Claiming her babies

Chapter 70 – Deception

Fiona’s POV

It’s my fault. I took the contract” They all turned to look at me and Monica’s eyes flashed with hurt and shock.

“You?” Monica asked in disbelief.

“Fiona, what are you saying?” Anthony said, walking towards me and taking my hand gently in his as he stared at me affectionately “Darling don’t blame yourself for this”

“No, I did it. All this is all my fault” I said, removing my hands from that of Anthony and my gaze landed on Nicholas who seemed like he was about to punch me.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“How could you do such a thing to us? To me?” Monica’s hands came in contact with my cheeks as she landed me a slap and I couldn’t blame her for it. She had every right to be angry. “I trusted you. I was beginning to like you and you stabbed me in the back like this”

“At least someone needed to do that,” Nicholas said, referring to the slap Monica gave me.

Tears gathered in my eyes as the realization of the havoc I might’ve caused crashed on me. I raise my head to stare at Monica whose eyes held nothing but anger and disappointment.

“Fiona is this true?” Anthony asked, staring at me in disbelief

“Of course it’s true. That paper was with you Anthony and the only person who is staying with you and might have had access to that paper is no one but Fiona” Nicholas said, finally connecting the dots as he stared daggers at me.

I quickly removed my eyes from his murderous gaze and looked at Anthony who frowned with tears gathering in his eyes “I’m sorry Anthony. Please let me explain” I said, reaching to take his hand in mine but he took two steps backward and stretched his hand towards me, gesturing that I should stay away.

“Why? Why? Why would you do this? You were the only one I allowed in my study and you went in there and took that file. It all makes sense now. You were always asking about the marriage contract saying you wanted to see what it looked like but I never knew you just wanted to know where it was” Anthony said, running his hand through his hair as he turned around in confusion.

“I’m sorry,” I said again, tears spilling down my eyes. “Please forgive me”

“Forgive you? My marriage contract is in someone’s hands and I have no idea who it might be with and you’ve got the nerve to ask for forgiveness” Nicholas’s sharp voice echoed in the room I took a step backward of fear.

“I did it because of you Anthony,” I said, wanting to explain myself.

“Don’t you dare say my name with those lying lips of yours” Anthony yelled, pointing his index finger at me with his eyes blazing with anger and pain.

“Please just listen to me,” I said, my voice trembling.

“I’m listening,” someone said and I raised my head to realize it was Ethan and I just rolled my eyes.

“Start talking,” Monica said, her gaze sharp.

“It was when I found out about my pregnancy. I got home that day and Greg already knew that I was pregnant. He threatened to kill you, Anthony. He threatened to kill my unborn child. He threatened to hurt me and I was scared”

“Can you listen to the rubbish coming out of your mouth?” Anthony said instantly, his angered and hurt gaze finally on me “he threatened to hurt me? Greg can’t even hurt Nicholas. Greg can’t hurt me either. He knows his boundaries. He only said those things to scare you and make you do his bidding and you fell into his trap” Anthony said, glaring at me and I’ve never seen Anthony this angry.

His angry gaze was a constant reminder of how I messed up. This was going to be something that could soil our relationship and I didn’t want what me and Anthony had to go down the drain. I love him.

“So what then did he ask you to do?” Monica asked, her eyes softening gradually as her voice became calm.

“Isn’t it obvious? He asked her to get him the contract and she did. She was his spy all along” Anthony said, his jaw clenching as he spoke.

“Greg asked me to get the marriage contract and he also asked that_” I swallowed as I hesitated if I should say what I was about to say

“Also ask that what?” Monica asked in curiosity “Say something Fiona” she added.

“He asked that I install a camera in Anthony’s office,” I said finally and the shock in Anthony’s eyes only grew.

“What?” Nicholas and Anthony said in unison and I couldn’t help but burst out in tears.

“I’m sorry please Anthony I’m sorry. I was just scared for you and the baby. Please forgive me” I clasped my both hands together as I sobbed silently and looked at Anthony who refused to look at me.

“Wow, what a touching story” Ethan commented but I didn’t even want to look at him because he was the least of my problems.

“So when you said Greg let you go because he found out you were pregnant, you were lying?” Anthony asked.

“Anthony please” I uttered, not willing to reveal any more truth.

“Answer me” Anthony yelled, his eyes staring at me in hurt and disappointment.

“Yes, I was lying. He only agreed to let me go if I do anything he wants” I said, explaining the situation further.

“You’re such a filthy person. You used me to achieve Greg’s plans” Anthony said.

“I’m sorry,” I said again, feeling guilty each passing moment.

“If you were so scared then you would have just told me. You would have talked to me about what happened instead of lying to me. Greg can’t hurt me, Fiona. He doesn’t have the guts to but he used your fear against us. This was the same mistake you made back then. You broke up with me just because you didn’t want to be a burden and you ended up marrying Greg instead of explaining to me. Now you did the same thing”

Anthony was right. I made the mistake of marrying Greg instantly on asking Anthony for help and now, I also committed the same offense by not telling Anthony about what Greg asked of me

“So who knows is with the original marriage contract? You or Greg” Nicholas asked, staring daggers at me.

“Of course it’s with me brother” I felt chills run down my spine and I didn’t need any soothsayer to let me know whose voice it was.

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