Dangerous Billionaire

Chap 31



The car stopped in front of the House. Jessica went downstairs after Ronald opened the door for her.

“Sorry Miss, I was just carrying out Mr. Lexi’s orders,” Ronald said. He just wanted Jessica to know whatever he’s doing because of Lexi’s wishes.

Jessica didn’t care what Ronald said. It wasn’t what she was thinking, she was thinking Lexi, what Lexi would do.

“Miss, I’m really sorry,” Ronald repeated his words.

The wife of Mr. Lexi, nodded slowly. Then, she immediately walked into the house.

Jessica barged in, past the living room, dining room, and into the kitchen.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Where is Mrs. Anna?”Jessica asked as she walked up to the middle-aged woman who was busy in the kitchen.

“Mrs. Anna just went out with Mr. Samuel, she said that she had sent a message,” the maid told her.

“Ah, okay,” Jessica grabbed the phone in her bag. Then, she opened the message from Mrs. Anna. She immediately called his mother-in-law.

Jessica sat in the back garden, watching her phone screen. However, Mrs. Anna didn’t pick up a phone call from her.

Again and again… Jessica repeated to call Mr. Anna but still there was no answer.

“May I help you?” the maid saw the worry on Jessica’s face.

“When are they will coming home?” Jessica asked. At the moment only Mrs. Anna could save her from Lexi’s anger.

“I don’t know Miss, Miss Jessica want to eat?” the maid offered.

“Nope. Thank you.” Jessica immediately left the kitchen, walking to the stairs to the second floor.

* * *

Until the evening Mrs. Anna didn’t come back home. Jessica didn’t get a call back from her.

Jessica was sitting on the balcony of the room. She was watching and waiting for the sound of her husband’s car back home. Is Lexi gonna be mad? Is he gonna hit her?

Jessica’s body shook, she glanced at the wall clock. At a quarter to seven o’clock, Lexi’s car was seen entering the main gate.

“What should I do if he is angry?” Jessica muttered. She finally decided to pretend to sleep. Yes, it could be that Lexi would not wake her up and not get angry. Hopefully.

Jessica laid down, then she spread out the blanket. She was hiding his face there. She waited, and in less than two minutes the sound of Lexi’s footsteps sounded very clear.

(sounds of the door opened)

Lexi’s sound of footsteps stopped. There was a pause of a few seconds. Lexi was watching Jessica who was lying down. “Open the blanket or am I going to open it?” Lexi asked.

Jessica closed her eyes. It was clear from the sound that Lexi was angry. She could only be silent!

“Don’t you hear me, Jessica?!” Lexi’s tone of voice was an octave louder than before.

No response at all. Jessica nodded. She was in a blanket and didn’t want to answer her husband’s questions.

With her right hand and one pull, Lexi had managed to grab the blanket that covered Jessica’s body.

The wife was seen laying on bed, her both eyes closed tightly. Lexi was getting mad.

“Wake up or something worse will happen to you!” Lexi threatened, he couldn’t be patient with Jessica.

Jessica was still silent with fear.

“I think you like to play with me, Jess. I’ll call Mr. Kasim and ask for my one billion back! I don’t care about you and the fate of the children in the orphanage anymore!” Lexi was furious, he was almost frustrated.

Shit! Jessica didn’t budge when Lexi threatened her with the same thing. The orphanage and the people in it, Jessica did not want anything bad to happen to them.

“I’m sorry my husband,” Jessica’s eyes are still closed.

“Wake up!” Lexi said. His voice was loud and still with an angry tone.

Jessica woke up. She opened her eyes slowly. She saw Lexi standing in front of her. He was standing with a sharp eye always on Jessica.

“You know your mistake today! You’re either a fool or a moron?!” Lexi pushed Jessica’s forehead with his index finger.

‘I will die, what will this man do? Wait, he’s not gonna kill me, is he? No! No way, Mr. Lexi might just scold me!’ Jessica argued in

her mind.

Lexi picked up a folder in the desk drawer, then he showed an agreement letter to Jessica. “How dare you break two rules at once! You’re not afraid of me! You left without asking permission from me, and you hugged another man! Are you kidding me?!” Lexi bluffed, his finger was on Jessica. The picture of a man hugging Jessica in a public place again flashed through his mind. Who is he? How dare he hug Jessica and be looked at by the crowd!

“Mama gave me permission to go outside, and I didn’t hug Beryl either. He reflexively hugged me because we hadn’t seen each other in a long time. He is my friend!”Jessica claimed. She was trying to defend herself, without blaming Beryl. So far, Jessica had not been able to guess what he thought, the man who had trapped her in a marriage contract.

“How dare you defend yourself!” Lexi shouted. He really didn’t like it when Jessica denied his word. “Who was it, the boy who hugged you? I’ve never hugged you in public, but he’s so presumptuous! Do you like it?!” Lexi’s tone raised in the last three words spoken.

“Beryl and I have nothing in common, I like him as a friend and no more,” she explained, she didn’t want Lexi to misunderstand. “If Beryl dares to hug me in public, it’s because we’re just friends. If we had more of a relationship, I think Beryl would hug me in a place no one knows!” Jessica added what she said. Her memory was going back to the time where Lexi stole her first kiss.

“Now you’re so good at talking, Jessica! Who taught you? Ah … actually my wife is more experienced now!” Lexi sneered. Whatever Jessica said, what he had in mind was that Jessica did not reject Beryl’s embrace at all.

Jessica was silent.

“Bring me some drink!” Lexi said. It was annoying, but he was free to scold Jessica at the moment. It won’t deter him.

Jessica left the room. She closed the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Then, she walked down the stairs, moving to the kitchen.

“Do you need something?” a maid asked while she was going to the kitchen.

“I want to make warm chocolate for my husband, ” Jessica replied. Her eyes fixed on the beverage stand to the right of the refrigerator.

“Oh, well, I will help, all the maids in this house know Mr. Lexi’s favorite drink,” she said as she took a mug.

She poured three spoons of cocoa without sugar, then she gave half with warm water and the other half with cold water. She didn’t forget to stir it.

Jessica watched.

“Warm chocolate for Mr. Lexi is ready!” The maid gave her the mug. “Be careful, Miss.”

“Thank you,” Jessica said. She smiled very satisfied. Although Lexi is cruel, all the maid in this house are on her side. His parents and all the maids have always been good for her.

“No need to thank me, this is my job. Yeah, I’m sure he’ll like it,” the maid said with a bit of confidence.

Jessica was convinced.

She walked with slow steps, reaching the stairs. She was so careful.

Jessica was at the door. She paused for a moment, She took her breath and was sure that Lexi would never be angry again. Her hand held the tray, while her left hand rotated the door leaf. When she got to the room, she found Lexi who had just finished taking a shower. Her husband was sitting on the lean with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Jessica put a tray on the table. “Wait, I’ll take the clothes for you.” It wouldn’t have done anything wrong again, or Lexi would have yelled at her again.

“I don’t need a change of clothes! Where’s the chocolate drink?” Lexi asked.

“Here, have a drink!” Jessica offered confidently.

Lexi took the mug, and drank it in one gulp. Jessica was just watching. She hoped on that warm chocolate, she hoped it would make the atmosphere good.

“What did you put in this? You want to make me diabetic! It’s too sweet! Do it again there!” Lexi shouted, giving Jessica the mug of warm chocolate. “Just like that you can’t make it, you’re useless!”

“Yes, I will do it again!”Jessica was trying to be patient. It was okay to go up and down the stairs, as long as Lexi didn’t do anything rude and didn’t do anything to the orphanage.

Jessica came out of the room and intended to make another warm chocolate for her husband.

Arriving in the kitchen, Jessica tasted the chocolate, she thought it was not sweet, and the maid could not be the wrong measure because every day the maid made the chocolate for Lexi. “I know you’re trying to test my patience Mr. Lexi!” she said. There was no choice but to live it honestly. Jessica poured two spoons of cocoa, and poured hot water. After stirring it, Jessica returned to the room and gave her husband a second cup of warm chocolate.

“Here, you can drink it,” Jessica gave it to Lexi. The chocolate drink not as sweet as he wanted.

Lexi looked at Jessica doubtfully. “You didn’t mix poison in it, did you?” the man asked.

“Of course not!”Jessica answered quickly.

Lexi sipped the chocolate drink slowly.

” Aak, ” the man shouted.

“Why?”Jessica asked, biting her lower lip. This time Lexi would definitely snap at him.

“You’re burning my tongue! It is not good! Get some water!” Lexi was upset. Jessica forgot to put cold water in her drink.

Jessica went back to the kitchen. She was bringing some water for my husband. Within ten minutes she had gone up and down the stairs three times. Lexi was punishing her.

“This is mineral water! Emm– I want to take a shower!”Jessica said before Lexi could command her again.

Lexi sat back and waited for Jessica. His naughty mind was still wandering wildly, wanting to punish Jessica.

The bathroom door was open. Jessica in her navy-colored pajamas came out of the bathroom.

Lexi did not dare to look at her, he just looked at his phone screen.

“I want to sleep.”Jessica spread out a blanket to cover her body. She turned her back to her husband who was still silent.

“Who let you sleep! Massage my feet!” he didn’t look at Jessica. Lexi, who was still shirtless, straightened his legs, right next to the wife’s body.

“I’m tired, I just went up and down the stairs three times,” Jessica said.

“This is an order from your husband! Will you refuse! If this is an order!” Lexi said slowly with emphasis.

“Okay,” Jessica, who didn’t want to hear him yelled so she got out of bed. She smiled forcefully and began to massage her husband’s feet slowly.

“Harder! You have no power at all!” Lexi scolded her with a grim face dissatisfied. It was meant to provoke Jessica’s emotions.

“Yes,” the woman replied obediently. Although she was tired and exhausted, she tried to massage harder.

“Auw!!” Lexi shouted, he was raising Jessica’s head to look at him. He stared at her face for five seconds without stopping. “You want to hurt my leg?” he snapped again. He was swallowing saliva when he saw the slightly open part of the wife’s chest. It was very tempting to make him have to close his eyes again because he didn’t want his lust on up.

Jessica began to massage as her husband wanted, wanting to cry. However, she could hold the tears. It was enough just to feel tightness in the chest, there was no need to show Lexi her sadness and fragility.

“Yes good, like that!” Lexi gave her a compliment, he began to feel pleasure with his wife’s massage. He was smiling lightly, Jessica was quite handy as well.

“Up again!”


“Up again!”


“Up again!”


Jessica continued to obey Lexi’s wishes. Both of her fingers massaged the husband’s thighs slowly.

“Even harder!” Lexi said. He was feeling satisfied to see the tired face of his wife continued to massage him with passion. He thought that she should be punished for what happened this afternoon.

“Well good like that!”

Jessica continued to massage until she accidentally touched the sensitive part of her husband.

“Who taught you to tease me! If you miss me just tell me!” Lexi looked at Jessica with a seductive look.

“Sorry, it is unintentionally!”

“How could it be unintentionally?” he asked.

The next moment, Jessica was already under Lexi’s power.

* * *

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