Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Silas took me to the front of the castle before stopping near the front doors. “Where are Dragus and


“At the power station” Silas answers before wrapping a cloak around me and handing me some socks.

I go to put some shoes on when Silas shakes his head.

“You don’t need shoes, you won’t be touching the ground,” he says, making me look at him in

confusion. I stood up, wondering what he meant when he grabbed me. I wrap my legs around his waist,

my arms going to his shoulders, which are bare and very warm under palms like a mini heater. The

heat from his chest is the hottest part of him and I can feel it warming me through the cloak. Silas

hands move to my ass as he walks outside. The freezing icy breeze blowing my hair in my face, and I

let go of his shoulder with one hand brushing it from my lips.

Silas walks onto the gravel area near the stairs. He presses his forehead against mine and one hand

wraps around my waist, holding me tighter against him. “Hold on, I am about to jump” he whispers

before looking up and I grip his shoulders, feeling him move slightly before springing off the ground

effortlessly. “You can open your eyes, Lora,” he says, brushing his nose across my cheek. I do and see

that we are on the roof. Silas walks to the edge before sitting down and turning me around on his lap,

so my feet dangle off the edge. I look over the edge and feel his grip around my waist get tighter as I

lean forward.

Silas pulls a watch from his pocket checking the time before nestling his face into the crook of my neck,

he kisses it making me shiver and he chuckles. “What are we doing up here?” I ask, confused, as to

why he was making me freeze out here.

“So impatient, do you have any idea how hard it was turning the power on when half the transformers

were blown up?” I shake my head, not even knowing what the hell he is talking about.

“I can’t even remember the city ever having power, the only time I ever saw electricity was here and a

few places that had solar panels or used generators,” I tell him. Grandma and I had power at our last

place but that was because of the generator we found on a rubbish heap and still only the kitchen had

power and we used it for a lamp as well sometimes. Fuel was too expensive, so mostly we used the

fireplace for light at night and only turned it on during the day for a few hours to get the old fridge cold

enough to last night.

Silas says nothing but nods against my shoulder. Silas looks at his watch again and points toward the

city. First the streetlights turn on flickering for a few seconds, then suburb by suburb I watch as lights

start turning on. Neon signs I had never seen before lighting up in the distance and I hear and can just

make out people coming out of the houses and standing in the streets looking at the houses and

buildings lit up like Christmas trees. Voices getting louder and echoing into the night with excitement

that they have power. I know the feeling and can’t help but feel excited for them. I know exactly how

hard living by candlelight is, exactly how hard it is to force yourself into the freezing water of a shower

in the middle of winter, and most of all I know the feeling of being constantly sick from the cold. Maybe

now the winters won’t kill so many people.

“Look how happy they are,” I whisper, speaking to myself. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy, in

this city there wasn’t much to be happy about but seeing and hearing everyone in the streets excitedly

cheering and running around amazed, brought a smile to my lips. If only grandma was here to see it, to

see the power back on. I wonder if Lilith and her mother and Abigail and her family would be happy to

have the power restored.

“I enjoy seeing you smile,” Silas says, kissing my cheek making me look at him.

“Thank you,” I whisper, pecking his lips before looking away back toward the cheerful people in the

streets. Hearing the crunch of snow, I feel Silas turn looking behind him and I look over his shoulder

too. Matitus and Dragus walking over to us. Matitus and Dragus sit next to us, and I notice Matitus is


“Did you fly here?” I ask. He nods before sitting on the roof beside Silas Dragus sitting next to me.

Matitus hisses at his naked skin sitting on the snow. “Well, that’s one way to get blue balls” I chuckle

and so does Dragus beside me.

“hopefully, they don’t freeze to the roof we will need to get spatula to scrape them off.” NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

“You think you’re funny?” Matitus asks, raising an eyebrow.

“A little,” I chuckle.

“For your information, my balls are still toasty warm, you can come and feel them if you want” Matitus

retorts making me blush at the thought of touching him there. Silas chuckles before shaking his head at

us. We stayed outside watching people for a bit until I started shivering and my lips turned blue, Silas

told me I had to go back inside. Standing up, I wrap my legs around his waist and watch as he steps off

the side, the ground rushing toward us and I squeeze my eyes shut, my fingers gripping his shoulders

tightly and my body tenses before impact. I barely feel the impact of him hitting the ground as Dragus

opens the castle doors, letting us inside. The temperature changes dramatically from ice cold to warm.

I shrug the cloak off, hanging it up.

“What do you want to do now?” Silas asks, making me think. I wanted to have a shower, I was freezing,

and all my muscles were locked and aching from the cold. Matitus answers for me.

“She wants to shower, she is cold” he says, wiggling his eyebrows in my direction. “I’m sure she meant

alone” Dragus tells him and Matitus glares at him. Walking past them, I wait. Matitus standing there in

all his naked glory, and I see one of the maids come out with some shorts for him and she passed them

to him. I watch as he bends slightly to put them on. Feeling a little devious, I slap his ass hard, making

him jump. I can see my handprint etched into his skin and my hand stung from the impact. Silas nearly

choked on his laugh and I can only imagine it was from the look on his face. Before he could turn

around, I took off running for the stairs.

“Someone wants to play” Matitus sang out to me and I see them shoving each other over before

darting after to me. Running into the room, I try to stifle my laugh snickering to myself as I try to find

somewhere to hide from them before quickly slipping under the bed. I watch as they walk into the room

and can see their feet. One of them walks out before coming back in and I can hear them sniffing the

air looking for me. One of them opens the cupboard while another walks in the bathroom. I laugh and

accidently snort, trying to stop myself from laughing when I suddenly feel someone grip my ankles and

rip me out, making me squeal. Matitus lifting me off the ground by my ankles, hanging me upside down.

Jiggling me like a tea bag.

“Don’t you drop me” I screech as I keep seeing the ground get closer and closer to my face.

Matitus chucks me in the air before catching me against his body, opening my eyes. I find myself with

his crutch next to my face. Using my hands, I push against his thighs trying to get away from his junk

that just touched my face. I feel blood rush to face embarrassed at the position I got myself into.

“Now Elora, do they look blue?” Ask Matitus, chuckling to himself.

“Matitus put me down” he lets go, making me squeal, catching me before I face plant the floor. I can

hear Dragus and Silas laughing at me.

Matitus manoeuvres me as he sits on the bed with me draped over his knees. I try to get up and he

shoves me back down, pressing his hand on the centre of my back. I feel his other hand rubbing my

ass that is in the air. Before feeling his hands tug my pants down my legs.

“What are you doing?” I ask, squirming when I realise he is trying to remove them.

“Returning the favour” Matitus chuckles. I try to sit up and I see Dragus and Silas watching with

seductive smiles on their lips, when suddenly I feel Matitus hand come down on my ass making me

jump, my ass cheek burning and I can feel every finger welting my skin as I hiss at the pain and squirm.

“I’m going to kill you” I screeched at him before feeling his hand biting into the flesh of my ass making

me hiss again at the burning pain radiating from where his hand slapped. Matitus rubs it, relieving

some pain as sparks move over my ass.

I feel his fingers slip under the waistband of my lace panties before he tugs them down my legs before

using his foot to remove them. I squirm and try to get up, but he holds me in place. I hear Silas growl

and it almost sounds like a purr, making me turn my head to look at him. His eyes turned dark.

Suddenly I feel Matitus rub my ass before his hand comes down on it making me squirm trying to get

away from him. His hand then rubbing the spot and I feel his fingers run down my ass crack to my slit, I

moan before clamping my hand over my mouth in realisation of what I just did. Matitus runs his fingers

through my wet lips, and I realise how wet I actually am.

Matitus hand moves, and I miss the contact of him touching me. When I feel his hand come down

again harder, making me moan when he rubs his hand over my ass again. I can feel his erection

digging into my stomach when he suddenly slides a finger inside me before slowly removing it.

Matitus groans loudly. “ah she is so wet” he murmurs before sliding his finger out and adding another,

twisting them and curling them inside me making me moan and push against them. My walls clamp

down on his fingers as I feel my stomach tighten. He pulls them in and out and I become completely

lost in the slow torture of fingers moving inside me. I push against them wanting him to move them

faster, but he stills them inside me making me frustrated. “Do you want me to stop?” he teases.

“No, don’t stop,” I tell him, my voice sounding airy. Matitus chuckles before pulling them from me and

running them down to my clit and rubbing it in a circular motion, making me exhale.

Just as I am about to come, he stops again before pulling me up, making me sigh loudly in frustration.

When suddenly I feel hands on my hips turning me around before the back of my knees hit the bed and

I am forced to sit. Silas kneels in front of me before shoving my legs apart, he grips my hips pulling

them toward him. My hands go to the bed to stop from falling backwards as he drapes my legs over his

shoulders. I feel him suck on the inside of my thigh and I throw my head back at the sensation and I

hear him groan before he licks a straight line from my ass to clit making me moan loudly. He grips my

thighs, pulling them further apart before plunging his hot tongue between my wet folds, making me

gasp as he sucks and licks every piece of me before sucking my clit into his mouth.

I feel the bed dip behind me before feeling lips on my neck as Dragus sits behind me and I relax

against him, letting him support my weight and keep me upright. Dragus grips my chin, bringing my lips

to his, kissing me. His tongue plunges into my mouth as he tastes every inch, Silas devouring me with

his relentless sucking and licking when I feel hands tugging my shirt up before it is ripped off me, the

tearing fabric stinging my skin before I feel warm lips and tongue wrap around nipple.

Dragus lips moving to my neck as he sucks on my mark, making me roll my hips against Silas’s face

and my hand goes into his hair. He growls the vibration making my stomach tighten before I feel him

slip his tongue inside me tasting me and fucking me with his tongue.

My grip on his hair tightening and everything feels overstimulated with so many lips devouring my skin.

I moan loudly when I feel my orgasm reaching its peak, and Silas sucks my clit into his mouth hard,

sending me over the edge and I feel my walls fluttering and pulsating as I come, moaning loudly. Silas

licking up all my juices before kissing my thigh, making my legs tremble. I feel him stand up, my legs

sliding off his shoulders and he pushes me onto the bed before kneeling on the bed, his knee between

my legs and I can’t help grinding against it as it brushes against me. Silas kisses me forcefully and I

can taste myself on his tongue making me breathe into his mouth, his lips going to my chin, then my

neck when I feel Dragus grip my chin pulling my face to the side kissing me hard and I feel his hand

wrap over my chest, he squeezes my breast making me moan. Silas kisses my neck before licking it.

“I’m going to mark you now, Elora” he whispers, and I feel his fangs brush my neck making me shiver.

Dragus kiss becomes demanding and dominating as he takes control of the kiss and I feel Silas teeth

sink into my neck, feel the pull instantly snapping into place and I scream as his venom moves through

my veins. It burns for a second but Dragus distracts me and then I feel warmth spread throughout me.

My toes tingling and my entire body buzzing, and I moan loudly as pleasure explodes through my body

making my toes curl before a heaviness washes over me and I feel my eyes close as darkness takes

over and I feel my limbs go limp.

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