Chosen By The Dragon Kings

Seventy Nine

Seventy Nine

Elora’s POV

Dragus moves helping him stand, he looks around frantically as Dragus grabs his arm holding him

steady. Silas growls when the man reaches for me, scared out of his mind by them. He starts

hyperventilating and I grasp his face between my hands. Silas rips my hands away from him and was Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

starting to anger me with his possessiveness.

“Dragus is just going to take you, to get some clothes and something to eat maybe a shower too” I tell

him looking to Dragus who nods. I could feel through the bond he held no ill will towards him though

Silas was a different story.

He wanted to kill him for some unknown reason. The man looks between Dragus and I before nodding

and dropping his head.

“I will come see you in the morning and we will talk, I want to know about the others out there”

“Yes, my Queen” He says.

“You can call me Elora, no need for titles” I tell him.

“No, he can’t. He will address you properly” Silas snaps at me. I glare at him before nodding to Dragus

to take him because I knew things were about to turn ugly between Silas and myself.

I watch as Dragus leaves, he stops at the stable door looking back at me worriedly, like he didn’t want

to leave me with Silas, when Matitus suddenly barges through the door in panic, having woken up.

Great now I had to deal with his wrath too. I pinch the bridge of my nose already exhausted, and we

hadn’t even argued yet, but I knew it was coming because Silas anger was festering and building into a

storm within him, so hot I was surprised he didn’t combust and having steam blowing out his ears.

Matitus was no better as he stalked towards me before pouncing on me, grabbing my arm, and ripping

me toward him.

“What the fuck Elora, I told you not to come down here and you fucking disobeyed me” Matitus yells in

my face, his grip burning into my skin as the room heats. What is it with them and grabbing me, for

weeks we have been good and now they think they can lay their hands on me in anger? My own rage

building at the way they were scolding me, and I let my magic loose, letting the current run over my

skin. Matitus shrieking as its zaps him forcing him to let go.

“You don’t get to touch me like that, not anymore. I am not some thing to be handled by you” I snap,

stepping forward and pointing my finger in his face, he grabs my hand.

“Fucking try it Matitus, I fucking dare you” I tell him, warning him. His eyes flickering as his dragon

wanted to take control. He growls the temperature rising as he takes a step forward.

“Enough Elora, you don’t speak to us like that” Silas snaps at me. I scoff at his words.

“But it’s okay for you to talk to me like that?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest.

“I just got burned because of you, how else am I supposed to react, you put our child at risk coming

here, put yourself at fucking risk”

“Exactly how were you planning on changing him if I am not allowed near him?” I demand.

“With Aldrin, now I need to catch another one” Silas snaps at me before stepping forward.

“You are not catching anymore of them, he was petrified of you, what the fuck did you do to him that

had him that scared. They aren’t monsters Silas, they are dragons like you, real people under all that,

whatever it is” I yell at him.

“He fucking bit me, so I tore what was left of his wings off” He says, and my mouth falls open at his

barbaric torture to get the man to comply.

“Don’t look at me like that, they will grow back after few years, fucker shouldn’t have bit me when I

grabbed him”

“That’s fucking disgusting you can’t do that”-

“We are running out of time, they will come for you and Aldrin, in that state they don’t think, their dragon

does, they aren’t even remotely human in that state Elora and you need to start doing as your told, I am

sick of you defying us, sick of you choosing everyone else over us” Silas screams the logs in the firepit

catching alight from rise in temperature.

“You don’t get to decide what I do, not anymore, not now. Why can’t you see that?” I tell him.

“This is my kingdom, you are mine. You need to learn your fucking place,”

“And where is that? Beneath you?” I ask.

“No, that’s not what I am saying”

“You sure because that’s exactly how it came out. You think you are any better at least when I do

something my intentions are pure, yours they are fucking sinister just like you” I tell him before walking

off not wanting to hear anymore of his bullshit.

“Don’t walk away from us” Matitus bellows before he suddenly materialises in front me at blindly speed

making me run into him.

“Move Matitus” I tell him, stepping around him.

“No, you will listen”

“No, I am done listening, done with all of you” I tell him. Pushing past him before he grabs my hand.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He snaps pulling me backwards and I see Silas walking over to us or

more like a stalking us like a predator, his eyes blazing in fury.

“It means I don’t fucking need you, I never did”

“We are your mates Lora, of course you need us” Matitus says.

“No, I don’t. There is a difference between needing something and wanting something Matitus. I may

want you but that doesn’t fucking mean I need you. Its about time you realise that because if this is how

its going to be every time, I do something you don’t agree with then I am gone, you can have your

kingdom, shove it right up your ass because I will walk” I tell him, ripping my hand from his.

I didn’t even make it one step before I find myself pushed against the wall, Silas hand around my

throat, not tight he wasn’t harming me, but warning me. I was in no mood to put up with this shit


“Do it, go on Silas, do it and I will gladly show you, where your place is” I tell him my gaze unwavering.

He growls next to my ear, his nose running along my jaw.

“Silas, she is pregnant” Matitus tells him. He doesn’t let go instead stepping closer pressing his body

against mine.

“Silas” Matitus growls my eyes darting to him behind Silas as he steps forward. Silas runs his nose

down the side of my neck before kissing my mark. A deep throaty noise rumbling from chest before he

lets go, stepping back. Yet I could feel through the bond he was still raging. He was angry but didn’t

want to hurt me but at the same time that’s all he knew how to do, to get his way.

He walks out the stable doors, not looking back heading toward the castle. I see burns covering his

entire back slowly healing but still visible.

“You need to get inside before you get sick” Matitus says with a sigh running his hand through his hair.

He offers me his hand, but I ignore it and walk outside heading for the castle, the snow making my toes

numb as I trudge through it. The snow so much thicker and higher, as it continued to fall some part up

to my knees and my bones were starting to ache and my muscles lock up. Matitus watching me

struggle, walks over grabbing me, pulling me against his hot chest. I press my fingers against him, and

he flinches from how cold they are.

“You are freezing” He says kissing my cheek before wrapping my legs around him and pulling me

against him, lending me his body heat. I place my chest against his and my face trying to warm myself.

Now that my own anger had diffused, I felt like a bitch, especially seeing Matitus trying to keep me

warm even after I yelled at him.

He walks upstairs to our room before walking into the bathroom where I could here, the shower running

already. Silas was standing under the water, his back to us before turning around. My teeth were

chattering my feet had no feeling and I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed colour. Matitus places me

on my feet, and I strip my clothes off when Silas reaches out the door grabbing me, pulling me under

the water.

The rapid temperature change burning my skin making me cry out, he adjusts the temperature letting

the water cool slightly, before wrapping his arms around me, his hands rubbing up down my sides

warming my skin. Matitus slowly adjusting the water temp till it was eventually hot and I could stand the

heat. My body feeling like it was thawing out. Silas kisses my temple before kissing the side of my


“I’m sorry,” He whispers against my lips.

“I’m sorry too” I tell him kissing him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

Author Note

Let me know what you think of this chapter.

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