
Chapter 27- Bad bitches don’t cry

? If there is one thing

that I’ll never learn is,

If you play with fire

You’re bound to get burnt but,Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Bad Bitches don’t cry ?


” What color do you want? Purple or blue?” Mom asks holding the pedicure kit in her right hand as she takes position on the floor of my feet.

After I came back home, I decided it was time to let them in, so I told them everything that had happened to me, even the reasons why I tried taking my own life.

And they promised to stand by me and support me. They planned on confronting Mr Brooks about his son but I went against it.

That would only cause more problems than it already had, but then again they really felt they were betraying me still by doing nothing.

So they quit their jobs, but they really didn’t tell their boss the reason as to why they did, and he never asked.

And believe me when I say that little action made my heart flutter.

They are trying their very best to restore us back together as the family we used to be and i couldn’t be more grateful.

” Purple reminds me of rain and that shade of blue is too dark” I scrunched up my face and squinted my eyes in the direction of the tiny blue bottle.

“ookay, what of green?” she asked again searching for the bottle in the box.

” my feet will look like it’s sprouting leaves”

She whipped her head in my direction like what I just said was an utter abuse to Green nail polish industry.

“wow, alright then. What of pink?”

” Too girly”

” Black?”

” I’m not Goth mom”

” Yellow?”

” My feet will out shine the sun ”

” Grey?, red??, white???”

” My feet would look like pencil did the work, Red looks a lot like blood and don’t get me started on white, that color-”

“My heavens” My mom shouted with a smile on her face ” Pregnancy really brings out the truth in you ” a light smile gracing her lips.

” I know right? This is my first and my last” I pouted with a huff and folded my hands above my very swollen belly.

” you sure about that? You know, I was hoping to have at least five grand kids coming for a visit each Christmas ” mom said mimicking my posture with a smirk on her face.

My mouth dropped to the floor.


“yes sweetheart?” her smirk still persistent.

“I’m not planning on having more kids, really ”

Her expression falls as she realizes that I am being honest.

“why is that?” her brows creased with concern and concentration.

” well…, I was actually thinking about the baby, and then I was wondering who will want to get married to a lady who carried a baby from a rape” playing with the hem of my shirt, i voiced out my thoughts.

” Honey, no matter what happened in the past, the future is a brighter day. The man who would love you will definitely be smart enough to overlook a mistake of the past ” Herhand resting on my thigh.

” But what if i do get married and bear kids for my husband, they wouldn’t treat this baby the same way”

” Would you love this baby when he or she is born?” she asked looking me in the eye.

“yeah, yes I will”

“then you have nothing to worry about love” she gave my thigh asqueeze with an assuring smile.

” Now, so we know that white is a color we do not want to talk about, sooo…. here’s what we’re gonna do. I’ll hand this box over to you ” she places the box on my lap ” And whichever color you pick at random is the color of your feet ”

hmm, sounds like a good idea.

“you ready?” I nod in anticipation

“okay, eyes closed aaaaaand…… go”

And the shuffle begins !

” five, four, three, two, one. And the shuffle is over! show me the color ” even with my eyes closed I can tell from her voice the smile on her face.

I pull out my fingers and opened my eyes my a millimeter.

” ringy, ding, ding and we have a winner. Pink it is!” after which she barked out a laughter that had me laughing too.

Pink had always been my worst color.

“okay, okay… another round. I am not wearing that on my feet” I managed to say between laughter.

” Nah-uh you picked, not me” she was still mocking me.


Snap !

“ouch” I use my hand to grip my belly to relieve the cramping.

” you okay?” mom had stopped laughing at the point.

” Yeah, maybe. It was just a cramp”

“you have just six weeks to go right?”

” yup”

“hmmm…” she paused and looked at me for a moment ” for how long have you had these cramps?”

Thinking back to the day Hunter threw me down when I told him about the pregnancy.

” Almost six months now”

or more.

” Should we see a doctor?”

” No, it comes and- oww !”

snap ! snap !!

” Iris, you can’t even sit up straight ”

Taking deep breaths to ease the pain and it subdued a little.

Setting my back straight and that was when i felt like something was torn open inside of me.


“aaaaaaaaah!, Mom! Hospital !”

“Oh my God, let me go get my keys” she scrambled off the floor and with the speed of light she was up the stairs.

The pulling feeling was stretching and getting worse until when I felt something wet drip down my leg.

With much energy and pain I opened my eyes that were squeezed shut to know what it was and i saw what made me scream.

I’m bleeding.

oh my God my baby !

“Mom!!” my eyes filling with tears as I can only fear the worst.

” yes baby I’m-Jesus Christ !” she quickened her pace down the flight. ” You’re bleeding !, My God, My God, come on lets get to the doctor fast” she lays a hand on my back and the other below my knees to carry me bridal style.

“mama, my baby” my voice choked with silent tears.

“don’t worry, your baby will be fine ”

And she drove me to the hospital.


“is she okay?”

“yeah, she just needs to rest and she’ll feel better ”

“how long will she be out?”

” she should be up any minute now”

The voices in the room having a conversation was the first sound to greet me as i returned to consciousness.

The last thing I remember before being given a sedative was hearing my pregnancy is having complications and due to my hyperventilation I have to be unconscious as they would have to remove the baby through a surgery.

” I think she’s awake”

” Hallelujah, Iris, baby speak to me”


My dad is here. That fluttering feeling is back again.

“Baby?” Dad calls again.

” Dad?” my voice low and cracked because of my dry troat.

“my goodness she’s okay”


Opening my eyes slowly, I’m met with not only my Dad and Meredith.

But also My mom, Megan, Clement and Mrs Phoebe.

” Are you alright?” This was Clement speaking.

” uh- uh. I am ”

” Good, because I need to pour a truckload on you. Just for a few days I go to stay with this moron here and his dad and you deemed it fit to go into labour? honestly if this isn’t betrayal, I don’t know what is”

And the person with those comforting words was none other than Megan my love.

Wait ! labour?

That’s when I looked to my stomach and noticed it wasn’t swollen anymore.

” w-where’s my b-baby?” Tears are definitely going to be shed if I’m in for bad news.

” They’re fine, let’s get the nurse to come check you and then you’ll go see them” mom patted my hair softly as she spoke.


” Them?” confusion should have been clear on my face.

” Yeah, Iris, you were pregnant with twins ” Dad muttered with a smile on his face.

” Twins?”

The news keeps unraveling.

My question evoked laughter from my mom as she nodded to confirm the information.

” But it hasn’t been nine months yet”

Someone explain to me in details.

” According to the doctor, he said your immunity was too weak to carry a baby without the aid of supplements, but rather you were carrying two kids and your body snapped so you gave birth prematurely” Meredith explains and I feel a lot calm now.

“Mrs Phoebe?” I called out to her and I noticed a smile on Clement’s face. “How did you get to know?”

” Clement called as soon as he heard, of course I couldn’t waste a second to be here” she took hold of my hand and gave a little squeeze.

I pulled on a smile before running my hand over my stomach to feel the stitch.

Another scar added by Hunter.

A frown crosses my expression and I think mom knew the reason because she spoke up.

” The doctors said the scars of CS usually disappear after a month or so. Then you’ll be as good as new ”

Great, everyone is okay.

But I need to see my babies.

The door opens and a tall lady whom I assume is the nurse steps in.

After offering me a bright smile everyone made room on the bed for her to take my vitals.

When she was done, she asked if we were ready to see the babies and without hesitation we all agreed and she led us out to the hallway, a few rooms away.

Next we walked into a room with an incubating machine at the far end.

No one needed to tell me twice to run for it, and I broke into a short sprint.

Stopping at the glass screen I saw two olive skinned angels cuddled together and in somewhat a sound sleep.

The two babies looked exactly identical even with their eyes closed.

They used to grow inside of me.

I don’t know whether I was crying because I was happy, or because I was sad that I couldn’t carry them till the end.

But all I know is Megan walked up to me with a hand placed on my shoulder.

” Come on, suck it up babe. Bad bitches don’t cry”

Then the whole room burst into laughter.

” congratulations dear” the nurse popped in before the laughter died down.

And I…. Smiled.

Congratulations to me !

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