Come Back to Me

Chapter 57

Chapter 57


"Oh daddy...put a baby inside of me." I moaned as Sinister thrust deep inside of me.

He smirked from on top of me, "There is already a baby inside of you, moy tsvetok." (my flower).

"T-Then put another one, twins--"

He thrust into me again

"FUCK IT!! PUT TRIPLETS INSIDE OF ME OH MY FUCK!" I yelled as he pulled out of me, and replaced his cock with his mouth, his tongue sliding deep inside of me as I writhed.

"Baby" he cooed "you really must work on your dirty talk."

"Okay daddy" I winked, digging my fingernails into his back as I squirmed in pleasure.

"Oh I like that." He chuckled, continuing to eat me out, and sliding two fingers deep inside my core.

"Yes? Okay, what about dad? Father? Captain--"

I stopped my sentence as I moaned out in pleasure, my body shaking with pure ecstasy.

I felt his body rumble with laughter as he pumped his fingers deeper and deeper inside of me until I felt a wave of absolute heaven and pleasure roll over me..

"PAPA!" I laughed and squealed as he pulled his fingers out of me, his tongue swiping over his fingers as he chuckled, his body wet with sweat.

He collapsed on the bed next to me, his hand gripping onto mine as he kissed my knuckles, a smile plastered on his face.

I frowned, "What're you smiling about?"

"Nothing." A small smile toyed at the edge of his lips.

"Whattttt!" I giggled, wrapping my arms around his long, lean torso.

"Nothing--it's just...before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason."

I blushed, "That's cute, sappy as fuck, but cute. But you definitely have a reason to be smiling right now."

"And what reason would that be?"

"I just called you Papa during sex and demanded that you put triplets inside of me."

He grinned, his lips grazing my forehead, as he ran his fingers through my hair, "Yes, yes you did and it was hilarious, thank you."

"So what's the reason for the ball tonight?" I asked, kissing his cheek as I snuggled beside him like a little churro.

"Well it's a national conference where arms dealers, drug lords, mafia bosses and wealthy criminals get to know each other." He replied, his eyes still closed.

"Sounds fun, is it safe? You know I have treasure in my chest, right?"

"Of course it's safe, flower. I wouldn't bring you if it wasn't. Dangerous things don't happen at events like this one, it's more like a meet and greet rather than a business transaction. The host is a man named Anton Caspian he's a prince somewhere in Europe I think...he used his wealth to make a name for himself in the drug community."

"Caspian? Like Prince Caspian from Narnia?"

"What is Narnia?"

"Oh" I scoffed, patting him on the head "you have so much to learn."

He chuckled, his thumb brushing across my knuckles.



"I don't think I've ever met an Anton that I've liked."

"Well, have you ever met someone named Anton?"

"No, but I'm just not a fan of the name."

He laughed again, "I'm not sure what to tell you, flower. Just make sure you behave. You're my second in command for this event, and my wife. Make yourself look good and one can know you're pregnant."


Sinister knows me so well. I smiled as I hopped out of the shower to find a dress hanging outside of the shower. It was a gorgeous silver, glittery dress, that was long, tight and revealing. It had small straps that led to a completely open back, a high slit, and it pooled on the ground like liquid metal.

A little post-it note was stuck to it, in Sinister's spidery handwriting read:



I grinned at the note as I glanced at my bare body in the mirror, my eyes focusing in on my stomach. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I put my hand over my belly.

"I might not be able to feel you yet, but I love you. Mommy loves you." I whispered.

Okay Calla, enough of that. I told myself, grabbing my thigh holster, and ramming a knife and my Glock .9mm into it. I then began on my makeup, ya know the whole shindig, the eyelashes, the glittery eye shadow, and I finished it off with a matte redish-pinkish lip stain.

I left my ink black hair down straight and long, tying up a few pieces and pinning them up with a diamond hair clip Sinister bought me.

I blasted music while I did my hair and makeup, the whole "getting ready" thing took me about 3 hours, only because every 15 minutes or so "I Like To Move It Move It" from the Madagascar soundtrack would come on. And seriously, let me tell you, that song is incredible and I absolutely cannot concentrate when it comes on.

I slipped into the dress, and it fit me like a glove. I glanced down at the Russian Mafia tattoo on my wrist and smiled to myself. I knew I wouldn't be able to have times like these for a long time, I knew the second I started showing, Sinister would hide me away. So, I decided to make the best of tonight, and of the next few nights.

There was a knock.

"Come in!" I called out, pulling the straps of the dress over my shoulders.

Sinister walked in, and I swear I felt my heart skip a few beats.

He wore a sleek black suit, with a black tie and a black dress shirt underneath. His peircings were in his ears, his face cleanly shaven, his hair neatly gelled. He smiled at me, the handsome little devil, his teeth were bleach white, his icy blue eyes glittered at me like diamonds. He stood tall in front of me, I was a fairly tall girl, but he still stood almost a foot over me. His wrist glittered with a gold Rolex watch, his fingers lined with rings.

"Jesus, Calla. You look gorgeous." He breathed as he stared at me.

I blushed, feeling like a giddy little kid. That was how much power this man had over me, every time he looked at me, I get butterflies, and felt myself needing to catch my breath.

"Are you ready?" He smirked, holding his hand out to me.

Sinister led me out of the room, and down the massive flight of stairs. Sebastian and a girl stood at the bottom.

I frowned, looking at Sinister in confusion.

"You are my second in command now" He whispered, "but soon you won't be, I'm training Sebastian to temporarily take over your role." He glanced down at my stomach.

I nodded tightly, it sucked, but I knew it was for the best. Better it be Sebastian than some other fuckhead.

"Calla, Sinister" Sebastian nodded to us "this is my date Sabrina."

She was pretty enough, with shoulder length brown hair, and big brown doe eyes. She wore a sleeveless green dress that touched the floor, she smiled at Sinister and I nervously. She was petite, only about 5 foot.

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir and ma'am." She bowed her head to us, she had an American accent which was actually refreshing.

I felt like laughing for some reason, it was weird to have someone bow to me, like I was a little Queen or something.

"Ona prostitutka iz odnogo iz moikh klubov, no ona zasluzhivayet doveriya." Sinister said to me. (She's a prostitute from one of my clubs, but she's trustworthy).

I nodded to her before looking at Sebastian.

"You look sharp." I grinned at him, he smiled straightening out his black suit jacket.

"That you, ma'am." He mimicked, before nodding towards the front door.

"Shall we?" Seb asked, as he led us out the front door, towards the stretch SUV limo that awaited us. Next to the limo, was 4 heavily armored SUV's that would drive with us.

We all climbed inside, Seb and Sabrina sat across from Sinister and I, as the car lurched into drive and we headed off.

"Calla, has Sinister told you anything about Anton Caspian?" Sebastian asked with a smile.

"The prince dude?"

Sebastian nodded.

"No, why? Is there something I should know?"

"He's a playboy that one, loves to fuck around with attractive women." Sebastian commented, running a hand through his bleach blonde hair.

"Okay, yeah. But I'm married." I smiled, holding out my diamond ring.

"Those are his favorite." He said, and I felt Sinister squeeze my hand tightly.

"He shouldn't even think about it, I'm armed, and hormonal. I'll kill him." I'm smiled sweetly.

Sinister sighed, "No, Calla. This is one of the very few men you shouldn't threaten. He's royalty, and a very probable new business partner of mine."

I rolled my eyes, I haven't shot someone in quite some time, my trigger finger was kind of aching.

"Ma'am?" Sabrina asked, her hands fidgeting by her side.

"What? Oh, and don't call me that, you're making it seem like I'm a professional or something, which I am not."

"Okay, Mrs. Velkov...uh, is it true you used to be like me?"

"Short? Nahh." I replied.

"No, uh, like you used to be a....worker, like me."

Sinister frowned, "do you have the fucking audacity to question my wife, your second in command if--"

"It's okay, Sin." I gave his hand a squeeze.

She looked scared out of her fucking mind and that made me feel bad. She was definitely older than I was, but talking to her made me feel like I was scolding an 8-year old.

"I was never a, uh, worker, if that's what you're wondering. But I was sold into this Mafia and taken from my home..."

I felt Sinister tense up next to me

I continued, "But it was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me, because I fell in love with a monster who loved me back, and I would never change a thing about what happened to me."

Sinister relaxed next to me, leaning close, and pressing his lips lightly to my cheek.

Sabrina smiled, "I hope that happens to me one day."

"Probably won't." Sebastian piped up, as he rolled a joint across from us.

Sabrina's face fell, and I glared at Sebastian, my eyes hard as he glanced up innocently at me.

"What?? I find it's easier to be honest with people."

I opened my mouth to yell at him, when the car lulled to a stop outside a fucking palace, with great stone walls, and massive balconies on every floor. Men and women dressed like kings and queens walked inside the immense doorway, where dozens of guards stood.

"We're here." Sinister said, his hand giving me a final squeeze before the door opened.

Okay, Calla. No spontaneous fire starting, no shooting, no stabbing, no cursing...keep the drinking to a minimum and just fucking behave yourself.

I got this.


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