep it still.

Her movement was leaden and lethargic, quite opposite to what I was used to growing up. She had always been full of unwavering vivacity and charm. Looking at her now, I couldn’t help but feel like something else apart from the bullet was the matter. I mean it only grazed her skin plus she was a werewolf, of course she was supposed to have felt better by now.

‘Sit my child, I have something to tell you while time is still on my side. ‘ Her gravel and syrup voice quivered with each word that passed between her lips. Tamara remained silent even as she helped Mimi sit down.

‘Close the door boys and come closer. I need your unwavering attention. ‘ Mimi instructed us, beckoning us with her frail hands.

‘Uum I’m actually supposed to have a meeting now with the warriors on patrol in a few minutes. ‘ Jayson excused himself, but before he could make it out of the door, the aged lady’s voice stopped him.

‘This involves all of you directly or indirectly, stay. ‘ Her statement was final and with one nod towards her, my friend locked the door and stood all ears.

‘Decades ago, a number of deaths eventuated in this very pack.’ She started narrating, fixing her gaze on my mate.

‘Your grandmother and the then Luna of this pack Marie Manoa died in suspicious circumstances. ‘ She turned to me, reminding me of my granny that I never met. I only saw her in pictures, and heard stories about her from my father Lionel.

‘Shortly after her death, your grandfather, Zaid Manoa ran mad and finally committed suicide following the sudden loss of his mate. ‘ She paused, swallowing her saliva slowly with her eyes seeming far gone.

‘Immediately thereafter, Your Uncle Pete’s mate, died giving birth to your cousin Theo. It was too much for your uncle who was in line for the Alpha title. He suffered too much grief and torment and his resolve finally faltered and he fled the pack. Your father had to assume the Alpha position with the support of your lovely mother Margaret. ‘ Her eyes turned watery, as she reminisced and told the story.

‘No one knows where your Uncle disappeared to, but when he came back he was okay. Contrary to what happens in the werewolf community after one experiencing such grief. ‘

‘Mimi, what does this have to do with me? ‘ Tamara finally spoke, curiosity and confusion coating her voice.

‘Everything. ‘ Mimi simply answered, extending her soft wrinkled hands to Tamara’s.

‘I saw the conversation you had with your mate here the night you two mated. In his memories, you finally discovered that your mother was poisoned. What you don’t know is that your father was also murdered, by the same person who murdered the rest. ‘

‘What!’ Every single one of us exclaimed in utter disbelief as we took in the information.

‘My vision over the years has captured bits and pieces of the different scenes that transpired prior to all the deaths. There is always this person in a black cloak present with his face totally masked. ‘

My mind went back to the person Tamara had described seeing back at the Western boulder. Could it have been the same person Mimi was talking about?

‘It is still unclear who the person is but they remain alive till date. ‘ She squeezed my little witch’s hands in hers.

‘Tamara. ‘ Her eyes changed to a magnificent brown – tinged gray colour as she turned fully to look at my mate.

‘It was written that your mother’s fate of death was sealed to pave way for a greater being, so is my demise, inevitable. Silver runs in my bloodstream as we speak, like your mother I have been poisoned. ‘ She paused her countenance slightly changing as she added.

‘The fate of this pack lies in your hands . Like the rejected stone, so is your role in defeating the enemy with the help of your beloved . ‘ Her earnest tone rose with every word she uttered

‘You shall unmask the masked and uncloak the cloaked, chosen by the very maker herself. Destined for greatness, your portion is sealed. ‘


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