Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Elora’s POV

I watched horrified as he ripped her from the room. I tried to stop him but the chain around my ankle

wouldn’t allow me past the doorway. Screaming for him to stop as he dragged my friend away. Abigail

had come to warn me, but I already knew their plans, but I could sense she was holding back

something, something she wasn’t even sure she could trust me with. When Silas pulled her from the

room, I knew instantly that he noticed something this morning. Could feel his suspicion rolling off him in

waves, feeling his anger toward her. I already knew their secret, knew what they needed so I knew

Abigail telling me wasn’t what angered him.

I tried ripping on the chain, so much that my ankles were now bleeding and bruised but nothing I did

loosened its grip on me. Dragus comes running into the room and I guess that he must have felt the

pain radiating out of me from my shackles. Felt my fear for Abigail as he rushed in alarmed, looking for

any danger until his eyes rested on me, my fingers covered in blood as I tried to force the chain down

my ankle.

“What are you doing, stop you’re hurting yourself” Dragus yells before gripping my hands.

“He took Abbi, help me get it off” I snapped at him. Dragus stands up, backing away. Guilt flooding into

the bond and I knew he was aware of what Silas had done or was planning to do.

“You know, don’t you?” I accused. Dragus looks away confirming my suspicions and goes to leave.

“You walk out that fucking door without removing this chain, I will reject you Dragus” I scream making

him freeze on the spot, his body tensing and I watch his fists clench at his side before he turns back to


“Silas will kill her, help me out of these chains”

“You don’t know that” he replies looking uncertain.

“I do because I know what she is. Now undo these fucking chains and help me” I demand.

“No, I can’t Elora even if you reject us. Do you really think he will let you go? He will never let you

leave; you belong to us. Were made for us. Silas won’t allow you to walk away from us, he would rather

have you prisoner then give you up”

“Then help me please” I beg.

“I’m sorry, Lora,” he says before walking out and shutting the door. I drop to the ground. He was going

to kill her, I knew it. He truly was a monster, and I was powerless to stop him or so I thought until

Marian ran in. Making me look up at the frightened expression on her face.

“He is torturing her in the dungeon” Marian whispers, and I feel tears burn in my eyes before spilling

over. Marian looks down at the chain, her frail hands trying desperately to pull it over my foot.

“You can break this Elora, just use your magic,” she says,

“How?” I knew nothing about magic. When Dragus walks back in, a determined look on his face before

shock registers when he finds Marian kneeling next to me.

“He finds you here Marian he will kill you, go,” he says looking at her before gripping the chain and

snapping it next to my ankle. Marian looks at him, shocked before rushing out. Dragus hauls me to my


“Don’t piss him off, you said you knew what Abigail was hiding?” I nod, and he sighs before pinching

the bridge of his nose.

“You better not make me regret doing this, Elora. You’re not the only one that has to put up with his


I race past him running down the stairs; I see Marian moving quickly up the corridor towards the

kitchens. She pauses when she hears me, a look of relief on her face when she realises Dragus

actually lets me go to help Abigail. Running as fast as I can towards the dungeon when I hear her

screams echoing off the stone walls. Throwing the basement door open, I rush down the stairs. The

temperature was extremely hot, and I could hear Matitus yelling at Silas. Reaching the bottom step, I

look towards the cells and see Abigail on the floor, her skin blistered and the air so hot it was hard to


Silas noticing me opens the cell door before ripping me inside. I instantly rush to Abigail.

“Who let you out?” he growls at me and Matitus walks into the cell. Abigail looks up at me, her skin red

and raw. But she was alive. Parts of her skin melted off on her hands and I realised she didn’t fight

back. She was going to let him kill her.

“Abbi, please it’s not worth your life,” I tell her, her eyes fluttering open as she fights to remain


“She is my life” Abigail whispers so low I know they couldn’t hear her as her voice barely made it to me.

“One of you will speak, one way or another Elora '' Silas screams, making me flinch. I feel the air start

sizzling, my skin burning, and Abigail screams. Her skin blistering as I watch her burn. He was raising

her core temperature, boiling her from the inside out as I looked on helplessly. Her agonised scream

tearing my soul apart as I turn to look at Silas. He was actually enjoying watching her writhe in pain,

enjoying her screams, which angered me. I could feel my anger bubbling, boiling like hot lava in my

veins about to erupt. Matitus looks at me and I know he can feel my anger. Silas eyes trained on

Abigail and I can see the fire behind his eyes, feel his hunger to inflict pain on her and something

breaks in me.

I stand, shoving him. Only when my hands connect with his chest, purple light shoots out of them and

he goes flying into the bars. I had no idea what I had done or how I did it, I just felt it building, my anger

becoming blinding as my hands hit the centre of his chest and I felt my anger erupt out of them.

Matitus shock registers first, and Abigail’s screams of pain die out. Silas thrown against the metal bars

so hard they bend from the impact before he hits the ground. His rage at what I did nearly knocked me

over as he got to his feet and I feel my anger die down being replaced with fear. Matitus grips his arm

trying to yank him back as he stalks toward us and I step back before tripping over Abigail and landing

on my ass. His eyes blazing as he reaches for me and I know whatever he has planned, it isn’t

anything good.

“She is a fae,” I lie knowing if I say witch, she is as good as dead.

“Please no more, leave her be,” I scream frantically making him freeze. He looks down at us and

Matitus grip on him gets tighter. Silas growls loudly, and sharp pointed teeth elongate before he

reaches for her but I move using my body to shield her unconscious one. Silas grips my hair, pulling my

head back.

“I will do it, just leave her be,” I tell him, “she has done nothing please. You promised you wouldn’t hurt


“That was before I knew what she is Elora,” he growls angrily, making goosebumps rise on my skin. He

lets me go and I cover her, trying to stop him from what he is about to do. Matitus yanks him back just

as he goes to grab her.

“You promised her,” Matitus tells him, but I can see he doesn’t care. Silas shoves him back before

reaching for her again, and I scream before clenching my eyes shut. I couldn’t witness this, couldn’t

watch him kill my friend.

“What if she can help,” Dragus asks, making my eyes fly open. Silas stops, his hand outstretched,

about to grab her. When something seems to register within him. He stands up, looking toward Dragus.

“What do you mean?”

“Elora doesn’t know how to use her magic, Abigail might be able to help, better having three fae to help

break the curse then Elora and Marian trying to figure it out by themselves” Dragus argues. Silas looks

down at us and I can tell he wants to kill her. I couldn’t understand what his anger was against the fae,

but one thing I knew was he hated witches more than the fae. Literally burned them alive after the great

war. I don’t understand why but I knew nothing Dragus would have said would have helped if I blurted

out, she was a witch. Knew that’s why Abigail was willing to die, so she could save her daughter.

“I find out you’re lying Elora, that either of you are lying. I will kill her and make you watch, then I will

make you kill her daughter and mother, understand?” he says, and I nod my head worried I just dug us

a bigger hole.

I could feel their shock at finding another fae. If only they knew the truth, this would have ended


Matitus steps forward, picking up Abigail and I watch as he bites into his wrist. Silas growls but doesn’t

stop him when he presses his wrist to Abigail’s lips. Abbi heals in front of my eyes before her flutter

open. Racing to her side, I stare at her, her eyes going to mine.

“I had to tell them Abbi, I had to tell them you’re a fae” Her eyes panicked before it registers what I told

her and she nods and I sigh, relieved she understood despite nearly dying seconds ago.

“Take her to her room” Silas tells Matitus who nods. I go to follow when Silas grabs my arm, pulling me


“Now which one of our mates healed you, and how did you get out of the chains?”

Matitus stops on the stairs. “She isn’t just your mate, Silas, and I won’t watch her suffer at your hands

anymore” he growls before continuing up the stairs with Abigail.

“Did you break out of them or did Dragus let you out?” he asks before looking at Dragus. Dragus raises

his hand guiltily. Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So, you all think it is okay to go against me?” he questions angrily, his grip tightening.

“No one wants to go against you Silas, we just want her” Dragus answers.

“And you think I don’t?” he asks, glaring at Dragus.

“You have a funny way of showing it” I mutter, making his eyes snap to mine. He pulls me to him, his

face going in the crook of my neck as he inhales my scent.

“If I didn’t want you little one you would have been dead the moment you spoke back to me” he growls

softly before his tongue licks my mark making me moan. Fucking stupid mate bond, making me all hot

and flustered. I don’t know how creatures think mates are a blessing having unnatural reactions to your

mates when you're mad at them. Silas chuckles before removing his face from neck. His hand grabbing

mine before he jerks it towards his crutch.

“Does that feel like I don’t want you?” he questions, as I feel his erection under my hand. I jerk my hand

back before turning on my heel and stomping up the steps. I could hear Silas laughing. The only thing

coming to mind is that he is a psychopath, one minute he is nice and playful, the next angry and


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