Claiming her babies

Chapter 59 – unravelling the secret

Nicholas POV

“Better start talking, Nicholas” she responded, ignoring Nicholas’s question and glaring at us.

“Aunt, how much did you hear?” I asked, my voice low

“Everything” she replied as she started walking down the stairs and came to stand right in front of us.

“This isn’t good. Can this day get any better?” I said, running my hand through my hair as memories of everything that has happened today till now began resurfacing in my head.

“I’m waiting Nicholas” Aunt Ella’s voice thundered again and Monica and I looked at each other, hesitation flashing through her eyes. “So you both are just going to stare at each other and say nothing?” She said again but with what I saw in Monica’s eyes, I’m sure she didn’t want us telling Aunt Ella. “Okay then I think I will just tell my husband so he gets the remaining hidden information from your mouth”

The instant I heard what Aunt Ella said, I instantly rushed to her side and held her hand gently on mine “Aunt Ella, you’re taking this too far” I said, forcing a smile on my lips as I brought her to sit on the sofa in the living room.

“Aunt please what exactly did you hear?” Monica asked coming forward and sitting beside Aunt Ella on the couch.

“Well that the kids are Ethan’s and that his friend who is a doctor might have told him about Monica who is pregnant” she replied and the fear in our hearts only just increased “Is everything I heard today true?” She asked, looking at me and Monica interchangeably.

“Yes Aunt it’s true” Monica finally let the cat out of the bag as she revealed the truth that we desperately tried to keep hidden for months.

This wasn’t how I planned my day to be. I wanted to come home, have Monica in my arms, and enjoy the rest of the evening before the twins showed up but instead, Ethan woke up and now Aunt Ella knows our entire truth.

“Nicholas, are you serious? Those adorable cute kids aren’t yours?” Aunt Ella’s sharp voice echoed in the room as she stared at me shocked.

“No they aren’t Aunt” I replied, my face dropping in exhaustion.

“Jesus” Aunt Ella said again and she instantly fell silent and I knew she was digesting the information “So those twins that giggle and play a lot aren’t yours Nicholas,” she asked again, her eyes filled with desperate hope for a different answer.

I couldn’t bear to meet her gaze so I just positively nodded my head, confirming her statement. “But they’re Monica’s” I quickly stated.

“Of course, I know that and that’s why I’m this calm” Aunt Ella uttered almost immediately.

“Aunt Ella please no one should know about this?” I pleaded, my voice shaking “If anyone else finds out about this? It will destroy everything and the kids too, they don’t deserve to be caught in the middle of all these” I said, desperately hoping that Sge understands that this shouldn’t be let out in any way.

“I still don’t understand Nicholas. Why would you do this? You took another man’s child forcefully and you married his wife? This isn’t the Nicholas I know” she said, obviously misunderstanding everything.

“No aunt I didn’t take anyone or anything forcefully. The board wanted me to get married and have kids before I could permanently claim my position as the CEO and I saw Monica in a restaurant who brought up this idea of me being the father of her children. At first, I didn’t agree but later I agreed and we had a contract marriage” I said, trying to summarize what had happened in the beginning.

“A contract marriage and no one knew?” Aunt Ella’s eyes widened in shock and I realized that it was going to take more than summary for her to comprehend everything.

“Yes, aunt except Anthony who was aware from the beginning. We planned to separate after some time so it would seem to everyone that we divorced” Monica explained further and Aunt Ella looked at the both of us in disappointment.

“Why? Why would you deceive everyone like that Nicholas? A contract marriage under my nose and I had no idea?” She said, staring at me in disbelief and shaking her head from side to side in disappointment.

Silence fell on us as each of us was entertained by our thoughts. Aunt Ella just stared at a certain position frowning and then smiling and I wondered what was running through her head. “So what about now? Is all this still a contract?”

“No aunt. I ended the contract because I’ve come to love Monica very much”

“Well, you better love her because I love her but I love those kids more and I’m not ready to give up any of them to Ethan. Not now, not ever” she said and I smiled while sighing in relief. “What made you leave Ethan?” She asked, turning her head to Monica.

“He cheated with my best friend and housekeeper,” Monica responded.

“Gross, what a dic****d,” she said, irritated by Ethan’s behavior.

“Aunt please no one has to know about this?” I pleaded again as I poured my lips and looked at her like a lost puppy.

“That look ain’t gonna work on me Nicholas and you know I don’t kneel anything from my husband” Her words made me remember Uncle Karl and I instantly held her hand tightly

“Please Aunt, Uncle Karl can’t know anything about this,” I said desperately.

“That’s going to be a hard thing to do Nicholas except you get me the black bag I said I wanted to buy last month”

“What bag?” I asked, racking my brain and trying to figure out the bag she was talking about.

“The small black bag that had a lot of crystals,” Aunt Ella said, giving me a more detailed description of the handbag and I instantly remembered it.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

I refused to buy that bag for her last month because I felt it wasn’t worth my money. It was a small expensive bag yet beautiful but the price attached wasn’t worth the bag. Buying the bag felt like I was dashing the store free money because with what I saw on the bag, only a phone and Maybe a lip gloss could fit into that bag.

“Aunt that bag is too small. What would you possibly want with that kind of bag” I asked, frowning as I stared at her angrily

“All my friends have one each and I still don’t have one. Are you getting it for me or not?”Aunt Ella asked, her eyes flashing with hope

“No aunt. I won’t spend fifty thousand dollars on a bag that can’t even take my laptop in. That’s what I call a liability. Something I’m not going to gain from but would only gain from me. There’s no way I’m buying that bag Aunt please choose something else” I said.

“Fifty thousand dollars? Honey that isn’t even something that should shake you. You can get the bag for Aunt” Monica said and I glared at her.

“Well if you aren’t going to buy the bag then I will tell your uncle about what you have been doing,” Aunt Ella said confidently.

“Aunt, are you trying to blackmail me?”

“Of course I am silly. I want that bag and your uncle has also refused to buy the bag saying he won’t gain anything from buying the bag” Aunt Monica said.

I sighed in exhaustion as I thought deeply about what Aunt Ella said. The bag wasn’t anything beneficial to me but if that’s what she wanted just her secret is safe then I was going to do it.

“All right aunt. I will get you the bag today but you must promise that you won’t tell anyone about this not even Uncle Karl?” I said.

Aunt Ella squealed in excitement as she dragged me to herself, hugged me, and plastered little kisses on my hair “I knew you would always make me happy” she said, wearing a big smile on her face.

” Aunt you have to promise us”

” I promise not to tell my husband or anyone about everything I’ve heard today,” Aunt Ella said and I sighed in relief.

This day was going to be a day that I wasn’t going to forget in a hurry. From Ethan to Aunt Ella and hopefully, they will be the last.

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