Caged Between the beta and alpha

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

It was a few days since everything had gone down . Me and Liam were in Nina’s room , that had been

cleared out . We hadn’t found anything more from her room , which was so damn clean you could smell

it . The room had been emptied , giving her stuff to her grandmother if she wanted them . She refused

and said to get rid of them , although I knew that was more her respect towards the pack because she

was devastated at her granddaughter’s truth and death .

To think she was living here with so much hatred in her life … I walked over to the window . It looked

out towards the training grounds , and I wondered how much time she spent here watching us , or Liam

. Even in such a place , behind such an innocent mask , there was a killer , burning from within with

hatred and vengeance …

There are all types of masks that those around us wear ; masked by our fake smiles and passive

expressions , the lies hidden inside , the pain we hide to pretend we are normal … the jealousy , the

bitterness , the sadness … We all wear them … I did too . Lately though , I’ve talked about how I felt .

Maybe it took Liam marking Raven to make me snap , but it worked . It had been a turning point that

perhaps I needed , I just wished it hadn’t been something so horrible as that to finally make me step up.

Liam crouched down by the skirting board and I glanced over at him . ” What is it ? ” He stood up again

, holding a small photograph . ” Who would have thought that piece of scum had a child . ” ” I know … ”

I said , glancing at the picture for a moment . ” If only she actually asked someone the truth , rather

than just wrap herself up in lies and her assumptions . ” I’ve assumed stuff , so I can see it happening .

” He said , sighing as he opened his hand , his aura surging around it .

I watched in shock as the photograph began to shrivel up as if it was burned by the blue flame – like

aura . ” Whoa … ” He gave me a small smile . ” I guess I have some similarities to Kiara . ” How did you NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

hone it on just your hand .. He shrugged , dropping the burned paper t o the ground . ” I’ve always been

more in control than Kia , besides , she carries the Asheton power whilst I think I’m definitely more

Deimos . ” ” You are the Deimos prince .

” I said , crossing my arms . O ” I don’t like that title ; I think I’ve used titles enough to last me a fucking

lifetime . ” He said , sighing as he crushed the remnants of the picture beneath his boot . ” You are an

incredible Beta Damon … One who has stepped up to the job the moment your father passed away ,

but I know if I just say I don’t think of you as anything less than me , it’s worth nothing .

So … I want to show you something . ” He jerked his head towards the door and I raised an eyebrow

as we both left the room and packhouse , heading towards the north side of the pack into the trees . It

was nice to see the children playing around the pack again . ” Is this like a surprise set up in the middle

of a forest , where you are going to confess your undying love ? ” I joked . ” Not exactly . ” He smirked ,

as he headed towards the river . I frowned as he crossed the bridge and kept walking .

” Ok , are you planning on killing me in the middle of nowhere ? ” I asked . ” Definitely not . ” He replied

as we walked through the trees , not stopping for a good ten minutes until he suddenly slowed down . I

raised an eyebrow , looking around , we were on pack grounds that were only really used for running , ”

What are we looking at ?

” I said , glancing around . ” We are looking at the future home of the Blue Moon Pack . ” He said . I

frowned ; this was Blood Moon territory www . ” Are you changing the pack name ? ” I asked , looking

around . This location was big , but I’m sure our current location was larger . Why would h e move this

way ? He chuckled ” No , The Blue Moon is going to be the Blood Moon’s sub pack , led by its own

Alpha … Alpha Damon Nicholson , my brother .

” Liam said quietly , my eyes snapped up to his . His words resonated in my head and I was shocked to

see the glitter of emotions in his eyes . My heart raced as I stared at him . There was no guilt in his

eyes , simply sadness and sincerity . ” I wish I could keep being selfish and keep you by my side

forever , to have you a s my Beta , but you are worth far more … and the pack’s growing too large . To

start with , it was two packs combined .

With what happened , it’s clear a pack of this size is far too great to be run by one Alpha and so I

thought who more fitting than you … You have always been loyal to me , come whatever , but I don’t

want you bound by my side when you are worth so much more … So … this is going to be our sub

pack . We will break the far wall and you will take two – fifths of the territory , I’ve discussed with Dad

about buying the land around to the west , so we can spread both packs over more ground .

You can start planning what you want and how you want the pack arranged . Once we decide how we

split the pack , with the members approval of course , we will get two – fifths of the pack moved here

under your command . ” It was too much to take in , me as an Alpha ? I never … considered that … I

ran m y hand through my hair , staring at the land .

The vision of a packhouse and how I’d set it out already filled my mind . I looked at Liam , who was

watching me with a small smile on his face . I knew he probably knew it was hard for me to see them

together , but I also knew he was doing this for me and not to get rid of me . He made mistakes , but it

was like everyone kept telling me that I was more than I felt , Liam included …

I had always been second to him , and here he was giving me the rank of Alpha , telling me w e were

equal … brothers … We made mistakes , we hurt each other .. But was one woman enough to destroy

it all ? I knew the answer to that . No , and I knew with time ; things would get better . ” I don’t know

what to say …

” You don’t need to say anything , maybe this way the packhouse rooms can have their own bathrooms

. Do you know there’s one pack member who has anonymously left a long essay explaining why the

packhouse needed renovating … Damn it was long … ” ” Robyn , guaranteed , only she would take the

time to write an essay to argue her point …

” He chuckled . ” When I saw how neat and professional the letter was , I had a feeling it might be her .

” ” That’s Robyn for you . I guess I have a lot of work to do then . ” And something to keep my mind

busy , perfect . ” Yeah , you do . ” Liam said , ” So tell me , Alpha Damon , what’s the first step ? ” ”

Getting an assessment and some building plans in place , man , you know I hate paperwork . Wait , as

Alpha , that means a shit – tonne of paperwork .

” Yeah , it does , but I’m here to help you each step of the way . If you don’t like the legal work , I can

help with that . ” He said shrugging . ” Thanks … But who will you have as Beta then ? ” I asked ,

frowning . Damn that was my title … Liam shrugged , ” I was thinking Zack , and then maybe make

Robyn as Delta ? The girl’s smart , unless you want her … ” He said , now sounding awkward as if he

just realised what he had said . ” Shit , I didn’t mean to take … Forget me .

” I smiled at that . ” Didn’t mean to take all my women ? ” I joked . ” Well , me and Robyn are over ,

Raven was never really mine , I think I realise that now . But she’s still my friend so … you ain’t taking

anyone from me . Robyn is a good option , I guess that means I’ll have to choose a Beta and Delta too

” Yeah , we could do an assessment and see what everyone’s stats are . ” Liam said as we both began

walking along , taking in the terrain as we discussed this . I nodded . ” That’s an idea . ” I said , giving

him a genuine smile . ” Thanks , Liam . ” ” No need to thank me . ” He replied smiling . The Liam I knew

. ” Race you to the bridge ? ” I suggested . ” Game on ! ” He said , readying himself . ” Oh , and one

more thing , don’t let me win . ” I said , making his dazzling blue eyes widen in shock .

” You … ” ” Yeah , I knew … You let me win , Liam , all those times … ” I said quietly . He looked up at

the shining sun and smiled . ” Actually Damon … I don’t need to let you win , because , with everything

we’ve been through , it shows as a person , you are the true winner . ” His words were sincere , and

this time I didn’t deny them or shake them off .

‘ You are so much more … ‘ Those words echoed in my mind as I looked at Liam . O ” We both are . ” I

said , ” Go ! ” We broke into a run and although I said to him not to let me win … It was ok to play dirty

right ? I elbowed him hard , barrelling past him a s he stumbled , both of us laughing as we ran towards

the bridge . I was right , things were definitely going to get better.

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