Caught Between Them

Forty Three

The sky was darkening, and the air was thick with tension. We could sense them before we saw them, the rogues moving in like a dark wave, ready to crash against our defenses. Brock stood beside me, his grip on my hand a reassuring constant.

“They’re coming,” Logan’s voice was low but steady as he addressed the pack. “Everyone, to your positions.” We scattered, each of us moving to where we’d been assigned.

Brock and I took up a position near the main gate, where we knew the fighting would be fiercest. My heart pounded in my chest, but I felt a strange calm wash over me. This was it. We were ready.

The first rogue hit the gate with a deafening crash. The force of it reverberated through the ground, but our defenses held-at least for the moment.

More followed, their growls and snarls filling the air. “Hold the line!” Brock shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos. We fought with everything we had. The night was a blur of fur, claws, and blood.

Despite our preparations, the rogues were relentless. They tore through our defenses with a ferocity I hadn’t anticipated. For every rogue we took down, it seemed like two more took its place. I caught sight of Logan in the fray, his movements a blur of controlled aggression. He was holding his own, but even he couldn’t be everywhere at once.

“Fall back!” someone yelled. It took me a moment to realize it was Logan. “Amelia, go!” Brock urged, shoving me behind him as he lashed out at a rogue that got too close. “We’ll regroup inside the village.” I hesitated, torn between staying to fight and following orders.

Brock’s determined gaze made the decision for me. I nodded and sprinted towards the inner defenses, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving him. Inside the village, the chaos was no less intense. Logan was rallying the pack, his voice a steady anchor in the storm. “Regroup! We make our stand here!” Brock appeared moments later, his face smeared with dirt and blood, but his eyes fierce.

“We can’t let them breach the village. We hold here or it’s all over.” “We need a plan,” I gasped, trying to catch my breath. “We can’t keep this up.” Logan nodded. “Brock, take a team and hit them from the sides. We’ll draw them in and crush them in a pincer move.” Brock clapped him on the shoulder.

“Got it. Let’s move.” I watched as Brock selected a handful of the fiercest werewolves, their expressions mirroring his determination. They slipped away into the shadows, ready to strike.

Minutes felt like hours as we held the line, waiting for Brock’s signal. The rogues were pushing harder, sensing victory. Then, from the darkness, a howl pierced the night. Brock’s team surged in from the flanks, hitting the rogues with a ferocity that turned the tide. “Now!” Logan roared. “Push them back!”

We surged forward, our combined force overwhelming the rogues. They hesitated, then broke ranks, retreating into the night. The village was safe, for now. Breathing heavily, I looked around at the carnage. We’d won, but the cost was high. Brock appeared at my side, bloodied but triumphant. “We did it,” he said, his voice hoarse.

“We drove them off.” I nodded, too exhausted to speak. We had survived, but the battle was far from over. Later, in the war room, the atmosphere was tense.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Logan paced, his brow furrowed in thought. “They knew exactly where to hit us,” he said. “It’s like they knew our plan.” Brock’s eyes narrowed. “You’re right. This wasn’t just an attack-it was a coordinated assault. Someone fed them information.” “A spy?” I asked, the word heavy in the air.

Logan nodded grimly. “It’s the only explanation. We have a traitor in our midst.” Brock’s expression hardened. “We need to find out who it is. And fast. Before they can do any more damage.” Silence fell over the room as the weight of his words sank in.

The fight wasn’t just against the rogues anymore-it was against someone within our own ranks. Someone who had betrayed us all. The morning after the attack, I was still trying to shake off the lingering sense of dread. We had driven the rogues back, but the idea of a spy among us gnawed at my mind.

I was lost in thought when one of the village boys, Timmy, came running up to me, clutching a piece of paper. “Miss Amelia!” he called, breathless from running. “This is for you.” I took the note from him, my heart pounding. “Who gave this to you, Timmy?” “A stranger.

He said it was important and that I had to give it to you right away.” I nodded, ruffling his hair. “Thanks, Timmy. You did good.” He beamed at me before running off, and I unfolded the note with trembling fingers. The message was scrawled in messy handwriting, but its contents made my blood run cold. “Come to New York or we kill your friend Reagan.” I stared at the note, my mind racing.

Reagan was a human, one of the few friends I had outside the pack. We’d known each other since college, and she had no idea about my werewolf life. The thought of her in danger because of me was unbearable. “Amelia, you okay?” Brock’s voice brought me back to the present. He was standing beside me, concern etched on his face. I handed him the note, my voice shaking. “They have Reagan.

They want me to go to New York.” Brock’s eyes darkened as he read the message. “We can’t let you go alone. It’s obviously a trap.” “I know,” I said, feeling a mix of fear and determination. “But I can’t just leave her. She has no idea what’s going on.” Logan joined us, having noticed the tension.

“What’s going on?”

Brock passed him the note. Logan’s expression grew grim as he read it. “This changes things. We need to get Reagan back, but we can’t risk you walking into a trap.” “I don’t have a choice,” I insisted. “If they hurt her because of me…” Logan sighed.

“We’ll figure this out. We’ll get her back safely. But we need a plan.” Brock nodded. “We can’t go in blind. We need to find out who’s behind this and why they’re targeting Reagan.” I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “I have to do this. She’s my friend. But I need your help.”

Logan placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “We’re with you, Amelia. We’ll get her back. But we have to be smart about this.” I nodded, grateful for their support.

“Thank you. We need to move quickly.” Brock squeezed my hand. “We will. We’ll leave tonight.”

Reagan’s life was in danger, and it was up to us to save her. The fight against the rogues had become personal, and I was determined to protect the people I loved-no matter the cost.

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