Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Silas leans against the counter watching me. I keep my back to him, not liking the way his eyes are

roaming over my body, I can literally feel the intensity of his gaze boring into my flesh.

“Can you turn around or hop out?” I ask, starting to become creeped out.

“Why? You’re mine, I will look if I want to” he says.

“I’m not yours” I mutter so low, not expecting him to hear. Silas growls low. It vibrates off the tiled walls.

“Why do you deny it? You know there is no way out of being our mate. So why not just behave and

make things easier for yourself? It doesn’t have to always be backwards and forwards with us.”

“Probably because I am not a piece of property to be owned, Silas.”

I switch the shower off, and Silas passes me a towel. I quickly wrap it around myself before stepping

out. Silas moves off the sink basin, standing in front of me. His breathing hard as he stares down at

me. He reaches his hand up and I step away from him, his eyes flashing with anger before he drops his

hand and walks out of the bathroom. I follow him out, stopping when I see Matitus and Dragus lying in

bed. I walk into the walk-in, ignoring their watchful eyes before grabbing a shirt and underwear and

quickly pulling them on before walking out.

I go to walk out and back to my room when Silas’s voice makes me freeze. “You’re staying with us” he

says, stripping off his shirt and pants. Looking to the door, I think of my chances of actually escaping.

This time Matitus speaking.

“I wouldn’t, he will drag you back,” he says, making me look at him. Giving up, I go to hop on the couch

when Silas growls. “In the bed Elora '' I shake my head, looking over at the bed Matitus moves over

patting the bed beside him.

“No, you don’t even wear pants,” I tell him when I realised Silas would be next to me. Silas walks into

the cupboard before coming out with a pair of briefs on. “There better? now what is your next excuse?”

I roll my eyes before climbing on the bed. Matitus instantly rips me to his side and wraps an arm over

my waist. Silas climbs on the bed, the bed dipping slightly under his weight before he pulls the blanket

over us.

I turn away from him, facing Matitus who has a huge grin on his face.

“Can you not smile like that, you look like you're about to take a bite of me,” I tell him before bringing

my hand up and closing his eyes with my fingers, making him chuckle. Matitus snuggles in closer,

pressing his face into my neck and inhaling deeply. His hand snaked underneath my shirt, brushing my

skin softly. I shiver when I feel sparks wherever he touches, making me gasp. Silas moving closer to

me chuckles before I feel his hand go to my hip.

“Go to sleep, Lora” Silas says, and I feel his nose in my hair.

“I would if you two would stop being so handsy,” I tell them hoping they would move but they don’t.

Eventually succumbing to sleep, I drift off, only to have my dreams invaded.

Silas POV

She is by far the worst person to sleep next to. Constantly wriggling and moving. I didn’t know if it was

her or the aftereffects of the dragon heat. Rolling over, I just get comfortable when she jams her feet

into my back, clearly seeking the warmth of my skin. I grunt before turning on my back. The movement

of the blanket makes me get a waft of her scent and arousal before I hear Dragus chuckle, making me

sit up and glare at him.

He puts his hands up in surrender and I can see Matitus passed out dead to the world. Elora moves

again this time chucking her leg over Matitus a moan escaping her lips making me raise an eyebrow at

Dragus and I know he is meddling in her dreams. Matitus groans before rolling to face her, his eyes

snapping open, before looking at me.

“What? turn the lamp off,” he says before groaning when Elora grinds herself against him, making his

eyes snap to her angelic sleeping face.

“Dragus stop it, she will be pissed off when she realises” Matitus snaps at Dragus. Deciding to see her

reaction, I run my hand up her thigh that’s draped over Matitus’s hip. She shivers before pressing

closer to Matitus, and I chuckle at her reaction and his. Matitus freezes, and I move my hand over her

hip again to her stomach. My fingers brushing him and I can feel his erection against the back of my

hand. “Silas stop, you know I haven’t got as much control as you. Please don’t tempt me” he murmurs

as she grinds her hips against him.

“Silas” he warns through gritted teeth, my eyes snapping to Dragus as he sits up and looks over

Matitus shoulder, resting his chin on him, a devilish smile on his face making me smirk back at him.

Matitus groans as Dragus’s hand runs over his bare chest.

The bond was definitely kicking in, Elora feeling his arousal moans softly, her voice airy and breathless.

“Dragus, stop” Matitus tells him. Dragus puts his hands in the air before I watch his eyes glaze over as

he steps out of her dreams. Only she still reacts, and I know it is because she can feel Matitus arousal

flooding into her. Matitus growls before pushing her on her back and kissing her. Her eyes flutter open

and I watch her reaction, propping my elbow on the bed and resting my head on my hand. He pulls

back and she watches him and he smiles before lowering his face to hers, kissing her gently. I feel my

cock twitch in my pants at the sight of them. Feel Matitus arousal and hers through him.

Elora wanted him to touch her, but she also didn’t, trying to deny her own urges. Moving my hand, I

grab her breast, her eyes snapping to mine and I see the fear in her eyes before it disappears when

Matitus kisses his mark on her neck, her eyes fluttering closed as she moans, her lips parting and I find

myself lost in this image of her. Leaning closer, I kiss her, her eyes instantly snapping open. Her eyes

wary of me. I slip my tongue between her lips and she lets me; I hide my shock before kissing her

deeper and she moans into my mouth, making me groan.

Matitus uses his knee to push her legs apart before moving in between them. I grab her knee, draping

her leg over my hip while Matitus settles himself between her legs. Running my hand up the inside of

her thigh, she shivers under my touch and I hear Matitus groan as she moves her hips against him. His

lips moving down her neck, I watch as he pushes her shirt up revealing her breasts before taking one

of them in his mouth. Feeling the bed move, I look toward Dragus who moves closer before gripping

her face with his fingers, pulling her lips to his.

Moving my hand higher, my fingers brushing her panties which I find wet with her arousal. I feel Matitus

grind his hips into her, feel his hard cock bump my fingers as I brush them over the thin material. She

gasps, pulling her lips from Dragus and I brush my fingers over her clit through her panties and she

moans. I watch as Matitus bites down on her nipple making her cry out before watching him suck it into

his mouth. My pants become extremely tight and uncomfortable as my cock strains against the

confines of my pants, watching them.

I tug on the waistband of her panties pulling them down slightly before slipping my hand between their

bodies and pressing my fingers to her slit. She grinds herself against my hand as I slide my fingers

down her slit.

“She’s so wet” I groan before devouring her lips. Her tongue brushes mine before I take control of the

kiss, making her move her hips against my fingers. Teasing her, moving them slowly before circling her

clit. Matitus groans loudly, his lips moving lower to her ribs as he nips and sucks on her skin. Letting

her lips go, Dragus pulls her face to his, kissing her while I keep up my slow torture before sliding my

finger into her. She hisses slightly, adjusting to the foreign feeling. I slide my finger out and it is

drenched in her juices before sliding in another. She squirms and I can feel her body trying to stretch

around them as her walls clamp down on them. Matitus kisses her hip before I feel him tug on her

panties. Moving my hand, I let him peel them off her.

Elora’s heart rate increases and I watch her cheeks flush red. Dragus moves closer to her, pulling her Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

other leg over his hip while I do the same. Her heart rate skips a beat and I see fear run through her as

she pulls away from Dragus, eyeing Matitus warily.

“We won’t do anything you don’t want us to,” I tell her, gripping her chin and making her look at me.

She watches me for a few seconds but doesn’t pull away when I grip her leg, draping it over my hip

again. Matitus leans down, kissing her stomach and her eyes dart down to him as she squirms under

his touch. I run my fingers over her thigh before slipping them back in her, she moves adjusting herself

as I slide them in and out not taking my eyes off her. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I knew we definitely

wouldn’t be able to fuck her, not now at least she was too tight for us to just ram in her even though, I

wanted nothing more than to sink my cock deep within her heat.

“Matitus just wants to taste you” Dragus tells her, making her face turn to his. She doesn’t have time to

answer when Dragus tongue slips into her mouth. I feel Matitus breath on my hand, making me slip my

fingers from her. She jumps when he runs his tongue up her slit.

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