Claiming The Rejected Omega

Chapter Twenty Eight

“I understand how you feel, Janet. I know what it’s like to be looked down upon because of where you come from. But you can’t let that stop you from going after what you want. You deserve happiness just as much as anyone else.”

Janet looked at Chloe with a mixture of sadness and gratitude in her eyes. “But how do I get him to notice me? He’s always so focused on his duties as Aiden’s right-hand man.”

Chloe smiled. “Well, maybe you need to make him see you in a different light. Show him that you’re not just some pack member, but someone he can have a real connection with.”

Janet looked intrigued. “How do I do that?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

Chloe thought for a moment. “Well, for starters, try talking to him more. Find out what he’s interested in and show him that you share some common ground. Maybe even ask him to train with you or something. That way, he’ll see you as a strong, capable woman who’s not afraid to take charge.”

Janet nodded slowly. “That’s a good idea. Thank you, Chloe. You always know how to make things better.”

Chloe smiled. “That’s what friends are for, Janet. And if all else fails, you can always count on me to help you plot a grand romantic gesture.”

Janet laughed, the sadness in her eyes melting away. “I think I might just take you up on that offer.”

Chloe felt happy to have been able to help her friend in some small way. She knew that the path to love and happiness was never easy, but with a little bit of courage and determination, anything was possible. With a sigh, Chloe turned and headed back to her room.

Chloe’s mind was racing with ideas as she twirled her necklace in her fingers. When Janet revealed her crush on Jason, Chloe’s heart went out to her friend. She wanted to help in any way she could, so she came up with the idea of inviting Jason to dinner so Janet could meet him officially.

Excitedly, she ran her idea by Aiden, hoping he would be on board. However, Aiden’s response was not what she had hoped for. He warned her that Jason was not an easy person and had a dark side to him. His past was complicated, and he was reserved, making it hard for people to get close to him.

Chloe took a deep breath and approached Aiden with her idea. “Aiden, I have a crazy idea,” she said, her heart beating faster with anticipation.

“What is it?” Aiden asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Janet has a crush on Jason, your right-hand man, but he doesn’t seem to notice her. I was thinking, what if we invited him to dinner and Janet could be there, and they could get to know each other better?” Chloe explained, hoping Aiden would see the potential in her plan.

Aiden’s expression turned serious, and Chloe knew she was in for some pushback. “Chloe, I appreciate your desire to help Janet, but you have to understand that Jason is not an easy person. He has a dark side to him, and his past is complicated. He’s reserved, and it’s hard for people to get close to him,” Aiden cautioned.

“I understand what you’re saying, Aiden, but I still want to give it a shot. Janet is such a wonderful person, and I want to see her happy. I believe that everyone deserves a chance at love, no matter their past,” Chloe said with conviction.

Chloe’s heart sank at Aiden’s words, but she refused to give up. “I understand, Aiden, but Janet deserves a chance at happiness. And who knows? Maybe Jason could reciprocate her feelings if given the chance,” Chloe argued, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Aiden studied Chloe for a moment before nodding slowly. “Okay, Chloe. I understand your point of view, and I can see that this means a lot to you. I’ll talk to Jason and see if he’s willing to come to dinner,” Aiden relented, surprising Chloe with his willingness to consider her idea.

Chloe felt a surge of gratitude and relief wash over her. “Thank you, Aiden. I appreciate it,” she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Aiden looked at Chloe with admiration, amazed by the beautiful heart she possessed. “You’re right, Chloe. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness, and if anyone can bring out the best in Jason, it’s you. I’ll talk to him and see if he’s willing to come to dinner.”

As she walked away, Chloe couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and apprehension. She knew this dinner could be the start of something special for Janet and Jason, but it could also lead to heartbreak if things didn’t go as planned. Nevertheless, Chloe was determined to see it through and hoped for the best.

Chloe smiled, feeling grateful for Aiden’s support. She knew that Jason wasn’t going to be an easy nut to crack, but she was willing to try. She had a feeling that underneath his tough exterior, he was a good person who just needed someone to show him some love and kindness.

The next few days were a blur of preparations. Chloe helped Janet pick out the perfect outfit for the dinner.

Chloe couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed as strangers bowed to her on the streets. She had never experienced anything like it before, but Janet’s explanation made sense. She was now the Erasthia, and people knew who she was.

As they browsed through the racks of clothes, Chloe couldn’t help but notice how excited Janet was. She could see the hope in her friend’s eyes, and it made her heart ache. She wanted nothing more than for Janet to be happy.

“You know, this might actually work,” Chloe said as she held up a gorgeous dress for Janet to see.

Janet’s eyes lit up at the sight of the dress. “Do you really think so?”

Chloe nodded. “I do. Jason might be a tough nut to crack, but if anyone can do it, it’s you.”

Janet blushed and smiled. “Thanks, Chloe. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Chloe smiled back at her. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll always be here for you.”

As they continued to shop, Chloe couldn’t help but fiddle with the necklace around her neck. She had never felt so nervous about anything before. This plan could either be the start of something wonderful for Janet, or it could end up being a disaster.

But Chloe was determined to make it work. For Janet’s sake.

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