Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Fifty Nine

Fifty Nine

Elora’s POV

Silas lead us to the border edge, it wasn’t to far from the castle, I thought for sure we would be trekking

to the other side of the city, so I was a little shocked to find it was on the other side of the castle, on

castle grounds. So, did that mean he was allowing entry through the gates to the general public now,

because the only way to this side of the border was to go through the front gates.

Stopping at another gate Silas pushes it open before we walk through the trees following at track that

had recently been put in. Stopping at the end, I see open fields. Also, two run down green houses and NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

an open paddock that was covered in snow. The ground frozen solid. I noticed about twenty workers

fixing to restore the roof on one of the green houses.

Abbie comes racing over as soon as she spots me. “Isn’t this great, they are building more green

houses to hold fresh fruit and veg and that one there will be for medicinal herbs” She said pointing out

the one people were currently working on. I noticed they kept sending nervous glances toward the

three dragon kings, picking up their pace to show they weren’t slacking, not that the dragon kings gave

them much of a glance instead their eyes were focused on the empty paddock.

Silas began stripping off his clothes and so did Matitus making me look at them. Abigail’s eyes darting

to the ground and a blush creeping up onto her face, but they didn’t seem to notice. They were

completely comfortable in the nude although, looking at them standing in the snow naked was making

me cold.

“Ah why are you getting naked?” I ask them my eyes trailing down their sculptured bodies.

“Like what you see little one?” Matitus says a smirk on his face. Poor Abigail didn’t know where to look

as they casually walked into the paddock.

“What are they doing?” I ask Dragus.

“Shifting” He says making my eyes snap back to them. Just the sight of them walking away was

enough to make my panties wet. Dragus raising an eyebrow at my blushing face, I know he can feel my

arousal through the bond.

“Elora stop it, or I will take you in this field in front of everyone” He growls below my ear before

wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me back against his chest.

“Argh you smell so good” He groans, his tongue licking below my ear making me shiver. Silas and

Matitus shift, and it was the first time I had saw Matitus in dragon form. They were both gigantic

majestic looking creatures. Silas’s scales gold while Matitus’s were black as onyx. Abigail gasped and I

noticed the entire place went eerily silent. Looking toward the greenhouses everyone was frozen

watching them. Fear evident on their faces, they looked like they wanted to run but were paralysed on

the spot.

I watched Matitus slowly turn around, his tail moving across the snow acting like a bulldozer as he

stalked towards me.

“Nope I am done, you’re on your own Elora” Abigail said before running toward the greenhouse.

“Chicken” I screamed at her retreating form as she hastily walked off toward the greenhouses. Dragus

and I still standing in the same spot. I didn’t want to move in case Matitus stepped on me. Matitus stops

in front of me, dropping his big scaled and nudging me with his nose. I lift my hand, running it up the

scales between his eyes, he makes a purring noise and I chuckle at his reaction.

Silas walks over behind him, he was a lot bigger then Matitus, he snaps his teeth at Matitus who growls

at him playfully.

The ground shaking under their huge, clawed feet with their movement, claws digging into the earth

effortlessly and I see the snow melting underneath them from there body heat. Matitus nudges me

before his voice echoes in my head.

“Hop on” He says but I shake my head, he nudges me with his nose and Silas cocks his head to the

side growling softly at me when Matitus suddenly licks straight up the front of me, his tongue felt like a

cats tongue prickly and oh so gross leaving drool all over me.

“Get on or I will do it again” His voice echoes and he growls which more sounded like he was laughing

at my grossed-out expression. Silas shoves forward knocking Matitus to the side with his big body.

Silas grabs my side with his huge teeth but not hard enough to hurt me, but they were sharp enough to

slice through my clothes as he uses them like a net leaving me dangling from his mouth. I squeal when

he grabs me before throwing me on top of Matitus. Dragus laughing and I see one of the maids who

was watching, faint. She must have thought he was going to eat me. Abigail staring wide eyed from

where she stood as I draped my legs over either side of his huge neck. He suddenly stands completely

upright making me look down. My stomach turning when I see how high up I am. Dragus walks over to

Silas and climbs up his tail effortlessly before standing on his back.

Matitus takes off running across the paddock and I nearly fall backward before squeezing my legs tight

my heels digging into his scales. They were sharp but it was kind of like sitting on an oversized snake

he felt smooth, but I knew those scales could slice through paper they were that sharp. His wings

spreading out before he takes off soaring through the air high above the trees.

I shiver from the wind before I see him do a circle of the paddock. Silas following behind before Matitus

dives fast heading toward the ground at an alarming speed before pulling up slightly. I hear him growl

and his chest vibrates before he roars, flames erupting from his mouth, burning the ground. Everyone

below starts running away screaming before stopping when they realise, they weren’t about to burn

them alive and they watched amazed, the snow melting. Silas does the same behind us and after a few

more circles the snow was completely melted and the earth charred from the flames.

Silas fly’s over falling in line with us. Dragus was still standing on his back. “How can you stand?” I

scream to him over the wind. Dragus laughs. “I’m used to it and besides, I have excellent balance” I roll

my eyes at him. Matitus throws his head toward Silas snapping his teeth and Silas does the same

making Matitus veer off slightly. Suddenly Dragus drops and sits down.

“What?” I scream to him and he shakes head. Before Matitus and Silas suddenly shoot off, climbing

higher and higher smashing through the clouds. My skin being coated in mist and the temperature

dropping. They were racing each other, and I clenched my eyes shut before suddenly Matitus spun in a

circle. A scream leaving my lips as I fell, falling toward the earth. Silas roars loudly and Matitus dives. I

clench my eyes shut before I feel claws wrap around my body and I gasp. Matitus tosses me in the air

making me scream before I land on his back. I hit him and I feel his chest vibrate. He was laughing at

me, the idiot did it deliberately.

They head back to the ground and I see a couple of vampires running onto the now snow free paddock

with huge baskets.

Matitus stops his feet landing on the scorched earth next to one of the baskets and the vampire man

chucks me up a rope. I grab it before it slides back down wondering what I am meant to do with it.

Matitus starts flapping his wings before gripping the basket with his claws lifting it off the ground.

“What’s with the rope?” I ask Dragus who was perched on top of Silas holding one too. They are going

to fly over different sections of the paddock you need to yank the rope just as he drops, we are

spreading seeds” He yells over to me and I nod. Not only were they ice melters, they were now seed


Matitus does a loop not going to quickly before slowly descending. “Now” He says through the mind

link, just as we get low enough and I yank on the rope and I watch the seeds fall in a line making a row.

Silas does the same a few metres away making another row up the paddock.

“How is it going to grow, its too cold” I say out loud. Matitus voice echoing through my head. We are

building a green house around the paddock” We end up making all up twelve rows of seeds. Before we

finally go back down landing next to the green houses. Dragus hops off first and Silas shifts back both

of them coming over to Matitus.

“Jump Lora” Dragus says holding out his arms and I jump letting him catch me.

“Have fun?”

“Yes, so much fun besides Matitus dropping me” I tell him wrapping my arms around his neck, letting

him cradle me against his chest. Matitus and Silas put on their clothes and Dragus lets me down and I

turn to look at the paddock.

“What seeds are they?” I ask. Silas walks over draping his arm over my shoulders tugging me to him

pointing out the different rows.

“Fruit and those ones are vegetables” He says. Suddenly heaps of vampires come out carry massive

logs dragging them to different areas along the edges of the paddock, I watch as a few of them start

lifting them like they weighed nothing dropping them into what must have been holes making them

stand upright in the air as high as the castle.

“How did you get so many people to help?” I ask noticing people coming from everywhere carrying

materials. I was sceptical that they could turn the paddock into a greenhouse but with Vampires and

even a few brave humans they made it look likes child play.

“Easy told them to help, most were too scared to say no” Matitus chuckles nudging Silas with his elbow.

I had no doubt by the end of the day that it would be complete. Abigail wanders over, her cheeks

burning red when she looks at Silas and Matitus.

“I will never be able to look them in the eyes again” She states.

“Like you did anyway” I tell her, and she chuckles.

“I can’t believe it though, this is fantastic” She says looking at the seeded paddock.

“Well, you girls are up” Silas says giving my shoulder a squeeze.

“What do you mean?” I ask wondering what Abigail and I were supposed to do. Abigail bounces on the

spot excitedly next to me before grabbing my hand and tugging me toward the field.

“Go to the next row” She tells me, and I nod walking over to it. Abigail drops to her knees before

digging her hands into the earth. Her eyes glowing green when suddenly roots and grass and the

seeds start sprouting up the line, growing alarmingly fast, my mouth falling open amazed at what I was


Abigail jumps up before walking over and squatting next to me. “Dig your hands into the dirt, feel the

vibration?” I nod doing as she says. I could feel the earth alive under my hands feel its energy radiating

out from the soil like a current.

“Now enhance it, picture the seeds growing, picture the soil coming alive and yield your magic, let it

flow into the ground awakening it” She says. I stare at my hands letting my magic flood down my arms,

feel the tingling sensation rush into my palms before I let it build then released it through my fingertips.

Potatoes start sprouting along the long line. My skin tingling delightfully, giving me a buzz as

excitement ran through me.

“You are a natural” She says doing the next row. Abigail gets up and stops staring at me, her eyes

running over my entire body.

“You’re aura is glowing so brightly” She says a smile lighting up her face. Maybe it was because I was

actually having fun, was enjoying the day.

“Lets see what you got then” She says a smirk slipping onto her face.

I raise an eyebrow at her challenge. I knew I could do it, feel my magic wrapping around me like a

muscle waiting to be used. I felt recharged and excited to use it.

Walking off, Abigail calls out to me as I walk toward the centre of the paddock.

“Where are you going?”

“To see what I got” I tease, and she laughs before chasing after me. I reach the centre of the paddock

and look around. It was huge and I actually had doubt creep in before Abigail nudged me.

“Ha don’t bite off more than you can chew” She taunts, and I nudge her back.

“Seems like you have the attention of everyone, they want to see what the Fae girl can do” Abigail says

before smiling at me.

“You can do this Elora, your magic has no limits, just picture what you need it to do” She tells me, and I

look toward the people all lined up to watch. Even my three kings standing their watching, Their eyes

boring into me. Taking a deep breath in. I drop to the ground digging my hands into the earth feeling the

vibration and drawing it toward me. The ground starts to tremble as I feel it under my palms.

I let my magic build but this time it is quicker, rushing over me my hands glowing purple and I can feel

my skin start to glow brighter like a beacon. I let it rush over me, loving the feel of its purity, it felt like

everything good in the world was now engrained within me. I let it go, the ground rumbling beneath us

plants bursting from the ground. Erupting plants everywhere. Abigail gasps and so do I when I see

what I was just did. Every row sprouting and growing and grass grew between the rows lush and green

shaping each row. I let them grow just enough before pulling my hands from the earth. A smile creeping

onto my face.

“Easy peesy” I tell her, and she laughs. Getting up I dust my hands off which were covered in dirt.

Abigail and I walking between the rows making out way off the paddock toward the three Dragon kings.

“That was amazing” Dragus tells us, and we look back to inspect our handy work. I had to agree, it was

now a well-established paddock even a few fruit trees erupted which I know weren’t part of seeds.

Oranges and Apples sitting off the furthest row.

“We didn’t plant fruit trees, did we?” Asked Silas.

“No, just ground dwelling plants not trees”

“My bad, I was actually thinking about them didn’t think some would grow though”

“You mean we just planted seeds for no reason, you could just magic them into existence” Matitus said

looking at me. I shrug.

“How was I supposed to know I could do that” I tell him.

“Come on, let’s go inside for lunch and check back this afternoon we have a curse to break tonight”

Silas says, grabbing my hand. I let him tug me along when Silas stops turning to look back Abigail.

‘I meant you too Abbie” He says, and she looks a little shocked before nodding and catching up to us.

**Author Note**

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