Dangerous Desires

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

32 Monsters Alike Luke.

We hurried to the clinic. I had asked Bart to call ahead and inform the doctor to clear her schedule to see Tia.

I had promised Tia we would get a contraceptive. Although I did not like it because I wanted children with her, I did not want to rush her. I was willing to move at her pace.

We got to the clinic, and we were ushered to the doctor‘s office.

“Alpha Moon, Luna Tia, what do I owe this visit?” The blonde–haired doctor, who looked like she was in her late forties, asked with a smile, and I knew she was just trying to be polite.

“My wife just finished her heat,” I said, and she raised her eyebrow and commended me for my effort. It felt weird

“Congratulations, Luna Tia,” she said, and Tia smiled wearily at her.

“Well, Tia and I are not ready for children, so we hope there is something you can give us or do to help make sure she does not get pregnant, and we would also like to get a safe contraceptive,” I said quickly, and she eyed my wife.

“Luna Tia, having a baby is beautiful, especially in your case, married to the next Alpha. He should start having heirs now. Are you sure this is what you want?” She asked.

“We did not come here for counselling,” I pointed out very nicely, and she apologised, looking at Tia. The doctor did not want to give her contraceptives, and I understood why. Every pack wanted their Alpha to have an heir; anything could happen. Tia got up abruptly.

“Luke, let‘s go,” she linked me, and I was confused.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, and she nodded.

“If I get pregnant, so be it. It isn‘t a bad thing like she said, ” She said, sounding like she had been thinking about it before we arrived at the clinic.

“Tia, I can wait for you,” I linked her to assure her, but she shook her head. So I thanked the doctor, and we left the clinic to head home.

“Why did you change your mind?” I asked my wife while we were in the car’s back seat.

“I want babies too, Luke. Your babies. So I am nineteen. I wouldn‘t be the first. If I get pregnant after my first heat, then so be it. It is not a bad thing,” she said, and I leaned close to her and kissed her on her lips. I placed my hands on her bare thighs and rubbed lightly.

“Thank you, baby,” I said to her, and she kissed me in response. We made out a bit but never went far in the car until we got to the mansion, and we had to break it up.

We returned to our bedroom, and it looked clean. The staff must have cleaned the place and aired it out. We left the place in a mess. Torn sheets and ripped pillows, Food trays everywhere, broken plates, and so on. It was a mess. I would have called the staff to clean it up, but I could not risk Tia‘s scent getting out of the room. It wasn‘t like I could not beat any aspiring wolf that tried to approach, but I needed my energy through the heat.

Tia‘s decision to have a baby warmed my heart, and I promised myself she would not regret it. I will be with her every step of the way. I sat on the couch in the sitting area to plan our vacation together. Tia had changed to something more comfortable, my old t–shirt that she wore on our wedding night. The t–shirt now had a hole on the shoulder, but she wouldn‘t stop wearing the thing. It was cute, really.

Tia snuggled into my arms while I made a booking on the tablet.

I was cuddled with my wife on the couch when a call came in from Caleb.

“Hello,” I answered, and Tia sat up.

“Luke, we found the guy that owns the vehicle that attacked you,” he said, and I felt my anger surge.

“How are you sure, Caleb?” I asked.

“We were able to get the plates from Emillianos cam footage you sent me,” he said, and I got up immediately to dress up.

“Alright, send me the address. I will be there,” I said and hung up.

“Where are you going?” Tia asked me, getting up.

“Caleb‘s guys found the bastard that owns the vehicles that attacked us,” I told her, and she was in shock. I watched her face change from shock to anger.

“I am coming with you,” she said, and I did not want her to come because I wasn‘t feeling like a gentleman at that moment, and I did not want her to see the monster in me.

“Tia, please stay,” I pleaded with her.

“No, Luke. They tried to kill both of us, and I want to know why,” She said, and the look in her eyes let me know she wouldn‘t back down. I reluctantly agreed, and she hurriedly wore her joggers and a t–shirt to follow. There was no time to play dress up. This bastard was going to . tell us everything hecouple of soldiers.

“How did Caleb know? How did he find out?” Tia asked me.

“Plate number. The car was parked by the side of the road at Emilianos, and the restaurant had CCTV outside. Caleb was able to get the licence plate from the footage of that day. I had written to the manager

to acquire it. I sent the footage to Caleb, who found the plate number

and owner.” I explained it to her, and she was in awe as if we had solved it with superpowers.

I had so many questions on my mind, and I hoped I would get some answers. If Stacy was behind it, I swear I would kill her and deal with the consequences later.

We got to the warehouse, and Caleb‘s guys were guarding the place. I walked in, and Tia said hello to Kirk. Kirk was uncomfortable waving back. I nodded to let him know it was okay, and he replied my wife. I knew I wasn‘t the friendly type and people were afraid of me. I intended to keep it that way.

Caleb had the guy tied pretty well. His hand were tied on both sides to two iron hangers that hung low from the ceiling. Caleb had done a number on the man, and I hoped he would still be able to speak

I approached my brother, and his eyes landed on Tia.

“Hey, Tia,” he said gently, and she responded. It was a chaste response, and I realised how complicated their friendship had become. Th knows and why.

I entered the back of the van with Tia and took a ere was a time they were best buds and inseparable, but she was mine now. If it weren‘t for Caleb‘s obsession with her, I would have encouraged the friendship to continue, but this was for the best with all that had happened.

“So?” I asked Caleb.

“He said he reported the car stolen and does not know who used it,” Caleb said, and I figured it was an intelligent excuse.

“Did you check?” I asked Caleb, and he nodded.

“He did one hour after the attack,” Caleb said, and I rolled up my sleeves and flexed my muscles. This bastard was lying.

Knowing what I was going to do to him, he began to beg.

“Alpha, please, I am innocent. Please, I wouldn‘t use my licence to commit a crime against you. I am a victim here. Please,” he pleaded with fear but deep down, I believed he was lying. This could not lead to a dead end. I needed to be heartless to get the information I needed.

I asked Caleb to get Tia out of place. I did not want her to me do what I was about to do.

“No! No!” I heard her protest. “I want to stay. I want to know,” she said, and I reluctantly told them to leave her alone.

I beat the guy so hard that my knuckles were smeared with his blood. I managed to break some bones, yet the guy refused to give anything useful. He maintained his story. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I decided I might start to cut off things. We heal fast, but we don‘t grow out severed parts.

I took off a toe, the guy screamed, and Tia tried to stop me, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to. I knew the guy was lying and I felt insulted because he was holding out on me. All my rage and fear were gushing out at that moment, and I wanted someone to pay.

32 Monsters Alike

“I swear, Alpha, i reported that car was stolen on the day of the incident,” the guy managed, but I wasn‘t listening. I believed he was lying. I believed the bastard was part of it, and when they failed, reported to the police and laid low.

I was about to chop another toe–off when Tia stopped me.

“Luke, please,” she managed, but I was too angry to be calm. Why was she interrupting me? Her please would make the man more confident in his lies. I was a bit mad that she was trying to stop me from getting the information we needed out of the guy.

“No! Tia!” I yelled with all the rage inside me, “No! We would have died, Tia. They shot us with silver bullets! It is a miracle that we are alive!” I yelled, and I watched her step away from me. She moved back with fear. My rage was much, and my Alpha Key mark burned. I looked at

is fear in her eves. She was afraid of me, but that wasn‘t my intention; I just wanted her to understand the severity of the situation. I looked at Caleb, whose face remained expressionless; he was an alpha, so I could not impose my emotions on him. Had he set me up? He did tell Tia I was a monster once; was this his way of proving it? Had I just proven him right? The sleazy bastard. He k

zy bastard. He knew I was with Tia, and he knew she would follow me here; he also knew I could lose my shit if the guy wasn‘t forthcoming. He was Tia‘s best friend for a long time, and he definitely knew what would put her off. I had never been angry in Tia‘s presence before, let alone direct my rage at her, but I wasn‘t angry at her; I just wanted her to know that we could not spare the guy.

“Did you call me here to prove a point to, Tia,” I asked Caleb, looking at him?

“Luke, let us go home; there is nothing....” Tiá said, still managing to fight my authority, but I wouldn‘t put it past the sneaky bastard to try to set me up. He was Stacy‘s offspring, after all.

“You asked me to help investigate. I told you what I found out. I never asked you to come, let alone bring Tia here.” He said, but the glint in his eyes showed that he was satisfied with what had happened. I did not know how to salvage the matter, so I looked at my wife.

“I am sorry, Tia,” I said to her, “I am not mad at you; I just want to get the truth out of him,”

“There won‘t be much to get if he is dead. Lock him up, and give him time to think about his crimes. There are worse things than death, Luke but stop acting crazy,” She said to me, and I relaxed at that moment. Tia understood me and did not take offence. Whatever Caleb was trying to achieve wasn‘t going to work.

“Lock him up and question him some more. If he refuses, get his family involved,” I heard Tia say, looking at the asshole we had tied up.

“He can stand torture, but I doubt he will be able to handle it if his wife or children are at the receiving end,” she said, and the man began to shake his head. He seemed more afraid of her than he was of me.

“I‘ll confess, I‘ll confess. Please leave my mate out of this. She is innocent!” the man said, and I realised why Tia excelled at the academy, she was a master.

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