Dangerous Desires

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

79 The Alpha


We stayed a bit with the Wahabs. Ummul had a lot of stories to tell me about my mother, and I was mad at my father for keeping me away from them. At that moment, I saw the love that I had missed. Instead, my father left me at the mercy of his coldhearted bitch mate and never did anything to protect me from her. He honestly had no excuse. He should have handed me over to the Wahabs and ensured everything was paid for. It was my mother’s money, after all. I would have been spared the hardship I endured in the moon mansion. Looking at the cottage and knowing who they were, they deserved more. There was no way I would forgive him for this. Knowing that holding on to me gave him complete control of the assets pissed me off. He spent my mother’s money on that bitch and left her to dip her filthy hands into cash that . belonged to me. She would have ruined that company if my aunt did not write to my father to threaten him a year ago.

Everything now made sense to me. I wondered why my father was negligent. He did not attend to his duties, and much work was left unfinished. It was because he knew his days running the business were over. Looking at my aunt Amirah, she did not seem like the type to make empty threats. I looked at the cottage, and I was mad. They deserved better than this. Amirah needed help, a staff or two to help with her mother so she could live her life. I figured my aunt was mateless because of this very purpose. My father was a scumbag, and I felt it would be best to

cut off from him at this point.

How could he claim to love my mother and treat her only living relatives terribly? This was wicked, and he had nothing to say to justify his actions.

We left the cottage in the evening, and I promised my aunty and grand-aunt I would stay in touch. I planned on taking care of them to the best of my ability. Amirah dropped us off at the hotel and warned

us to be careful with the whores from Dome. I promised her I won’t slip up, and she thanked me for coming.

When we got to our room. Caleb broke the ice. “That was a lot of revelations, Luke,” he said, and I nodded. I knew Caleb was uncomfortable because of how Amirah painted his mother, so I touched his shoulder.

“You are not your mother, Caleb. You are still my little brother, and nothing will change that,” I assured him. He smiled at me, but the smile did not touch his eyes.

“Look at the bright side. If it weren’t for your mother, I would not have a brother, and I would not have a wife,” I said, which was true. As twisted and fucked up as it may seem, Caleb and Tia were in my life because of Stacy.

“Who do you think poisoned your mother?” Mike asked me a crucial question, and I honestly did not have an answer.

“I doubt father has a clue,” Caleb said, and I realised we were at a wall. There was a possibility we would never find out, but one thing was sure, a guy was behind it. It could be anyone. A distant relative and aggrieved ex, anyone. My mother wasn’t here to shed light on the matter, and my father was a lair. He kept so much from me that I doubted I could ever trust his words. “We have to put this investigation on hold now,” I said, Caleb, exclaimed.

“What about Regan Adhit?” He asked, and I smiled at him.

“We will still go to Dome to get answers, but I won’t be flying your grandparents back in my chopper, Caleb. I might not have any issues with you, but my father cannot maltreat my mother’s family and expect me to pamper Stacy’s family with my money,” I spelt it out for him, and he was stunned. I knew he wanted to protest, but he dared not. I was on thin ice with his mother, and he knew it.

“My grand-aunt and aunt are living like paupers. They are the only relatives I have left from my mother’s side. The least father could have done was move them to a better house and get at least two people to work for them. My aunt would have had time for her personal life and may have been mated and married by now. It was my mother’s money, yet he deprived her people of care, but he lavished Stacy with it. Allowed her to spend money that did not belong to him, tried to cheat me out of my inheritance and allowed her to steal from me,” I said and shook my head.

“There is no way I am flying her folks in a chopper. We can go Dome. Ask the questions that need asking. Do some investigations and then return. I will send soldiers to pick them up.” I said, and Caleb did not say anything. He also did not give off the sense that he was mad. I guess my explanation was satisfactory.

We talked extensively about all that we learned, and then we all called our mates. Tia did not answer at first, but then she finally did.

“What’s up?” I asked my wife, and she responded. I could sense something was wrong, but she said she was alright. Soon I let it go believing it might be hormonal. I proceeded to tell her all i had learned, and she was shocked. We spoke for a while before I finally hung up. The moment I hung up, I began to miss her. It took a long time before I could sleep.

We got into the helicopter in the morning to head to Dome. I wished I had the time to visit Paul’s home, but I wasn’t in a good state of mind. I felt it was best I returned with Tia to visit. I was glad to be done with that place, but the fact that we were going to a place where there would be lots of women like the ones we encountered at the hotel did not sit well with me.

Caleb said we should spend the night in the duplex my father had purchased for his grandparents, but I opted to stay at a hotel instead. Mike and I told him he could stay with them, but we were definitely staying away from them. I did not trust anything or anyone that had to do with Stacy. I was wary of everything and everyone that came from her or was directly connected to her.

We checked into the best hotel in Dome, which was worse than in Neev. The women in Dome were very loose and desperate. They were like little Stacys going about the place. We settled in and planned our trip. We decided to start our investigation from where Stacy’s parents used to leave. Get testaments from the neighbours and have a background story before we speak to her parents. Caleb agreed with the idea. Luckily he knew the name of the street his grandparent lived in before they were moved to the duplex. So we headed there first.

We opted to speak with people that had been there for forty years. It was difficult to find anyone like that because most of them had moved away. Dome was a poor county without a regional Alpha, so most people left Dome to search for greener pastures. Stacy’s parents could remain because they had someone else taking care of their bills. It was hard, but we found an elderly lady who had been there for thirty-five years. His name was Susan More. She looked in her seventies, but she was still in good shape, and the werewolf

genes caused her to not have wrinkles at all, but her grey hair was thin, which gave her age away. She did not know who we were, which was a bonus because we did not want her to have any reason to lie to us.

“Susan,” I said, handing her a wad of cash. She collected it and rejoiced.

“I haven’t held this much money in a long time,” she said and offered us a seat in her living room. She wasn’t afraid that we were strangers. We told her we were trying to work on a documentary film about Stacy Moon, and the money we paid her was for her cooperation. Clearly, she did not like Stacy, but she was willing to help. I was glad she never watched the news; if not, we would have been busted.

“Gentlemen, what would you like to know?” She asked us, and I leaned forward to speak.

“Tell us about Regan Adhit,” I said, and she hissed.

“He was a good-for-nothing Alpha that abandoned his people and died. Instead of his son to take charge, he ran away,” she said with so much scorn that it was clear Adhit was a hated name in Dome. They might even blame him for their predicament.

“The bastard ran away with his bitch to find greener pastures. We later heard they split up, and he sank into depression and then disappeared. Serves him right.” she said.

“Why did you say that?” Mike asked the woman, and she smiled.

“He was violent. He used to beat Stacy. When we heard she found herself a Moon and dumped his sorry arse, we were glad, but she is a bitch too. She was vulgar. I wondered how Alpha Aesop managed with her uncouth arse,” she said and began to laugh. “Do you know if they had any child together?” I asked the woman, and she frowned.

“They were highly secretive; maybe they did,” she said. “They moved away quickly, and her folks seemed shady, so we could not really tell,”

“Can you tell us anything specific about their relationship?” Mike asked.

“Other than he was a douchebag and she was a money-hungry ill-mannered bitch, there isn’t anything else,” from the way the woman sounded, she did not like either of them. I doubted we would get anything else from her. So far, what Stacy told us checked out. All but the dead baby. I guess we will have to find that out by asking her folks.

We thanked the woman for her time and left to visit Caleb’s grandparents. It was already getting late, but we decided to visit because we all wanted to return to our mates the next day. The moment the staff saw Caleb, they let us in. I could not believe my father got them workers while my mother’s relatives suffered.

My father was a bastard. I had issues with him, and it would take a lot of self-restraint for me not to express my anger.

Caleb’s grandmother was happy to see him. She knew who I was, and I could swear she looked at me with scorn but then tried to mask it. I figured out where Stacy got her traits from.

“What are you doing here?” the woman asked me harshly, she didn’t even bother to offer me a seat. Her husband tried to caution her, but she disagreed,

“We shouldn’t be entertaining him in our home. He took everything from our grandson,” she said, close to tears, and I could not believe this bitch. I was already at the edge with them.

“Grandma, please stop. My brother did not take anything from me. The company and money

belong to his mother, and he is the rightful alpha,” Caleb blurted out, and the woman shook her head.

“No-no-no. Do not believe their nonsense. You should fight for what is yours, diamond Corp… “She said, and her husband shut her up. They just reminded me of Stacy and my father. I began to suspect we had wasted our time visiting them.

“Please have a seat, Alpha Luke. Pardon my wife’s behaviour,” The man said respectfully. I was already seething with anger. As soon as they move them to the moon mansion. I will auction the house. Stacy’s folks will never live off me again. In fact, I intend to review the staff chart of the moon mansion.

“Do you care for anything to eat or drink?” he asked, and I shook my head. It was time to get straight to the pointy because I wanted to get out of there. I linked Caleb, and he cleared his throat to speak.

“Grandpa, we are here to investigate Regan Adhit. He has been threatening my mother, and we need to catch him. We believe he visits his child’s grave in the Dome. That is why we have come to see you.

Please, where is his child’s grave? The baby my mother had for him?” Caleb asked, and both of them were stunned. His mother looked at me.

“We can’t tell you anything in his presence,” she said, and I was done with these people.

“Your daughter is no longer Luna. You will watch your tongue when you address me, old woman, or I won’t hesitate to deal with you accordingly.” I warned her, and she was about to speak when her husband touched her upper arm and squeezed. I felt his fear. He was afraid of me. He knew I wasn’t bluffing.

“We do not have all day. I want the answer now,” I ordered.

“We do not know where the child was buried. That is Stacy’s secret to tell,” the man said, opting for the safest option. I did not know if I should leave it alone or threaten them, but I needed answers.

“In other words, you do not know, or you won’t tell us?” I asked the old man, and he hesitated and said he did not know. I knew he was lying instantly. Caleb knew they were lying.

I leaned forward and spoke with a low voice. “It is either you tell us, or I torture it out of you. No one will stop me,” I said, and the old people were scared immediately. The old man stood up and requested he wanted to take his medication. I let him. I did not want to be the reason he died.

It took a bit before he returned to the living room. It wasn’t long after he returned when my father called me. I looked at the old man and smiled; I knew exactly what had happened. He had called my father to report me. Who the fuck did they think they were?

I answered, and my father began to yell. “What the hell do you think you are doing? You said you were going to check on your son in Neev. What are you doing in Dome? Don’t you know they are old…” he yelled, and I shut him up immediately, “Don’t you dare call me to speak to me like that again? I can excuse many things because you are my father but not this one. Your wife cannot have stolen from me

for twenty – Three years, and you think I will let it go. If they do not tell me what I need to know, you will deal with the matter alone without my help, and when I mean help, I mean financial and security. I am

running an audit currently, and I want you and Stacy to return every penny she stole to pay Regan Adhit. If you don’t pay up. I will seize the mansion from you,” I said, and he was silent, Everyone was in shock, and I knew my father was shocked too, but after everything I had heard and what I had seen, I did not give a damn. He lavished Stacy’s folks with my mother’s money while he left her family to suffer. He tried to steal my mother’s pack and company from me to give his bitch’s son. I felt nothing for him at that moment. Since he did not say anything, I hung up and stood up. Stacy’s parents were terrified now because they knew who was in charge. Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

“I do not need this information for anything. It really isn’t my problem. I only wanted to catch this bastard to protect Caleb. Either Stacy was lying, and there was no baby, or there is more to the story. I am done. You will not receive any financial assistance from me again, and I suggest you move back to your old home or ask my father to buy you a house with his money,” I said and was ready to leave. “Luke,” Caleb called out to me. “I have no qualms with you, Caleb, but if you side with them, I will walk away from you too,” I told my brother. He, of all people, should know Why I felt this way. “Alpha Luke, please, we really do not know anything. We can only tell you what our daughter told us. She ran away with Regan and returned a few years later. She said she was living with her sister in Cleeve, but we could never crosscheck because she died at childbirth. That is all we know,” The man said, and I chuckled. If what he said was true, he had no reason to withhold the information from me. At that point, I was done. Luis was my only problem. If Caleb wanted to help his mother get out of the bind, I was willing t assist him with my resources, but it ended there.

” Then you shouldn’t have tried to bully me with my spineless father,” I said, and Mike got up to leave too.

“Are you coming, Caleb?” I asked, and Caleb got up to join me. I was proud of his decision. “You should not feel sorry for them, Caleb. These people rather mess your reputation up than help us get to the

bottom of the matter.” I pointed out to him. I knew he had mixed emotions, but that was the truth. If we did not find Regan Adhit, he was bound to make good on his threats, and the only people it would affect were Stacy and Caleb. It was sad his grandparents could not see the dangers of their silence, “Where are we going to?” Mike said, and I knew I did not want to linger in Dome. “Prep the chopper, Mike; we are going home,” I ordered, and we walked silently.

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