Cruel World

Chapter 57: chap56

Chapter 57: chap56

Chap 56


Sarah took a deep breath and knock on the door. Lisa opens the room and was stunned to see Sarah she frowned 'what is it now?'

Sarah try to calm herself..she can do it...'I want to talk'

Lisa arrogantly looked at her 'what else is left to get it what you want...(she shake her head) I felt bad what happen to you...all the time you were treated wrong by us...but I never thought you will take your revenge by taking my kids right on their forefather inheritance...I'm very possessive about my kids..and I will not tolerate this'

Sarah make a fist 'like you I'm also very possessive about my child...what you think why I'm back to this hell...because of my love for my child....i also don't tolerate a lot of things that happen with Ava behind my she was treated here yourself being a mother can see stuff and still you dint do anything..hell you don't even do anything when roma used to torture technically I'm not surprised if you think I'm taking my revenge on you and your kids ...(Sarah sighs) i never expected anything from this house ....and i just want to tell you i don't said anything to dad regarding inheritance was shocking moment for me too, today I have talked to him and try to make him understand that this money and company are nothing to me so he just change his will but he was very determined not to change....alas I come to a decision myself...'

Sarah making her point very clear 'I don't have anything to make you trust me on this...nor i will try because it's your choice at the end (Sarah looked her in the eyes) but as soon I become the official owner of the assets then I will give all the money to you guys....'

Lisa's eyes were bulging out ... Sarah continues 'just don't tell dad about this... I don't want to upset the only person in this house who considered me a human Lisa just relax your money will be given to you in a given time...but next time if you accuse me of something like that or even talk to me like I'm the culprit here then my decision can be changed...for our children sake we will try to be civil with each have also hurt me a lot but I'm trying to move on so please don't make this difficult for me'

Sarah walked with high head ...leaving stunned Lisa.


Sarah picked her handbag and the mobile that Theo has given her in the is her first day in office...she was nervous as hell....after having the intense talk with Lisa ...she feels little light..Like a big burden has been taken from her chest.

she closed her eyes and pray to God everything went smoothly today

she was startled by Theo voice 'Sarah ready'

She turned to see her husband wearing a grey suit and was trying his cuff links...he is really a good looking man but Sarah also know his inner ugly monster too that she still can't take that out of her head

Theo looks up and saw his wife, in a tube type black dress with the white belt ...'you look so beautiful and so professional at the same time' he smiles and graces her cheeks

Sarah blushes and takes a step back and Theo flinched when she did that but Theo didn't say anything

sarah pick her heels and wore them 'you haven't gone to office yet'

Theo looked confused 'i was but I was waiting for you. it's your first day at the company so how can I leave you alone'

Now Sarah looked confused 'but our offices are told me just a few hours ago that second branch of the company needs a marketing executive, not the main head branch...aren't you working in the head branch?" now that make Sarah little worried

Theo picks his bag 'can we talk this in the car we are already getting late'

Sarah knew something was fishy she opens her mouth to argue more but thoe was already out...she huff and walk down

when they were sitting in the car.

theo adjusted the air condition and his seat belt...and start the engine ...Sarah was looking at him in annoyed expression...what he is waiting for when he will tell her that she is working with him or not

Theo saw his wife glare and innocently asked 'what..why you are giving me death glare'

Sarah folds her arm 'are you going to tell me now'

Theo nodes 'oh yes ..... I was in the main head company but now for the past 6 months I'm working with the second branch ...there was some issued going on that need to be resolved immediately so I went there and managing that now currently'

Sarah frowns 'what? so I will be working with you"

Theo shrugs 'what's the problem with that ..and I think it's more than good as you will be not alone and I will be there for you if you need any assistance'

Sarah close her eyes in frustration 'and I thought I will be away from will help me to explore more and open my mind to different stuff'

Theo looked offended by that 'why you think my presence will be bad for your mental health.... I don't have any intention to harm you' he makes a face

Sarah wanted to lash him that harming her is his second nature. But Theo control it.

She then said in a soft voice 'can I ask you something...please?"

Theo looked her now in softer tone 'of course baby...just tell me I will give you anything'

Sarah takes a deep breath 'i don't want that everyone should treat me differently especially on my first day knowing that in your can we keep this disclose...'

Theo stop the car in a mid way 'what? and why the hell would I do are my wife why would I hide that...

Sarah eyes were big 'cause i don't want that everyone should be alert around me or should think me some high class person...i want to learn things ...wanted to meet new people and make my own identity ...and that can't happen when my co-workers are not comfortable around me..i want to be respected by my own not by your wife title'

Theo pinched his nose and inhale the air, he started the car.Sarah was worried was this end of discussion or he simply ignored her request

She hesitantly asked 'it's my request Theo and you said yes to that before'

Theo took turn and made a serious face, after a moment 'ok... I will do what you have told me but let me tell you the main marketing manager and other top management know you are my wife so its not my fault they were told about your joining before your request (Sarah looked tense) don't be tense i will tell them to keep this between them and especially your manager ...don't worry no one will know about your marital status ' Theo said with tight voice

Sarah was so relieved...she was finally taking a big step so wanted to do this on her own.

When they enter the personal parking space and Theo parked in his designated area...he looked at Sarah 'this is my private parking space so don't worry noon will see us (he give her an electronic card) use this in off will bring you directly to this parking area no need to go down...' Theo was still disturb and was frowning at Sarah decision

Sarah quietly took the card 'thank you....but it will be much better if i have a car myself...i can drive this way you won't got into any trouble' she said in a uncertain voice

Theo open the car door and also open Sarah and took her out ...he sighs 'please Sarah I'm already not ok with your decision of not telling people that you are my wife and now about car it's out of the line now'

Sarah remove his hand 'how it's out of line...I'm not asking for a new car, you have so many cars...I can use one of them or I can call Mark he can arrange something for me' she said in a composed voice

It hit hard on Theo ego 'don't you do something like that... I can buy you millions of cars ....and anything's not an issue for me but I like the idea of coming with you in the office and taking back your home ...i don't want you to be alone

Sarah and Theo enter the elevator 'Theo this is the second time you said have left me alone in the prison, I can drive alone too so not a big deal' Sarah jabbed him

Theo close his eyes...he never knew how stubborn she can get....she knew where to hit on his guilty conscious .when the elevator door opens. They enter directly into large shiny marble floor lounge...which was too quite except there was one receptionist and one large door to the next.

The lady came and greets Theo...Sarah observed her...She was really beautiful and attractive...and she felt self conscious around her 'good morning Mr grey ' the lady smile flirtatiously

Theo do not notice her so much which gives Sarah an immense satisfaction..Theo replied 'morning cami....any phone calls or email'

Cami smile again 'no sir all is clear...'

Then Sarah saw cami give her an confusing look 'yes and who are you'

Sarah look to Theo ...'cami she is my (theo stop and shake his head) she is Sarah, she is appointed for the vacancy for marketing executive call the manager of a marketing department and tell him to come to my office now' Sarah was impressed how Theo deal with everyone in a little cold but very professional level

Cami give a look to Sarah again then nodes to Theo

When Sarah enters Theo large was beautiful and huge.

Theo sits down 'do you need something to drink?'

Sarah shook her head 'no I just want to join my post without any delay'

Theo nodes 'ok..' then there was knock on the door...after giving permission to come in ...a man in his early 50s came 'yes Mr. grey you need me'

Theo point at Sarah 'yes Mr. Joe I just told you recently about Sarah job in marketing department please assist her today and arrange someone to help her to understand the company operations and other marketing related stuff we are using'

Mr Joe looked Sarah with kind eyes and shake his hand 'Mrs grey if you don't mind . I can take to directly to your office'

Sarah smiled at him 'please just call me Sarah" and she also realized he does know she is his boss wife...but thank god Theo speak again 'Mr. Joe one more thing please keep this between you, that Sarah is my wife....since Sarah will be more comfortable working with other if they don't know about her linked with me' Theo looked calmed but his eyes told different story

Mr Joe replied in their favor and said 'as you wish sir .Now shall we' he looked at Sarah

Sarah took a hesitate step ...oh god this is really happening, she is a working woman now...she I doing what she wanted to do always...she is super excited and nervous too

Theo can see that clearly in Sarah face 'Mr Joe I need a minute with Sarah'

Mr Joe nodes..after he was gone..theo stand and looked at Sarah' just relax ok.... I can see a different kind of emotions in your face...don't worry everything will be just go with confident can do this...and about car thing, I will think about it' he raised his hand to touch her face but he stops in a midway afraid of another rejection.

Sarah also felt bad that she made him stop touching her...which should be good but Sarah feels nothing like that.. she shakes her head she will not think such stuff.


'Sarah this is your office...not a big one but good enough to sneak out from work and do some slacking ' Mr. Joe give her a teasing smile

Sarah liked Mr Joe she laughed 'i will keep this in my mind...but I'm not good at slacking so I need some work to do'

Mr. Joe gives her an impressive look 'good Sarah, I like this attitude...since you are new...we need to train you a bit so I'm calling one of the other top employees in our department...he is exceptional but be

aware he is a little charmer and too much on fun side.'

Sarah slightly smiles now who this she will be working with.

After a few minutes, a young and one of the handsome man in his late 20s came and said 'Good morning Mr joe and who is this beautiful girl 'he winks

Sarah was taken by his comment and blushed, no one ever said this to her and so openly

Mr. Joe made a face 'Jim behave yourself..just because you are good at your work don't to forget office code of ethics (Mr. Joe shake his head in amusement) now this is Sarah..she is our new member in our marketing team..but she need 0ne month you are in charge of this'

Sarah tries to look at confidence and raise her hand 'hello...its nice meeting you'

Jim was just mesmerized with Sarah beauty 'oh boy ..Today is a good day for me ....hello Sarah it so nice meeting with you too' he shakes her hand

Sarah knew he was flirting with her...but for some reason it doesn't make her was opposite she was enjoying his company already...she shyly smile Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Mr. Joe takes a leave. Jim sit in one of the chairs 'so Sarah tell me what you really like about marketing'

Sarah thought it was so basic question...She softly replied 'i like creative work...something that is unique'

Jim nodes and think a little 'how about advertisement idea generation?'

Sarah made a thinking face 'as in any storyline for the product that will be promoted in the television...sound interesting to me' Sarah looked excited

Jim smiled 'Atty looked excited ok then this is your first task...we make a lot of leather we have to launch this specific product so let show me your idea generation skill...may be one of your idea we used because believe me we are so stuck in this idea generation thing'

Sarah mind starts working and without wasting any time she jumped on it...she was liking it very much, after a long time she was away from all the worries, all the drama of Grey mansion and all her stress.

At the end of the day...she found Jim talking to another person ...but when he saw he smiled big 'hi Sarah ....needs some help'

Sarah shakes his head 'no I'm done with the task you have given me'

Jim raised his eyebrow 'oh you are quick about I checked that tomorrow its already off time you are free to go' he winked her

Sarah smiled and shakes her head.

When she entered the elevator by using the card...she saw happy today.

She liked it so much..she giggled about Jim, he makes her so comfortable and he sure does have a colorful personality.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the elevator door open and saw it was Theo 'hi there...where were you lost, I was calling you but you were smiling' theo asked in interest

Sarah blushed...oh god what she was doing what if theo knew she was smiling because of Jim interacting with no... you don't like Jim in that manner. You only loved one person but Sarah stooped what the hell she was thinking...seriously something is wrong with her head

Sarah replied 'nothing... I was was

She has no idea what to say but the elevator door thankfully opened...when they both sit down in the car 'so how was your day' Theo asked her

Sarah smiled; it was very good... I just got my first task too 'she excitedly told him

Theo looked at Sarah with joy she is sharing something with him so openly 'oh wow that's so happy for you.


They were stuck in the terrific and Theo was confused what to do today is the appointment with the psychologist but looking at Sarah happy expression was making him skip this session but one day he has to take her, so why not today.

He looked at her 'Sarah do you remember that we will have our first psychiatrist session today.... I told you yesterday?'

Sarah expression turns sour 'now? did we have to go now.... I don't want to go today... I'm a little relaxed. I don't want to answer the question to some stranger that will take me to memory land that I hate to go there' Sarah shiver with the thought of talking

Theo stop the car in a dark side 'listen, Sarah, I got it what you said but do you think it will be easy for me too listen to all your feelings and knowing 'Im the one who is responsible for your pain and don't even know I also have to talk about some stuff that is known to no one ...that are....that are still difficult to talk about ' His eyes shine with tears and anger ....he still feel it when he ever thought about it

Sarah looked at him in curiosity 'what you mean? '

Theo came back from his trance ' it's not about me will one day.But right now you need to take out the frustration and baggage that you stored in your heart....'

Sarah looked at the window of the car 'then why you are doing this to yourself theo...I can feel something big in the story'

Theo start the car and sighs 'because I'm doing this for you Sarah and yes there something big' he said with the dark voice.

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