Daddy Devious: A Dark Billionaire Daddy Dom Romance (Forbidden Pleasures Island Book 1)

Daddy Devious: Chapter 10

I don’t have even a second to worry about what Caleb means by “open the nozzle” before I find out firsthand. Warm liquid floods my insides, and I suck even harder on the pacifier.

“That’s my sweet girl,” Mr. Stone croons. “Caleb, will you hold the nozzle for me, please?”

“Of course, sir.” Still gripping my legs in one hand, Caleb shifts slightly and the nozzle pushes deeper inside me.

Then Mr. Stone is next to me, stroking my hair as liquid continues to fill my bowels. “This is going to be uncomfortable for a bit, little one. Do you want Daddy to distract you?”

For a moment, I hesitate, uncertain of what he could possibly mean by “distract me”. But anything has to be better than the impossibly full feeling of whatever they’re doing to my bottom, so I nod.

“Good girl. I know this is hard, especially for such a Little girl, but you need to trust Daddy to know what’s best for you.” Cupping my breast in his hand, he pinches and teases the nipple to a hard point, flooding my body with pleasure. “It’s my job to take care of you and keep you healthy. And it’s your job to let me. Nod if you understand, Victoria.”

Again I hesitate a moment before giving him a slow nod of understanding. Because I don’t understand, not really, but I understand the implications. Your only job is to do what Daddy says, or else.

For a little while, I’m actually able to enjoy Daddy playing with my nipples enough to ignore what’s happening in my bottom. But then the cramps start. Just a little in my lower abdomen at first, and I wince a bit. The cramp fades, but a moment later I’m hit with another, more painful one, and I can’t help but whine against the pacifier.

“Shhh. I know, little one. I know it hurts. But you’ll feel so much better when it’s all done.”

No. No, I don’t think I will. The cramps are unbearable now, and I feel like I have to… use the bathroom really, really badly.

I might actually die if that happens in front of these men, so I bear down, fighting to keep what’s inside me from escaping.

“That’s a good girl. You’re going to have to hold it a little while longer, my sweet little thief. We’re almost done.”

Furiously, I suck at the pacifier as Daddy pinches my nipples again, harder than before, the pain somewhat distracting me from the spasming in my belly. With every passing second, however, I become more and more convinced I’m going to make a huge mess all over this very lovely room.

“Just a few more minutes, little one. You’re doing such a good job for us. Just a little longer.” Still using that soft, soothing voice, Daddy showers me with praise and encouragement. I focus on his words, his voice, certain they are the only things keeping me from humiliating myself in the worst possible way.

From a distance, an alarm sounds and Daddy slides his arms under me, lifting me from the table. Caleb follows us to the bathroom, where Daddy places me on my feet in front of the toilet.

“Caleb is going to take the nozzle out now, little one, and then you just have to hold it for a few more seconds until you can sit on the toilet.”

With the pacifier still in my mouth, I nod my understanding with quick jerks of my head up and down.

At Daddy’s nod, Caleb pulls the thing from my bottom, and I clench as hard as I can until Daddy lifts me up and plops me right down on the toilet. Even if I had wanted to, I wouldn’t have been able to hold back what happens next. Covering my face with my hands, I sob as I empty my bowels into the toilet with them watching me carefully. Somewhere in the distance, I’m vaguely aware of the sound of running water, though I can barely hear it over my shame.

After what feels like forever, I’m finally empty. Chills rack my body as sweat beads on my skin, and I’m far too weak to fight them as Caleb helps me to my feet and Daddy—oh, god—wipes me clean.

Instead of returning me to the changing table, Daddy picks me up again and places me in warm water. Almost immediately, I relax enough to sink into the fragrant bath with a soft sigh. Between the heat and what smells like lavender, I can already feel my muscles loosening.

I’m still humiliated, still unsure of how I will ever recover from what just happened to me. But when I pull my hands from my eyes, I smile around the rubber tip of my pacifier.

At least my bath has bubbles.


Victoria finally lowers her hands, exposing her tear-stained face as she smiles tremulously around her pacifier. Soft, pitiful sniffles fill the bathroom as she floats, her hands batting at the bubbles surrounding her.

We have a bit of time before we have to be at the doctor’s office, so I open the toy chest beside the tub. “Duckies or mermaids?”

Two dark, red-rimmed eyes peer up at me with curiosity. “Wha’?” Her words are adorably muffled by the pacifier, as if she’s forgotten it’s still in her mouth.

“To play with.” Reaching into the box, I hold up one of each. “Rubber duckies or mermaids?”

That seems to get her attention, and she sits up straighter, peering over the edge of the tub at the box. She pulls the pacifier from her mouth, passing it to me distractedly as she scans the contents. “These are for me?”

“I don’t see any other Little girls in my bathtub,” I tease, earning me one of those adorable blushes I love so much.

“But I’m too old to play with toys in the bath.” Despite her protests, there’s a note of longing in her words. “Those are for babies.”

“And you’re my baby.” To me, it’s that simple, though I am not unsympathetic to her dilemma. “So, which is it going to be, little one?”

Perfect white teeth nibble at her bottom lip as her gaze returns to the box. “I don’t know…”

“It would make Daddy very happy if you played for a while, Victoria.”

Some of the worry fades from her expression, though there is still a hint of doubt in her eyes when she looks up at me again. “Really?”


“Well… if it’s for you, I guess I don’t have a choice.” There’s a note of triumph in her voice, as if she’s uncovered some kind of loophole that allows her to enjoy being a baby without embarrassment. “Hmmm. Mermaids, please.”

Plucking a blonde mermaid and her redheaded friend from the box, I hand them to Victoria. For a while, she just watches them float in the bubbles, occasionally pushing one this way or that.

It’s more fun than I had truly anticipated to watch her discover this side of herself. I thought I would have to work harder to bring the Little girl hidden inside her to the surface, but other than the expected rebellions, she’s taken to being my little one like well, like a mermaid to water, I suppose.

I watch as she picks up the redheaded mermaid and plunges her beneath the water with a splash. Her cheerful giggles replace her sniffles in the air as she loses herself in the game.

“We need pirates,” she declares, peeking over the side of the tub again. “Do we have pirates?”

“Ahh…” I scan the contents of the toy chest. “No, little one, no pirates.”

The sigh she heaves is full of childlike scorn. “We need pirates.”

Curious now, I tilt my head to the side as I watch her continue to play. “Why do you need pirates?”

“Because.” She draws the second syllable out in pure exasperation. “The mermaids need someone to drown.”

It’s as much the answer itself as the matter-of-fact way she delivers it that surprises a laugh out of me. “How silly of me to forget the pirates, then.”

“Silly Daddy,” she agrees with a sweet, high giggle.

Leaning in, I drop my voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know, I bet if you asked your Auntie Cat very nicely, she would take you to the toy store and buy you some pirates. Especially if you told her why you wanted them.”

“Okay! Let’s go!” She lunges forward, spilling water out of the tub and onto the floor, narrowly missing my pants.

“Not so fast, little girl.” I press a hand against her chest, pinning her in place as she pouts up at me. “We need to get you washed up so you can be nice and clean for Doctor D and Auntie Cat.”

Her bottom lip puffs out even further. “Don’t wanna go to the doctor.”

“I know, little one. But you don’t have a choice.”

Narrowing her eyes, she glares at me, her expression turning mutinous. “What if I say no?”

Obviously, she’s recovered from her ordeal this morning. “Do you want to know how much more a spanking hurts on a wet bottom, Victoria? Because I can promise you it’s much worse. And if I have to spank you to gain your compliance, we will skip the shopping trip with Auntie Cat and come straight home after the doctor.”

She gasps, the sound filled with outrage. “You wouldn’t!”

“I absolutely would. And then I would have to spank you for making your Auntie Cat sad.”

Tears pool on her lashes. “I don’t want to make anyone sad,” she whispers.

“Then you’re going to be a good girl and let Daddy finish your bath?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she says with a dramatic sigh that has me fighting back laughter.

“Good choice, my little thief.” Picking up a washcloth, I lather it with soap before running the cloth over her skin. Victoria keeps herself occupied with her mermaids, only paying attention to me when I distract her from her game by lifting one arm and then the other.

When her upper body is fully clean, I let her lean back against the edge of the tub. She’s distracted by the mermaids again, which is fine by me. Dipping the cloth under the water, I run it over her leg, up to where her pretty pussy is waiting for me. I abandon the cloth for now, sliding my fingers inside her wet heat.

“Daddy!” Gasping with shock, she drops her mermaids into the water and arches up into my touch. “You don’t need to clean me there!”

“Disagree, little one,” I respond with a laugh. But my laughter is cut short when she grabs my wrist and tugs. “Victoria. Put your hands on the rim of the tub. Now.”

Eyes wide with shock and more than a little fear, she releases her hold on me and places her hands on either side of the tub. “But Daddy,” she whines, a pink flush that has nothing to do with the temperature of the water covering her face. “I can clean myself down there.”

“Daddy will clean you, everywhere, every single time. You’re far too Little to give yourself a bath, Victoria.”

“Nuh-uh. I’m a big girl.”

She doesn’t sound like a big girl right now. She sounds exactly like a whiny, sulky toddler, and it thrills me to my core. “No, you are not. You are Daddy’s little baby, and you will be treated as such. We’ve talked about this already.”

“It’s embarrassing,” she whispers, fresh tears leaking from her eyes.

“For who? It’s not embarrassing for me. And you and I are the only ones here.”

“Caleb was here earlier. And the lady on the plane. And Oliver.”

“I can assure you, the only emotion they feel when they see you taking your rightful place as my Little girl is envy. Oliver and Caleb, because they both wish they had a Little girl like you, and Kerry because she’s been looking for a Daddy as long as I can remember. Nobody on this island is judging you except you, Victoria. The sooner you accept that, the happier you’ll be.”

“Oh.” Perfect white teeth appear, biting down on her bottom lip. “You really mean that? Nobody here will think I’m… weird?”

“Not in the least. Now, are you going to let Daddy finish cleaning this pretty little pussy?”noveldrama

More pink floods her cheeks. “Y-yes, Daddy.”

What I’m doing to her has nothing to do with cleaning, and everything to do with getting her primed for her doctor’s visit. Doctor D had very specific instructions for me, and I plan to follow them to the letter.

Working my finger in and out of her tight channel, I wait until she’s writhing at my touch, whimpering and whining before sliding a second finger in alongside the first. Stretching her, because she’ll need to be stretched if this tight little cunt is going to take my cock inside it soon.

Once she’s out of her mind with need, begging and pleading with me to please, please let her come—I stop. Pulling my hand from her pussy, I pick up the washcloth and return to washing the rest of her body as if nothing has happened.


It’s everything I can do not to laugh at her indignant protest. “Yes, little one?”

“You… I… You didn’t…” She lets out a short scream of frustration, and I have to cough to cover my laugh.

“No, I didn’t. You’ll have to wait a little bit longer, I’m afraid. Doctor’s orders.”

Sliding deeper into the water, she scowls. “I already hate this doctor.”

I have a feeling that sentiment is not about to change any time soon.

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